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(Richard Turpyn, of Caleys, and Bourges there.)

KYNGE Henry the Seventh enterid the realme of England, and landyd at Mylford haven with his army out of Britayné, in the monethe of August, in the yere of our Lord 1485. On seint Bartilmew's even he went to the filde at Bosworthe hethe, and there was kynge Richarde slayne and the duke of Norfolke slayne, and the erle of Surrey the duke of Norfolkes sone taken prisoner, and the erle of Northumberland taken prisoner, the lorde Sowche taken prisoner, and there was slayne Ratclife, Catesby, and gentle Brakenbery, and the erle of Shrowsbery was taken prisoner, and the lorde Lovell escaped and fled; and there was slayne of kynge Henry's party ser William Brandon, who bare kynge Henry's standard that day.

1487. Battayle at Stooke, anno 1487.-Ther was slayne the erle of Lyncoln, syr Martyn Swarte, a Fleminge that came into England with the forsayde erle out of Flaunders from the dutches of Burgoyne kyng Edward the fourth's systar, for she was the earles aunte, and she would have made hym kynge of England, but the erle was slayne and many other that bare armes that day, and the lorde Lovell was nevar sene aftar.



1489. The battayle of Dickysmewe a was on the xiij. day of June, that day beyng satterday, and the 4. yere of Henry the Seventh, anno 1489, where the Ynglishe men had great vyctorye, for there was taken and slayne a greate nombar, and there was slayne the lorde Morley an Englishe man.

1492. Kyng Henry the Seventh landyd at Caleys toward Boleyneb the 2. of Octobar in the 8. yere of his raigne, and in anno 1492. And the 19. of Octobar he departyd from Caleis toward Boleyne with his army, and lay the first night at Sandynfelde, the next night at Margyson, and ther met with hym therle of of Oxenforde, chefe capitayne of the forwarde, then comynge from the betinge downe of the towne of Arde, and with the erle of Oxenforde cam the erle of Shrowesbery, the erle of Devonshire, the erle of Suffolke, the erle of Essex, the lorde Gray [of] Codnor, the lorde Straunge, the lorde Powise, the lorde Hastings, the lorde Awdley, the lorde Latimere, the baron of Dudley, and dyvers knyghts and esquiers, and laye the same night at Margyson before the kinge, and the next night bothe wards laye at Wymelle, and the next night bothe ostes cam before Boleyne, and there at the seige still unto viij. day of Novembar nexte folowynge. Than the Frenche kynge sente unto oure sovereigne lorde kynge of Englande be the lorde Cordes, chefe capitayne under the Frenche kynge, besechinge the kynge of England of his pease, whiche the kynge of England graunted upon a condition that the Frenche kynge shuld paye every yere lii thowsand crownes to the

a Dixmew in Flanders. A full account of this action will be found in Hall and Holinshed. The Englishmen engaged were "the lord Daubeney chieftaine of the army, the lorde Morley, sir James Tirrell capitaine of Guysnes, sir Henry Willoughby, sir Gilbert Talbot, and sir Humfrey Talbot marshall of Calais, wyth divers other knyghtes and esquires, and others, of the garrisons of Hammes, Guysnes, and Callais, to the number of twoo thowsand men, or thereaboutes." Sir Humphrey Talbot was left with six score archers at the water of Gravelyng, "for a stale," and to keep the passage. Lord Morley, who "being on horseback in a riche coate, was slayne wyth a gunne," was buried at Calais. bi. e. on his route to Boulogne.

Philippe de Creveceur seigneur des Querdes et de Lannoy, marshal of France lieutenant and captain general in Artois and Picardy. Rymer, xii. 497.

kynge of England during bothe theyr lyves; the Frenche graunted thereunto, and the kynge of England brake up his sege and cam agayne to Calleys, the xij. of November, and the xvij. day he toke his shipe and sayled to Dovar.

1500. Kynge Henry the Seventh and quene Elizabeth his wyffe, comynge out of England, landed at Caleis on the 8. day of May, being friday at night, in anno 1500, and in the 15. of his raigne. With hym came the duke of Buckyngham, the erle of Surrey, the erle of Essex, the lorde Dawbeney, being then lorde lyvetenaunt of the towne and marches of Caleis, and lord chamberlayn of the kyng's howse, the bysshope of London,a the lorde of Burgaveny, the lorde Dakers of the Northe, the lorde William of Suffolke,b and the lorde Souche.

The x of May landed the lorde of Saint John's, ser John Pechy, ser John Shawe, ser Robert Constable, and other esquiers and gentlemen.

The xiij of May landyd ser Edmond a Poole earle of Suffolke, and dyvars esquiers and gentlemen and yemen.

The xv day of May landyd ser John Foskew, ser John Savyll, ser William Skott, ser Raffe Verney, and dyvars esquiers and gentlemen.

The xxiij day of May landyd the lord Harington, ser Edmond Arundell, ser Walter Hungarforde, ser Nicholas Vausse, ser John Dicby, ser Thomas Dicby, ser John Husy, ser Edward Derelle, and dyvers esquires and gentlemen.

The 4. of June 1500 landyd the lorde Richard of Suffolke, ser John Derell, and other gentlemen and theyr servaunts.

The 5. of June landyd the bysshope of Derhame lorde prevy seale, the erle of Urmond, and ser John Reseley.f

a Thomas Savage.

b Lord William de la Pole.
e Richard Fox.

c Sir Thomas Docwra, lord prior of St. John's. d Fortescue.

f This Sir John Risley narrowly escaped being slain or captured at the siege of Boulogne in 1492, when riding round the town with Sir John Savage, who was killed by a sudden assault of the enemy.-Polydore Vergil.

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