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fabricks and buildings, and what is due to them in propertie and superioritie; 7, of the libraries, and how keeped and improved; 8th, of ther foundationes; 9, of ther mortificationes and donationes old and new; 10th, of ther discipline and doctrine what it is bee ther foundationes and law, what be the present practise; 11th, to try ther debtes and causes therof: To all these articles ther was not satisfactione given at present to the full by the paper presented be them in answer therto. But againe the nixt meiting being the tuentie eight, they were appoyntit to give further satisfactione therin, and to produce ther rentallis comptis and copie of that fundatione pretendit to be given be king James the sext, mortificationes etc. And the saidis commissioneris did appoynt ther nixt meiting to be the morrow at eight of the clock in the morning.

28 September 1664, ante meridiem Wannisday.

Quo die sederunt the lord bischope, the lord Pitsligo, the laird of Phillorth younger, Auchmeddine, Pitrichie, tutor of Leyes, the parsone and ministers of Monymusk, Rothimey, Rathven, Foirg, and Auchterles. The said day produced be the maisteris and memberis of the said colledge ane coppie of the fundatione be king James 6t daitit the which is confirmit in king James 6th his 15th parliament, 17 day of December 1597.

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Item, ane extract of the confirmatione and mortificatione of king James his gift of the deanrie of Aberdene in favoris of this colledge, wnder the subscription of Sir Archibald Primrose clerk of register, dait, at the castell of Sterling, the 8 Aprill 1579.

Item, ane charter of mortificatione grantit be king James 6, mortifieing the kirk of Methlick to the said colledge wnder the great seall, daitit at Dalkeith the elevint day of March 1589.

Item, ane coppie of the mortificatione of the sub canterie, of the kirk of Furvie, cheplanrie of Vesthall and Fowerone, with the Carmelite frieris of Banff, granted be king James 6th in favouris of the said colledge, in anno 1574.

Item, deliverit be doctor Muire ane act of parliament ratifieing the liberties and mortificationes grantit in favouris of the said colledge, daitit the 28 Junii 1633.

Item, ane short wreit on parchment, intituled ane act of parliament in favouris of the kings colledge of Ald Aberdene, dait 10 November 1597. Item, givin in be Mr. Patrick Sandilands subprincipall ane rentall of the

colledge rentes and fewes since the yeir 1653, with ane roll of the bishops rentes in the end therof.

Item, givine in the rectorall book conteining seuerall visitationes and ordinances anent the said colledge since the yeir 1634.

Item, ane cattalogue or inventare of the colledge books papers and Mr. Johne Rowes comptes.

Item, produced the lawes of the colledge both old and new, with ane abridgement therof last in practise, with ane ordour of teaching the scholleris in the seuerall classes.

The said day the meiting did nominat and appoynt the laird of Pitrichie, tutor of Leyes, the rector, and Mr. Alex. Gairden, or any two of them, to visit and cognosce wpon the colledge comptes to be givine in, with power to them to call and adjoyne to themselves the assistance and concurs of any uther of the visitores as they shall think meit; and continewed the nixt meiting till 2 of the clock in the afternoon.

Eodem die post meridiem.

Sederunt iidem qui ante meridiem.

This afternoon spent altogither in reiding reviseing and considering the severall lawes of the colledge both old and new, and the abridgement therof towards the schollers duties, also the masters priviledges and duties institute by the fundationes, and trying som particular passages and circumstances anent ther accomptes and reasones therof; and continewed ther nixt meiting till the nixt morning at eight of the clock.

29 September, 1664, ante meridiem Thursday.

Sederunt iidem qui hesterno die, as also Mr. Williame Rait now minister at Dundie, who was late principall of the said kings colledge.

The said day, anent the college comptes, from the yeire of God 1630, or therby to the yeir 1650, quhich was in the charter chist and are now amissing, and never seen since Mr. William Guild was removed from being principall, resolvit to try at Mr. Johne Row and Mr. James Sandilands his relict, if any knowledge they have therof.

Item, anent the moneyis receaved from some Inglishmen for graduationes; fra Mr. Alexander Blackhall and Mr. James Watt for buying of books; how these moneys is imployit referrit to be instructed to the visitoris of the accomptes.

Item, anent ther receptes of grassums, compositions for entries, assedationes etc., also referred to the saids visitores.

Item, anent doctor Muires band, oblidgeing him to seek nor exact no stipend but his gleeb and manse only wntill the new edifice wer compleitit, and the colledge freed of debt, which band was alledged to be delivered be doctor Guild, when he was put out, to Mr. James Sandilands, and how that band is now lost or what hes become of it. Sometyme was past in inquirie therof, for doctor Mure declared that he never gave band for any such end, but only to spair his stipend for that yeire wntill he shoud be at the paines of publict teaching. The principall and Mr. Patrik Gordon both avowit stronglie that they saw the band and wer in the certane knowledge therof, and that doctor Guild hade it and deliverit the same to Mr. James Sandilands when he was deposit. The subprincipall declairit that he heard of that band indeed, but never saw it so farre as he could remember, and resolved to mak forder tryall theranent.

Item, as to the litle wreit claspit booke with uther papers which wer deliverit be Mr. Johne Row to doctor Mure, (when Mr. William Raite departed), doctour Mure grantis the having ane promise to deliver the samen. Item, anent doctor Mures charges to Lundon; referrit to the visitores of the accomptes; and continewes the next meiting till 2 of the clock in the afternoon.

Eodem die post meridiem.

Sederunt iidem qui ante meridiem.

The said day, the principall subprincipall civilist mediciner and thrie regentes, being sworne and examined anent the withdrawing of the said colledge comptes, they all purged themselves aither of the withdrawing therof or ther knowledge therin, as ther particular depositiones bears: And ordained that the executores of Mr. James Sandilandis and of doctor Guild be tryed of ther knowledge of the saids accomptes.

The said day, the commissioners for visiting the colledge accomptes are appoynted to use all probation for cleiring therof, and to examine the comptes since the yeire 1637.

Item, the said day, it is appoyntit that at all occasiones neidfull ther be rectorall meitings, and that ther they compair the old colledge lawes with the later, and establish such lawes to be observit for the future as the rectorall meiting shall think most expedient; and if any doubt arise amongst themselves, that they consult with the chancellar, and conclude therin be his advyce; and that the rectorall book be followed furth by inserting therin

all future statutes and acting; and that they choose ane constant clerk, and that the rectorall clerk subscrive all actes to be sett downe therin; and that the lawes and statutes, aither for doctrine or discipline, be reduced als neir as may be, according as the samen was practised in anno 1635.

Item, the said day, the laird of Pitrichie, the tutor of Leyes, the rector and Mr. Alexander Gairden are of new commissionat for examining the colledge accomptes, with power to them to call and adjoyne to themselves any of the number they please, and that they try and examine the same, since the yeire of God 1637.

Item, the said day, as concerning the civilist, It is thought expedient be the meiting that if Mr. Patrick Gordon civilist and remnant members of the universitie cane aggrie among themselves to provyd the said Mr. Patrick to any place and functione within themselves as humanist or utherwayes, in that caice the said Mr. Patrick shall dimitt his place as civilist, and betak him to the uther chairge so to be provydit for him, (he in the meantym having no lesse benefit then he presentlie hes as civilist), as also that wntill he be of new provydit as said is, he shall injoy his present place as civilist and benefite therof; and referres the expedience of that professione and augmentatione off the provisione therof to the generall commissione.

Item, the meiting finds that there is no present canonist, neither any necessitie for that profession.

Item, the rest of that wholl afternoon was past in trying and examining the behavior doctrine and discipline of the principall subprincipall regentes civilist and mediciner, by trying and examing every on of them severallie apairt, as at length is contenit in ther severall declarationes; and continewed ther nixt meting wntill the nixt morning at eight of the clock.

30 September, 1664 ante meridiem, Fredday.

Sederunt iidem qui hesterno die.

The whilk day, it is conditioned wpon be the visitors and voited that the law contenit in the fundatione anent the regentes serving only sex yeires in that chairge within the said colledge shall be renewed, and heirby is renewed; with power notwithstanding therof to the chancellar and rector in all tyme coming to grant ane latitude for dispensing with the execution therof for one yeir or mae in som particular caices for the good of the uniuersitie as they shall think expedient; provyding alwayes the said law be not execute against any of the present regentes till Lambes nixt to com, 1665.

Item, it is statute and ordained that every on of the thrie regentes apply themselves to the studie of theologie dureing the space of ther remaining regentes in the said universitie, as they are injoyned be the fundatione; and be thir presentis all former lawes and actes made and established to that purpose are revived, and that they keep and attend the theologie lessones and uther exerceises of that kynd.

Item, it is statut and ordanit that ther be no privat lauriatione, nor any without examinatione, but wpon resonable and weighty considderationes, and that be special advyce of the chancellar rector and haill maisters and members of the universitie.

Item, it is statute and ordanit that ther be yeirlie examinationes at the entrie; and the examinatione money, both publict and privat, als weill at the beginning of the yeire as at the lauriatione, is and shall be referrit to the rectorall meiting, whither it belongs to the regents, or to be imployit for the publict use of the house.

Item, anent the stipends to be exacted be the regentes from all schollers bursers and uthers, they are ordanit to observe the old lawes and statutes made theranent, and the rectorall meitings to revise and try the same; and appoynt the practice accordinglie.

Item, it is statute and ordanit that the principall his precepts direct to the common procurator or uther intromitter with the colledge rentes, for wpholding and repairing the house or fabrick be ansuerit and obeyit readilie without delay, as they will be ansuerable for the contrair, according to the ancient practise, since he is to be comptable for these debursementes. Item, foralsmuch as the present regentes of the universitie are oblidged, and may be heirafter obleist, be ther personall bandis for severall great soumes of money contractit be them for the behoofe of the universitie ; Thairfor if any of the saids regentes shall be removed from ther chairge therin, wpon the accompt of the reviving the foirsaid act anent ther sex yeires only stay in the said colledge, then and in that caice the colledge shall be lyable and obleist for peyment of such soumes as the regent removing, or who shall remove, wer or shall be so obleidged in for the colledge behoove, at or befoir the remoiving, and to be releived theranent.

And continewes ther nixt meiting to the last Twysday of October nixt to come, immediatlie after the ryseing of the nixt provinciall assemblie, to be at the said kings colledge, at 2 of the clock in the afternoon.

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