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conforms to this corrupt government. He did accept the charg of a faithful nonconform minister. Lord! learn and teach me to speak aright of the person, the calling, the doctrin.

19. This day I returnd to the well at Riuus to drink water; and desiring to use it as a means throgh His blessing to prevent the diseas which I am subject unto of the stone. . . . I was this night at Burgi. Mr. Colin Falconer drank with me, and we recreated the bodi by pastim at golf. Lord! let this be noe snar to me. This day I continued ther at the well, and until Saturday, the 24 instant.

20. This night I was at Windihils.

21. I continued heir, and dind, and Mr. Colin with me, in a barn. I feard the bestowing of so much tym on recreation, and therfor desird to withdraw from compani a litl. I was al night at Burgie.

22.-... Mr. Tho. Ross did com with Grang, and sie me heir. He had noe opinion of the wells, and declind Mr. Colin's compani. I heard som did tak exception at my using this water, and stumbld, becaus common peopl misunderstood and constructed it as if I placd som holiness in the well, or saints, or creaturs, and they took occasion to strenthen themselvs in ther superstition. Lord! teach me to answer to this.

24. David Brodi and others wer with me at the well. We dind with Grang at Burgie liberalli. I heard of Latherdal's going to Glasgow, and that som women did present a petition to him ther. I heard mani wer imprisond for priuat meetings. Lord! mak me consider and be rightli affected. I returnd this night home from the well.

25. Die Dom. I heard of the emulations, and prid, and envi betwix Mr. Horn and Mr. Douglas, and desirs to be cast doun under it.


Sept. 1.-Die Dom. Granghil was heir and my daughter this night. I reprovd them sharpli for ther son, Rob., that had not learnt the catechism, nor did he read.

5.-I heard this day from my cousen, Wm. Brodi, that good Mr. Levingstonn was at his rest in Holland.


10.-I spok with Andro Read's son Ja., who cam from Newcastel. saw in him how much darknes, simpliciti, and ignorane is on men.

Mr. James Horn, formerly minister of Belly, was translated to Elgin, and admitted July 28, 1659.

He spok

Mr. John Livingstone, formerly minister of Ancrum, died in Holland in August, 1672.


of presbyterians, anabaptists, and others, but knew not the differenc. told me his brother was anabaptist: That ther wer reading on the Bishop of Durham his burial dayli: That ther wer conventiels and masses at Newcastel. I desir to be instructed.

13.-Calder cam at night, and spok of publick evels; but, alac! quhat hope is ther of ever seing ani reformation or remedie, so lyk ar we to a peopl fitted for destruction.


28. Mr. R. Martin and divers others cam heir at night. I heard of the Act that a master in his famili should not pray, if ther wer mor than 4 strangers in it.

Oct. 5.—Mr. Wm. Thomson was with me. He told me what past betwix him and som ministers. I admonishd him of the necessiti to answer mor meekli, and with discretion, and not so sharpli. Lord! heir is nothing clean. I spok to him what was needful to be don or spoken to Grant and his Ladie I desird to lament the condition of that countre, both peopl and ministers, who know litl of God, or the right way of worshipping him.

12.-I did, with others, become cautioner for Mr Rob. Martin. It is tru I desir his good; but let not my rashness in surtiship be imputed to me, nor be a snar, for I am jelous greatli of the man's ways.

21. I went to the burial of Tho. Calder. . . . This night the sheriff's eldest son, Al, was born, and I was witness to his baptism.

26.-Efternoon I did see Will. Troup taking Patr. Dumbar by a caption to prison. I desird to piti him, and offerd to releev him, and be surti for him, as being liabl to the lyk or greater human infirmities. But I had not present money to giv the messenger, and he would not trust me a few days, and therfor took him to prison. I desir to be duli affected with the miseries of others, and to see God in what befals them or me.

27.--Die Dom.—This evening my grandchild, Emilia Dunbar, was born. I did se my daughter under much danger and distemper. This day the child was baptizd Emilia.


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Nov. 3-Die Dom. I heard that Balhousie was dead. I desir to observ the Lord's works, and to be humbld under the remoual of a godlie man.

Mr. Robert Martin, who was, for some time, clerk of the Justiciary Court, whose son John was served his heir, December 1,

1691. (Inquis. Retor., Elgin and Forres, no. 161.)

George Hay of Balhousie.

Now the Lord, I hop in merci to

They fynd and persecuted him of late. him, tho' for euel to the generation he livd amongst, has taken him to himself. Should we not be stedfast, and not fear men, seing our warfare is but short, and the reward sur, and we can lose but fading and temporal things? and what ar they to glori?

7. This day morning my uncl, old Leathin, died, about 6 in the morning, having had debiliti and decay, but onli a few hours' weaknes befor his death. I desird to ador God in this his providenc, and to be sensibl of it.

The Earl of Seaforth and Balngoun cam heir and din'd. He professd nicl kindnes. Lord! charg it not upon me that I entertain familiariti with unsound men; and deliver me from snars by him, and this familiariti. He did undertak to do several acts of freindship to me, both with Coxton and with Cromarti. He did wryt to hinder James Calder's bargain with Cromarti. I desird him that he would not put away his superiorities. I spok to him if he would buie Urquhart. He professd willingnes. But I fear under al thes to be insnard with the familiariti of such men. I did visit my daughter at Granghil, who was veri sick, and I spok to her as I could, and at night went to Kinloss, to ordour that funeral . . .

8. Mr. James Urquhart returnd from Cromarti, and cam to Kinloss to my sone, and told him what Cromarti had offerd: in the mean tym he was ending with James Calder at Chanri. I dislikd his procedour, and was in a passion at it; yet I causd Mr. James Urquhart mak a return soberli, quhairin he told that my son would not deal with him, as long as he was in terms with others.

12.-I intended to go to Kinloss, and tak inspection of ther effairs about the burial. . . . I spok a word to the old Ladi Leathin of death. I returnd at night.

13. I staid at hom about trifles; and at night I returnd to Kinloss.

14.-Ther wer manie waiting on this action. I did pray with them earlie, as the Lord enlarged my hart. The occasion did bring a great confluenc of peopl, and my old uncl Leathin was laid doun in his grav in peac... . Onli old Windhils did get som hurt at the boate. Lord! turn it to good. I heard of Cromarti his bargaining with James Calder, his anger at Mr. James Urquhart.

15,-I cam hom at night, and was cald to sie Windihils at Teri late.

See Wodrow's History, vol. ii., p. 192.

16.—I did visit Windihills at Teri afternoon, and saw his infirmiti. 17. Die Dom. I did visit Windihils at Teri, and saw his danger, and spok to him of his condition.

19.-I was cald over to Windihils, and went not till efter supper, quhen I found him under extream pain and sicknes, in so much as he had difficulti to win to patienc. In an interuall I commended him to God with the rest. He retaind strenth, speech, sens, sight, and reason, till within one half-hour eir he died; and behold! about 4 in the morning, efter much strong tossing and pain, his feet did first fail, and then his sight, and then his speech, and senses in a smal moment; died as it had been in vigour, onli hands and feet grew veri cold, and [he] had a sweat on the upper part of his bodie and head.

21.-Mr. Jhon M'Culikan was heir. He told me the confusions which ar at Abdn. [Aberdeen] with papists and quakers, and that Bp. and other ministers ar preaching justification by works.

22.-This day my brother, Jhon Brodi, was buried. I desird to hav the spirit keipd in a postur and fram suitabl to the day and the occasion. . . I writ to my brother be Jhon Hay, and to Park.

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I did sie

28.-I did help my uncl Francis to ordour his testament. how his son and he wer thrald and plungd in debt, and disabld from ani acts of chariti, and serving God with ther estat. Let not this be my temptation, sin, and snar, for the Lord's sak.

30.-Mr. James Urquhart cam heir, going to Kinloss to visit the old Ladi Leathin. I told him his exercising ther would be cald a conventicl. He told me if he had had allowanc of the masters, he would not hav left preaching til he had been taken out of it.

1673. Febr. 15-I had som thoughts of putting Mr. James Urquhart to Ridden. The Lord knows my end and purpos. I desir to spread this befor God.

21.—Mr. Th. Ross was heir at night. My thoghts are naked befor Thee. He told me of the exercis the Ladi Kilr[avock] was under. . . . The E. of M. dind heir.

28. Calder cam to Penick to me, and was carnest with me to goe with

him to the Bishop, anent his kirk of Dunlightie. I hav great aversnes from it. The Lord giv light and strenth. I did observ the great judgment of a naghti, corrupt ministri spreading.

March 4.-1 spok to Mr. Colin Falconar anent Mr. Will. Falconar his neglect and short coming in his ministrie, [and] anent an helper to him.

12. The goodwyf of Windihils cam heir, and told how Cromarti had deceavd her, and that Moortoun had gon south under hand. She desird counsel, and to concur with others. I was loth to medl or adviz her, yet shee took it on herself, and writ in her own affairs. Mr. James Urquhart staid with us this night, and we wer betterd by his companie.

16. Die Dom. I heard Mr. Th. Hogg was veri broken in his health. I desird to sympathiz with him.

23. Die Dom. My good daughter, and Tho., and Main, and ther wyfs, went to Penick. They hav now livli preaching; and the persons and ther cans I lyk best; yet I am tied to attend the dead ministri of others, yet lawful ministers, but hav faild in the exercis of ther offic, and doe fail, and of far less gifts and furniture. This I do for preserving ordour, and to prevent confusion and disorder; waiting, but desperat in my waiting, to sie if God will vouchsaf an outget, and mak way for " abl" and faithful preachers, "ministers not of the letter onli, but of the Spirit." Had they faithfulnes, diligenc, gifts, and enduments, I hold ther ministri lawful, even that enter by bishops, and acknowledg them, albeit I doe prefer the other government, if rightlie administerd: but the Lord has humbld us in that also. Greater confusions hav not bein at ani tym, then our divisions producd by our assemblies. Lord! quhairin we ar diversli minded, reveal Thy wil to us, and in the mean tym establish the hart by grace, that may build up and edifi, and mak us discern things that doe not edifi.

24.-Jhon McLeland returnd from Edinburgh. I heard the indulgence was restraind as to Papists, and extended to such Presbyterians as should abjur the Covenant. I heard that the D. of Brandeburg was lyk to quit Holand's caus and to capitulat for himself; and that the good Mr. Gilbert Hall was fallen asleip.


April 5-I heard Cromarti was last night in Granghil, returnd from

The old parish of Dunlichty is now comprehended in the parish of Daviot, Inverness shire.

He was minister of Kirklistoun, near Edinburgh, but was ejected in 1662.

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