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cording as thai haid bene suorne sichting and wiseting the haill pairtis of the said college, ordanet and directit the ruingis and decayit pairtis thairof to be helpit and mendit in forme following, viz., that pairt of the foir wall of the said college betuixt the southe vast pairt and the gryt stepill and the narest window of the principallis chalmer, to be reasit and maid lewall with the rest, and the leid aboue the samen to be siclyik resit and mendit, and the roche wark besyid the said stepill to be pinitt and harllit with lyme. Secundlie, that the tymer of the wast windowis of the gryt stepill be maid of new, and the brod of the Orlige to be maid of new tymer and penttit. Thirdlie, that the wast window of the gawell of the kirk sould be mendit with glass, and the dettoun besyd the said window cullorit witht oyle culloris, and the fyaill upoun the tope of the said gavell to be putt upe, and the tua hollis of the samen to be fillit witht frie steanis. Fourthlie, that the northe windowis of the said kirk sould be sett and harllett with lyme, and the steane wark in the secund wastmost window sould be teine out and fillit with glass as the rest of the saidis windowis was, and the haill worche of the buttressis to be mendit, the aistleariss dichttit punttit and poyntit. Fyftlie, that the east window of the said kirk sould be takine donn within sex fuittis to the soill, and fullit with glass. Saxtlie, that the battilling abone the east yett sould be mendit and poyutit, and the haill east syid of the hall and commone scooill sould be pinitt and harllitt with lyme, and the thrie windowis of the said scooill sould be glassit. Sevintlie, that the south east towr sould be pinitt and harlit with lyme, and the haill hollis thairof fillit and the deseart windowis thairof to be drawine. Auchtlie, that the mungellis of the south window in the hall sould be mendit, and the wther thrie windowis thairof to be glessit and broddit, and the saidis south gavell to be tablitt and poyntit with frie steane. Nyntlie, that the lettronis of the said college sould be timert and sklattit, and the haill southe bak wall of the said college neirest the garding sould be pinit and harlit with lyme, and the keping of the chymna heidis helpit. Tentlie, that the southe gawell of the chalmeris narrest the south wast tour sould be mendit pinit and the windowis thairof repairit. Allewintlic, that the haill roche wark of the said college within the cloess sould be harllit and poyntit. Tuellftlie, that the bak seattis at the wast syid of the hall sould be mendit and putt upe, and the mungall of the wast window in the hall at the heid of the buird to be mendit and the degrie of steane at the heid of the said hall buird to be new laid againe. Thertteintlic, that the haill upmest courss of the haill

arshleir, and the eist syid of the hall sould be takine upe and semit and lead of geine of new and ane new courss of arshller to be putt abone the samen. Fourteintlie, that the east tour of the said college sould be new gestit and loftit in all the loftis thairoff, and passagis maid affirand as was maid abefoir, and four fuitt heiche of astller to be putt roune about the heid thairoff; and the haill tymer work of the heid of the said towr to be tirrit, mendit, new sarkit and thickit againe, and the pear thairof onlie to stand. Fyiftintlie, that the southe wast tour of the said college sould be all gestit and loftit, and the heid thairof to be new mendit with aikine tymer, new sarkit and theikit, and four fuitt heiche of aistler putt about the samen. Saxteintlie, the haill liberarie to be tirrit and the gestis thairof to be takine upe, and sic as will serue for the work to be turnit and lead againe, and new gestis to be putt in place of sic as will nocht serue, new sarkit with daillis and of new theikit againe. Seventintlie, that the heid of the gryt stepill sould be mendit in steane leid and tymer as the samen was abefoir, and are dur putt to the heid of the passage thairoff. Auchteintlie, that the twa roune bellis within the said stepill sould . . .

The visitatioun of the kingis colledge of the universitie of Aberdeine, hauldin within the samyn upoun the secund day of Maii, the yeir of God ane thousand sex hundreth tuentie-aucht yeris, be ane reuerend father in God Patrick bischope of Aberdene chancellar of the universitie foirsaid, maister James Sandelandis commissar of Abirdeine doctour of both the lawis rector and cannonist thairof, maister David Raitt doctour of divinitie principall, maister Johne Forbes doctour of divinitie professour of theologie within the samyn, maister Roger Mowat adwocat civilist, maister Patrick Dune doctour of medicyn medicinar, maister Williame Leslie supprincipall, maister George Myln grammarian, Mr. Johnne Lundie, Mr. Dauid Leitche, and Mr. Androw Straquhan regentis, and remanent maisteris and memberis of the said colledge undersubscryvars solemnlie conveinit to the effect underwrittin:

The said day the saidis haill memberis haueing consideratioun that the banquettis used be the students of the saide colledge in Marche befoir their graduatioune, the tyme of their examinatiounes and tryallis, and at Lammes

the tyme of their graduatioun foirsaid, or at onie time befoir, and all preparatioun for sic banquettis ar altogether improfitable and onnecessar, and fynding the samyn rather ane occasioun to the saidis studentis parentis to exclame and cry out against the saidis colledge memberis for the coist charges and expensis of the saidis banquettis, nor anie weill or credit to the said colledge; and that sum pairt of the saidis expensis may be better bestowit upoun some good use for the weill of the said colledge yeirlie in time coming without ane grudge of the saidis studentis parentis; they haue thocht good to remeid the foirsaidis abuises in maner following. Thairfoir the saidis haill memberis all in ane woice, efter dew and matur deliberatioun, haue abrogated discharged and abolished, and be thir presentis for thame and thair successouris abrogattis discharges and abolishes in all tyme cumyng all and quhatsumeuer banquettis and feastingis, ather in private or in publict, and all preparation for the samyn abefoir usit be the students of the saide colledge the tyme of thair said graduatioun, or at onie tyme befoir the samyn; except it sall please the saidis studentis so to be graduat, the tyme of thair examinatioun and tryallis and graduatioun, to bestow upoun the saidis maisteris and examinatouris ane drinke upoune fute for recreatioun allanerlie without anie forder additioun; and becaus sum pairt of the saidis extraordinar chairges affoir bestowit upoun banquettis may be moir laudablie bestowit upoun sum good use for the weill of the said colledge, to the better contentment of the saidis studentis parentis as said is; Thairfoir the saidis memberis all in ane woice, as said is, following the laudable forme usit in uther universities and colledges within this kingdome, for adwanceing thair librarie and augmenting the number of bookes thairin, haue appoynted and ordained, and be thir presentis appoyntis and ordaines for thame and thair successouris that in all tyme cumyng euerie student, the yeir of his graduatioun, befoir he be graduat, sall pay to the commoun procuratour of the said colledge the sowme of four poundis wsuall Scottis money, to be wairit be the said commoun procuratour be aduise of the memberis of the saide college upoune bookes ane or ma, and putt in the said colledge librarie, thairin to remaine to the weill of the said colledge; and the names of the saidis contrabuitteris to be superscryuit to the saidis booke or bookes, and that in taikin of thair thankfull remembrance of thair educatione in the saide colledge; but preiudice of anie forder contributioun it sall pleise anie weill affected student of his awin good will and intentioun to bestow upoun the said colledge to the use foirsaide, and als but preiudice

of all gratitudes and good deedis that the saidis studentis, the tyme of thair graduatioun, sould do and performe to thair ordinar maister and regent (by and attoure his ordinare stipend) in recompence of his extraordinar paines and trawaillis takin and bestowit be him upoune thame the last yeir of thair courss at and befoir thair said graduatioun. Lastlie, the saidis memberis haue ordained thir presentis to indure as ane perpetuall act apud collegii registrum, and the memberis resident intra septa collegii to put the samyn to executioun in all tyme cumyng, as they will be ansuerable; ordaneing lykwayis thir presentis to be intimat and published in the publict auditorie of the said universitie in dew and compitent forme as effeiris. Upoune the quhilkis haill premissis the memberis not onlie tooke instrument, bot also in forder corroboratioun hes subscryvit the same with thair handis, and appoyntit thair common seale to be appendit heirto. This done within the said universitie day yeir and place foirsaid.

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At the kingis colledge of Auld Aberdene, the tuelff day of Apryll, the yeir of God M sex hundreth threttie and aucht yeiris.

The quhilk day convenit within the session hous of the said colledge kirk, the richt nobill and potent marques George marques of Huntlie erle of Eingzie lord Gordon and Badzenoch, ane noble and potent erle James erle of Findlater lord Deskfoord, and ane reverend father in God Adam bischope of Aberdene chancellar of the universitie thairof, commissioners nominat and appoynted be his sacred majestie for visitation of the said universitie and colledge, conforme to his majesties commissione granted to that effect produced be the said nobill lord marques, whairof the tenour followes :-To our richt trustie and weil beloued cosens and counsellers, to the right reuerend fatheris in God, and to our trustie and weillbeloued the marques of Huntlie and the remanent noblemen bishopes and wtheris the sub commissioneris for the visitation of the universitie and the kinges colledge of

the Old Toun of Aberdene. Sic superscribitur, Charles R.-Right trustie and weilbeloued cosens and counselleris, right reuerend fatheris in God, and trustie and weilbeloued, we greit you weill. We did expect to haue hard long befor Chrystmes the good effectes which might haue followed upon your visitation of the universitie and our colledge of the Old Toun of Aberdene, bot by the contrarie ar now informed that the principall and four regentes of philosophie haveing these many yeires bein lyabill to the censure of deprivation through manifest contempt and violation of thair originall fundation, ar now of lait come to that hight of presumption as to abolish as much as in thame lyeth the ancient and trew fundation, so often ratiefeit by our nobill progenitouris and our self in parliamentes, and to bring in a new one of thair awin forgeing, both to palliat thair past malversationes and appropriat to thame selffes onlie the whole reveneus, so to extinguish the professiones of law and medicin, and to redact all the fundation to ane bair scoole of philosophie, much contrarie to our pious and princelie designe of restoring to all the universities thair ancient integritie and splendor. These ar thairfoir to will and requyr you marques of Huntlie to convein furthwith a competent number of your fellow commissioners, and to tack ane exact and spidie tryall of the premisses, and according to the merites of the ca to punish and remove the transgressers, and restoir the professiones of law and medicin to the exercise of thair charge and stipend, and generallie to settill such cleir and firme order for all the professouris, and the proportion of thair mantenance aither present or as heirefter it may incres, and particularlie for the exercise of thair seuerall functiones, as may avoid and prevent any such transgressiones heirefter; and that in all ye proceid according to the trew meining of the ancient fundation, in so far as it is not contrarie to the religion presentlie profest or lawes of our kingdome, whairin not doubting of your cair we bid you fair weill. Gevin at our court at Whythall, the 7 of February, 1638. Efter reiding of the whilk commission, the maisteris memberis and professours of the said colledge being callit, as thay who wer warnit to this present visitatioun, Compeired doctor Arthur Johnston rector, doctor Willeam Leslie principall, Mr. Dauid Leich subprincipall, Mr. Robert Ogilvie, Mr. Alex' Middeltoun, Mr. AlexTM Gairlyn regentes, Mr. John Lundy humanist and commoun procurator of the said colledge; and siclyk compeired doctor Willeam Gordon professor of medicin, and Mr. James Sandielandis professor of the canon law, Who being desyred, conforme to the warrand of the said commission, to produce


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