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called Valenstian,a in the duke of Burgoyn's land; it was but an ill jurney for the Englyshemen. The xxx. of Decembar the duke of Suffolke departyd from Caleys toward England.

1524. The xv. of January in the 16. of Henry the Eighth ther cam ambassadors owt of Fraunce to the towne of Calleys, and aftar into England, to make peace yf it might be.

The xxiij. of February, the lord Rever beinge chamberlayne of Flaunders and amerall of Flaunders, and erle of Chaunfeer, cam to Caleis from ladye Margaret duches of Savoye and the emperowr's aunte, and from the emperowr's councell as an embassett, with dyverse othar grete men well apoyntyd, were sent from the sayde councelle for to goo into England to owr kynge to helpe the Frenche kynge than beinge before Pavie.

The xxiiij. of February Frauncis the Frenche kynge was taken prisoner in the filde before the city of Pavy in Lombardye: he was taken by the vice-roy of Naples, and especially by the helpe of the duke of Burboyn's men, for the sayd duke and x M. of his men were payde theyr wages by the kynge of England. Ther was taken the kynge of Navern, the erle of Seynt Powle, monser Desalewis, leys monseyr de Nevars, monseier le prince de Talmett, mounser Graunt Mastar, mounser le marshall Defois, mounswre le marschall Memorancye and his brothar, mounseir Rogepott, monser le Brion, monseir le Videsme de Charters, monser Bonevale and his brothar, monser le Buffelett and his brothar, monser le Pemerchall, monser le Baile de Paris, monser de Ranant, monser de Mountpesitt, monseure Devy, monser Galeas Viscount, le baron de Buseysake, monser Mansilevesne, monser

a Valenciennes.

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b His highnes (the king) is very sory of the plage, and the ferfent agues fallen in his army, to so great minishing of the same." (Letter of More to Wolsey, 26 Sept. Wolsey Correspondence, p. 142.) A letter of Wolsey to the king, 7th Dec. reports the recovery by the French of the castles of Bohain and Beaurevoir, which were situate near the sources of the Scheldt and the Salle. (Ibid. p. 148.)

• So in MS.

Melsalte, monser de Sterangi le Viscountvault, monser le Bastew, le baron Burcanses the sonne of the chauncelar of Fraunce, monsure Mentigny, monser de Nansi, monsur de Seint Nauncy, le governeure Deleymonsyn, monsere de Lerges, monser de Mesney, monser de Chaunlege, monser de Ducere, monser de Querxe, monser de Lafert, monser de Mount Graunt, monser de Rieux, monser de Bretayne, monser de Sergeant son of monser de Vallen, monser de Mount Salley, monser de viscount Delanedy, mounser de Claret, monser de Cleremount, mounser de Bewters, le tresurer Willandey, le tresurer de Milane, monser le Chaite, Clement mastar of the hospital of Basaney, monser Wallary, monser Barbasieulx, le contye Varnfett, le compte de Navers, le tresorer Poncet, the tresorer Baben, le tresurar of Fraunce, Obyny Saunagy; all thes were taken with the Frenche kynge.

Slayne in the same filde, mounser Francois Lorayn, monser de Battremele, monser le admirall marchall de Chamdemer, monser de Brutes Daunt Bois, monser de Chament de Boys, capitayn Fredrige le grant esquiere de Fraunce, Richard de la Pole, a monsier Mallafine, le bayle de Digon, le comite de Tonnoyre, with many prelates, with many othar.b

1525. In the monithe of Januarye, the xvij. of Henry the Eighth, the apoyntment was made betwixt Charles emperowr on that partie, and Francis the Frenche kynge on the othar party, first that the Frenche kynge to have peace with themperowre, and to have his deliverance he wholy renownced for evar the realme of Naples, the duchy of Myllayne, the lordshipe of Genys, the

a Fifth and youngest brother of Edmund duke of Suffolk, who had been beheaded in 1513 (as before noticed, p. 6) for the crime of consanguinity to the Crown.

b It will be obvious to the reader that this list of names is full of gross errors for instance," de Battremele" is apparently placed for la Tremouille; but as the event recorded is foreign to the main subject of this volume, it may be left with the remark that the MS. has been literally followed.

citie of Turney, the citie of Arras, with all the apurtenaunce to them belongyng for evar more, without frawde. Also the Frenche kynge to aquite all suffraunce or homages of Flaundars and Artoys, and all the countris that the sayde emperowre hathe or shall have now belongynge to Fraunce or before, and the seyd kynge gyvethe frome hym the duchie of Burgoyne, and all the senioritie or lordshipes as duke Charles had in tymes past, with the county of Charles and othar seignories or lordships of the quartars of Burgoyne, and he gyvethe agayne from hym the towne and castle of Hedinge. Also the duke of Burbone shall have his duchye and seniories and lordships agayne as he had before, and the kynge shall gyve to the duke all his rerages and customes that is growne or rune unto hym, unto the day of his appoyntement; also the sayde kyng shall delyvar out of prison the prince of Orenge, to go at his libertie, and all the prisoners that themperowre hathe on his partie, and all the prisoners that the Frenche kynge hathe on his parte shall be delyvered francke and quite of all confiscations relesment of bothe the parties aforesayde, and every of them of bothe parties for to have agayne as they had before with out Italye. And the sayde kynge abandons or banishethe the duke of Withenberde;a and he set in ordar or in preson Robart Delamarche; and the duke of Gilders shall be kepte his dukedome and signioritie duringe his naturall lyfe. And the sayd kynge shall lend unto the sayde emperowre all his army or navy of shipps of werre by the sea, and shall finde themperowre vj c. launcis and vj c. fotmen, and all them there wages for vj. months, for the emperowres viage or jurney in to Italie for to be crowned emperowre of Almayne; and the sayde kynge shall wedde or marye qwene Elianore the sayd emperowrs suster the x. day of Marche next comynge, and the seyde kynge renounces all successions of londs that he shulde have withe hir, and the seyde kynge shall have with the seyde qwene ij c.M1. crownes of golde, with the cowntye of Masiens, and Ansures, and a Ulric I. Duke of Wurtemburg.

Barre. I beleve veryly that the Frenche kynge shulde nevar a be taken presoner of the emperowr, yf the kynge of England had not gyven wages to the duke of Burbone and to x м. men.

1527. The churche of the Masendwe in the towne of Caleis was taken downe to the grownde, and on the xiiij. of May in the 19. yere of Henry the Eighth was the first stone of the new worke layde. Kyng Edwarde the Third conqweringe the towne, in all chartars and patents that he gave eny howsynge or londs within the seyde towne, he gave owt of the same a quit-rent to the Masendewe, and kynge Richard the Second dyd the lyke, &c.

In the monethe of Maye 1527, and xix. of Henry the Eighth, the citie of Rome was taken and wonne and destroyed by the duke of Burbon and the duke of Ferrer," and the vice-roy of Naples; but when thes men enteryd into Rome, the duke of Burbon was slayne, and then his bond and company kylled man, woman, and childe that they might get that day and night, and the pope fledd into the castell Angell, and aftar-ward was taken and caried into Spaigne to themperowr, for the pope toke the Frenche kyngs parte agaynst themperowr, and the duke of Burbone was buried in seint Petar's churche in Rome.

The xj. of July cardinall Wolsey landyd at Caleis; b accompanyed with lords spirituall and temporall as followethe

a Ferrara.

b On this embassy see the Wolsey Correspondence, State Papers, vol. i. No. cviii. which contains the instructions for his mission, and the subsequent papers, to No. cxxxvii. The following is the account given by him to the king of his arrival and reception in Calais. "This daye (11 July) I entred in-to my ship, in Dover rode, bitwen thre and fowre of the clok in the mornyng; and, our Lord be thanked, had soo good and pleasaunt passage, that I arryved here at your Graces towne of Calays, with the ambassadours, and a right good parte of my trayne, by nyne of the clok. At which myne arryval, I was lovingly and honnorably receyved by your Graces deputie, tresaurer, and other your officers and counsailours here; with whom, after dyner, having a long discourse of the state of your said towne, I founde the same in noo litel disordre, and, for lak of reparations, in marvelous decaye, clerely unfurnished of tymbre, ston, borde, and of every other thing requisite for the same, gretly unprovyded of vitayl, and the poore souldgiers far behinde and un

The erle of Derbye.

The bysshope of London," lord privie seale.

Ser Henry Gilforthe, knight of the gartar, and comptrolar of the kyng's howsholde.

Doctor Taylor, master of the roles.

Ser Thomas More knight, and chauncelar of the duchy of Lan

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payde of ther wages; al which fautes, errours, and lakkes, I trust to redubbe, afore my retourne unto your highnes out of theire parties." (p. 212.) The account of the expenses of this Embassy will be found abstracted in the Appendix to the present volume. b Hugh Inge, bishop of Dublin.

a Cuthbert Tunstall.

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