Front cover image for Ancient rhetorics for contemporary students

Ancient rhetorics for contemporary students

A textbook of American Rhetoric
Print Book, English, ©1999
Allyn and Bacon, Boston, ©1999
xvii, 395 pages ; 25 cm
9780205269037, 0205269036
Most chapters conclude with “Exercises, Notes, and Works Cited.” Preface. 1.Ancient Rhetorics: Their Differences and the Differences They Make. Ancient Attitudes Toward Rhetoric.Some Differences between Modern and Ancient Rhetorics.Language as Power.2.A History of Ancient Rhetorics. Early Rhetors, Rhetoricians, and Teachers.The Older Sophists.Philosophers on Rhetoric.Isocrates.An Early Sophistic Textbook.Hellenistic Rhetoric.Roman Rhetoric.Rhetoric in Later Antiquity.Further Reading about Ancient Rhetorics.I.INVENTION. 3.Kairos and the Rhetorical Situation. Seizing the Moment. (Kairos)Kairos and Dissonance.A Kairotic Stance.Questions Raised by KairosUrgency: How Urgent or Immediate Is the Issue?Arguments.Power Dynamics: Who Gets to Speak? Who Can Be Heard?A Web of Related Issues.4.Stasis Theory: Asking the Right Questions. What Happens When Stasis Is Not Achieved?The Four Questions.Are We into Theory Here or What?Putting These Distinctions to Work.Using the Stases.5.The Commonplaces. Commonplaces and Ideology.Ancient Topical Traditions.Aristotle's Common Topics.Past/Future Fact (Conjecture).Greater/Lesser (Values).Possible/Impossible (Possibilities).The Topics and American Ideologies.The Political and Ethical Commonplaces.Conjecture.Greater/Lesser.Possibilities.6.Ethical Proof. Ethos in Ancient Rhetorics.Invented Ethos.Voice and Rhetorical Distance.Grammatical Person.Verb Tense and Voice.Word Size.Qualifiers.Punctuation.Situated Ethos.7.Pathetic Proof. Ancient Teachers on the Emotions.Emotions as Rhetorical Proofs.The Characters of Audiences.Composing Pathetic Proofs.Using Honorific and Pejorative Language.8.Reasoning in Rhetoric. Probabilities.Aristotle on Reasoning in Rhetoric.Deduction.Induction.Enthymemes.9.Extrinsic Proofs. Extrinsic Proofs in Ancient Rhetorics.Testimony.Data.II.ARRANGEMENT. 10.Arrangement. Ancient Teachings about Arrangement.The Exordium.Introductions.Topics for Making Audiences Attentive.Topics for Making Audiences Receptive.Insinuations.The Narrative (Statement of the Case).The Partition.The Arguments: Confirmation and Refutation.The Peroration (Conclusion).Composing a Summary.Composing Appeals to the Emotions.Enhancing Ethos.11.The Formal Topics. Definition.Definition by Species/Genus.Enumerative Definition.Analytic Definition.Etymological Definition.Division.Classification.Similarity (Comparison).III.STYLE, MEMORY, AND DELIVERY. 12.Style. Correctness.Clarity.Appropriateness: Kairos and Style.Ornament.Sentence Composition.Paratactic and Periodic Styles.Figurative Language.Figures that Interrupt Normal Word Order.Figures of Repetition.Figures of Thought.Sententia That Enhance Ethos.Sententia That Involve Audience.Sententia That Arouse Emotion.Sententia Borrowed from Invention and Arrangement.Tropes.Onomatopoeia.Antonomasia.Metonomy.Periphrasis.Hyperbaton.Hyperbole.Synecdoche.Catachresis.Metaphor.13.Memory. Memory in Ancient Rhetorics.Ancient Memory Systems.Modern Versions of Ancient Memory Systems.Literate Memory Systems.Books.Periodicals.Libraries.Electronic Memory Systems.14.Delivery. Ancient Commentary on Delivery.Delivery of Oral Discourse.Delivery of Written Discourse.Correctness Rules I: Spelling and Punctuation.Correctness Rules II: Traditional Grammar and Usage.Documentation Conventions.Textual Presentation.CyberRhetors.15.Imitation: Achieving Copiousness. Ancient Rhetorical Exercises.Reading Aloud and Copying.Imitation.Translation.Paraphrase.16.The Progymnasmata. Fable.Tale.Chreia.Proverb.Confirmation and Refutation.Commonplace.Encomium and Invective.Comparison.Character.Description.Thesis.Introduction of Law.Glossary. Appendixes. A Calendar of Ancient Rhetorics.Signposts in Ancient Rhetorics.Bibliography. Index.