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for them; a discipline which allows lasting friendship with pupils who must be dismissed or expelled; a discipline which relies on coöperation, wherever such coöperation is reasonable, with the leaders among the pupils, and through the leaders with the great body of the pupils; a discipline based on absolute straightforwardness and perfect courtesy - for perfect courtesy is consistent with absolute straightforwardness; a discipline which counts it no loss of dignity for an instructor or a master to explain his point of view; a discipline which insists that there is no training without work, and that the work must not be done by the trainer only; a discipline which remembers that it is want of training which temporarily wrecks many a Freshman, and makes his evolution into energetic manhood discouragingly slow. I believe, further, that in every school and in every college there should be an effort from the start to make a youth

imbibe that wonderful tonic called school or college spirit; to make him feel that from the moment he enters a school or a college he has become forever a part of it, one of its makers, and that throughout his life, wherever he goes, he takes with him, dragging or exalting it, as the case may be, the name of his school or of his college. Once get a deep, high loyalty, and the problem of discipline is gone.



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