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Mr. Moderator and Brethren, both young and coeval:-It has been gently hinted to me in mild complaint that the Board of Educa tion generally presented to the Assembly too gloomy a front, and that it were better for its interests to put on a more cheerful aspect. This hint I thankfully accept, as I do all hints for improvement, and I shall aim now to comply with it. Even the longsuffering Job found fault that men saw not the bright light which was in the cloud; and under this censure I do not wish that any of us should fall. Accordingly, my present endeavor will be to turn upon your vision some of the bright streaks which seem to me to tinge the cloud that may have been drawn over your sky by the report of the standing committee which you have just been listening to. Possibly they may serve to relieve its gloom.


And to begin where the cloud is densest. We report over twelve hundred churches, great and small, marked "vacant," e. g., without pastors or stated supplies, in the Minutes of the last year. This fact, at first sight, seems somewhat deplorable and even discreditable. Nevertheless, I think I can detect an advantage in this condition of things not to be overlooked. These twelve hundred churches afford a fine, ample range for candidacy to such of our pastors as may be dissatisfied with their present positions and would like a change. If they should persecute us in one city, we can now readily flee into another and seek acceptance there. No need is there now of our insisting on staying where we are not wanted, from fear of not finding another place, and so perpetuating a quarrel. Nor are we compelled to abide in straitened circumstances when there are so many chances of bettering our

condition. Were all the pulpits occupied, this very felicitous mode of relief could not be enjoyed. These vacancies are so many safety valves of discontent.

Again, in their struggle for existence without a pastor, the vacant churches are in a measure compelled to utilize all the spiritual resources they may have in themselves, and to set their elders at work in a way to bring them into closer resemblance to ministers, and thus to qualify them better for ministerial positions-the moderatorship, for example. Indeed, such training I understand to be now going on in several of our western churches, developing talents that would otherwise have lain wrapped up in a napkin. This is a benefit not to be undervalued.

Another fact also is presented in the report which at first sight seems unhappy. It is our large dependence on other denominations for our ministerial supplies. The statement is that for the last five years twothirds of our net increase of ministers have been drawn from outside sources. This would indicate a too meagre productiveness, on our part, of this important factor in our church life and growth. But even in this defect there may be a gracious Providence evolving good. One consequence naturally arising from it must be the introduction into our body of different types of doctrine and of polity, and we get the benefit of the faith and practice of the Methodists and of the Congregationalists and of the United Presbyterians and of the brethren across the water in Ireland and Scotland. Thus we are greatly modifying our peculiarities, and paring down the sharp angularities of our Calvinism, and broadening ourselves into a more catholic church. In other words, we are ceasing to be distinctively American Presbyterian, and are preparing to blend in more readily with the other Protestant bodies, when the consummation of a general union takes place. It is a consummation for which many are hoping and praying.

A preparation in the same direction proceeds from the dissolution of so many of our churches, the number of them now steadily increasing year by year, largely from lack of ministers to keep them alive. What is a loss to us may not be without some gain to the general cause of Christianity. The members of these churches thus set free will in all probability go into other neighboring churches to infuse into them a little Presbyterian leaven, and thus to hasten. that assimilation and unification of all Protestant denominations of which I have just spoken. Dissolution may thus prepare the way for glorification on a larger scale.

Another fact must be noted. Our Board is reported to be in debt to the amount of $15,000. Now debt always makes one feel a little gloomy. Yet there is an offset in the consideration that more contributions have come to us from the churches than we have had for some time. It is only because other sources of supply have failed us and larger demands for aid have been made upon us that this cloud has slowly gathered overhead unexpectedly and cast its shadow upon us. Yet I think a little silvery rim. may be detected around the edges. Our Board will now come into the position recently occupied by the Home and Foreign. Boards so successfully; and we shall be warranted in bringing our cause before the church by stirring appeals and attracting much notice. Accordingly you may expect to hear from us very soon, unless perchance some legacy comes in to silence our cry.

A painfully ominous aspect is also presented to us in the fact of the reluctance of our Christian young men to enlist in large numbers in the ministry. Every year the disproportion between the churches and the ministers is widening, and we are threatened with a serious scarcity just at a time when we ought to be fully manned. Yet if we are wise this fact too may be attended with good results. It ought to incite our presbyteries and synods and this Assembly now to earnest questionings as to the causes of this reluctance and to zealous efforts to remove them. When all the other professions are overcrowded with occupants, there must be

reasons why this, the most glorious of all callings, should go begging for candidates. There must be some reasons why, when the demand is so great, the response should be so feeble. A fact so remarkable requires investigation. investigation. If obstacles to enlistment there are, as we know there are, these obstacles should be ascertained, and if possible, taken out of the way. In view of them, behold the voice of the Lord calleth unto us in commanding tones, "Gather out the stones;" and oh, could we but do this as we might, more thoroughly, how many more would we see running in obedience to the Master's call! If inspiration and incentives are needed, and knowledge of the want and the opportunity is required, let these be applied. For again I hear the voice of the Lord saying, "Lift up a standard among the people;" and oh, could we but lift it up in its glory and wave it aloft as a signal for advance, methinks we would witness such a rallying around it as would stir the hearts of God's people with new hope, and make the kingdom of darkness tremble. The time for discharging this duty cannot be safely postponed. All the signs of the times indicate that a serious crisis is upon us, which cannot be ignored. If we fail to act at once, we may be sure that, as among the Israelites of old, the people of the land will be gathering to themselves "prophets of the deceit of their own hearts" and "teachers having itching ears," to their own destruction. A happy thing will it be if our present condition, rising to view like a cloud in our horizon, set us to diligent endeavors to avert the danger.

Another result is likely to follow; and this may prove a beneficial one. The scarcity of regularly-educated men will force on us the necessity of dispensing more generally with the advantages of a scholastic training, and of contenting ourselves with qualifications of a more practical kind in many whom we ordain. Already is a tendency to this developing itself systematically in other denominations, the Congregationalists, for example, and it has begun to manifest itself in our own. Young men who have exercised themselves in church work and proved their

gifts in the conducting of religious services, and have been encouraged by their success, are asking to be qualified for ordination by taking a theological course in English only, and presbyteries, together with some of our most intelligent laymen, are urging that such persons be allowed and aided in taking the course suggested. Possibly the Lord is intending to teach us that it is not by the attractions of learning and human wisdom and of fine speech that the conquests of the cross are to be won; but through the plain, unvarnished preaching of the word by earnest men who know little else "save Jesus Christ and him crucified."


service. There is too much hard work in it and too little pay. They forget that it is through just such service going on quietly in all our cities and villages that Christ's kingdom is advanced and souls are converted, and public morals are purified, and barren wastes are reclaimed, and the wilderness is turned into a fruitful garden; and a reward at last secured which cannot be expressed in dollars and cents.

And this depreciation is more particularly manifest when it comes to dealing with candidates in their immaturity. We look at the young men, it may be, of ordinary intellects and not large attainments and somewhat unrefined in manners, yet of earnest purpose and stirred up by the love of God to serve in the gospel of his Son, and we ask ourselves, somewhat incredulously, whether much good can be expected of such persons and whether they ought to be aided and encouraged in their course of preparation for


So much, Mr. Moderator, for the light in our cloud. I would, however, that the cloud were wholly away. Better would it be that our sky should all be cleared by the breath of the Almighty passing over it and cleansing it, and that we enjoyed only the bright the pulpit. Their imperfections scandalize sunshine of spiritual prosperity. There is no disguising the fact. What we imperatively need is a much larger number of men every way qualified to be the leaders of the church in accomplishing the mighty work which the most cursory observation shows us is pressing to be done for our country and the world. The question is, cannot such men be furnished by the Presbyterian Church to a degree more commensurate with her greatness and her wealth? I believe they can.


In order to this, first of all I think that a higher estimate of the sacred office ought to pervade a large portion of our ministers and people a higher estimate of what is implied in it and of what are its proper qualifications, and of its untold worth to the world. I fear we are taking too low views of it and are not honoring it with the regard and attention. which it deserves. We are governed too much by the humble appearance of the incumbents and the obscure positions which many of them occupy, and of the small emoluments which many of them receive. Parents who desire great things for their sons see little prospect of having their ambition gratified by their sons entering such


We are troubled about the little faults and foibles which mark them. So, many doubt and draw back and refuse their assistHerein lies the disadvantage of our cause. Had we only great institutions to deal with-institutions which fill the eye, and give promise of permanence, and are monumental-the case would be different. But when it is with individuals that we have to do, and these in their immaturity, it is often hard to believe them worth spending much labor upon. Yet, it may be asked, what are our institutions for, if it be not to educate just such as these and fit them for their calling? The final cause of a theological seminary is the ministry, and without the candidates it is idle property. These, therefore, are what we should be seeking for first of all, careful only about the genuineness of the raw material we put into our institutions to be worked up. Yet not too hopeless in view of defects; for oh, had our blessed Lord been as strict and exacting and as impatient towards Peter and James and John, and the rest of the twelve, stupid and faulty as some of them seemed to be, as we are towards some of our students, where would have been the princes of the church

sitting on twelve thrones, judging the twelve dom. And oh, if we are only true to our tribes of Israel?

In order to strengthen our faith on this point, let me here state a fact recently brought to my knowledge. A year ago there graduated from one of our theological seminaries a class of fourteen licentiates. They were young men of average grade. By particular request the results of their eight months' service were reported by them to their professor. I wish I could give you the details as given to me; but there is time only for a fact or two. One has gone on a foreign mission. Two are laboring in the West. The others are scattered here and there over the middle states, some in pretty hard fields. A summary of what they report is this: 607 persons added to their churches, mostly on profession of their faith; three new church buildings started; Sabbath-schools revived and enlarged, and an increase of contributions to the boards. In view of such facts we ask, does it not pay?


However insignificant we ministers may appear in the sight of the world, let us refresh our minds and hearts with looking a moment on the estimate put on us in the gospel, by recalling some of the titles by which we are there designated. If we are in reality what we profess to be, the called of Christ into his ministry, we are numbered among his ascension gifts to mankind; and ought not a present from the Lord of glory to be accounted worth something? We are set forth as "ambassadors of God to beseech men in Christ's name to become reconciled unto God;" and what greater dignity can we be honored with than to be sent on such an errand from so high a court? We are employed as "laborers together with God" for the cultivation of his fields, and for lifting onward and upward that glorious temple which he is rearing of living stones quarried and shaped out of the mass of fallen humanity. And can there be a more honorable occupation than this? We are appointed to be the heralds of Jesus Christ sent forth to prepare the way for his coming and king

missions, "how beautiful upon the mountains" and over the plains of our beloved land should be our feet as we "publish the good tidings of peace, and say unto Zion, Thy God reigneth."

Such are the terms in which our calling is designated in Scripture. If it be anything it is the grandest conceivable. Now what we need is to realize the fact, to live up to it, to magnify it in the eyes of men. And then, having just conceptions of what it is, our duty, for which we shall then be properly fitted, will be to labor for the multiplying of our numbers. It is the work to which the providence of God is imperatively summoning us. These vacant churches should be supplied; the new churches we are organizing should be provided for; our foreign populations increasing by unprecedented migration from all parts of the old world, at the rate of two thousand per day at last accounts, we should be preparing ourselves to take in charge; the dangers to our free institutions from the hostile forces that are gathering themselves up to dispute the supremacy with the influences that have hitherto ruled in the nation are to be averted; opening fields abroad are calling for occupancy, and these must be entered upon. And to meet these demands, up to the measure of fair expectation, no labor should be spared and no sacrifice begrudged, no care omitted. Worthy candidates must be prayed for; yea, they must be sought out, and that, too, with as much scrutiny as the jeweller employs in ascertaining the genuineness of the precious stones which he is to set for the adornment of a bride; and, when found without the means of education, they should be educated with as little grudging of time and expense as the lapidary shows in polishing the costliest of gems. This is our work. Shall we gird ourselves to it in the name of the Lord, or shall we fall back into our easy chairs as so many seem to be doing? saying to ourselves, It is the Lord's prerogative to call his heralds; let him call; it is not for us to interfere. Which course shall we take?


EVANGELIZE THE NEGROES. There is no reason why the Negroes should not be redeemed and elevated, and made a blessing to this country. The gospel and the grace of God can do it. But churches, Sabbath-schools, missionary societies, ministers and private individuals must arise and address themselves with tenfold greater earnestness, liberality and faith to this work. The Negroes respond most readily to the appeals of the gospel; they are eager for schools and gospel privileges; and were the Christian people of the land to take hold of this work as they should and could, they would have the whole race under the purifying influence of the gospel in less than twenty-five years, and make them a blessing to the country and the world. An eloquent colored speaker said:

The American Negro is the legitimate offspring of that civilization which is giving its language, its customs and its laws to the whole world. The time will come when there will be one civilization, one universal language, the civilization and language of that little island off the continent of Europe. The American Negro is in that civilization. He is of it. He can never retrograde. His movement must be onward, not backward. There is no limit to his possibilities in any community where he exceeds the whites in numbers. Along the south Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico the Negroes of this country will cluster. They will form a loyal and patriotic community, a friend to the republic and the nation, a shield and sword in war, a glory and pride in peace.

And in those American Negroes also the hope of Africa lies. Among them are the future evangelizers of their fatherland. Already our brethren of the Synod of Atlantic (our colored Synod) are reaching out their hands towards Africa, and have put themselves in connection with it by sending one of their number to that land, and their churches and Sabbath-schools pledged for his support; and others are in training for the work. And the time will come when

the church will see scores of trained bands of men and women from this redeemed race hastening across the ocean, with the faith and hope of the true missionary, to take the outstretched hand of Ethiopia, and to kindle a circle of lights on her benighted shores that shall ultimately encompass the Dark Continent.


Is our church taking the part it should in moulding the future of the Negroes of America? Are we as a church meeting the expectations of our blessed Lord who gave as the crowning evidence of his messiahship that in him "the poor have the gospel preached to them"? There are seven millions of them, and millions more to come. Thousands and tens of thousands of them are without schools and gospel privileges. We believe that the future of these millions of people will be, under God, just what the Christian churches of the land determine it shall be. In their uplifting and evangelization God in his providence has given us the opportunity of sharing in the grandest work of the age in which we live. Opportunity taken at the flood tide leads on to certain success; but neglected, loss and failure are the inevitable results. Oh what an opportunity has God given the Presbyterian Church of this land! and we sometimes fear that it will be lost. Here are the means; there are the people. The means are in our hands; the people are at our doors. God has committed the Negroes in America to the care of the Christian people of the country. If they are the wards of the nation, much more are they the wards. of the church; and their condition, whether regarded as to the past, the present or the future, should impose a sense of deep responsibility on every enlightened conscience. If the Protestant churches fail to influence and shape their future, then the Romish Church will do it. She is far-sighted

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