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15.-Mr. Jhon Heburn cam, [and] dind heir; and my brother cam heir from Edinburgh this evening.

27.-Petgouni and his wyf, and B. Brodi cam heir. I kept them al day, and spok somthing of the supplying the honest indigent parsons among us. Let the Lord warm my hart with his love. . . . I heard that Thorntoun had preachd at Elgin laitli, and had causd much tendernes and weeping among them. I am readi to be shaken at the gifts of a

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May 1.-Henrie Lochhead cam heir yesternight. I heard how it was with the honest peopl at Glasgow. He said, they would scarc keip compani with thes that heard the ordinari teachers. Lord! I desir to ponder this word. He told me, that Mr. Jhon Spreul had given him a paper to be showen for paying a ransom for som honest men, that wer given to the French Captains. Lord! inlarg my hart.

6.- I heard that mani honest men of the best note, wer imprisoned at Glasgow by Atholl, and others that wer on the commission, becaus they would not by ther oath clear themselus from being at Conventiels. I desird to sympathiz with them, and to be burthend with ther suffering.

7. Die Dom. In regard of the storm, and the E. of M. his being heir, I did refrain from Penick this day. . . . I heard the Bishop's wyf died on the 5 instant.

8.—This day was for the burial of the Bishop's wyf, but I was not cald to it and also the burial of a son of William Cumings of Craigmil at Aldern: I went ther. . . . I past this efternoon with Mr. James Urquhart, and I found som kindlings. Oh! soon it is extinguished.

10. The L. Doun and Duffus cam heir, and dind. Mr. Al Ker cam, and my daughter-in-law desird to be frie of his companie. I therfor sufferd him to goe. But I cannot approv this strictnes.

14.-Die Dom The Lord gave some liberti in the familie, morning. I heard Mr. James Urquhart on James 1. 12. "Blest is the man who endurs temptation.”

15. My daughter went to sie the Ladi Kilr[avock] who was sick of a feaver. I did go to Leathin about his effairs, and found my own, and others corruption in advizing.

16.--- I staid at Leathin this night, and next day did visit my old uncl at Balivat.

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18.-I heard of the Ladi Kil[ravock] her danger, and desird to bear burthen with her. I was cald to Leathin to meit Grant: I commit my soul to God: and efter som things don ther, and setting Balivat to James Steuart, I went to sie the Ladi Kilr. and found [her] at the dor of death, speechless, and having lost al sence. . . . I desir to be exercisd under this rod, and besoght the Lord to spar her, even for his own glori, and for the good and comfort of others, and to simpathiz with her. Innes and his Ladi wer advertizd, but cam not.

20. This day, the good ladi Kilraok died. This is a stroak which I desir to understand. . . . Is it not matter of mourning and humiliation, quhen the righteous ar taken away, shal we not consider and lay it to hart? 2. Quhen the cheif amongst us for affection and zeal ar plukd away. 3. Quhen thus taken away, not lookd for, without ani expression or word, nay scare a word spoken with her to God, quhilst she lay, nor a word from her. 4. How great the loss to the poor distrest folk in thes places, ministers and others ther tru Dorcas, and mor, "a mother in Israel:" ther refuge. Who shal tak care now of them? Lord! rais up others. Hast Thou not the residu of the Spirit? They ar now wholli cast on Thee; noe less then her children and famili. . . . What will ther be in that familie qnhair she was placd, and Thou wast servd?

The harts of -b and naghti men ar made glad. Lord! turn ther joy to disappointment. They that fear Thee ar smytten, and ther harts made sadd. Bring forth meat out of the eater: in the flour of her age taken away; about 36 or 38 year of age. I observ'd thus it fared with the Ladi Park, my neic: the Ladi Wigtoun: even quhen Thou had done ther souls good, and quhen they wer made fitt to do good to others, snatched away. I desird to be set apart next day for solemn humiliation, under the Lord's hand upon his church, and us, in this strok.

24.-The Mr. of Saltoun's son cam heir. He told me, that the Bishop of St. Androes had exprest himself against me sharpli; that Achinedden told. him this. . . . I heard that the Duk of York had communicated at the Mass, and not with the King. The comission of the Councel was sitting at Aberdeen upon the conventiels.

25.-I was cald to the burial of the good Ladi Kilraok. . . . The

a See p. 282, note


Short-hand in MS.

burial was don with peac and quietnes, and confluenc of peopl. Innes soght to hav had the children with him. I mov'd it; but Kilraok delayd it. . . . I was desird to goe to Kilraok to confer of his condition.

Duffus and Tarbet cam heir at night. Albeit I get litl good by ther compani, yet I was content to be under friendship with al men. . . .


26.— . . . Mr. Duncan Cuming was heir, and yong Both's wyf. I did sie mor of forwardnes and zeal in him, then I could attain unto, in auersnes from Bishops, and thes that conformd under them. I desird him to tell honest men in the south, that I did not com up ther lenth, therfor I hopd they would not stumbl at me. I cannot count the Church noe Church, nor the officers noe officers, albeit much sinful corruption mixd in the gouernTarbet said, He would have the church gouernment terminat in one person. 2. That he held Bishops to be successors to the Apostls. 3. Presbyters to hav a consultiv, but noe decisiv voic. 4. Bishops should hav noe ciuil places or dignities. 5. Should not be chosen by the King, but elected by others that can discern and tri them. 6. Would not hav them subject to Presbyters, but to thes of ther oun degree. Lord! let not this leven leaven me. I saw a lyn from Mr. R. Martin to my brother, which informd him that I was ill reported at Court, and my famili greatli taken notic of, and that for conventicles highli: that enterest could not be carried on heir but by me, and we ar forgetful of former favours.

28.-Die Dom. I find a great auersnes from suffering, and staggering, feard to lose lyf or estat, and feard that my fear must blind and mislead me. I hold it not only lawfull, but a duti not to abandon thes honest Ministers that hav stuck and cleaven to the reformation, and chosen to suffer for that truth of gouernment, and against Prelacie, as it is constitut amongst us. If the Lord would strenthen me, I would desir a willing mind to confess the Lord, and this truth and duti, in the persuasion and faith of his allowanc, and approbation, and acceptanc of me in my suffering. But I cannot hold it unlawfull to hear thes who conform, and compli with the alteration. 2. My affection is towards thes that conform not, and to whoes sinceriti my hart and conscienc gives a testimoni beyond the others. But I cannot disclaim others from being officers; albeit ther be corruption in ther admission, and in ther exercis of the offic, yet sureli this does not unminister them. I dar not either.

Dunbar of Bothe.


approv the withdrawing from them, and the rest. . . . 3. I questioned whether I might not safli use means to declin the croce, and to ward of the wrath of the Lords and the Magistrat. Oh! suffer me not to use unlawful means. Let not self lov, witt, craft, timrousnes, unbeleef, corrupt my mind, but indu with the spirit of sound knowledg, fortitud, patienc, stedfastnes, tendernes, faith, mortification, and spiritual wisdom and understanding. . . . 4. Shall I begin and hear Mr. William Falconar? Shall I brother, and cause him -- South? Shall I wryt to Seaforth, or Argyl, and put them on it to clear and vindicat me? 5. Shall I forbear to hear that honest minister Mr. James Urquhart for a tym, seing the storm is lyk to fall out on me cheifly, and that they lay the blame upon me of ani meetings that are heir? 6. What counsel shall I giv to my Son? Shall I expose myself and my famili to this imminent danger at this tym? What is Thy will, what is duti? A grain of sound faith would solve all thes questions. 29.-I intended to hav gon in and heard Mr. Wm. preach this day: not out of any superstition or esteem of the day but not thinking it sinful, I intended to remov som preiudice of myself, as if I wer wholli against hearing of thes who conform. Quhen I had gon the lenth of Dyk, and the bell-ringing, I turnd asid, and lookd up to God for direction; and after som strugling I did wholli forbear, lest I should stumbl and offend honest men, in hearing, and contenancing ther holi days, both at once.



June 3.-I heard that the Lord Dounb had fled from his father's hous yesternight, about 11 at night, and they knew not quhair he was. . . . The Earl of Muray is swimming in welth, and honour, and increas, aud does what he will; yet this gal is mixd to allay this prosperiti. Mv daughter-in-law did goe to sie my Ladi Murray. I inclind to it also, to simpathiz with her in sinceriti, albeit I hav litl acceptance of them.

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I heard my uncl Francis was drawing near his end; that he had noe desir of Mr. James Urquhart's compani, for he did slak his grounds. I desird to hav him on my hart, and to remember his cace to God, if he be on lyf.

4.- Die Dom. This day was rogh, and Mr. Ja. did not speak, so that I

a Short-hand in MS.

Alexander, fourth Earl of Murray, succeeded to the title and estates in 1653. He married Emilia, daughter of Sir William

Balfour; and survived till 1st November, 1700. His eldest son, above mentioned, James Lord Doune, predeceased him in 1685.

staid at hom. I had inclinations to hav gon and heard Mr. Wm. Falconer, to giv som countenanc to the publick worship, albeit not to the person. 2. Albeit he be but weak gifted and enter'd not in by a cleanli way, yet I dar not disclaim him as no minister. They may be lawful ministers that ar not either faithful, or yet sufficiently gifted, and whoes entri is not so cleanly.

6. I did visit the Ladi Murray, and did express my indignation at her son's folli. I invited him to com doun next day.

7.--The L. Doun and Spini din'd heir. I desird to doe it to God, if possibl to divert the yong man, and to hav som simpathie with his mother.

8. I did goe to Penick and met with Mr. Ja.; but alac! I did not profit by communication with him. I read a letter from Mr. T. Ross, nor did I profit by it, for the maiter in question maks distance. Grant cam heir, and went to Leathin efter supper. Mr. Tho. Ross from the Ladi Kilrs death. 1. The righteous taken away from the evel. ...

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9.—I was cal'd to a meeting with Grant and Connag. He is a man difficil to deal with. I visited Kinsteri, and Mr. T. Hogg. He shew me Innes letter and aknowledgment. I thoght him too rigid in the marks of saving grac, and as to the stat of men. I fear he may be in an errour; and I fear my oun weaknes may be on the other extremiti. Lord! pitie both him and me, and inclin our hearts to one another in the Lord. I heard that the E. of M. had informd against me, and that Seaf[orth] spok for me.

11. Die Dom. Ther was noe sermon at Penick, throgh Mr. Ja. his sicknes. . . . Leathin cam heir this night, and went to Elgin with me on Monday to a trist betwix Innes and Buckie. . . . I did visit old Ladi Dufus and her husband. I did goe at night (12) to Innes.

13.—I cam henc next morning to Petgauni, and spok with the Bishop anent that which was due to me by Geo. Bu, and exprest much freedom to him auent his office, and against the consistenci of a ministerial office with civil honours and imployments: My dislik of the office as it is exercisd and constitut among us. He prest my alledgiane to the King. I said, I had rather my flesh wer torn, err I wer not as loyal to the king as ani subject he had. I askd at him, If he wer to remov from this, and it was no divin consideration to remov to a fatter benefice: Orkney was twic as good. He said,

a David Sutherland of Kinstarie.

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