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[In the margin of this document are the following words, "Out of the Lo. Tres. Burghleies papers in his owne hand;" so that what follows is a copy of the original, and although it bears date in 1577, it refers to a transaction during the reign of Mary, "the late Queen" being specially mentioned. Camden, in his Annals of Elizabeth, (Kennett, ii. 398, Edit. 1719,) tells us that Sir Henry Sidney had been "Lord Justice and Treasurer of Ireland” in the reign of Mary; but he is here spoken of as "Deputy," though not as Lord Deputy. On p. 437 of Camden's Annals, he is called "Lord Deputy" on his return into England in 1571. He was sent to Ireland again in the same capacity in 1576, and, with relation to this appointment, it seems likely that Lord Burghley drew up the subsequent account of the manner in which Queen Mary's prerogative had been resisted, and the steps then taken to assert it. Sir Henry Sidney finally quitted Ireland in 1578, and was succeeded by Sir William Drury, who, however, died in the following year. Sidney was much beloved, and in Haynes's State Papers, p. 463, may be seen a tribute to the excellence of his character and government.] Indorsed, "1577. The order against such as complayned against Sir Henry Sidney, Deputy of Ireland."

THE Earle of Desmond, out of Munster, and the Vicount Baltingglasse, the Barons of Delvin, Hoth, and Trimelston, out of Leinster, sent certen persons with their petitions to the late Queene against the Deputy, Sir Henry Sidney, complayning that he had (in imposing Sesse and other thinges upon the countrey, as out of the power of prerogative) infringed the liberties of the country; which petitions receaved by her Maty and delivered over to her privy Councill to consider of, they answer her Highnes that what the Deputy had done was just and warrantable by her prerogative, quæ legibus non subjicitur, nec tamen legibus adversatur. When her Highnes had read and throughly considered their opinions and resolutions, and finding her self to be undutifully handled by her subjectes, commaunded (by the advice of her Councell) the said agentes, which followed their sute, to be comitted to the Fleete, and forthwith wrote her letters to her Deputy and Councell, finding her self greeved with those her said subjectes of the pale, that the releeving of her army with victuals, by way of Sesse, should be avowched to be a matter against lawe

and ancient custome, and yet the same, both in her time and in the times of her progenitors, hath usually beene imposed, and now impugned by some such as, in times past, had subscribed thereunto, in prejudice of her prerogative and hinderance of her service. And therefore she did not onely mislike and was greatly offended with theis their presumptions and undutifull manner of proceding, but also found fault with the Deputy and her Councell there, that they would and did suffer her prerogative, in contempt of her Highnes authority, to be impugned, and the parties not committed and punished, by which meanes the matter at the first, and in the beginning, might have beene remedied. And therefore as her Highnes had already not only geven order for committing them to the Fleete, and punishment of the agentes, which were sent over with complaintes and letters, for such their justefeying and mainteyning the imposition of the said Sesse to be against the lawes and customes of that her realm, and therefore seeking to impeach her prerogative and royall authority; but also willed and commaunded him, her Deputy, and all her whole Councell there, to send for those lordes and gentlemen which subscribed the letters sent unto hir Highnes, who, if they will stand to mainteyne their assertions, and avowe the imposition of the Sesse to be against the lawes and customes of the realme, and not warrantable by her prerogative, that then her pleasure was, that theis persisting and avowing so to be likewise committed. But withall advising him, by her private letters, that in his courses there she would not her subjectes dum condeantur deglubi, lest it might so far distast her people as to put them out into rebellion, and in the end the occasion cast upon her self, as Batus did on Tiberius the whole of Dalmatia, Vos in culpa estis, qui greges non pastoribus cum canibus, sed lupis custodiendos commisistis.



[It does not appear on what particular occasion, nor for what purpose, this estimate was made out, but the government was, no doubt, at this date (1578) anxious to ascertain its resources, seeing that in the year preceding Queen Elizabeth had entered into a league of mutual aid by sea and land" with the Netherlands. In Stowe, under date of An. Reg. 20, may be found the Declaration on the subject which was sent to Spain. Subjoined to the Estimate is another document, shewing all that was required for the employment and equipment of ordnance, in order that when the necessity arose due provision might be made to meet the public exigencies.]

The Office of the Ordinaunce, June, 1578, Ao. 20 E. Rẽæ.

An Estimate of the remaynes in the said office, with the valew in ready money of the severall titles ensuinge, as well within the Tower of London as aboord the shippes.


Remayning in store within the Tower of London :Canons, 18; Canon pirier, 1; Demicanons, 11; Culveringes, 8; Demiculveringes, 20; Sacres, 11; Minions, 8; Fawcons, 7; and Fawconettes, 20

Brasse Ordnance.

Remayning aboorde the shipps :—

Canon piriers, 24; Demicanons, 36; Demicanon piriers, 5; Culveringes, 76; Demiculveringes, 118; Sacres, 123; Minions, 30; Fawcons, 39: Fawconetes, 3; Fowlers, with chambres a pece, 47; Portpeces, 3

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. 504

All which doe waye, by estimation, xiijc iiijxx xv Mli vjc ij qrters weight, which beinge rated at iiijli the Cth, waight, with M. ixe lxli for their cariages and the furnitur, amounteth in M. c. xx. money to lvij vij iiij vj li.

All which

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peces afforesaid do remayne as before, over and be

sides all those that have bene yssued out of the store from tyme to tyme for the supplie of the fortes and castells alongst the coaste and other your Maties places of strength and service, by sondry warrantes from your H. and the Counsell.

In the Tower :


Crossebarred and rounde shott of iron of severall

heightes, 47,000; and stone shott for canon

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Smale Gonnes, Artillarie, Minitions, and Riche Weapons.

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Riche weapons, viz. armed pikes, halberds, partizuntes, javelins, boarespeares, pollaxes, &c. amting in money to

[merged small][ocr errors]


Sma tolis of the value of the remaynes afforesaid

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The sondry natures and kindes of Ordinance, Shott, Powder,
Munitions, Habilliments of Warre, and other furnitures for
Ordnance, incident and belonginge to the service therof.

Brasse and caste iron Ordnance of diverse kindes.

[blocks in formation]
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