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For JUNE, 1821.


S the day fixed for the Coronation approaches, the intenseness of the

A public curiosity is proportionably increased. Understanding from su

thority, that the forms to be observed are the same as were pursued at the Coronation of King James II. we shall devote a few pages of our Miscellany to an outline of the Ceremonies that will probably take place; omitting, for obvious reasons, those parts of the usual forms that appertain to a Queen Consort. This may, we trust, in some degree, supply our Readers with a useful Vade Mecum. At the distance of sixty years, we proudly refer to our Vol. XXXI. p. 418, for an exact description of the last Solemnization, accompanied by an illustrative Plate. Assembling in Westminster Hall,

and bringing in the Regalia. Early in the morning of the day of Coronation, the Lord Great Chamberlain, in pursuance of his claim, repairs to the King with a shirt for his Majesty, opened for the anoint ing, and with an under-dress of crimson satin. His Majesty is afterwards habited with a surtout of crimson velvet, and with a Royal robe or mantle also of crimson velvet, furred with ermine, called the Parliament robes, and the cap of estate of crimson velvet, turned up with ermine.

The Judges, and others of the long robe, the Gentlemen of the Privy Council, Esquires of the body, Serjeants at law, Masters in Chancery, Aldermen of London, Chaplains baving dignities, and six Clerks in Chancery, form a procession into the Hall, and are ranged on each side.

The Peers having assembled in the House of Lords, they are called over, and conducted into the Hall in the following order:

"Two Pursuivants at Arms-Barons, four abreast-Bishops-Two Pursuivants -Viscounts-Two Heralds-Earls-Two Heralds Marquises -Two Heralds Dukes-Norroy and Clarencieux Kings at Arms-Lord Privy Seal-Lord President of the Council-Lord High Treasurer-Archbishop of York-Lord High Chancellor Archbishop of CanterburySerjeants at Arms-Gentlemen UshersGarter King at Arms-Lord High Steward with his whole Staff-THE KING-Trainbearers, six eldest sons of Peers-Master of the Robes-Captain of the Horse in

waiting-Gentlemen of King's Bedchamber-Two Grooms of the Bedchamber."

When his Majesty enters, he ascends the steps, attended by the great Officers of State, and the two Archbishops, with Garter and the Usher of the Black Rod, and places himself in his Chair of State, under a Canopy.

The Master of the Jewel House then presents the four swords; viz. the Sword of State, the pointless Sword Curtana, and the two pointed Swords, to the Lord High Constable, and he to the Lord Great Chamberlain, who draws them out of their scabbards, and lays them on a table before the King. In the same way are delivered the Great Golden Spurs.

Then the Dean and Prebendaries of Westminster enter the Hall in procession with the other insignia of Royalty (which were antiently kept in the Abbey); the Dean carrying St. Edward's Crown, on a cushion of cloth of gold. The Orb with the Cross, the Sceptre with the Doves, the Sceptre with the Cross, and St. Edward's Staff, are borne by four Prebendaries.

The Dean then presents the Crown and the other Regalia to the Lord High Constable, who delivers them to the Lord Great Chamberlain, by whom they are laid on the table before the King.

Garter now calls up the noblemen who are appointed to carry the Regalia; the first of whom standing before the table, the Great Chamberlain delivers to him St. Edward's Staff,



Ceremonial of the Coronation-Procession.

and in like manner the rest of the Regalia to other Lords; St. Edward's Crown, with which the King is crowned, being borne by the Lord High Steward. The Bible, Chalice, and Paten, are borne by Bishops.

The Bishops of Durham and Bath and Wells are summoned to support the King, pursuant to their claim.

Procession to the Abbey. The whole of the august company are


then formed into an exact and or-
derly Procession. The Peers, in their
robes of State, bear their Coro-
nets in their hands, and wear their
collars of knighthood, and such as
are of the King's household, their
wands of office. Indeed, every one
in the Procession is habited in bis
full dress of ceremony.

The usual form of Procession is
as follows:
The King's Herbwoman, and her Six Maids.
The Dean's Beadle with his staff.
High Constable of Westminster with his staff.
A Fife.

Four Drums.

The Drum Major.

Eight Trumpets, four a-breast.
Kettle Drums.

Eight Trumpets, four a-breast.
The Serjeant Trumpeter, with his mace.
The Six Clerks in Chancery.
Closet Keeper of the Chapel Royal.
King's Chaplains baving dignities.
Sheriffs of London.

Aldermen of London below the Chair, in scarlet gowns.
Recorder of London.

Aldermen of London above the Chair, wearing gold chains.
Masters in Chancery.

The Solicitor General.

Serjeants at Law.

The Attorney General.

The King's antient Serjeant.

Esquires of the Body.

Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber.

Barons of the Exchequer, and Justices of both Benches.

Chief Baron of the Exchequer.

Master of the Rolls.

Chief Justice of Common Pleas.
Chief Justice of the King's Bench.
Children of the Choir of Westminster.

Serjeant Porter of the Palace.

Serjeant of the Vestry.

Children of the Chapel Royal, in surplices and scarlet mantles.
Choir of Westminster, with their music books.
Organ Blower.

A Sackbut.

Groom of the Vestry.

A Double Courtal.

A Sackbut.

Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal, in scarlet mantles.

Confessor to the Household.

Sub-Dean of the Chapel Royal.
Prebendaries of Westminster, in surplices and rich copes.
Dean of Westminster, in a surplice, and cope of purple velvet,
Master of the Jewel House.

[blocks in formation]

Two Pursuivants at Arms.

Privy Counsellors who are not peers.

Knights of the Garter, who are not peers, in the habit of the order,
carrying their caps in their hands.
Two Pursuivants at Arms.
Barons, four a-breast.

Bishops in their rochets, their square caps in their hands.
Two Pursuivants at Arms.
Viscounts, four a-breast.

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Ensign of the Guard.


Lieutenant of the Guard. 100 Yeomen of the Guard. Clerk of the Cheque to the Yeomen of the Guard. The Procession will move from Westminster Hall through New Palace Yard and Little Bridge Street, to the West door of the Abbey, on a raised platform covered with cloth, the passage being railed in, and protected by Guards. During its progress the drums will beat a march, the trumpets sound, and an anthem will be sung by the choirs.

As the Procession enters the Church, the Law Officers and Judges ascend the theatre, and dividing right and left, go to seats appointed for them in galleries. The King having entered the Church, is received by the Dean and Prebendaries, with the

Choir, who preceded his Majesty, singing an anthem, commonly from Psalm cxxii. 1: “I was glad when they said unto me," &c. Then the Prebendaries entering the choir, ascend the theatre, and pass over it to their station on the South side of the Altar, beyond the King's chair. After which the Dean of Westminster, the great officers, and two Archbishops, with the Dukes of Aquitain and Normandy, ascend the theatre, and stand near the S. E. pillar. The King then seats himself in his Chair of State: the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Great Chamberlain, the Lord High Constable, and Earl Marshal, with the two



Ceremonial of the approaching Coronation.

Bishops who support his Majesty, the Dean of Westminster, and the Lords who carry the Regalia, with Garter and the Gentleman Usher, all standing about him.

The Coronation. The important business of the day commences with the RECOGNITION, which is thus performed: The Archbishop of Canterbury standing near the King on the East side of the theatre, his Majesty rises from his chair and stands before it, whilst the Archbishop, having his face to the East, says as follows:


SIRS,-I here present unto you King George, the rightful inheritor of the Crown of this realm; wherefore all ye that are come this day to do your homage, service, and bounden duty, are ye willing to do the

same ?"

From thence the Archbishop, accompanied by the Lord Chancellor, the Great Chamberlain, the Constable, and the Earl Marshal (Garter King at Arms going before them), proceeds to the South side of the theatre and repeats the same words; and from thence to the West, and lastly to the North side: the King standing all the while, and turning his face to the several sides of the theatre as the Archbishop is speak. ing at each of them. At every repetition the people express their willingness by acclamation; and at the last, the trumpets sound and drums beat. This being done, an anthem is sung by the choirs, the King resuming his seat.

The Archbishop, in the mean time, going to the altar, revests himself in a rich cope (as do also the Bishops who bear any part in the office), and places himself at the North side of the altar. Then the King rises from his chair, being supported by the two Bishops, and attended, as always, by the Dean of Westminster (the great officers and the noblemen who carry the Regalia going before him); puts off his cap of estate, goes to the steps of the altar, and there kneels down upon the cushions. He now presents his FIRST OBLATION, consisting of a pall of cloth of gold, and an ingot or wedge of gold of a pound weight, which are delivered to him by the Great Chamberlain. The Archbishop, assisted by the Dean, receives them from his Majesty, and lays them reverently on the altar which done,


the King arising makes an obeisance towards the altar, and retires to his chair on the South side of the area or sacrarium. After which, his Ma jesty kneeling at the faldstool placed before his chair, the Archbishop says the following prayer :

"O God, which dost visit those that are humble, and dost comfort us by thy Holy Spirit, send down thy grace upon this thy servant George, that by him we may feel thy presence among us, through Jesus Christ. Amen."

The Lords who bore his Majesty's Regalia, draw near to the altar, and present the Crown, the Orb, the Rod, the Spurs, the Sceptre, and St. Edward's Staff, to the Archbishop, who lays them upon the altar, the Lords retiring to their respective seats; which done, the Dukes of Aquitain and Normandy, with the great officers of State, repair to their seats on the South side of the area. The Archbishop then gives notice to two of the Bishops to begin the Litany, the choirs making the responses.

The Communion Service is now read by the Archbishop, and the Epistle and Gospel by two of the Bishops; after which the prelate appointed to preach the Sermon ascends the pulpit, and the King seats him self again in his chair on the South side of the area, the Archbishop sit ting in his chair at the altar. His Majesty now puts on his cap of er tate. During sermon, the two Bishops who support the King, stand on each side of him; the Lords who carry the swords bear them erected, on his right hand; and the Lord Great Chamberlain stands on the left.

Oath*.-The Sermon being ended, the King uncovers his head, and the Archbishop repairs to his Majesty, and asks him, "Sir, are you willing to take the Oath usually taken by your predecessors?" The King answers, "I am willing."

Then the Archbishop ministers these questions:

Abp. Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of this king dom of Great Britain, and the dominious thereunto belonging, according to the Statutes in Parliament agreed on, and the respective laws and customs of the same? King. I solemnly promise so to do. Abp,-Will you, to your power, cause *The oath, which is here inserted, is that administered to his late Majesty.


1821.] Ceremonial of the approaching Coronation.

law and justice, in mercy, to be executed in all your judgments ?—King.—I will,

Abp. Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of God, the true profession of the Gospel, and the Protestant Reformed Religion established by Jaw? And will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established, within the kingdoms of England and Ireland, the dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed, and the territories thereunto belonging, before the Union of the two kingdoms? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain unto them or any of them?

King.-All this I promise to do.

The King then goes to the altar, and laying his hand upon the Gospels, takes the Oath following: "The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep, so help me God." He then signs the Oath.

The Anointing.-The King now goes to his faldstool, which is placed towards the altar, and kneels thereat, whilst the choirs sing the hymn Veni Creator Spiritus; after which the Archbishop says a prayer or collect.

The anthem of "Zadock the Priest," &c. is then usually sung by the choir, In the mean time the King arises and goes to the altar, attended by the Lord Great Chamberlain, who disrobes his Majesty of the mantle and surcoat of crimson velvet: and King Edward's chair, with a footstool, being placed in the midst of the area before the altar, the King seats himself in it. The ampulla containing the consecrated oil, is now brought from the altar by the Dean of Westminster, who pours the oil into the spoon; and the several parts of the King's dress, which are closed with ribbands, being first opened by the Archbishop, he proceeds to anoint the King, in form of a cross: First, on the palms of his hands, saying, "Be these hands anointed with holy oil." Second, on the breast, saying, "Be this breast anointed," &c. Third, on both shoulders, and between the shoulders, saying, "Be these shoulders anointed," &c. Fourth, on the bowings of both his arms, saying, = "Be these arms anointed," &c. Lastly, on the crown of the head, saying, "Be this head anointed with holy oil, as


Kings and Prophets were, and as Solomon was anointed King," &c.

While the anointing is performed, a pall of cloth of gold is held over the Garter. When it is concluded, the King's head by four Knights of the Dean-lays the ampul and spoon again upon the altar; and the Archbishop, placing himself on the North side thereof, pronounces an invocation or prayer, the King kneeling.

The King now rises, and sits down in the chair; and the Dean of Westminster, having first dried all the places anointed, except the head and the hands, with cotton wool, closes again the places that were opened in his garments. Then a coif of lawn is delivered by the Lord Great Chamberlain to the Archbishop, aud by him placed upon the King's head, and linen gloves are also put on his hands; in the mean time a short anthem is sung by the choirs.

The Investing.-The Dean of Westminster now brings from the altar the Colobium sindonis*, then the Supertunica *, or close Pall, with the Girdle*, and the Buskins and Sandals *, of cloth of gold, with all which the King is successively invested. After this he brings the Spurs, and delivers them to the Lord Great Chamberlain, who, kneeling down, puts them on the King's heels. Then the Archbishop takes the Sword of State, in its scabbard of purple velvet, and laying it on the altar, says a prayer.

This being ended, the Archbishop, assisted by other Bishops, delivers the Sword into the King's hand, and the Lord Great Chamberlain then girds his Majesty with it, the Archbishop saying, "Receive this kingly sword, which is hallowed for the defence of the Holy Church," &c.

The King then arising, the Dean of Westminster takes the Armil from the Master of the Great Wardrobe, puts it about his Majesty's neck, and ties it to the bowings of his arms, the Archbishop saying, "Receive the Armil of sincerity and wisdom," &c.

Lastly, the Mantle or open Pall is delivered to the Dean, who puts it upon the King standing: his Majesty then sits down, and the Dean brings the Orb from the altar, which is delivered into the King's right hand by the Archbishop.

The King sits down again in King * Engraved in vol, XXXI, p. 346. Edward's

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