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27. I heard that Petgauni had resolvd on suffering, had wryten his experienc, and was confirmd.

October 1.-Die Dom. I purposd to stay at hom, partli to declin the ill-will and rag of men, partli I heard Mr. James was doubtful if he should preach onli becaus mali wer waiting, he would giv them a word som tym of the day and partli to declin observation and confluenc.

8. Die Dom. Main cam heir, and told me of his wyf's sicknes: that honest men wer summond to Aberdeen. How few that stuck to the old principls. In the West, men wer looking for the worst.

13.--I kept at Forres betwix Innes and Bucki, and efter visited the E. of M. and his son Al He apeird neir death.

14. We met at Dyk again anent Bucki and Innes; but it took not effect. This day, Al, the E. of M. his child, died. I did not perceav death to be so neir. I desird to simpathiz with thes that mourn. Let the Lord turn it to ther good that ar concernd in it. I heard the child had som inclination towards the best things.

I heard that the Chapter and ministers of this Sinod wer stumbld at Mr. Atkins who was namd to be Bishop, and at his excomunication, and had sent Mr. Hugh Fraser south to the Bishop of St. Androes anent it.

15.-Die Dom. Ther was noe preaching at Penick, and I did not goe to Knok[oudi]. It is the eshewing danger that hinderd me from Knok [oudi.] The L Duffus and his ladi wer at Granghil yesternight. I heard that the E. of M. his son Al" was to be buried this efternoon, and I thoght it fit, albeit not desird, to goe to it. . . . I rejoicd to hear that the child died. weil, and from my hart desirs it may turn to the good of the parents and the famili.

18. I was told that my Son was in danger by a coldnes contracted in his feet, thighs. I desir to be duli affected with it, and to know what the Lord cals me to, what he saies to me by it. It's tru my lyf is bound up in his lyf, in a sort. But I desir grac to be denid to al things for Thee, to be subdud to Thy will; to offer an Isaac, if Thou cal for it.

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23.-My Son was not weil, and took bedd this night. I could not but be deipli affected with ani thing that befals him. He is of al creaturs deirest to me, yet sur not dearer than Isaac was to Abraham, yet he acquiescd, and


The L. of Calder cam heir and Achinbreak with him. He broght me a letter from my L. Argyll for the lend of money. I was pusld with it: on the one part I had lov to him and his familie, and to the father's memorie: I had bein beholden to him at London in my freind's buisines, and I desir not to be unthankfull. On the other part, I am unsatisfied with his government and the guiding his effairs, wasting his estat on trifls and things unnecessar. All that I am worth could not hold up his superfluities. Next, he is noe good debtour; he has not payd his oun or his father's debt; and I neid not expect better.

30.—My son continued in distemper, yet he thoght himself fre of a feaver. I walkd out efternoon, and did meit with Mr. Will. Falconar. He desird to hav sein my son, but I declind it. Examin my convers with him. Is it not over open and familiar? Yet my hart condems me not, but that's not enogh to liberat me. . . . Tho. Gord. was heir al night. I heard how officious the Lords wer in Aberdeen and Banf against the nonconformists. Mr. James Urquhart had com heir. I willd him to com again, that he might communicat with my son on the cace of his soul.

31.-Mr. Th. Hogg and Petgauni cam heir, and Coulbin. I said to Mr. T. H. that I desird, if it wer the will of God, rather to be removd than my son. But I am ashamd of the word, and desir to repent and mourn for it; it was from unsubdudnes, inordinatnes, rebelion, prid, prescriving to God. I renounc and disclaim, and desirs no will, no chois, but to resign my will to His will. Nov. 3.-1 heard that the Chapter delayd to choos Aitkins to be Bishop,a becaus he stood excommunicat. But the votes wer equal except one. 4. The Ladi Newmor visited us. She said, she was glad to sie me, and in som respect sorri that I was oft cast up to her and my Ladi Rothes, becaus we heard. I said, Evri one has ther measur, all sie not alyk clearli: som ar under a cloud in things that others ar clear in. She said, she durst not hear, unless she marrd her oun peace, and she had peace in not hearing; and she hopd it should not be the wors with her husband of that. She had

* See note, p. 366.

aprehension of much troubl quhen she resolvd first against hearing; but she thankd God who had caried her throgh. She told me, that ther was a warrand to transport Mr. Th. Ross and Mr. Jh. M'Culigan, and she was much affected with it.

9.-Mr. Hugh Anderson cam by, and told me of Seaforth his kindnes to him, and that he heard he was to be summond for the sacrament which they had ther, and that Mr. J. M'Gulican was cald for.

Sir Geo. M'Kenzie wryt to me that he was against feild conventicles, that indulgenc to other meetings may be had.

10. Spini visited us. He told me, that the E. of M. and the rest wer to hold courts on the nonconformists: That Petgauni would be one of them that would be first summond: That my freinds would in appearanc be cald. I said, The countre was peacabl, and now ther was noe troubl: a poor man or two now and then spok a word: what did this troubl the peace? He told me, Mr. James Urquhart would be cald in question: the E. was angri at him for the publick baptizing his child. He told me of Coultfeld's indiscreit expressions of the Ladi Murray. He spok of the meetings at Elgin. I said, I did not allow them, yet new they wer not. He said, It was said, that I might keip al my freinds in ordour. I said, It was far from me, and I could not command thes in my oun hous. I said, The E. of Murray might soon help al this, and he would be thoght the author of it, and that he drew on the employment on himself, and might doe in it what he pleasd. 11.—Elizabeth Innes, my nephew's wyf cam yesternight to visit us.


I purposd the next day, if the Lord will, to be humbld befor the Lord under the rodd which lies on my son and my familie. 2. Under the blast coming on by the E. of M. against Petgauai, Mr. James Urquhart, and others; and know not what the Lord may appoint me to com under. 12. Die Dom. My Son continu'd under sicknes. . . . Ladi Leathin spok a word. I said, It was sad to want public ordinances and the occasions of worshipping God with others. She said, Thes men took oaths, and should not be conntenaned, they seik noe mor but to hear them.

14.—I did reflect on thes gracious men whom I had known, Waristoun, Al. Jafrey, Mr. Ja. Guthre, Mr. Sam. Rutherford, and was readi to stumbl, not at ther suffering, had it been clearli, and for pure truth, but infirmities, darknes.

16.-Commissioner M'Kenzi cam to me and din'd, told me his father had

bidden him shew me the Commission Court was to sit at Elgin this day 20 days, and offerd kindnes. We did confer with Petgauni anent his staying or going away, and thoght it fitt he should retyr a lit quhil, till we saw what they designd and required. I had mor latitud than he in several things. Lord! guid my latitud and his tendernes.

17.-This day, Petgauni parted from us at Leathin, purposing to goe south. . . . The desir of my soul to Godward accompani him, and "the angel of his presence" guid him. Milton cam with me al night I told him, it is lyk he would be summond. He said, He would ward it of as long as he could, but if he could not, he would resolv to suffer, if the Lord would. He had no inclination to hear, for he did not profit by them. Let the Lord give him light and strenth.

My Son continud veri weak, but seimd to recover a litl.

19. Die Dom I staid at hom: partli my Son's sicknes, and partli the storm, and the danger of the tym, to declin ther furi.

20. I heard from Sir Lod. Gord. that the E. of M. was bent on the comission against nonconformists, and exprest himself against Mr. James Urquhart. He pretended authoriti and law. Lord! what shal I answer to this? Thy law has noe place.

I heard Mr. M'Culikan and Mr. Jhon Stewart preachd yesterday at Knockoudie.

22.-The L. of Innes elder cam heir, and din'd. I observd b I rest veri strang and shie as to the Comission; as if he knew not what they minded to doe. He said they would medl with the chaplains that wer disconform, and with John Dumbar in Elgin. But he thoght they would not med with ani other. He did chid me for consenting to Grange to goe south and disput with the M. of Huntli for the offic.

26. Die Dom. This morning I had som reasonings in my mind anent the differs and the causes of this suffering at this tym, and what I had to say, if I wer cald befor them. . . . Introduction and toleration of poprie, a profain ministri and ignorant, such as Mr. Ja. Gordoun, Thorntoun, and enogh besid, that ar in esteem, albeit the most profligat of men: Ar thes tokens of good?

23. I heard that the hous of Glams was brunt: that the Captain of Clan

a Brodie of Miltoun.

Short-hand in MS.

Renold's freinds had hangd a priest for debauching his Ladi by unclean


24.-L. Duffus and Innes visited my son. Dr. Gord. told me, the E. of M. was in a great passion against the nonconformists.

25.-Tho. Gord. and B. Brodie wer heir. . . . Tho. Gordoun told me, he and other wer summond to the Court for conventicls, and I desird to simpathiz with him and others.

27. I heard Mr. J. M'Culikan was sent south by Seaforth: That Mr. Th. Hog yesterday had bewaild som that complied over far with the conformists. He said, Strangers should tread on the land, and monarchs should goe on foot, and servants ryd on horsback, for oppression, &c. I desird to examin if he pointed at me. Lord! bore my ear, and bow my hart, and keip me out of snars. He said, He was never a cald minister that could not say, "The things which we hav sein with our eys, heard with our ears, and our hands have handld the word of lyf."

I sent to visit Petgaunie's wyf.

28.-Ther was a great astonishment at the commission against Conventicls, som purposing to flee, som to appeir. Lord! tak care of thes scaterd poor ones, and bring them yet together. I wryt to Calder anent Mr. Jhon M'Culikan.

29.-Mr. Hugh Anderson cam heir from Aberdeen : Told me that Mr. Jhon Menzies was not farr from taking a Bishoprick, if it wer sore prest on him, but hitherto had refusd it.


I did efternoon visit the E. of M. and his Ladi, but with much reluctanci, for I feard snars, and my oun weaknes and his violenc; but the Lord ordourd it so that he broght me back in safti. He told me, they had noe purpos to medl with me, if I would be peacabl, and weil conditiond. exprest himself against the Ladi Burgi, Mr. James Urquhart, and Mr. Thomas Hog, and Cath. Colace. As the Lord helpd me I spok for them, but could not excus ther imprudenci.

30. I did visit the Ladi Grang, Main's wyf, and cam to Elgin, and went to the burial of Geo. Dunbar of Aslisk, and to Petgauni at night, and Miltoun with me. I heard that Pluscarden had died on Monday, at night, the 27 instant, and had matter to be humbl'd under in his death. I found great distres and doubt among the poor honest peopl ther, anent ther compeiranc, and what to doe; and I was dark, and knew not what to adviz them to, but

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