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II. That it is the opinion of this meeting, that if directed to their committee of correspondence, the colonies come into a joint resolution to stop and be also published in the Maryland Gazette, to importations from, and exportations to Great Bri- evince to all the world the sense they entertain of tain and the West-Indies, until the act for block- the invasion of their constitutional rights and liing up the harbor of Boston be repealed, the same berties. may be the means of preserving North America in her liberties. Dissentient three.

VII. That the chairman be desired to return the thanks of this meeting to the gentlemen of the III. That therefore the inhabitants of this county committee of correspondence from Annapolis, for will join in an association with the several counties their polite personal attendance in consequence of in this province and the principal colonies in Ame- an invitation by the committee of correspondence rica, to put a stop to exports to Great Britain and for Baltimore-town.

the West-Indies, after the first day of October next, or such other day as may be agreed on, and to put a stop to the imports from Great Britain

Signed per order,


after the first day of December next, or such other At a meeting of a very considerable and respect

day as may be agreed upon, until the said act shall be repealed, and that such association shall be upon oath.-Dissentient nine.

IV. Unanimously.-That it is the opinion of this

able body of the inhabitants of Anne-Arundel county, inclusive of those of the city of Annapolis, on Saturday the 4th day of June, 1774, Mr. Brice Thomas Beale Worthington, moderator. meeting, that as the most effectual means of uniting of this meeting, that the town of Boston is now I. Resolved, unanimously, That it is the opinion all parts of this province in such association, as suffering in the common cause of America, and proposed, a general congress of deputies from each that it is incumbent on every colony in America county be held at Annapolis, at such time as may to unite in effectual means to obtain a repeal of the be agreed upon; and that, if agreeable to the sense late act of parliament for blocking up the harbor of our sister colonies, delegates shall be appointed of Boston.

from this province to attend a general congress of delegates from the other colonies, at such time and place as shall be agreed on, in order to settle and establish a general plan of con duct for the important purposes aforementioned.

V. Unanimously—That the inhabitants of this county will, and it is the opinion of this meeting, that this province ought to break off all trade and dealings with that colony, province or town, which shall decline or refuse to come into similar resolutions with a majority of the colonies.

II. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this meet. ing, that if the colonies come into a joint resolution to stop all importations from, and exportations to Great Britain, and the West-Indies, till the said act be repealed, the same will be the most effectual means to obtain a repeal of the said act, and pres serve North America and her liberties.

III. Resolved therefore, unanimously, That the inhabitants of this county will join in an associa. tion with the several counties in this province, and the principal colonies in America, to put a stop to exports to Great Britain, and the West-Indies, after the 9th day of October next, or such other day as may be agreed on, and to put a stop to the imports

VI. That capt. Charles Ridgely, Charles Ridgely, son of John, Walter Tolley, jun. Thomas Cockey Dye, William Lux, Robert Alexander, Samuel Purviance, jun. John Moale, Andrew Buchanan, and George Risteau, be a committee to attend a gene. of goods, not already ordered, and of those ordered

ral meeting at Annapolis. And that the same gen tlemen, together with John Smith, Thomas Harrison, William Buchanan, Benjamin Nicholson, Tho mas Sollars, William Smith, James Gittings, Rich ard Moale, Jonathan Plowman, and William Spear, be a committee of correspondence to receive and Answer all letters, and on any emergency, to call a general meeting, and that any six of the number have power to act.

that shall not be shipped from Great Britain by the 20th day of July next, or such other day as may be agreed on, until the said act shall be repealed, and that such assocation be on oath.

IV. Resolved, That as remittances can be made

only from exports, after stopping the exports to Great Britain and the West-Indies, it will be impossible for very many of the people of this province who are possessed of valuable property, imVII. That a copy of the proceedings be trans-mediately to pay off their debts, and therefore it mitted to the several counties of this province, is the opinion of this meeting, the gentlemen of

city of New-York, convened in the fields, by public advertisement, on Wednesday the 6th of July, 1774,

the law ought to bring no suit for the recovery At a numerous meeting of the inhabitants of the of any debt, due from any inhabitants of this province, to any inhabitant of Great Britain, until that said act be repealed; and further, that they ought not to bring suit for the recovery of any debt, due to any inhabitant of this province, except in such cases where the debtor is guilty of a wilful delay in payment, having ability to pay, or is about to abscond or remove his effects, or is wasting his substance, or shall refuse to settle his account.

MR. ALEXANDER M'DOUGALL, chairmanThe business of the meeting being fully explained by the chairman, and the dangerous tendency of the numerous and vile arts used by the enemies of America, to divide and distract her councils, as well as the misrepresentations of the virtuous intentions of the citizens of this metropolis, in this interesting and alarming state of the liberties of America, the following resolutions were twice read, and the question being separately put on each of them, they were passed without one dissentient.

V. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this meeting, that a congress of deputies from the several counties, to be held at Annapolis as soon as conveniently may be, will be the most speedy and effectual means of uniting all the parts of this province in such association as proposed; and that, if agreeable to the sense of our sister colonies, 1st. Resolved, nem. con. That the statute comdelegates ought to be appointed from this province monly called the Boston port act, is oppressive to to attend a general congress of deputies from the the inhabitants of that town, unconstitutional in other colonies, at such time and place as may be its principles, and dangerous to the liberties of agreed on, to effect unity in a wise and prudent plan British America; and that, therefore, we consider for the forementioned purpose. our brethren at Boston, as now suffering in the common cause of these colonies.

VI. Resolved, unanimously, That the inhabitants of this county will, and it is the opinion of this meeting, that the province ought to break off all trade and dealings with that colony, province, or town, which shall decline or refuse to come into similar resolutions with a majority of the colonies.

VIL Resolved, That Brice Thomas Beale Worthington, Charles Carroll, barrister, John Hall, William Paca, Samuel Chase, Thomas Johnson, jun. Matthias Hammond, Thomas Sprigg, Samuel Chew, John Weems, Thomas Dorsey, Rezin Hammond, John Hood, jun. be a committee to attend a general meeting at Annapolis, and of correspondence, to receive and answer all letters, and on any emergency to call a general meeting, and that any six of the number have power to act.

Ordered, That a copy of these resolves be transmitted to the committees of the several counties of this province, and be also published in the Maryland Gazette.

[blocks in formation]

2d. Resolved, nem. con. That any attack or attempt to abridge the liberties, or invade the constitution of any of our sister colonies, is immediately an attack upon the liberties and constitution of all the British colonies.

3d. Resolved, nem. con. That the shutting up of any of the ports in America, with intent to exact from Americans, a submission to parliamentary taxations, or extort a reparation of private injuries, is highly unconstitutional, and subversive of the commercial rights of the inhabitants of this con


4th. Resolved, nem. con. That it is the opinion of this meeting, that if the principal colonies on this continent, shall come into a joint resolution, to stop all importation from, and exportation to Great Britain, till the act of parliament for blocking up the harbor of Boston be repealed, the same will prove the salvation of North America and her liber. ties, and that, on the other hand, if they continue their exports and imports, there is great reason to fear that fraud, power, and the most odious oppression, will rise triumphant over right, justice, social happiness, and freedom:-Therefore,

5th. Resolved, nem. con. That the deputies who shall represent this colony in the congress of American deputies, to be held at Philadelphia, about the first of September next, are hereby instructed, empowered, and directed to engage with a ma

PHILADELPHIA, July 23, 1774.

jority of the principal colonies, to agree, for this to the different counties in this colony, and to the city, upon a non-importation from Great Britain, committees of correspondence, for the neighboring of all goods, wares and merchandizes, until the act colonies. for blocking up the harbor of Boston be repealed, and American grievances be redressed; and also to agree to all such other measures as the congress shall, in their wisdom, judge advansive of these great objects, and a general security of the rights and privileges of America.

The committee chosen by the several counties in Pennsylvania, having brought in a draught of instructions, the same were debated and amended, and being agreed to, were ordered to be signed by the chairman. The committee in a body then waited on the assembly, and presented the same. GENTLEMEN.-The dissentions between Great

6th. Resolved, nem. con. That this meeting will abide by, obey, and observe all such resolutions, determinations, and measures, which the congress Britain and her colonies on this continent, comaforesaid shall come into, and direct or recommencing about ten years ago, since continually mend to be done, for obtaining and securing the increasing, and at length grown to such an excess important ends mentioned in the foregoing resolu-as to involve the latter in deep distress and danger, tions. And that an engagement to this effect be have excited the good people of this province to immediately entered into and sent to the congress, take into their serious consideration the present to evince to them, our readiness and determina. situation of public affairs. tion to co-operate with our sister colonies, for the relief of our distressed brethren of Boston, as well as for the security of our common rights and privileges.

The inhabitants of the several counties qualified to vote at elections, being assembled on due notice, have appointed us their deputies; and in consequence thereof, we being in provincial committee met, esteem it our indispensable duty, in pursuance of the trust reposed in us, to give you such instructions as, at this important period, appear to us to be proper.

7th. Resolved, nem. con. That it is the opinion of this meeting, that it would be proper for every county in the colony, without delay, to send two deputies, chosen by the people, or from the committee, chosen by them in each county, to hold, We, speaking in their names and our own, acin conjunction with deputies for this city and knowledge ourselves liege subjects of his majesty county, a convention for the colony (on a day to king George the third, to whom "we will be faithbe appointed) in order to elect a proper number of ful and bear true allegiance." deputies, to represent the colony in the general congress: but that, if the counties shall conceive this mode impracticable, or inexpedient, they be requested to give their approbation to the deputies who shall be chosen for this city and county, to represent the colony in congress.

Our judgments and affections attach us, with inviolable loyalty, to his majesty's person, family and government.

We acknowledge the prerogatives of the sovereign, among which are included the great powers of making peace and war, treaties, leagues and alliances binding us-of appointing all officers,

8th. Resolved, nem. con. That a subscription should immediately be set on foot, for the relief of such poor inhabitants of Boston as are, or may except in cases where other provision is made, by be deprived of the means of subsistence, by the operation of the act of parliament for stopping up the port of Boston. The money which shall arise from such subscription, to be laid out as the city committee of correspondence shall think will best answer the end proposed.

grants from the crown, or laws approved by the crown-of confirming or annulling every act of our assembly within the allowed time-and of hearing and determining finally, in council, appeals from our courts of justice. "The prerogatives are limited," as a learned judge observes, "by bounds so certain and notorious, that it is impossi9th. Resolved, nem. con. That the city committee ble to exceed them, without the consent of the of correspondence be, and they are hereby instruct-people on the one hand, or without, on the other, ed to use their utmost endeavors to carry these a violation of that orginal contract, which, in all resolutions into execution. states impliedly, and m ours most expressly, subsists between the prince and subject-For these

Ordered, That these resolutions be printed in the public newspapers of this city, and transmitted

*Blackstone, 237.

prerogatives are vested in the crown for the supports power has been established over them, even the wisest and bravest nations, that ever flourished, have, in a few years, degenerated into abject and wretched vassals.

of society, and do not intrench any further on our natural liberties, than is expedient for the mainten ance of our civil.”

But it is our misfortune, that we are compelled So alarming are the measures already taken for loudly to call your attention to the consideration laying the foundation of a despotic authority of of another power, totally different in kind, limited, Great Britain over us, and with such artful and as it is alleged, by no "bounds," and "wearing a incessant vigilance is the plan prosecuted, that most dreadful aspect" with regard to America. unless the present generation can interrupt the We mean the power claimed by parliament, of work, while it is going forward, can it be imagined, right, to bind the people of these colonies by that our children, debilitated by our imprudence statutes, "IN ALL CASES WHATSOEVER."-A power, and supineness, will be able to overthrow it when as we are not, and, from local circumstances, can. completed? populous and powerful as these colonies not be represented there, utterly subversive of our may grow, they will still find arbitrary domination natural and civil liberties-past events and reason not only strengthening with their strength, but convincing us, that there never existed, and never exceeding, in the swiftness of its progression, as can exist, a state thus subordinate to another, and it ever has done, all the artless advantages that yet retaining the slightests portion of freedom or can accrue to the governed. These advance with happiness. a regularity, which the Divine Author of our existence has impressed on the laudable pursuits of his creatures: but despotism, unchecked and unbounded by any laws-never satisfied with what has been done, while any thing remains to be done, for the accomplishment of its purposes-confiding, and capable of confiding only, in the annihilation of all opposition-holds its course with such unabat. ing and destructive rapidity, that the world has become its prey, and at this day, Great Britain and her dominions excepted, there is scarce a spot on the globe inhabited by civilized nations, where the vestiges of freedom are to be observed.

The import of the words above quoted needs no descant; for the wit of man, as we apprehend, cannot possibly form a more clear, concise, and comprehensive definition and sentence of slavery, than these expressions contain.

This power, claimed by Great Britain, and the late attempts to exercise it over these colonies, present to our view two events, one of which must inevitably take place, if she shall continue to insist on her pretensions. Either, the colonists will sink from the rank of freemen into the class of slaves, overwhelmed with all the miseries and vices, To us, therefore, it appears, at this alarming proved by the history of mankind to be inseparably period, our duty to God, to our country, to our annexed to that deplorable condition-or, if they have sense and virtue enough to exert themselves in striving to avoid this perdition, they must be involved in an opposition, dreadful even in contemplation.

Honor, justice, and humanity call upon us to hold, and to transmit to our posterity, that liberty which we received from our ancestors. It is not our duty to leave wealth to our children; but it is our duty to leave liberty to them. No infamy, iniquity, or cruelty, can exceed our own, if we, born and educated in a country of freedom, entitled to its

selves, and to our posterity, to exert our utmost abilities, in promoting and establishing harmony between Great Britain and these colonies, ON ▲


For attaining this great and desirable end, we request you as soon as you meet, to appoint a prodeputies from the several colonies, appointed, or per number of persons to attend a congress of to be appointed, by the representatives of the people of the colonies respectively, in assembly or convention, or by delegates chosen by the counties generally in the respective colonies, and met in blessings, and knowing their value, pusillanimously provincial committee, at such time and place as deserting the post assigned us by Divine Pro shall be generally agreed on: and that the deputies vidence, surrender succeeding generations to a from this province may be induced and encouraged condition of wretchedness, from which no human efforts, in all probability, will be sufficient to for the common welfare, we think it proper, parto concur in such measures, as may be devised extricate them; the experience of all states mourn. fully demonstrating to us, that when arbitrary they will be supported in their conduct by their ticularly to inform you how far, we apprehend,

*Ibid. 270.


The assumed parliamentary power of internal by acts of the several assemblies. It is also our legislation, and the power of regulating trade, as opinion, that, taking example from our mother of late exercised, and designed to be exercised, country, in abolishing the "courts of wards and we are thoroughly convinced, will prove unfailing liveries, tenures in capite, and by knights service and plentiful sources of dissentions to our mother and purveyance," it will be reasonable for the country and these colonies, unless some expedients colonies, in case of obtaining the terms before can be adopted to render her secure of receiving mentioned, to settle a certain annual revenue on from us every emolument that can, in justice and his majesty, his heirs and successors, subject to reason, be expected, and us secure in our lives, the control of parliament, and to satisfy all damages liberties, properties, and an equitable share of com- done to the East-India company.


This our idea of settling a revenue, arises from a sense of duty to our sovereign and esteem for our mother country. We know and have felt the benefits of subordinate connexion with her. We neither are so stupid as to be ignorant of them, nor

Mournfully revolving in our minds the calamities that, arising from these dissentions, will most probably fall on us or our children, we will now lay before you the particular points we request of you to procure, if possible, to be finally decided; so unjust as to deny them. We have also exand the measures that appear to us most likely to produce such a desirable period of our distresses and dangers. We therefore desire of you

either side of the Atlantic, this is not a time, either Whatever may be said of these proposals on for timidity or rashness. We perfectly know, that the great cause now agitated, is to be conducted to a happy conclusion, only by that well tempered composition of counsels, with firmness, prudence, loyalty to our sovereign, respect to our parent state, and affection to our native country, united, must form.

perienced the pleasures of gratitude and love, as well as advantages from that connexion. The im pressions are not yet erased. We consider her circumstances with tender concern. We have not Frist. That the deputies you appoint, may be been wanting, when constitutionally called upon, instructed by you strenuously to exert themselves, to assist her to the utmost of our abilities; insoat the ensuing congress, to obtain a renunciation, much that she has judged it reasonable to make on the part of Great Britain, of all powers under us recompenses for our overstrained exertions: and the statute of the 35th of Henry the eighth, chapter we now think we ought to contribute more than the 2d-of all powers of internal legislation-of we do, to the alleviation of her burthens. imposing taxes or duties, internal or external-and of regulating trade, except with respect to any new articles of commerce, which the colonies may hereafter raise, as silk, wine, &c. reserving a right to carry these from one colony to another-a repeal of all statutes for quartering troops in the colonies, or subjecting them to any expense on account of such troops-of all statutes imposing duties to be paid in the colonies, that were passed at the accession of his present majesty or before this time: which every period shall be judged most By such a compact, Great Britain will secure adviseable of the statutes giving the courts of every benefit, that the parliamentary wisdom of admiralty in the colonies greater power than courts ages has thought proper to attach to her. From of admiralty have in England-of the statutes of her alone we shall still continue to receive manu the 5th of George the second, chapter the 22d, factures. To her alone we shall continue to carry and of the 23d, of George the second, chapter the the vast multitude of enumerated articies of com29-of the statute for shutting up the port of merce, the exportation of which her policy has Boston-and of every other statute particularly af. thought fit to confine to herself. With such parts of fecting the province of Massachusetts-Bay, passed in the last session of parliament.

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the world only, as she has appointed us to deal, we shall continue to deal, and such commodities only, as she has permitted us to bring from them, we shall In case of obtaining these terms, it is our opi- continue to bring. The executive and controling nion, that it will be reasonable for the colonies to power of the crown will retain their present full engage their obedience to the acts of parliament, force and operation. We shall contentedly labor commonly called the acts of navigation, and to for her as affectionate friends, in time of tranevery other act of parliainent declared to have quillity: and cheerfully spend for her, as dutiful force, at this time, in these colonies, other than children, our treasure and our blood, in time of war. those abovementioned, and to confirm such statutes She will receive a certain income from us, without


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