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79 De Garmo, Charles. School reform: a reply to Prof. Münsterberg. (Educ. rev. Feb. 21: 118-31.)

Devotes several paragraphs to " Election," but is mainly a discussion of the professional training of teachers.

80 Hollis, A. P. The present status of practice teaching in state normal schools. (Ped. sem. Dec. 8: 495-509.)

Statistics from seventy-two schools showing the like and unlike methods in practice teaching in various subjects.

81 Hughes, E. P. Training of teachers. (In Roberts. Educ. in the nineteenth century. Macmillan, $1. 171-92.)

In England only and since 1828.

82 Laurie, S. S.

Training of teachers and methods of instruction; selected papers. 304 p. O. Clay, 6/.

83 Payne, W. H. The education of teachers. 272 p. O. B. F. Johnson pub. co., Richmond, Va., $1.50.

The author thinks a teacher should be liberally educated rather than trained, that he should be first of all a scholar, and that even his strictly professional training should be of the liberal type. The book is a series of eight articles, which seem to have been given originally as Lectures and not very carefully edited for publication as a book, and in which the author's notions appear as to what constitutes the proper education for teachers. The chapter on a theory of education values is especially sound.

371.2 School organization: The superintendent

84 Thompson, A. I. Superintendent from the primary teacher's point of view. (Forum. Mar. 31: 47-55.)

85 Woodward, C. M. When and why pupils leave school: how to promote attendance in the higher grades. (In U. S.-Education, Comm'r of. Report, 1899-1900. 2: 1364-74.)

86 Young, E. F. Isolation in the school. 111 p. D. Univ. of Chicago, .50 (Contributions to educ. 1.)

Discusses the question of school organization in the light of recent psychological and ethical thought, treating the school as an institution. Entire unity in purpose and administrative work between teachers and supervisors.

371.23 Vacations

87 Public playgrounds and vacation schools.

Comm'r of. Report, 1899-1900. 1895-904.)

371.25 Classes, Grades

(In U. S.-Education,

88 Shearer, W. J. Greater flexibility in high school work. (School rev. Mar.-Apr. 9:137-49; 232-42.)

Advocates greater freedom in selection of subjects and courses and greater elasticity in classifying pupils.

371.27 Examinations

89 Clapp, H. L.

Examinations. (Educ. Mar. 21: 387-97.)

A defense of examinations.

90 Hadley, A. T. Use and control of examinations.

21: 286-300.)

(Educ. rev. Mar.

For college entrance. Also in N. E. A. Proc., p. 240-50, and in the author's

Education of the American citizen. p. 191-209.

See also No. 82.

371.3 Methods of instruction

91 Greenwood, J. M. Principles of education practically applied. Ed. 2. 199 p. D. Appleton, $1. (Internat. educ. ser. v. 50.)

The first edition of 1887 has been changed in many details, enlarged by seven pages,

and modernized somewhat in the chapters on method.

92 Murphy, D. C. Turning points in teaching; or, Law-making and lawbreaking in the schoolroom. 144 p. S. Flanagan, .50

93 White, E. E. The art of teaching. 321 p. D. Amer. book co., $1.

"This veteran author is here at his best, and we can give the volume hearty commendation. Altho we deem many of his methods antiquated and mechanical, there is everywhere such seriousness of purpose, such familiarity with the inner work of classrooms, and such a sincere desire to utilize what is new while giving up nothing of the old that the work is sure to stimulate and instruct every reader." Ped. sem. Also reviewed at length, and not altogether favorably, in Educ rev. for Mar., 1902.

371.42 Manual training

94 Council of supervisors of the manual arts. Year book of first annual meeting. 80 p. D. New Haven.

Prints several good articles on the teaching of manual training.

95 King, J. A.

of ped. Jan.

Mechanical training as part of higher education. (Jour. 13:258-69.)

96 Rouillion, Louis. The economics of hand work in elementary and secondary schools. (Teachers coll. rec. Nov. 2: 323-86.)

"The purpose of this paper is to put in brief and concise form such information regarding the cost of installing and maintaining manual training as part of a school curriculum as may be of interest and help to superintendents facing this problem." For further material consult the Manual training magazine pub. monthly by the University of Chicago; the N. E. A. Proc. Dep't. of Superintendence, p. 250-75 and p. 646-82, for papers read in the Manual training Dep't.

371.5 Government: Discipline

97 Truant schools. (In U. S.-Education, Comm'r of. Report, 18991900. 185-219.)

Relates the evolution of these schools and considers their present status, giving the truant law of each state. The systems for dealing with truancy in Mass., Conn., and New York are fully compared and analyzed. There is a brief account of similar schools in Gt. Britain.

371.6 School buildings, furniture and apparatus

98 Blodgett, J. H.

2: 64-81.)

Defects of elementary text-books.

(Educ. rev. Jan.

99 Wheelwright, E. M. School architecture. 350 p. O. Rogers & Manson (Bost.), $5.

Not unduly technical. Contains a mass of information, well illustrated.


100 Crunden, F. M.

School libraries; libraries and schools

The school and the library; the value of literature in early education. (In N. E. A. Proc. p. 108-18.)

Not how school and library may co-operate, but why they should do so.

See also papers by Melvil Dewey, J. H. Canfield, and others on libraries and education printed in the N. E. A. Proc., p. 830-67: also the number of Public libraries for Feb., 1901, which is the school number.

371.7 School hygiene

101 Easton, E. T. The public schools and eyesight. (Educ. Feb.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Manual of school hygiene. 207 p.


Some practical precepts relating to the hygiene of schools are concisely stated. chapters on Exercise and health in the second part are especially sound. The book will not compare in usefulness for American teachers with Mr. Shaw's volume mentioned below.

"The only especially notable portion of the book is the extensive, thoro, and satisfactory chapter on the eye." Educ. rev., (Lond.)

103 Howe, E. M. School ventilation.

(In Association of collegiate

alumnæ. Publications. Feb. p. 64-71.)

Speaks wholly of how universally bad it is, with some reasons why this is so and of the great importance of having it good.

104 Johnson, G. E.

(Ped. sem. Mar.

105 Seashore, C. E.

Condition of the teeth of children in public schools. 8:45-58.)

Suggestions for tests on school children. (Educ.

rev. June. 22: 69-82.)

Describes methods and apparatus for testing fatigue, sight, hearing, physical measurements, etc., worked out in the laboratory of Iowa state university.

106 Shaw, E. R. School hygiene. 260 p. O.

ers' professional library.)

Macmillan, $1. (Teach

Condensed, accurate statement of the conditions which surround most school children, with suggested measures for the protection and promotion of their physical and mental health. The facts here collected and clearly stated have before been widely scattered. Some of the chapters, notably those on Handwriting and Sight, are largely new, scientific and of much value. Kotelmann and Newholme, which have been the only manuals of any consequence in this subject, are entirely supplanted for American schools by this book, since the monograph by Mr. Morrison on Education in the U. S. concerned itself entirely with the school building.

371.73 Physical training; Gymnastics; Athletics.

107 American association for the advancement of physical education. Proceedings of the 12th annual convention. (Amer. phys, educ. rev. June. 6 107-97.)

Eight good, brief papers are printed, which cover various topics in athletics and anthropometry.

108 Bates, Arlo. The negative side of modern athletics.

31: 287-97.)

(Forum May.

Written to defend "the conviction that athletics in education is to-day the most serious obstacle to the advancement of intellectual growth."

109 Dowding, A. J. C. Games in preparatory schools. (In Great BritainBoard of education. Special reports on educ. subjects. 6: 343-71.) In English boys' schools.

110 Kemp, J. F. History of faculty regulation of athletics at Columbia, (Col. univ. quar. Dec. 4: 33-40.)

Continued in later numbers.

III Leonard, F. E. Physical training in the schools of Stockholm. (Amer. phys. educ. rev. Mar. 6:1-13.)

112 Wickham, C. T.
(In Great Britain-Board of education.
jects. 6: 327-42.)

Health and physical training in preparatory schools.
Special reports on educ. sub-

This is of course from the English point of view and concerns dormitory life.

371.8 Student life

113 Briggs, L. B. R. College honor. (In his School, college, and character. Houghton, $1. p. 65-90.)

Also in Atlantic, Oct.

114 Fallows, A. K. Working one's way through college. (Century, June. 62: 163-77.)

115 Ridgway, E. J.

College fraternities. (Munsey, Feb. 24729-42.) 116 Sheldon, H. D. Student life and customs. 366 p. D. Appleton, $1.50. (Internat. educ. ser. v. 51.)

Collects much widely scattered material into a very useful and interesting book. First two hundred pages are historical before 1870, and chap. five deals with Fraternities, athletics, student government, and societies. The bibliography is extensive and well done.

371.9 Education of special classes

117 Henderson, C. R.

Social arrangements for the education of defectives. (In his Introd. to the study of the dependent, defective, and delinquent classes. Ed. 2. Heath, $1.50. p. 169–82.)

See also the N. E. A. Proc., p. 868-89; current files of American annals of the deaf,
Washington, D. C.; Association review, Mt. Airy, Phil.; the publications of the
Volta bureau, Washington, D. C.

See also No. 375.6.

371.94 Negro education

118 Barringer, P. B. Negro education in the south. (Educ. rev. Mar. 21:233-43.)

Treats the political menace of the race problem and offers as solution negro franchise based upon a property qualification, then education.

119 Miller, Kelly. The negro and education. (Forum. Feb. 30: 693705.)


All material on child-study has been omitted. For this see yearly bibliography compiled by Mr. L. N. Wilson of Clark university.

A general Bibliography of child-study was compiled by L. I. Rhoades, Pedagogical library, Philadelphia, and pub. in 1901. It is an octavo pamphlet of 128 pages in one alphabet of authors.

120 Collar, George, and Crook, C. W. School management and methods of instruction with especial reference to elementary schools. 336 p. D. Macmillan, $1.

Brief, helpful treatment of the usual elementary school topics from the English point of view.

"Though primarily intended for elementary teachers, much of its contents will be found helpful to those who teach in secondary schools. The chapter on the teaching of languages. . . is particularly valuable." Educ. rev. (Lond.)

121 Fitch, Joshua. Primary education. (In Roberts. Educ. in the nineteenth century. Macmillan, $1. p. 34-58.)

Has to do entirely with England and largely with public education.

122 Lee, Joseph. Playground education. (Educ. rev. Dec. 123 Lilley, H. M. The second school year. 224 p. D.

22: 449-71.) Bardeen, $1.

A manual of what should form, in plan and matter, the work of the whole year. The results for character as well as information are carefully kept in mind.

124 Ward, Agnes. Some aspects of theory and practice in infant educa(In Roberts. Educ. in the nineteenth cent. Macmillan, $1.


p. 15-33.)

Describes some of the oddities of method and juvenile literature which passed for infant education in England early in the century.

125 Boies, H. M. of penology.

372.2 Kindergarten

Kindergartens and orphanage training. (In his Science
Putnam, $3.50. p. 392-415.)

The civic importance of careful infant-nurture and that of mother-training are
discussed as the two chief concerns of the kindergarten.

126 Hansen, George. What is a kindergarten? 80 p. S. D. P. Elder, San Francisco, .75

127 Smith, N. A. The message of Froebel. 120 p. D. Milton Bradley,


For additional kindergarten material, too unimportant to be given here, see the files of the Kindergarten magazine and Kindergarten review, and the N. E. A. Proc. p.

[blocks in formation]

128 Jackman, W. S. Notes on foreign schools. (Educ. rev. Mar. 217-32; June, 22: 50-68.)


Describes the life at Dr. Lietz' Deutsches Landerziehungsheim, Dr. Reddie's Abbotsholme, the Bedales school near Brighton, and the École des Roches of Edmond Demolins, and various less famous schools in England, France, and Germany.

373.42 England

129 Aronstein, Ph. The development of English secondary schools for (In U. S.-Education, Comm'r of. Report, 1899-1900. I :

boys. 45-84.)

Relates the origin, in the fourteenth century, the growth, influence, and relation to the public of the great English public schools like Eton, Rugby, and Harrow. 130 Great Britain-Board of education. Preparatory schools for boys; their place in English secondary education. 531 p. O. Eyre & Spottiswoode, 2/3.

This valuable book is volume 6 of the Special reports on educational subjects edited by Mr. M. E. Sadler. The schools described, of which there are about four hundred in England, are what would be called private boarding schools in the United States. They prepare only for the great English Public schools and the Royal Navy, and do not keep boys beyond the age of fourteen.

The volume comprises forty papers, mostly by head-masters. About half are concerned with details of the curriculum and methods in special branches, while the other and most interesting half treat of the broader significance and work of the schools. The papers are honest recognitions of both failure and success, and nearly all excellently done.

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