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20 August 1673.

Conveened the rector, principall, Mr. Patrick Gordon, Mr. Andrew
Massie, and Mr. Robert Forbes.

The quhilk day, the saids masters and members taking to ther consideration [the loss] the colledge might sustain, thorow the late death of Mr. Patrick Sandilands subprincipall, proceeded to the election of four procuratores nationum, according to the foundation for voceing in the election of ane subprincipall, and they did nominate and choose Mr. John Scougall commissar of Aberdene, Mr. Patrick Sibbald ane of the ministers in Aberdene, Mr. George Tod student in divinity in the said colledge, and Mr. David Sibbald doctor of the grammar schooll in Old Aberdene.

The said day, after some debate and mature deliberation, the masters and members of the colledge abovenamed, and the forsaid procuratores nationum, all in one voice did unanimouslie nominat elect and choose Mr. Andrew Massie one of the regents to be subprincipall of the said colledge and prebendar therin dureing his lyfetyme, and ordained the clerk with all convenience to write out his presentation according to the ordinar forme.

22 August 1673.

The said day, the masters and members forsaid taking into ther serious consideration the great loss and prejudice quhich the students and church of God does sustain thorow wanting of teaching and instructing the youth in the Hebrew and other orientall tongues, does unanimously think fit, and by thir presents orders and ordaines that in tyme comeing ther be ane profession of the said orientall tongues in the said colledge, and that by the advyce and consent of the right reverend father in God Patrick lord bishop of Aberdene chancellar of the said colledge and universitie; as also the forsaids masters and members being sufficiently convinced of the abilities and qualifications of Mr. Patrick Gordon humanist for exerceing and dischargeing the duetyes of the said profession, doe unanimouslie nominat and elect him to be professor of the Hebrew and other orientall tongues in the said colledge dureing all the dayes of his lyftyme; and for his pains and salarie in the exercise of the said function, it is recommended to the principall and remanent members to consider upon the colledge rents, that they may have ther thoughts mature and ripe befor the downsitting of the colledge next,

for determineing and measuring out the quota of the proportion therof allowable to him both at his entrie and for the future.

At the Bishops lodging on Fryday the 24th of October 1684, in presence of the right reverend father in God George lord bishop of Aberdein chancellour of the university, and Mr. James Scowgall commisser of Aberdein rector of the universitie, conveened Mr. Robert Forbes canonist, Dr. George Middleton subprincipall, Mr. Patrick Gordon humanist, Mr. John Buchan and Mr. George Fraser regents.

The which day, all the masters and members forsaid did unanimously nominate and elect of new the forsaid Mr. James Scowgal to continue rector of the university for the ensuing year; and Mr. Robert Forbes and Mr. George Fraser having been appointed to goe down to Dr. Alexander Middleton principall (who by reason of his weaknes and infirmity of body was not able to be present) to ask his judgement and vote concerning the same, did declare that the said Dr. Alexander did most cordially give his consent therto; and accordingly the said Mr. James was admitted with all the usual formalities therto.

Petition, Dr.


At the principalls house, on Monday the 27th of October, conveened the principall with all the members forsaid.

The which day, Dr. Alexander Middleton principall declared unto the Alex Middleton masters, that by reason of his old age and bodily infirmity he found himself altogether at present unable to discharge the duties of his office of principall, and therefore was most . . . desirous to . . . resigne his said office

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desiring only if it should happen that the said office of principall should vake again during his lifetime, either by the death or dimission of him that should be elected principall, the said Dr. Alexander should have free regress both to the said office and all the benefits and emoluments therof during all the dayes of his life; which desire the masters and members forsaid taking to their consideration judged upon many accounts to be reasonable. . . . The masters and members forsaid finding the said place and office of principall vacant by the forsaid dimission, did forthwith proceed to

Principal and

mitted by the


a new election according to the form prescribed in the fundation; and in
the first place did nominate and chuse fowre procuratores nationum, who ac-
cording to the custome and the statute of the fundation are to have votes in
the election of the prebends of the said colledge, videlicet, Dr. James Garden
professor of divinity for Lothian, John Halyburton sone to the bishop of
Aberdein and student in the said colledge for Angus, Archbald Forbes sone
to the lord Forbes student of the lawes for Aberdein, and Mr. George
Seaton preacher of the gospell in Old Aberdein for Murray; whiche foure
procuratores forsaid were appoynted and empowered to have vote not only
in the ensuing election of a principall, but in all the elections of any of the
prebends which should happen to vake for this ensuing year, and to dis-
charge all other offices and duties of procuratores, according to the funda-
tion, for the space of a year in tyme to come.

The procuratores forsaid having accepted and taken upon them the said office and promised fidelity therin, they together with the rector and all the rest of the masters present, electors according to the fundation, did unanimously and with one voyce, nemine contradicente, nominate and elect Dr. George Middleton present subprincipall of the said colledge to be principall.

At the Kings Colledge, on Twesday the 28th of October, in the prin-
cipalls chamber conveened George lord bishop of Aberdein chancellour
of the university, Mr. James Scowgall rector, together with all the rest
of the masters and members of the said colledge.

The which day, the forsaid reverend father having posed and interrogated subprincipalled all the masters and members forsaid whether they owned and adhered to bishop of Aler- all that hade been done the preceeding day anent the dimission of Dr. Alexander Middleton, and the elections of Dr. George Middleton and Mr. George Fraser to the offices of principall and subprincipall; and they all declaring with one voice that . . . without any other motive than the good of the colledge, they hade done all that was done, and that they firmly adhered therto; his lordship, in presence of the rector and all the masters forsaid, and many other witnesses, did with all the formalities usuall and requisite admitt the forsaid Dr. George Middleton and Mr. George Fraser


Act anent the

Principalls pub


to ther respective offices of principall and subprincipall, having administered to both of them the test and the fundation oath

The said day, also, the chancellour rector principall and remanent masters forsaid, taking to their consideration the present state and condition of the grammare schoole, found it absolutely necessary that an able and qualified young man should be appointed to attend and take charge of the same under Mr. Patrick Gordon present humanist, he not being so able now, by reason of his age, to attend so weell theron as formerly; and the said Mr. Patrick being posed what he would be content to allow off his sallary for the encouragement of such a young man, he did voluntarly proffer fourscore pounds Scotts and the whole benefite of the schoole; which the masters taking to their consideration, desired that the said Mr. Patrick would give out an hundreth pounds Scotts, and in contemplation of that other twenty pounds payed by him, he should have appropriated to him during all the terme of the payment therof the whole casualty and benefite of the colledge seall, which (as was supposed) might amount communibus annis to as much yearly as the forsaid twenty pounds. Which proposition the forsaid Mr. Patrick declared himself satisfied with, and promised to performe; and therfore it was recommended to all the masters to try out for a good able qualified young man for that effect.

At the Kings Colledge, on Monday the 19th of Januar 1685, in presence of the rector and all the maisters.

Doctor George Middleton did begin his publick lessons in theologie in lick lessons be the colledge church, and there in presence of all the doctors and students of divinity, and many others, hade his preliminary oration, de concordantiâ et reconciliabilitate Christianae religionis cum verâ et rectâ ratione.


At the Kings Colledge, on Monday the 9th of Februar 1685.

The rector principall and maisters, according to an appointment made Schoole visited. formerly theranent, did visit the grammare schoole, and found all things generally in very good order, and approved the maisters care and diligence,

Act relating to

kings death.

exhorting him to continue therin; and also encouraged such of the schollars as were the best proficients with premiums usuall in such cases.

At the Kings Colledge, on Saturnday the 14th of Februar 1685.

The sad newes having come of the death of his sacred majesty Charles the newes of the the 2nd of blessed memorie, and of the proclamation of our present gracious soveraigne James the 7th, it was appointed by the principall and maisters that tomorrow, being Sunday, the publick gates of the colledge should be all coloured black, and the colledge loft in the church should be all covered with black cloath, in testimony of our sorrow and mourning for the death of our dear and gracious soveraigue; as also that on Monday ther should be no lessons, but publick expressions of our joy and thanks for the proclamation of our present gracious king, by ringing of bells, bonefires, and other usuall solemnities in such cases; all which was done accordingly.

Act anent the time of the graduations.

Anent visiting

publick theses.

Anent timely

coming in to the laureation.

Mr. Androw Brown of Dalphington in the shyre of Clydsdaill, student of medicine, created bacheler and licentiate in medicine on the 15th of June 1685, and doctor in medicine on the following day, he having been examined by Dr. Urquhart in presence of the rector principall and masters.

At the Kings Colledge, on Monday the 6th of July 1685, conveened in the principalls chamber the principall and maisters.

Which day, it was appoynted that the ordinary graduations yearly should in all times coming be the first Twesday of July, except some unexpected impediment occurre.

The said day, also, it was appointed that no regent after this should putt his publick theses at the graduation of his schollars at the press, till first they should be given in in a publick meeting to the principall and all the maisters, to be visited and approven by them.

The said day, also, it was appointed that no schollar should be graduated at the publick laureation except he come in timously, at least a fortnight

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