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"The voice of my brother's blood cries out: 'Surely it is time under God to find another way'."


Mr. Chairman: Gentlemen, we are only doing our duty and carrying out our sacred promises. On this great historical day, the Rights of the People are born.

The Chairman: Shall the Resolution in favor of adopting a plan for organizing a League of Nations be adopted? (The Motion is unanimously carried.)

(A Motion is carried for appointing a Committee to draft the Constitution for the League of Nations of the World. The curtain falls.)

The following exercise may be used at a Washington Birthday entertainment, as it was used by the students of the Wallis School of Dramatic Art in Los Angeles, on the 22nd of February, 1919.

The president of the Convention assembled addresses them as follows:

Ladies and Gentlemen: This is the brightest holiday that the sun of civilization ever shone upon.

In all the history of the human race, the world has never before beheld a day of such, glory.

This memorable day calls to mind the great problems that our forefathers, with George Washington at the head, had to solve in order to draft and adopt the Constitution for the Union of the thirteen original States of the United States of America. Far more difficult were they than those that now confront the framers of the Constitution of the League of Nations.

Our fathers gave in the Constitution of the United States, a model from which the United Nations of the World can find a splendid copy.

(The following may be recited in concert, all standing):

Standing united with thirteen other nations of the earth, upon the Cornerstone of Peace which has been laid in the Covenant of the League of Nations, not elbow against elbow, but hand-in-hand; America with Europe in one hand and Asia in the other, together build a NEW CONTINENTAL CIVILIZATION.

With our backs turned forever against the God of War

We henceforth and forever face the coming of the Prince of Peace.


In order to promote INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION and to secure INTERNATIONAL PEACE and SECURITY by the acceptance of obligations not to resort to war but the prescription of open, just and honorable relations between nations by the firm establishment of the understanding of INTERNATIONAL LAW as the actual rule of conduct among governments, and the maintenance of JUSTICE and a scrupulous respect for all TREATY OBLIGATIONS in dealings of Organized Peoples with one another, the powers signatory to this COVENANT adopt this CONSTITUTION of the LEAGE OF NATIONS.

The President: If Abraham Lincoln were here today he would only need to change a few letters and phrases of that greatest of American speeches, the Gettysburg address.

Today he might say (here lights can be arranged to show Lincoln appearing from the darkness of the past and delivers the following):

Seven score and two years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, con

ceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now, we are engaged in a great WORLD WAR testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure.

It is for us here to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us, that from these honored dead who gave their lives that this nation might live, we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave their last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that every nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.

With malice towards none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are now engaged in to do all which may achieve a just and lasting peace; not for our nation only, but for all nations of the earth.


At the plenary session of the preliminary Peace Conference on February 14, 1919, at 3:30 o'clock, President Woodrow Wilson as Chairman of the Commission on the League of Nations read and explained the following Covenant:

To the foregoing six acts a supplementary act is added entitled



If it were asked, "What great document gave our Nation birth?" the answer would be: "The Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson its progenitor.

If asked what gave that other great document, the Constitution of the United States, its immortality and made our Republic superior to all others, it could as truly be said, "The Supreme Court of the United States, with Chief Justice John Marshall the leading spirit of its immortality."

The Supreme Court of the United States is a creature of our written Constitution and is unlike any other tribunal in the world. It has been termed the Balancewheel of the machinery of our Constitutional system. No other Government provides the means for a citizen to appear in his individual person for his rights.

From the trial of one of the most distinguished citizens, a Vice-President of the United States, for the highest crime under our laws, the case of Aaron Burr for treason, to that of the most humble person (who the Court declared was not even a citizen nor endowed with rights that a white man was bound to respect because he was a negro and had been once a slave), the Dred Scott case; and in civil actions, from the trial of questions testing the fundamentals of our Constitutional Government as in the Marbury vs. Madison case to those having to do with laws impairing the obligation of individual and corporate contracts as in the Dartmouth College Case, we have the widest range and scope of jurisdiction in our Supreme Court by means of which representative Democracy has exalted our American Republic above all others that the world has hitherto known. We ourselves have not yet quite fully

appreciated, perhaps, the great value of this department of our Government.

What may be called the Declaration of Independence of the Supreme Court and made it independent as well as co-ordinate with the other departments of the government is the case of Marbury vs. Madison herewith presented in a pantomime and short-talk scene of the Supreme Court of the United States. A session of which is given as a type for the International Supreme Court of the United Nations of the World.


Scene 1. The Court Room in the Capitol Building, Washington, D. C. (Stage set with Door Center back with curtains to open at a given signal. Platform with railing round it. As many chairs are placed as there are members of the Court with the Chief Justice in the Center.)

At the hour of 12 M. the Curtains are drawn aside, the Marshall, walking backwards, speaks with a loud voice: The Honorable, the Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States. (All present rise as the Judges enter, led by the Chief Justice and followed by the other Justices in order of seniority of appointment. Standing, the Chief Justice signals to the Marshall, who cries in a loud voice: "O yeaz! O yeaz! All persons having business before the honorable, the Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States are admonished to draw near and give their attendance, for the Court is now in session. God save the United States and this Honorable Court. (Judges sit and the work of the session begins.)

Chief Justice: The Clerk will announce from the Docket the next case to be argued.

The Clerk: The next case on the Docket for argument is a Mandamus case, MARBURY VS. MADISON.

Chief Justice: The Counsel for Marbury, the Plaintiff, will be heard.

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