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ing, Jan. 29, a soirée in connection with the | is to be held, it was announced, this above church was held in the school-room summer.

adjoining the edifice, which was crowded GROSVENOR SQUARE PRESBYTERIAN by the members of the congregation and CHURCH, MANCHESTER.-The annual contheir friends. From the reports read it gregational soirée was held in the Lecture Hall, appeared that all the agencies in connec- on the evening of the 17th ult. There was a tion with the church were in a highly sat-large attendance of the congregation and their isfactory state. The whole of the debt on friends. The Rev. Dr. Munro occupied the the church and schools had been paid off, chair, supported by the office-bearers; and both buildings were now entirely free William Thorburn, Esq., treasurer to the from liability. During the last year the congregation, filled the vice-chair. Tea amount raised by the church was £2,124 having been served, the chairman, in a brief · 38. 3d. Mr. W. Ferguson (after the address, directed attention to those elements reports had been adopted) said he had a which constituted real life and progress in very painful duty to perform-a duty any church; spoke in encouraging terms of which at the same time gave him the the present condition of the congregation; greatest pleasure. Having expressed the that the year just closed had been one of sincere regret of the congregation at losing much harmony, great comfort to himself, their esteemed and much-beloved pastor, and, he believed, of considerable spiritual the Rev. R. H. Lundie, to take the charge advancement by the people. The financial of the new Presbyterian place of worship settlement, read by Mr. Thorburn, was highly at Fairfield, Liverpool, he said that up- satisfactory; for, notwithstanding that a wards of 100 members of the congregation sum of about £300 was expended in beautiand a few friends had subscribed to pre-fying, and for alterations in the church, it sent him with a memorial of their deep and was found, after all claims were met, a conunited attachment to him. The memorial siderable balance remained in hand. One consisted of a silver salver and a purse con- encouraging feature, adverted to by Mr. taining £164. (Applause.) On the salver Thorburn, as indicating a healthy state of was engraved the following inscription:- feeling, was the increase in the church door "Presented to the Rev. R. H. Lundie, collections, which he trusted would go on M.A., together with a purse of sovereigns, from year to year. The following reports of by members of the congregation and the institutions of the church were next read: other friends, on the occasion of his The Sabbath-school, by Mr. M'Ewen ; leaving Birkenhead, after fifteen years' ministry in St. Andrew's English Presbyterian Church, Birkenhead, as a tribute of esteem and affection, and a token of their earnest desire for his continued usefulness in his new sphere. Birkenhead, 25th January, 1866." The testimonial was presented by Mr. John Walker, and accepted by Mr. Lundie in very affecting terms. The Rev. James Patterson, of St. Peter's Presbyterian Church, Liverpool, delivered a short address, after which Mr. Forrest, on behalf of the members of the Bible-class and the Sabbath-school teachers, presented to the Rev. Mr. Lundie a set of silver saltcellars.

boys' school, by Mr. Gow; girls' school, by Mr. Bannerman; Sabbath Morning Fellowship Meeting, by Mr. Wilson; Young Men's Society, by Mr. Hislop; Juvenile Missionary Association, by Mr. Porteous; the Ladies' Clothing Society, by Mr. Blair ; and Tract Society, by Mr. Robert Barbour, jun. After addresses by Mr. Charles Stewart and Mr. Lowe, Mr. Allen gave some interesting details of his missionary labours in connection with the church, making special reference to the increased attendancs at the district prayer-meeting under his nmediate care, and expressed the hope of reaping fruit from his daily visitations.

PRESBYTERIAN MEETING AT FRAMLING TON.-At the congregational meeting held last month at Framlington, the Rev. Mr. Huie, of Wooler, in the course of an able speech, "On the Law of Spiritual and Ex

KENSINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The anniversary meeting of this congregation was held on January 25th. The attendance was good; and the Rev. Dr. Hamil-ternal Progress of the Church, as Illuston, the Rev. Dr. Duncan, the Rev. Dr. trated by the Lessons Taught us in the King, and the Rev. Adolph Saphir, de- Acts of the Apostles," took occasion to livered interesting addresses. The Rev. Mr. urge reliance on ourselves as a church. Carlyle occupied the chair. It was reported He treated as a mere dream of the fancy that the income of the year from ordinary any start given to us by connection with sources-seat rents and church door collec- Scotland. "Are we to expect to see," he tions-had exceeded that of the previous said, "May Fair and Field Lane comyear by £58. The report recommended the bining to give a hearty welcome to a Scotappointment of deacons and the taking of tish Ecclesiastical invasion; Dean Stanley further steps to organize the affairs of the lending the Assembly Westminster Abbey church. A bazaar on behalf of the church | for their meetings; Mr. Spurgeon taking


his holiday at that time, and giving the use who hardly ever refused an appeal made to of his Tabernacle for Presbyterian Sabbath him for assistance in any good cause, or Services, and the Tabernacle filled; the by any deserving object. Though originTimes largely reporting their proceedings ally a Nonconformist of the Baptist perand giving a leader on the schemes every suasion, he early embraced the principles second day; the Saturday Review finding and joined the communion of the Presbyits favourite subject of quizzing for the terian Church. He was for many years an time in their newest metropolitan noto- elder in St. George's Presbyterian Church, riety; Punch, instead of the Essence of Sunderland, contributing largely to the Parliament, favouring the public every support of ordinances in it, and throughThursday with the Essence of Assembly; out the Synod with which it is connected; London assuming on every side a Ca- helping to educate pious men for the ledonian aspect-its juvenile population ministry, to relieve not a few of them in simultaneously breaking forth in Tartan, their difficulties, and to increase the means and its conquest by the North showing of religious instruction both at home and itself in regard to what Dr. Johnson called abroad."-Weekly Review. the most important event of an Englishman's day-by roast beef and plum pud--The annual social meeting in connection ding giving place to haggis and cock-aleekie ? Are we to expect to see the front Ministerial benches in the Commons left to a solitary Lord of the Treasury-all the chiefs of departments being away listening to the Presbyterian debates; grievous complaints of the interruption, from the same reason, of the public business at the Admiralty and the Horse Guards; Westminster Hall bereft of its barristers in fullest practice, seduced from duty and from causes by the superior attractions of Assembly debates ? Turning to the provinces, are we to expect half a million raised for church-building purposes by Scottish liberality, the colleges of Cambridge deserted by their most promising students for the bran new Andrew Melville Hall, under the presidency of some provincial genius; St. George's, Windsor, deserted by the Queen and Court, at least half the day, in order to worship in a Presbyterian fane, got up regardless of expense; all instrumental music, from the lordliest organ to the lowliest fiddle, silenced from the Solway to the Land's End; hymns of every metre and every tune abandoned throughout England's length and breadth for the simultaneous sym-history of the congregation from its comphony of Caledonian psalms ? "

DEATH OF WILLIAM HAY, ESQ., OF FORD HALL, NEAR SUNDERLAND.-A correspondent, in forwarding to us an account of the death of this Christian gentleman, says:-" Mr. Hay was a timber-merchant and shipowner, occupying a high position as such, and was distinguished for his business abilities, his courtesy, his thorough integrity, and his constant readiness to assist others less skilful, or less successful than himself in the management of their affairs. He was universally known as one of the most useful, upright, and benevolent men in the borough of Sunderland, as an ever ready and liberal friend of its best institutions, a munificent supporter of the Ragged and Industrial Schools, and one

with the Presbyterian Church, Long Framlington,was held on Tuesday, Jan. 30. The tea was gratuitously provided by the ladies connected with the congregation, and partaken of by a large number of people, the church being crowded in every part. The Rev. W. R. Barrie, pastor of the church, presided on the occasion, and instructive and interesting addresses were successively delivered by the Rev. Mr. Douglas, of Alnwick; the Rev. Mr. Herie, of Wooler; the Rev. Mr. Cathcart, of Harbottle; and Mr. John Richardson, of Brinkburn. Between the speeches appropriate selections of music, led by Mr. D. Kerr, were sung, and at the close the usual votes of thanks were accorded.

DALSTON CHURCH, SHRUBLAND ROAD.— The annual meeting of this congregation was held in the Albion Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 14. Unfortunately the state of the weather was such as to prevent many from being present. Nevertheless, during tea the tables were fully furnished with guests, while the company assembling to the meeting held subsequently almost filled the spacious hall. The report, which was drawn up and read by the minister, the Rev. M. Davison, was of a most encouraging kind. Glancing at the

mencement in November, 1853, the report indicated the struggles through which it had passed before it attained its present consolidated character, giving due prominence to the fact that never had any grant been asked or received from the Home Mission, even to commence the station. The finances were reported to be in a most healthy condition, the expenditure of 1865 having been met by the ordinary income, and a respectable surplus left in the treasurer's hand. The small debt remaining upon the church (£125) it was resolved at once to extinguish, subscriptions for two-thirds of the amount being reported, though no public appeal had as yet been made to the congregation. The Sabbath school still retained its character of a select middle-class school. The masses outside,

however, had not been forgotten, £5 2s. 6d. having been contributed to the City Mission, and £8 12s. 6d. to the Dove Row Ragged School. The Sabbath scholars had contributed £7 13s. 6d. during the year to the China Mission. The Dorcas and Lady Visiting Societies were in vigorous operation. Thirty poor families in the neighbourhood had received temporary assistance, and more than 200 garments had been distributed. During the evening addresses were delivered by the Rev. Dr. Stewart, Rev. Clement Dukes, and various members of the congregation.

MODERATOR OF THE ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD.-We understand that the Rev. Thomas Alexander, M.A., of Chelsea, will be proposed as Moderator of next Synod.

brotherly, encouraging words addressed by Mr. Pratt on the occasion to the members of the congregation will not soon be forgotten. Such liberal sentiments and kind ministerial intercourse shows that a good and evangelical man can own and recognise a brother in any branch of Christ's Church, and is willing, for the sake of doing good, to lay aside his Churchisms to bid God speed to others who are engaged in preaching the glad tidings of salvation, and labouring for the conversion of the world to Christ. The Rev. George Lewis, of Dudley, next addressed the meeting, and in the course of an excellent and telling speech expressed how delighted he was to see such a hearty and united meeting, and how pleased he was to find that the minister of the congregation stood so high in public HANLEY.-The annual congregational estimation that a respected minister of the tea-meeting in connection with the Presby- Established Church comes with such hearty terian Church in Hanley was held on the greetings, and the rector (Dr. Armstrong) 13th of February. About 200 sat down to sends a kind message expressing his sorrow an excellent tea, the following ladies pre- for not being present on the occasion, an siding at the different tables :-Mesdames unforeseen circumstance having detained Ringland, Vyse, Bentley, Parr, Thacker, him. Mr. Lewis also congratulated the Haswell, Taylor, Colclough, Stranaghan, congregation on the prospect of being able Kettle, Simpson, Barclay, Bate, Ring- at this time to get clear of debt, after land, jun., Chetwind, Misses Cottrell, Parr, Kettle, Hawkins. The school-room being tastefully decorated with flags bearing different mottoes and prints, lent for the occasion, looked like a saloon. After the tables were removed, Mr. Crowe took the chair. The report, prepared by Mr. Haswell, and showing a balance in the treasurer's hands of £23 0s. 7d.,was read by Mr. Bate, sen., elder of the congregation. In speaking to the report, Mr. Bate said he was happy to find that their balance-sheet stood in the right direction for the first time during the last twenty years; and this was the more significant, seeing that they were just now making an effort to pay off a debt of £500, which had been a great drag to their prosperity, and a sad source HANLEY.-MARK OF RESPECT TO A of anxiety to the few remaining trustees. TEACHER.-The girls of the Senior Class By their late canvass of the congregation (fourteen in all) in connection with the they had got subscriptions to the amount Hanley Sabbath School met at the minisof £240; while the Committee of the Debt ter's house on Thursday evening, the 25th Extinction Fund, at their last meeting in of January, and, after a plentiful supply of London, had given them a grant of £150, coffee and currant buns, Mr. Crowe was for which they felt thankful. So con- requested to present Miss Sarah Booth fident were they of succeeding now, that at with a handsomely-bound and expensive the last meeting of the deacons' court they Bible from the members of her class, as a had decided to give notice to the mort- token of their esteem and an evidence of gagee to pay the £500 on the 12th of Au- the benefit they have received under her gust. Mr. J. Stranaghan then moved the spiritual supervision. Perhaps the spirit adoption of the report, which was seconded of those Sabbath School girls may best be by the Rev. C. O. N. Pratt, Incumbent of expressed by a beautifully-finished Bible St. Paul's, Burslem. In the course of his mark, with the words, " Feed my sheep," speech Mr. Pratt said it was not the first wrought upon it, presented at the same time he had stood shoulder to shoulder time, and by the following letter, which with the Presbyterians in the support of accompanied the presentation:-" Dear Protestantism and the Bible. The kind, Teacher,-Prompted by a sense of our

which they would be able, he hoped, to take a fair stand in the Synod. Mr. Barclay proposed, and Mr. Salmons seconded, a vote of thanks to the gentleman who last spoke in such encouraging words, and showed such a kind, brotherly spirit to the minister and congregation. Councillor Kettle proposed a vote of thanks to the ladies who had provided such an excellent tea on the occasion. The motion was seconded by Mr. F. Mason, coupling with the ladies who presided at the tea-tables those who had taken such pains in the decoration of the room. The meeting was brought to a close after nine by singing the Doxology and pronouncing the apostle's benediction.

obligations to you for the unwearied exertions you have long made to promote our highest interests, by your devoted labours in the Sabbath School connected with the Presbyterian Church at Hanley, we, who have the privilege of being members of your class, beg your kind acceptance of this copy of the Word of God, as a small token of our high esteem for you, praying, at the same time, that, while you see in us conclusive evidence that you are not labouring in vain, the Chief Shepherd may abundantly reward you for your special care over the lambs of his fold." Miss Booth was a member of the River Terrace congregation some years ago. Her friends in London will be glad to find she is not an idler in the Master's vineyard.

management, are likely to yield all reasonable requirements. The Presbyterian cause is taking a position in Stafford, which, properly worked in a spirit of paternal union, sustained by earnest and believing prayer, combined with holy, zealous effort, will bring down showers of blessing, and ensure wide success.

ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, TWEEDMOUTH.-On Tuesday evening, a fruit soirée was held in this church, the Rev. A. Cant, the minister of the congregation, in the chair. After devotional exercises, able and appropriate addresses were delivered in a felicitous and happy manner by the Rev.P. Valence (Horncliffe), R. Scott, W. S. Dewstoe, J. G. Scott (Berwick), and others, on "The duty and privi lege of supporting the Gospel;" "China, and our Missions there;" "Unappropriated Blessings, especially social, intellectual, and religious Blessings;" "Our Duty in the present Age ;" "The Christian Church one Family ;" and on "Giving more and always giving." Between the addresses the whole company engaged in singing portions of the Psalms, and this part of the evening's exercises was conducted by Mr. Richardson, the precentor of the congregation, and his class, and in such a manner as showed the great care and industry with which instructions had been communicated and received.

After a vote of thanks, moved by Mr. William Pearson, sen., to the ministers who had favoured them with their excellent addresses, which was heartily responded to, the proceedings, which were throughout of a pleasing and edifying na ture, were closed by singing a doxology, and the benediction.

STAFFORD ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING. On Monday evening, the 12th ult., this pleasant and important gathering took place. There was a large attendance. The Rev. P. R. Crole, pastor of the church, occupied the chair. The Rev. G. Swann, Stafford, opened the service with prayer. The report of the church's proceedings during the past year (a most admirable document) was read by Mr. W. H. Willcocks, deacon. The Rev. J. Crowe, Hanley, moved the adoption of the report, in a speech replete with good sense, Christian feeling, and telling remarks. T. Matheson, Esq., Liverpool, addressed the meeting in a tone and manner that left a most desirable impression on all who listened to his pious, practical, and stirring observations and appeals. The Rev. J. C. Blake, M.A., Stafford, in a sensible and earnest speech, reviewed the past year's history of the church, and urged to increasing devotedness and exertion. Much GREENWICH.-The annual meeting of valuable information was contributed by St. Mark's Presbyterian congregation was Messrs. B. P. Wright (elder), Bentley, held on the evening of the 24th January. Livingstone, Whitehead, Buchanan, Jeff- The Rev. Adolph Saphir, the minister, in ries, and Carson, members of the church. the chair. The report of the office-bearers, The enjoyment of the evening was greatly read by Mr. F. W. Lockhart Gordon, enhanced by the musical efforts of an able showed the numbers attending the church choir, conducted by Mr. W. Bagnall, pre- to be about the same as last year, but the centor. We cannot refrain from adding a number of communicants had considerably word or two in reference to the increasing increased. The debt incurred by the enprosperity of this Christian congregation. largement of the church in 1863 had been A few years ago the cause was on the verge entirely liquidated. From the fund raised of extinction. Happily, with a new minis- for Jewish Mission, a colporteur was suptry, there followed a revived state of affairs. ported at Pesth, in connection with the The congregations are now steady, and Free Church Mission. The Sunday school frequently the church is filled. The mem- was attended by an increased number. A bers of the church have, during the last six school-room had been taken on lease for years, rapidly increased. The Sabbath the Blisset Street Mission, in which were school has more than trebled its numbers, held evening classes for neglected boys, to which have been added two inestimable conducted by a hired teacher, and a Sunadjuncts in a senior male and female Bible-day school and evening service conducted class, numerously attended, from which by members of the congregation, The much good has already resulted, and which girls' evening classes, held in the schoolpromise great future advantage. The room connected with the church, are carfinances have improved, and, with judicious ried on with continued success. The

Ladies' Working and Visiting Society was in active operation. A Young Men's Association was formed in October last, and consists of nearly fifty members. The financial statement was presented by Mr. Thomson, the treasurer. The receipts for the past year exceeded £2,506-viz., for support of ordinances, £901; liquidation of debt, £1,183; congregational objects, £253; Synod's schemes, Jewish Mission, &c., £168. The meeting, which was well attended, was addressed by Gen. Shortrede, and other office-bearers and members of the congregation, and by Mr. H. M. Matheson, on the Home and Foreign Missions of our Church, who was listened to with much interest. After the usual thanks, and a few words from Mr. Saphir, the meeting was closed with prayer.

TWEEDMOUTH SCHOOL.-On Monday, the 29th day of January last, this school was examined by the Presbytery's deputation, the Revs. A. Cant, P. Valence, R. Haig, J. K. McLean, and R. Scott. The examination was very satisfactory and creditable to the teacher, Mr. Keir. While the children acquitted themselves remarkably well on all the branches taught, it was evident that great care and attention had been given to Bible instruction and the Assembly's Shorter Catechism. At the close of the examination, the examiners expressed their high satisfaction with the examination and the order and discipline maintained.

and excellent addresses were delivered by Rev. A. Cant, on "How to make a happy Home;" Rev. Robert Scott, on "China: its geography, population, customs, and spiritual necessities;" Rev. J. K. M'Lean, on "Money," from the text "Get all you can, save all you can, give all you can ;" Rev. John Water, Lowick, on Andrew Melville and his Times ;" Rev. Wm. Haig, en "How young men ought to spend their spare time." Psalms, led in a very superior manner by Mr. Maclachlan and his band, were sung between the speeches, and contributed greatly to the pleasantness of the proceedings. The attendance was very good. After votes of thanks to Mr. Paxton, the treasurer, to Messrs. Thompson and Turner, for superintending the arrangements, to Mr. Maclachlan and his band, &c., &c., the meeting separated, having spent a very pleasant and no doubt a very edifying evening.

ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT NOTTINGHAM.-A Presbyterian congregation has been formed in Nottingham, and now meets in the church in Park Row. On Sunday, Feb. 4th, the opening services took place, and two excellent sermons were preached by the Rev. Dr. Blaikie, of Pilrig Free Church, Edinburgh. Regular service is now to be held in the church, and the committee of management have secured for the next month the services of four of the ablest ministers of the Presbyterian Church in England. On Monday evening, Feb. 5, a teaHORNCLIFFE.-On Tuesday, the 30th meeting was held in the school-room of January, the school was examined by the their place of worship, Park Row. The Presbytery of Berwick. In all the branches proceedings were of a very pleasant chathe children acquitted themselves exceed-racter. At seven o'clock a public meeting ingly well, and greatly to their own credit (one of a series in connection with the forand to that of their admirable teacher, Mr. mation of the congregation) was held in the Maclachlan. The examiners remarked church. The chair was occupied by Mr. especially their quickness aud accuracy in D. D. Hepburn, who made a few introarithmetic, their extensive Scriptural know- ductory observations relative to the present ledge, and the extent and minuteness of position of the congregation, and stated their acquaintance with other branches. that they intended to worship steadily in They had never heard the Shorter Cate- the church in which they were then met. chism better repeated. They were forcibly The Rev. Mr. Patterson, of Liverpool, destruck with Mr. Maclachlan's great power livered a very effective speech, in the course of communicating knowledge, and of awak- of which he said that at least £300 a year ening reflection even in the youngest, and of interesting them in their work. The the church and the ministrations of the remarkably tidy, healthy, and intelligent Gospel in their midst, until they got a appearance of the children, the beautiful settled ministry, and they must set themorder they observed spontaneously, as it selves earnestly to raise that amount. He seemed, and their very marked improve- then proceeded to impress on them the nement, were highly gratifying, and alto- cessity of cultivating the Christian grace of gether the examination was of a very high charity towards all other denominations, character. At the annual meeting the and to work vigorously in the enterprise in financial statement was read by Mr. Pax- which they had just entered. The Rev. ton, the treasurer, from which, and from Mr. Simpson, of Derby, the minister of some remarks made by the chairman, it a recently formed congregation in that appeared that things were in a satisfactory town, had no doubt, from what he had and improving condition. Fruit, &c., heard of the opening services, and what were then distributed. Very interesting he saw for himself on that occasion,

would be necessary to meet the expenses of

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