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The said day, Mr. Georg Nicolsone of Clunie did declaire that hee was content to adhere to the office as civilist, and to teache conforme to the fundatione; but the affaires of the colledge being now in agitatione, and he not haueing provided ane accomodatione for himself and famelie to reside at Aberdeine, and to discharge his dewtie for this winter, wpone thess considerationes the meeting haue granted licence to the said Mr. Georg Nicolsone two moneths to goe and stay at Edinburgh for clearing anie affaires of the colledge, and leaving power to the chancellar the bishope, to grant licence for the other two monethes of the sessione, if the colledge affaires shall requyre it.

The meeting appointed that the members of the colledge should agree amongst themselfes as to the observeing of the colledge table by day, and keeping of the colledge by night.

The meetting appointed that no rectorall meetting should be called, but by the chancellar, till the next meeting of the visitatione; at quhich tyme the power of the rector is to be more fullie considdered.

The meetting appointed that the colledge should haue ther accompts readie against the next dyet of the visitatione, which is appointed to be the second Twysday of Aprill next; and the accompts to be givine in to Elsick and Kinnadie two moneths befor the meetting, that they may revise them, and be readie to give ane accompt at the visitatione.

At Old Aberdeine, the tuelth day of Aprill 1681.

In ordour to the foresaid commissione, ware present the bishope of Aberdeine, provest of Aberdeine, Mr. Patrick Sibbald.

And ther being not ane quorum, did adjourne ther meeting to Frydday the fyfteint instant.

At Old Aberdeine, the 15 Aprill 1681.

Convenit with the bishope of Aberdeine lord Kintore, laird of Elsicke, Kinnadie.

And adjourned till the first Twysday of September next.

At Old Aberdeine, the sext day of September, being the first Twysday of the said moneth.

Conveenit with the bishope Mr. Patrick Sibbald, none of the rest of the visitatores being present.

And adjourned to the thrid Twysday of October in the forenoon, at ten of the clock.

16 October, 1681, beeing the thrid Twysday therof, no meeting.

Commission of Visitation, 1681.

At the colledge Marischall of Aberdeine, the 22 of October 1681. In reference to the commissione granted be our soveraigne lord for visitatione of the universities of old and new Aberdeine, conveened the lord Pitmeddene, provest of Aberdeine, laird of Elsicke, Kinnaldie, Mr. Patrick Sibbald, Mr. Robert Reid, Mr. Robert Bruce, and the said commissione being publictlie read, quhairby the earle Marshal is appointed to preside; thee said noble earle beeing necessarlie absent, did thairfore referre the next dyet of meetting to the said noble erle.

Act of Privy Council.

Edinburgh, the tenth day of March, 1685. Forasmuch as the lords of his majesties privy councill are certanlie informed that there hath been severall indignities done to, and abuses committed by, some of the students of the kings colledge of Old Aberdein, and their accessories and assistants, upon the masters of the said colledge; and the saids lords, being resolved to prevent and crub such insolencies and abuses for the futur, doe hereby requyre and command all magistrates, where any universities and colledges are, and all shireffs and other magistrats nearest therto, upon any tumult, abuse, or insolence committed by the students thereof, or their assistants and accessories, furthwith to use their outmost power and endeavour for curbeing and

compessing the same, and bringing these guilty thereof to condigne punish-
ment, as the masters of the universities or colledges respective shall impose;
as they will answer to the contrar on their perrill. Extracted by me,
Will. Paterson, clericus secreti concilii.

Act of the Lords Commissioners of the Visitation anent the choosing of the Rector.

Att Edinburgh the first day of March M vi fourscore seven years. The lords commissioners appointed by his majesty for visitation of the severall universities and colledges within this kingdome taking to their serious consideration the frequent and manifold confusions disorders and abuses committed in the severall universities and colledges within this kingdome, by choosing of unfitt persons to be rectors in the severall universities and colledges; for preventing wherof for the future the saids lords do ordain that in tyme coming none be capable of being chosen rector within the university of St. Andrews but one of the principalls of the thrie colledges, they being the heads of the severall societies, as was in use to be done befor the late troubles and rebellion; and that in the other universities which consist of single colledges none be capable of being chosen rectors who are subordinat to the authority and jurisdiction of the respective principalls of the saids societies; and referrs to the commissioners of the particular visitations to consider and give ther opinion concerning the method and maner of election of the said rector in all tyme coming. Extracted by me

Ro. Lawsone clericus.

Acts made by the Commission of Parliament, appointed for visiting and regulating the Universities and Colledges of this kingdome of Scotland, conforme to their commission granted by their majesties, king William and queen Mary, and the Estates of Parliament, to the persones therin named for that effect, of the date the fourth day of July, one thousand six hundred and nyntie yeares.

At Edinburgh, the twenty-seventh day of September, M. vie and nynty


Anent the tryall
of the regents
at their admis-

The lords and others of the commission of parliament, appointed for visi- sion.

tation of universitys colledges and schoolls, taking to their consideration how necessar it is that the universities and colledges within this kingdom be provided with pious learned and well qualified masters and regents, and that in all time coming none be admitted masters or regents of the saids universities and colledges but such as are so qualified; and to the effect that their qualifications may be the better known, the lords and others of the aforsaid commission doe hereby statute enact and declare, that in all time coming no regent or master of a class (albeit they have ane presentation therto) be admitted or receaved in any universitie or colledge within this kingdome, without an previous tryall and program to be affixt upon the gates of the university or colledge into which he is to be received, inviting all persons to be present and dispute for the place; and in case at the day affixt any person compear and offer to dispute with the person swa presented upon any problematicall subject, it is hereby declared that he shall be holden and obleist to dispute with any person swa offering to compete, and alse that he undergo ane tryall by examination or otherways, as the judges of the said university or colledge shall think fitt; and which judges, at adviseing of the dignity and merit of the parties competing, are to consider not only the abilities and learning of the said parties, but also their piety, good life and conversation, their prudence, fitness for the place, affection for the government of church and state now established, and their other good qualifications complexdly; and the party most worthie is to be preferred to the said place. And in case any master or regent shall hereafter be receaved into any of the saids universities or colledges, without undergoing the forsaid tryall by program and dispute in case of competition, their admission is hereby declared void and null; with this provision always, that the principalls professors of divinity and others professors in the saids universities and colledges shall not be holden to undergo any such tryall at their admissions, but that they shall be presented admitted and received as formerly. Extracted furth of the records of the said commission of parliament by me James Hamilton, clerk to the said commission. Ja. Hamiltone.

Commission granted by the royal commissioners for visitation of the universities to a committee of their own body, to visit the King's college and Marischal college of Aberdeen, on the 15th of October next, in respect that the committee appointed to visit them, on the 27th of August last, did not meet, on account of the troubles that were in and about Aberdeen at that time. 27th September, 1690.

Att the Kings Colledge of Aberdeen, the fyfteint day of October M vic and nyntie yeiris, conveined ane noble earle George earle Marishall, the viscount of Arbuthnott, the lord Elphinstone, the master of Forbes, and the laird of Broddie, appointed for the visitatione of the tuo colledges of Old and New Aberdein, conforme to the acts warrants and commissiones underwreiten, direct to them and the other members therin nominat for that effect.

The said day, the committie forsaid, efter swearing and subscriveing the oath of alleadgeance to ther majesties, king Williame and queen Marie, and the certificate and assureance, caused read ane act of parliament for visitatione of the haill universities, colledges, and schooles within this kingdome, dated at Edinburgh the fourth day of Julii, M. vic and nyntie; and also ane commissione direct be the lords and others commissioners, appointed be the forsaid act of parliament for visiting of the saids universities, colledges, and schoolls, to the committie or their quorum therin named, appointed for visiting of the universities and colledges of Aberdein, and the haill schoolls in which Latine is taught, within the bounds of the shirrefdomes of Aberdein, Kincardine, Inverness, Nairne, Cromertie, Banff, Orkney, Zetland, Sutherland, Kathness, Elgine, and Ross, of the date the twentie-fyft day of Julii last bypast; lykas, ane warrant be the saids commissioners for visitatione of universities, for citting of principallis, professores, regents, and masters of colledges and schoolls within the forsaid bounds befor the said committie at Aberdein, upon the tuentie-seventh day of August last; which warrant is dated the tuentie-fyft day of Julii last bypast; sicklyke ane extract of prorogatione of the commissione above writtine, direct by the saids commissioners to the said committie, with additione of the persones therin named, for visiting of the saids two colledges of Aberdein, wherby its declaired that

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