Front cover image for Freshwater Algae of North America : Ecology and Classification

Freshwater Algae of North America : Ecology and Classification

Freshwater Algae of North America: Ecology and Classification, Second Edition is an authoritative and practical treatise on the classification, biodiversity, and ecology of all known genera of freshwater algae from North America. The book provides essential taxonomic and ecological information about one of the most diverse and ubiquitous groups of organisms on earth. This single volume brings together experts on all the groups of algae that occur in fresh waters (also soils, snow, and extreme inland environments). In the decade since the first edition, there has been an explosion of new information on the classification, ecology, and biogeography of many groups of algae, with the use of molecular techniques and renewed interest in biological diversity. Accordingly, this new edition covers updated classification information of most algal groups and the reassignment of many genera and species, as well as new research on harmful algal blooms. Extensive and completeDescribes every genus of freshwater algae known from North America, with an analytical dichotomous key, descriptions of diagnostic features, and at least one image of every genus. Full-color images throughout provide superb visual examples of freshwater algaeUpdated Environmental Issues and Classifications, including new information on harmful algal blooms (HAB)Fully revised introductory chapters, including new topics on biodiversity, and taste and odor problemsUpdated to reflect the rapid advances in algal classification and taxonomy due to the widespread use of DNA technologies
eBook, English, 2015
Elsevier Science, 2015
1 online resource (1067 pages).
9780123858771, 0123858771
Front Cover
Freshwater Algae of North America: Ecology and Classification
First Edition
Second Edition
Literature Cited
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Freshwater Algae
I . Introduction
II . Classification
A . Key to the Taxonomic Chapters in This Book
III . Groups of Freshwater Algae
A . Cyanobacteria
B . Red Algae
C . Green Algae
D . Euglenoids
E . Eustigmatophyte, Raphidiophyte, and Xanthophyte Algae
F . Chrysophycean Algae
G . Haptophyte Algae
H . Synurophyte Algae
I . Diatoms
J . Dinoflagellates
K . Cryptomonads
L . Brown Algae
Literature Cited
Chapter 2: Habitats of Freshwater Algae
I . What are Freshwater Habitats?
II . Lentic Habitats
A . Major Lakes of North America
B . Lakes and Ponds
C . Small-Scale Lentic Habitats and Microhabitats
D . Mutualistic, Commensal, and Symbiotic Habitats in Lakes
E . Planktonic Habitats and Assemblages in Lakes
1 . Diversity and Composition
2 . Factors Regulating Phytoplankton Production in Lakes
F . Benthic Habitats and Assemblages in Lakes
1 . Epiphytic and Epixylic Habitats
2 . Epilithic Habitats
3 . Epipelic and Epipsammic Habitats
4 . Benthic Macroalgae
G . Wastewater Systems
III . Lotic Habitats
A . Brief Overview of the Geomorphology of Rivers
B . Headwaters and Stony Streams
C . Major Rivers of North America
D . The River Continuum and Other Models
E . Benthic Habitats and Assemblages in Rivers
1 . Benthic Algal Diversity, Composition, and Biogeography
2 . Factors Regulating Benthic Algae in Rivers
F . Planktonic Habitats and Assemblages in Rivers
IV . Wetland Habitats
A . Functional Importance of Algae in Wetlands
B . Algal Diversity and Production in Freshwater Wetlands. V . Spring Habitats
A . Thermal Springs
B . Acid Springs
C . Karst Springs
VI . Subaerial Habitats
A . Soils
B . Epilithic and Endolithic Habitats
C . Plants and Animals
D . Snow and Ice
Literature Cited
Chapter 3: Coccoid Cyanobacteria
I . Introduction
II . Morphology and Diversity
A . Cellular and Colonial Morphology
B . Cytology
C . Cell Division and Reproduction
D . Diversity and Classification
III . Ecology and Distribution
A . Soils and Arid Environments
B . Subaerial Environments
C . Aquatic Environments
1 . Standing Waters
2 . Bloom-Forming Species
3 . Picoplanktonic and Nanoplanktonic Species
4 . Benthic and Epiphytic Species
5 . Transported Plankton in Rivers and Streams
6 . Wetlands
D . Extreme Environments
1 . Thermal Waters
2 . Saline Inland and Coastal Habitats
3 . Endolithic and Lithogenic Habitats
E . Geographic Distribution
IV . Collection, Preparation, and Culture
V . Key and Description of Genera
A . Key
B . Descriptions of Genera 2
VI . Guide to the Literature for Species Identification
Literature Cited
Chapter 4: Filamentous Cyanobacteria
I . Introduction
II . Diversity and Morphology
A . Cytology and Morphology
B . Specialized Cells
C . Reproduction
III . Ecology and Distribution. IV . Collection and Preparation for Identification
V . Key to North American Genera
A . Key
B . Descriptions of Genera 2
VI . Guide to Literature for Species Identification
Literature Cited
Chapter 5: Red Algae
I . Introduction
II . Diversity and Morphology
A . Diversity
B . Vegetative Morphology
C . Reproduction
III . Ecology and Distribution
A . Streams and Rivers
1 . Patterns of Distribution
2 . Physical Factors
3 . Chemical Factors
4 . Biotic Factors
B . Other Inland Habitats
IV . Collection and Preparation for Identification
V . Key and Descriptions of Genera
A . Key
B . Descriptions of Genera (for a List of Species in Each Genus, see Table 1)
Key to the North American Sections (Fig. 7)
VI . Guide to the Literature for Species Identification
Literature Cited
Chapter 6: Flagellate Green Algae
I . Introduction
II . Diversity and Morphology
III . Ecology and Distribution
IV . Collection and Preparation for Identification
V . Key to Genera
VI . Description of North American Genera
VII . A Guide to the Literature for Species Identification
North American genera
Genera not recorded in North America
Literature Cited
Chapter 7. Nonmotile Coccoid and Colonial Green Algae
I . Introduction
II . Diversity and Morphology
III . Ecology and Distribution
IV . Collection and Preparation for Investigation and Identification
V . Key and Descriptions of Genera
A . Key
Key to Genera
B . Descriptions of Genera
C . Addendum
VI . A Guide to the Literature for Species Identification
Literature Cited
Chapter 8. Filamentous (Nonconjugating) and Plantlike Green Algae
I . Introduction
II . Diversity and Morphology
A . Morphology and Cell Structure
B . Reproduction. C . Classification of Green Algae
III . Ecology and Distribution
A . Aquatic Habitats
B . Soil and Subaerial Habitats
IV . Collection and Preparation of Samples
V . Key and Descriptions of North American Genera
A . Key to Groups
B . Key to Genera by Group
1 . Group I (Order Charales)
2 . Group II (Orders Ulvales, Prasiolales in Part)
3 . Group III (Orders Oedogoniales, Sphaeropleales in Part, Microsporales, Ulotrichales in Part, Cylindrocapsales, Clado ..
4 . Group IV (Chaetophorales in Part, Coleochaetales, Oedogoniales in Part, Cladophorales in Part, Siphonales in Part)
5 . Group V (representatives of several orders and incertae taxa)
C . Descriptions of Genera (Figs. 1-15)
Class Charophyceae
Order Charales
Class Chlorophyceae
Order Chaetopeltidales
Order Chaetophorales
Order Chlamydomonadales
Order Oedogoniales
Order Sphaeropleales
Class Coleochaetophyceae
Order Coleochaetales
Class Klebsormidiophyceae
Order Klebsormidiales
Class Ulvophyceae
Order Bryopsidales
Order Cladophorales
Chaetomorpha Kützing
Order Trentepohliales
Order Ulotrichales
Order Ulvales
Class Trebouxiophyceae
Order Microthamniales
Order Prasiolales
Trebouxiophyceae incertae sedis
Incertae Sedis
VI . Guide to Literature for Species Identification
Literature Cited
Chapter 9. Conjugating Green Algae Including Desmids
I . Introduction
II . Biodiversity and Morphology
A . Biodiversity
B . Morphology
III . Ecology and Distribution
IV . Collection and Preparation for Identification
V . Key to North American Genera
VI . Descriptions of Genera
A . Zygnematales
B . Desmidiales
1 . Closteriaceae
2 . Desmidiaceae
3 . Gonatozygaceae
4 . Peniaceae
VII . Guide to the Literature for Species Identification