Front cover image for The tribute of blood : army, honor, race, and nation in Brazil, 1864-1945

The tribute of blood : army, honor, race, and nation in Brazil, 1864-1945

Analyses the transformation of army [enlisted] recruitment and service in Brazil between 1864 and 1945, using this history of common soldiers to examine nation building and the social history of Latin America's largest nation.
Print Book, English, 2001
Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 2001
xxiv, 390 pages ; 24 cm
9780822327332, 9780822327431, 0822327333, 0822327430
Soldiers of misfortune, soldiers by lot
Impressment, penal transportation, defense, and politics, 1549-1905
Soldiers, their lives, and the army's institutional roles
Implementing conscription and reorienting the army's role, 1906-1945
Army, masculine honor, race, and nation Electronic access restricted; authentication may be required