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them. . . laid out in land in that kingdom, and settled upon the said university for ever, for the bringing up as many scholars of my nearest relations as the revenue of the same will maintain; and for want of such relations, then my will is it shall be disposed of for the maintaining as many poor scholars as the governors of the said university shall think fitt . . . In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, . . . the twenty fifth day of January annoque Domini one thousand six hundred ninety and two.

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James Fullerton.

135. Articles of agreement between the principall and professors of kings college and the executors of the said James Fullerton, by which it is stipulated that the saids principall and professors shall buy the rigs crofts &c. belonging to Dr. George Middletone principal of the kings college, and Mr. Alexander Fraser one of the regents thereof, at the rate of five pounds per boll, that they shall prefer the relations of the mortifier in allocating the bursaries, and that the descendants and children of Alexander Garioch of Little Endivvie and George Ross peuterer burgess of Aberdeen shall be reckoned among these relations. Dated 22 March 1695.

De 300 libris e reditibus episcopatuum

136. Gulielmus Dei gratia magnæ Brittaniæ Franciæ et Hiberniæ rex fideique defensor Omnibus probis hominibus totius terræ suæ clericis et laicis salutem. Quandoquidem nos considerantes quod per signaturam sub manu nostra regia, de data apud Kingstoun vigesimo octauo die mensis Februarii millesimo sexcentesimo nonagesimo tertio, dedimus . . . in fauorem uniuersitatum et academiarum Sancti Andreæ Abredoniæ Glasguensis et Edinburgi summam unius mille et ducentarum librarum monetæ sterlinensis de reditibus et fructibus episcopatuum Scotiæ nunc in manibus nostris existentibus;

Idque pro sustentatione unius professoris theologiæ et decem bursariorum in theologia in unaquaque dictarum quatuor academiarum, dictis professoribus ab exteris per nos nostrosque successores vocandis et presentandis vel per dominos nostri thesaurarii presentandis et modo in prædicta signatura specificato qualificandis. . . Nosque etiam considerantes quod

magis commodum erit dictis uniuersitatibus ut dicta summa mille et ducentarum librarum monetæ sterlinensis non solum inter eos dividatur per distinctas donationes et jura, sed etiam usque dum intentus dictæ prioris signaturæ pro providendis et stabiliendis dictis externis professoribus et accommodandis dictis bursariis modo inibi mentionato determinetur, quodque rationi consentaneum et necessarium est ut prædicta uniuersitas Abredonensis novum et particulare jus ad prædictam summam trecentarum librarum monetæ sterlinensis, tanquam partem . . . prædictæ summæ mille et ducentarum librarum, habeat, summa quadraginta librarum monetæ sterlinensis de prædicta [summa] tricentarum librarum pro sustinendis duobus theologiæ bursariis in dicta uniuersitate ad ratam subtus mentionatam applicetur, et reliquum dicta summæ trecentarum librarum pro solutione debitorum dictæ uniuersitatis in primo loco applicetur, et postea ut idem applicetur pro sustentatione alterius theologiæ professoris in dicta uniuersitate præter eum quem nunc habent; Noueritis igitur nos . . . dedisse . . . in favorem principalium professorum et magistrorum dictæ uniuersitatis Abredoniensis eorumque in officio successorum nomine et utilitate dictæ uniuersitatis Totam et integram prædictam summam trecentarum librarum sterlinensium tanquam eorum justam et æqualem portionem dietæ summæ mille ducentarum librarum . . . annuatim percipiendæ ad duos anni terminos. . . de primis et promptissimis annuis reditibus episcopatuum dieti regni modo subtus mentionato applicandæ; videlicet, summam quadraginta librarum sterlinensium de prædicta summa trecentarum librarum sterlinensium pro sustentatione duorum bursariorum theologiæ in dicta uniuersitate eorumque successorum bursariorum ibidem, ad ratam viginti librarum sterlinensium pro unoquoque bursario annuatim applicandam; reliquam sumpro solutione debitorum dictæ uniuersitatis [et postquam hæc debita] soluta sunt summam centum librarum ejusdem pro sustentatione .. alterius theologiæ professoris in dicta uniuersitate præter eum quem nunc habent applicandam; ac summam centum et sexaginta librarum quæ dictam summam trecentarum librarum conficit pro sustentatione octo bursariorum . . . in theologia eorumque successorum dictæ uniuersitatis bursariorum, ad ratam viginti librarum sterlinensium annuatim pro unoquoque bursario, applicandam ; presentatione dictæ theologiæ professoris omnimodo nobis reservata, qui de tempore in tempus personam in dicta professione sufficienter qualificatam ac ante admissionem suam a principalibus aliisque theologiæ dictæ uniuersitatis professoribus cum ministris dictæ civitatis



Abredonensis pro tempore examinandum presentaturi sumus. Et quiquidem in theologia bursarii per nos presentandi sunt ad vel ante decimam diem mensis Octobris ex catalogo sex idonearum personarum clerico thesaurarii nostri transmittendo per facultatem dictæ uniuersitatis ad vel ante primam diem mensis Augusti; et qui etiam instituendi et locandi sunt a dictis principalibus aliisque professoribus cum dictis ministris Abredoniensibus pro tempore, bonæ famæ studentes qui cursum suum in qualibet una dictarum uniuersitatum dicti regni nostri peregerunt ac qui laurea donati sunt priusquam tanquam unus dictorum bursariorum presentari queant, ac per spatium quatuor annorum ad maximum continuandi; ac qui professor et bursarii erunt notæ pietatis et sobrietatis ac sanctorum principiorum ac fidelitatis et boni affectus erga nos et regnum nostrum in ecclesia et statu . . . In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti nostræ cartæ magnum sigillum nostrum appendi mandamus Apud Kengsintoun vigesimo nono Aprilis anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo nonagesimo quinto anno regni nostri septimo .

137. Disposition by the said doctor George Middletone principall of the kings colledge, with consent of Janet Gordone his spouse, by which for the sum of 4500 merks Scots, paid to him by the executors of the foresaid Mr. James Fullerton, he sells to the common procurator of the college certain crofts or rigs lying beside the loch and on the west side of the said city of Old Aberdeen, to be applied in terms of the will of the deceased [No. 134]. Which disposition is dated the 22 day of May 1695.

138. Disposition by the foresaid Alexander Fraser one of the regents of the colledge, granting, in consideration of the sum of three thousand five hundred merks Scots paid to him out of the funds of the said James Fullertons mortification, to the said common procurator for the purposes of the said mortification several crofts lying on the east side of the city of Old Aberdeen, and one croft lying beside the loch on the west side of the said city. Which disposition is dated 22 May 1695.

Grant to professors of divinity and oriental languages.

139. William by the grace of God king of Great Brittain France and Ireland, defender of the faith, to all our subjects whom it effeirs: Forasmuch as we, considering that by a signature under our royall hand dated the 29th Aprile 1695 years, did, for the advancement of learning and religion, mortifie and dispone in favours of the principall proffessors and masters of the university of Aberdeen the soume of £300 sterling yearly, to be uplifted out of the rents and revenues of the bishopricks of our kingdom, faln in our hands by the abolition of Episcopacy, by the which signature we did appoint the soume of £100 sterling of the said soume for the maintenance and provision of another professor of divinity, besides the professor formerly established; but wee being weill informed now that the sallary of the former professor being small, and noways a sufficient allowance or encouragement for a person of such learning and literature as is necessary for that station, and being also informed that a part of the said pounds may be more usefully bestowed for the ends aforesaid, as a sallary to a proffessor of the orientall languages, for his encouragement to teach the same in the said. university; therefor witt ye us to have allocat destinate and appointed, likeas we by these presents allocate destinate and appoint the soume of six hundred merks of the foresaid soume of one hundred pounds sterling to be added to the yearly sallary of Mr. Charles Gordon, present professor of divinity at Aberdeen, and his successors in office; and the remaining soume of 1200 merks thereof to be settled on Mr. George Gordon (to whom we have granted a presentation to be professor of the orientall languages of the foresaid university of Aberdeen) and that as a yearly fee and sallary to him for teaching and professing the saids languages, with power to the saids Mr. Charles and George Gordons to uplift and receave the respective soumes and portions destinate for them in manner foresaid, and if need bees to call and pursue for the same as accords; and that at two terms in the year, Whitsunday and Martimass, by equall portions, beginning the first term's payment thereof at the term of Whitsunday next to come, and so furth yearly and termly thereafter during the continuance of the said mortification and there exercing the respective offices above-mentioned, and that they enjoy all other profits rights privileges casualities and immunities belonging to other professors in the said university. Given under our privie


seall at our court at Kingston, the first day of March 1698, and of our reign the ninth year.


140. At Aberdeen the fifteenth day of October one thousand seven hundred years, in presence of Mr. Robert Paterson commissar of Aberdeen: which day Marjory Ramsay, relict of the deceased Mr. William Watson minister at Leslie, is executrix testamentar confirmed to the said defunct; and amongst other legacies and mortifications specified in the said testament, there is. . . mortified the sum of two thousand merks Scots money the yearly annual rent thereof, .. to be employed for the behoof and maintainance of two philosophy bursars in the kings college of Aberdeen, each bursar having the interest of one thousand merks yearlie; ... provided that any of the name of Watson or Ramsay being after examination by the masters of the said college found habile and qualified, shall be preferred to any other; and failling of any of these names the saids two burses are to be disposed of by the masters of the said college to those who after competition shall be found best qualified, as other burses in the said college are disposed of, conform to use and custom. Which last will and testament is dated the fourteenth day of August one thousand six hundred and ninety-nine years.

Lands sold to the managers of Reidhyth's mortification.

141. Be it knowne to all men by thes present letters, me Sir Patrick Ogilvie of Boyne, heretable proprietor of the lands milne milne lands and others under writtine, with speciall advyce and consent of James Ogilvie younger of Boyne my sone, . . . to have sold . . and disponed . . . to and in favors of Mr. Alexander Gellie minister at Fordyce, Mr. William Hunter minister at Banff, Mr. Patrick Darling minister at Inverboyndie, Mr. Heugh Innes minister at Mortlich, and Mr. George Ruddoch minister at Ordiewhill, and doctor George Middleton principall of the kings colledge of Aberdein, Mr. John Gordone civilist, doctor Patrick Urquhart professor of medicine, Mr. George Fraser subprincipall, Mr. Alexander Gordone humanist, Mr. William Black, Mr. Alexander Fraser, and Mr. George Skein, regents in the said colledge . . . and their successors in their respective places and functiones, as absolute patrons oversiers managers and

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