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accept in good part divers relationes thereof, and sundry mens notes and observations thereuppon. And I, for my part, doe the rather trouble your Lordship with my letters att this tyme, because this occurrent (if all the circumstances thereof be true which uppon the first report are brought unto the State) doeth crosse my coming over this next terme, by interrupting the buysinesse wherein I should have been imployed.

For the accident, doubtlesse yt is true that they are imbarqued and gone with the most part of that companie of men, women, and children, which are named in the proclamation: yt is true they took shipping the fifth of this present moneth of September; that the Saterday before, the Earle of Tirone was with my Lord Deputie att Slane, where he had speech with his Lordship of his journey into England, told him he would be there about the beginning of Michaelmas Terme, according to his Majesty's directions; that he tooke his leave of my Lord Deputie in a more sad and passionate manner then he used at other tymes; that from thence he went to Mellefont, Sir Garrett Moores howse, where hee wept aboundantlie when he tooke his leave, giving a solemne farewell to every child and every servant in the howse, which made them all mervayle, because it was not his manner to use such complements: from thence, on Sunday, hee went to Dundalke, on Munday hee went to Dungannon, where he rested two whole daies: on Wensday night, they say, he travailed all night with his impediments (I meane the women and children), and yt is likewise reported that the countesse, his wife, being exceeding wearie, slipt downe from her horse, and, weeping, said shee could goe noe farther, whereuppon the Earle drewe his sword and swore a great oath, that hee would kill her in the place if she would not passe on with him and putt on a more cheerefull countenance withall; yet the next daie, when he came neere Loughfoyle, his passage that way was not soe secret but the Governor there had notice thereof, and invited him and his sonne to dinner, but theire hast was such as they accepted not that courtesie; but

they went on and came that Thursday night to Raghmullan, a towne on the west side of Loughswilly, where the Earle of Tireconnell and his companie mett him. There they tooke some beeves from one Frauncys White, an Englishman, and killed them for their provision. There, also, the Earl of Tireconnell sent for the foster father of his brother Caffer O Donell's sonne, willing him to bring the child with him: he presently repaired with the child towards the place where the Earles lodged, but being mett by the way by the Baron of Dungannon and Caffer O Donnell himself, they tooke the infant violentlie from him, which terrefied the foster father so as he escaped by the swiftnes of his horse, theire horses being tired with travailing. Of this child they have a blind and superstitious prophecie, because hee was borne with sixe toes uppon one foote; for they affirme that one of their saints of Tirconnell hath prophecied that when such a one, being of the sept of O Donnell, shalbe borne, hee shall drive all the English out of Ireland.

But nowe the great question is, whether these travailors have directed there course.

The common voice and opinion is, that they are gone into Spayne. The reasons and presumptions are these

First, Sir Cormacke McBaron O Neale, the Earle of Tirones brother, brought the first newes of theire departure, and reported that the Earle his brother sent one O Hagatt unto him, who perswaded him to accompanie his brother into Spaine, but hee would not bee moved by his perswasions, but presentlie made his repaire to the state to accquaint my Lo. Deputie with this accident. Howbeit yt was noted that Sir Cormacke had his private ende in this; for, withall, he was an earnest suitor to have the custodia of his brothers country, which perhapps might bee to his brothers use by agreement betwixt them; and therefore, for this and other causes of suspicion, the Constable of the Castle of Dublin hath the custodia of them.

Next, it is said that McGuyre, whoe hath been lately in

Spayne, came in the shipp wherein they are imbarqued, disguised like a mariner, and that Florence O Mulconnor, the Popes titulary bishop of Tuam and a pensioner of Spayne, came alsoe in that shipp from the coast of Flaunders. If this be true, yt is to be presumed that those men brought some message out of Spaine, whereby the Earles were invited to come thither.

Againe, the Earle of Tirconnell hath no licence nor other pretence to goe into Scotland or into England, but hath been noted of late for his extreme discontentment, and suspected for some treasonable practises, so as hee hath no place to direct his course unto but Spaine, which doeth receave all the discontented persons of this kingdome.

Againe, it is certen that Tirone, in his heart, doeth repine at the English government in his cuntry, where, untill his last submission (as well before his rebellion as in the tyme of his rebellion), hee ever lived like a free Prince, or rather like an absolute tyrant there. But now the lawe of England and the ministers thereof were shackles and handlockes unto him, and the garisons planted in his country were as prickes in his side. Besides, to evict any part of that land from him, which hee hath heretofore held after the Irish manner, making all the tenants thereof his villaines (though the troth bee, that for one moyetie of his country, att least, hee was either a disseisor of the BBs of Armagh and Clogher, or an intruder uppon the Kinges possession), this was as greevous unto him as to pynch a way the quicke flesh from his bodie.* Theis thinges, doubtles, have bred discontentment in him; and now his age and his burthned conscience, which no absolution can make altogether cleare, have of late increased his melancholie, so as he was growen very pensive and passionate, and the friers and priests perceaving it, have wrought mightily uppon his passion. Therefore it may bee hee hath harkned to some pro

*For these Irish lords in all ages did make more prayes of lands then of cowes, and were indeed prædones terrarum, as the poet speaketh of Alexander the Great-fælix terrarum prædo.-Note in the handwriting of Sir John Davys.

ject of treason which he feareth is discovered, and that feare hath transported him into Spaine. For it hath been told my Lord Deputie that as he now passed through his country, hee said to some of his followers that if hee went into England hee should either be perpetual prisoner in the Tower, or els loose his head and his members, meaning (as I take it) hee should have the judgement of a traytor.

Theis are the arguments of theire departure into Spaine.

On the other side others have been of opynion that they are gone into Scotland, for which they make this reason. It hath been confidently reported all this summer that Sir Randall McSurley, whoe hath maried the Earle of Tirone's daughter and hath good alliance and acquaintance in Scotland, hath for the space of 4 or 5 monethes past been treating with the Erle of Argile for a mariage between the Baron of Dungannon and the Earle of Argiles daughter; that they descended to articles of agreement which were transmitted to the Erle of Tirone, and hee liked well thereof.

It was likewise said that the Earle of Tirone intended this summer to see the consummation of the mariage. There is not any Irishman in the north that hath not heard of this intended match; for the common newes amongst them was that Mc O Nele should marrie the daughter of McRallyn, for soe the Scottishe Irish call the Earle of Argile. In the meane tyme the Earle of Tirone is sent for into England to receave order in the cause between him and O Chane, or rather betwixt him and the King's Maty touching the title of O'Chanes country; and hee is directed by the King's letters to attend att Court about the begining of Michaelmas terme. The Lord Deputie gives him notice of his Matys pleasure, and willeth of him to prepare himself for that journey. Accordingly hee levies monies among his tenants to defray his chardges in England, repayreth to the Lord Deputie, taketh his leave solemnely, and returneth into Tirone.

From hence, say they, it is likely hee resolved to passe into England thorough Scotland, and to conclude the marriage by the

waie, because hee wrote an expresse letter to his sonne (which letter is since come the hands of the Lord Deputy) willing him to prepare and furnish himself with apparell fitt for that occasion. Hee taketh in his companie the Earle of Tirrconnell and his brother, both uncles to the Baron of Dungannon, and Sr Neale Garve O Donell's wife, his aunt, for O Donell's sister was mother to the Baron. Theis, with the Countesse of Tirone, and the Earle of Tirones principall followers, are likely persons to be present at the marriage.

Uppon all this matter some have collected a probable presumption that he is gone into Scotland.

Againe they make argumentes concluding negatively that hee is not gone into Spaine.

First, because he hath reported often since hee was receaved to grace that, during his late rebellion the King of Spayne made plaine demonstration that hee held but a contemptible opynion of him, for (said hee) when we expected a royall aid from him, and great store of crownes to supplie our wants, the priests and frieres that came unto us brought us hallowed beades and poore counterfeit jewelles, as if wee had been pettie Indian kinges that would be pleased with threepenny knives and chaines of glasse, and the like beggerlie presents.

Againe he hath ever been noted to bee subtle, foxelike and craftily wise in this kind, and therefore it were straunge that he should quitt an Earledome and soe large and beneficiall a territory for smoake and castles in the aire; and that, being posseste of a country quietlie, hee should leave the possession to trie if hee could wynne yt againe by force.

Lastlie, hee hath carried with him a trayne of barbarous men, weomen and children to the number of 50 or 60 persons: if he meane to make them appeare like persons of good qualitie, they will presentlie spend all his Alhallowtide rent, which he hath taken up by waie of anticipation; but yf hee shall carry them thorough the country in the fashion and habit wherein nowe they

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