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ser Thomas Fetiplace.

ser John Litille.a

ser Adrian Foscu.

ser Water Stoner.

ser Edward Grevell.

ser Symond Harcorte.

ser John Hampden of the Hill. ser George Selenger.

ser John Kercam. ser Mylles Busshey. ser Marmaduke Truby." ser Edward Darelle, vicechamberleyn to the qwene. ser Raffe Chamberleyne. ser John Shelton. ser Robart Clere.

ser Philype Calthorpe.

ser John Henyngham.

ser William Walgrave.

ser Thomas Terell, master of

the qwenes horsses.

ser Rogar Wentworthe.
ser Thomas Trynchart.
ser Thomas Lynd.
ser John Vellurs.
ser John Hasden.c
ser Mathew Browne.
ser John Mordant.
ser Henry Saugevelill.
ser Henry Willowbye.
ser Raffe Verny junior.
ser William Rede.

ser Robart Johnes.

mastar Paris of Cambridgshire.

Noble wymen.

the dutches of Buckyngham. the countys of Stafforde. the countis of Oxford.

the countis of Oxford senior. the countis of Shrewsbery. the countis of Devonshere. the countis of Derby.

the lady Fitzwater.

the lady Hastings.

Lyle in the Rutland Papers.

the lady Boleyne.
the lady Mowntagwe.
the lady Willowby.
the lady Dawbeny.
the lady Mountjoye.
the lady Cobham.
the lady Grey.d

the lady Elesabeth Gray. the lady Anne Gray.e

In the Rutland Papers occurs Sir Marmaduke Constable, in this list, but not Sir Marmaduke Truby.

d "Lord John's wife." Rutl. Papers.

Ashton in the Rutland Papers.

e "widowe." Ibid.

the lady Broke.

the lady Morley.

the lady Gilforth junior.

the lady Scroppe. the lady Fitzwilliams. the lady Gilforth senior. the lady Fetiplace.

the lady Vauxe.

the lady Selinger.
the lady Parre widow.

the lady Parre wyfe.
the lady Griffithe Rise.
the lady Compton.

the lady Darell.

the lady Finche.

the lady Hopton.

the lady Wingfilde, ser Anto

ny's wyfe.

the lady Tilney.

mistres Carie. mistres Coffen.

mistres Morris. mistres Parker. mistres Fitzwaren. mistres Wotten.

mistres Brewis.

mistres Dannet.

mistres Browne.

mistres Gernyngham widow.

mistres Finche.

mistres Cooke.

mistres Kateryn Mentoria.

mystres Lawrance.

mistres Victoria.

mistres Kempe.

mistres Margaret.

mistres Margery, lord Fitzwaren's dowghter.

the lady Wingfild, ser Richard's Antony Poyns' dowghter.

[blocks in formation]

Chalengars agaynst all gentlemen on horsebake and on foot for all

feats of armes for xxx. days.

the kynge of England.

CAMD. Soc.

the duke of Suffolke.


the lord marqwes.

ser Richard Gerningham.

ser William Kyngston.

ser Gylls Capell.

ser Nicholas Carrowe.

mastar Anthony Knevet.

The Frenche kynge and vij. gentlemen chalengars of Fraunce.

For to furnishe the days of justs, there were bonds, and to every bond a captayn.

The erle of Devonshere capitayne of thes lords :

[blocks in formation]

The second capitayne of the bonds, the lorde Montagwe of thes

[blocks in formation]

The some of thes ij. bonds a c. xxviij. for the Englyshe. The kynge gave to thes ij. bonds a м. marks, that is, 1. marks apece.

An archbysshope was alowed to have 1. servants, wherof x. gentlemen and xx. horses.

A byshoppe xxx. servaunts, whereof vi. gentlemen, and x.


A duke 1. servants, wherof x. gentlemen, and xx. horses.
A marqwes xl. servants, wherof viij. gentlemen, and xij. horses.
An erle xxx. servants, whereof vj. gentlemen, and x. horses.
A baron xvj. servants, wherof ij. gentlemen, and vj. horses.
A knyght of the gartar lykewyse.

A banaret or a bachelar knight, x. servants and iij. horses.

A chaplayn and a counsellor for the kynge, x. servants, v. horses. A chapleyn for the kynge, vj. servants and iij. horses.

A sargeant at armes one servant and ij. horses.

The officers of the kyng's chambar, amonge them cl. servants and a c. horses.

The sergeaunts of the hosholde, amonge them all ij c. xvj. servants and lxx. horses.

The poyntment for the Qwene, to wayt on her.

A duches iiij. women servants, and vj. men servants, and vj. horses.


A countes iij. wimen, iiij. men, and iij. horses.

A barones ij. wimen, iij. men, and ij. horses.

A lady one woman, ij. men, and ij. horses.

A gentlewoman on woman, ij. men, and ij. horses.

A chamberar one servant and one horse.

An erle xxx. servants, &c.


Some of the persons on the kyng's syde, iij м. ijc. iiij xvij.
The horses, i M. ij c. vij.

The some of the persons on the qwenes syde, m. xxxvij.

The horses iiij c. xxx.

The some of the persons on the kynge and qwenes syds,


iiij iij xxxiiij.

Some of the horses, м.vi c.xxxvij.

Besyde the persons on the Frenche qwenes and duke of Suffolkes sydes, [and] my lord Cardenall.

The xxvj. of May, the kynge of Romayns, of Spayne, and of Castle,a landyd in England at Dovar. Henry the Eighth came rydynge from Canterbury to Dovar the same night; and the next day bothe kyngs rode to Canterbury agayne; and from thence to Sandwytche, and then the kynge of the Romayns toke shype agayne at the Dele.

The last day of Maye, the kynge and qwene of England landyd at Caleys, with many great estats as are before named.

The v. of June, they departyd and rod to Gwisnes to mete with the Frenche kynge and qwene.

The vij. of June, the kyngs of England and France mete at the campe betwixt Gwisnes and Arde, with bothe theyr swerds drawne and borne before them.

The x. of June, the kyng of England dyned with the Frenche qwene in the towne of Arde, and the Frenche kynge dyned the same day with the qwene of England in the new palace made before the castle of Gwysnes; the whole was a costly howse of riches as evar was sene, and so thes ij. kings met every day aftar at campe with dyvars lords, and ther justed and turneyed xiiij. days; and the ij. qwenes met at Gwysnes and at Arde dyvars tymes.

The xxiiij. of June, these kyngs and qwenes, with ther retinues, met at campe, wher the justes were kepte, and ther they banqweted and daunsed, with momynge and dysgysynge tyll it was late in the eveninge, and then toke theyr leave and departyd.

The iiij. of July, ther cam a greate embassad from the kynge of Romayne, Spayne, and Castle, to the towne of Caleis to owr kynge.

The x. of July, the kynge rod to Gravelen, and there mete withe Charles the kynge of Romaynes, Spaigne, and of Castle afore

Afterwards the Emperor Charles the Fifth. His letter to the King announcing his coming, dated Corunna, 29 April, is in the MS. Cotton. Vesp. C. vii. f. 34.

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