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whilks he had to learning and virtue, and to the mantenance and increas thereof within this realme, gave disponed united and annexit to the saids university and college of Auld Aberdene, with special consent and assent of all having intrest, the kirks teinds lands and annual rents after specifiet, viz., all and haill the parsonage and vicarage of St. Machar called the deanry of the cathedral kirk of Aberdeen, with the haill lands teinds fruits rents emoluments and dutys pertaining and belonging thereto; all and haill the parsonages of Methlick, Furvie, Petterkirk called Spittel, or the subchantory of Aberdeen, with the haill manses gleibs lands rents and duties of the said kirks respective, all lyand within the diocies of St. Andros and Aberdene respective; together with all and sundry kirk-lands teinds annual rents feu-farms manses gleibs houses biggings yairds and others fruits rents and emoluments whilks pertanit of before to the friars carmalites of Banff, the chaplanries of Wasthall and Fallaroul, the chaplanries of St. Magdalens altar, with all and sundry kirk-lands teinds annual rents fewfarms manses gleibs houses biggings yairds and all the other fruits rents emoluments and dutys whatsomever whilks pertained of before to the said chaplanries, or to the old chaplanries of the said university and college of Old Aberdeen; together with all other lands houses biggings provents teinds annual rents few-farms manses gleibs tittles richts jurisdictions and others quhatsomever pertaining and addebtit to the said college masters regents bursars and members thereof, either given and grantit be his said highnes' umquhile dearest gudshir king James the sixth of worthy memory, or any others his highnes' most noble progenitors and predicessors, kings and queens of Scotland, their regents or governours for the time, or be the bishops of Aberdeen of good memory, or be any others at any time of before, whilks the saids college and university possess has possessed or any ways might possess, as in his highness' said umquhile dearest gudshir of worthy memory his donations gifts and dispositions and mortifications thereof at more length is contained: whilks last mortifications and donations granted by his highnes' said umquhile dearest gudshir of worthy memory to the saids university and college, were likeways ratifyed be him in an act of his said parliament holden in the said year of God 1617; and also be his majestie's said umquhill dearest father Charles the first of happy memory, be an act of his said parliament holden in the said year of God 1633: and our soveraign lord, following the worthy example of his highnes' most noble progenitors in their guid affections and love of learning

and virtuous education of the youth within the kingdom, and being willing be all means possible, sua far as lyes in his majestie's power, to promove virtue, advance the saids university and college of Old Aberdeen, and corroborat the rights tittles and securitys thereof, sua that the samin may the more and more florish in learning discipline and good manners; therefore our said soveraign lord, with advyse and council of the saids estates of parliament, ratifys allows and approves, and for his highnes and his successors perpetuallie confirms all and sundry the forsaids auld foundations of the said university and college of Auld Aberdeen, with haill rights tittles privileges immunitys exemptions jurisdictions freedoms and libertys of the samin; and all and haill the forsaids donations and mortifications of kirks and benefices, patronages parsonages and vicarage thereof, lands feu-farms annual rents and whatsomever other emoluments and dutys given and granted to the saids university and college, either be his highnes' said umquhile dearest father or gudshir of worthy memory, or any others his highnes' most noble progenitors, kings or queens of Scotland, their regents or governours for the time, or be the saids bishops of Aberdeen or any others, in all and sundry the heids points articles clauses circumstances and conditions therein contained, and after the form and tenor therof in all points and wills grants and declares that the said university and college shall enjoy the samin, intromit with and uplift the haill lands teinds fruits rents annual rents chaplanries and others quhatsomever above specifiet pertaining and belonging thereto; and also all other privileges immunitys freedoms and exemptions whilk at any time the said university and college, or any other university or college within or without this realme bruiks and enjoys, or has bruiked and enjoyt in any time bygone, or may bruik and enjoy by virtue of their rights and donations grantit unto them heretofore; and that the forsaid ratification of the saids rights specially and generally above written shall be of alse great strength force and effect, as if the said haill rights were all at length specially and particularly therein contained and insert, notwithstanding the samin be not sua done: whereanent, and with all other objections deffects and imperfections (if any be) our said soveraigne lord and estates of parliament dispenses for ever. And because the deanry and sub-chantory of Aberdeen, with the parsonage of Methlick, are united annexit and incorporat to the saids university and college, the saids kirks and parsonages being benefices and members of the chapter of the cathedral kirk of Aberdeen, and his majestie being naways willing that the

said chapter be hurt impairit or deprivit of any of the old members and privileges therof; therefore our said soveraign lord, with advyse and consent forsaid, ratifys and approves the statute and ordinance made be his highnes' royal gudshir of glorious memory, in the said parliament holden at Edinburgh the said year of God 1617, ordaining that the principall of the said college for the time should in all time thereafter be Dean of Aberdeen, and that the sub-principall of the said colleges hould be Sub-chantor of Aberdeen, and that the eldest regent of the said college should be persone of Methlick, they representing at the leist the said chanons, and having their places in chapter in giving voits and suffrages, and subscribing of tacks infeftments and other writts; and thereafter ratifyed be his majesty's said umquhill dearest father in his said parliament holdin in the year of God 1633; in all and sundry the heids points articles circumstances and conditions therein contanit, and after the form and tenor thereof in all points; provyding always that the said college and members thereof make and provide sufficient stipends and provisions to the ministers actually serving the cure at the saids kirks, who are not already sufficiently provydit.

Extracted furth of the records of parliament be me Sir Archibald Prymrose of Chester, knight and baronet, clerk of his majesty's council registers and rolls.

A. Primrose cl. reg.

Commission to Mr. Robert Forbes to collect the vacant stipends.


day of

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123. Att the yeire of God M. vic thrie scoir tuelve yeires, it is aggriet and condiscendit wpon betuixt the pairties after named, they are to say, maister Alexander Midltoune principall of the kings colledge of Aberdeine, and maister James Leslie doctor of medicine principall of the colledge marischall in Aberdeine and remanent professores maisters and members of the saidis tuo respective colledges wndersubscrivand on the ane pairt, and maister Robert Forbes ane of the regents of the said kings colledge of Aberdeine on the other pairt, in maner. . . as after followes, that is to say, forsameikle as the aboue namit masters and members of the saids tuo colledges, be ther letters of factorie made be way of contract betuixt them and the said maister Robert Forbes . . . of

the dait of thir presentis haw given . . . commissione to the said Mr. Robert... to receave and wplift the haill vacand stipends of all and sundrie the parochines within the dioceses of Aberdeine, Murray, Rosse, Sutherland, and Kaithnes, Orknay and Zetland, and that for all yeires and termes that the samen hes vaicked, and not wplifted and compted for to the deceast Alex Cuninghame lait collector of the saids vaiccancies . . . since the first day of Februare M. vic and sextie-four yeires, to the first day of Februarie M. vic and sevintie-ane yeires, the colledges allowing to the said Mr. Robert Forbes 12 merks out every 100 for his trouble in collecting.

Extract act of Privy Council.

Edinburgh the first day of February 1672. 124. Forasmuch as it is necessary for the advancement of learning that all due encouragement be given to the professors and masters of universities and colledges, and that the practise of some persons in taking upon them, without warrand or allowance of any in authoritie, to draw together numbers of scholars, and to teach them these languages and partes of philosophie which are proper to be taught in universities, is contrar to the lawes of the kingdom, and tendes exceedingly to the prejudice of universities and colledges, by rendering some of the professiones therin altogether useless : therfor the lords of his majestie's privy council doe hereby prohibit and discharge all persons whatsomever who are not publicklie authorised or allowed, conform to the act of parliament, to gather together any number of scholars and to teach them philosophie or the Greek language; and grants warrant to direct letters at the instance of the professors and masters of any of the universities or colledges of this kingdom against all such persons as shall contraveen this act, charging them to desist and cease from so doing in time comeing, with certification if they faylie to give obedience, other letters shall be direct to charge them therto simpliciter, under the payne of rebellion. And in regaurd diverse inconveniences and abuses are occasioned by receaving into universities and colledges schollars who have come from uther colledges, without sufficient testimonialls; for remeid whereof, the saids lords doe ordaine that no schollars who have come from ane colledge be admitted and received into another college or universitie without a

sufficient testimoniall under the hands of the masters of that colledge from whence they came, or at leist under the hand of the principall regent or master under whose speciall charge they were. And siklyk that degrees be not conferred upon any students who have come from other colledges, without sufficient testimonials in manner foresaid in favoures of the persones to be graduat; and ordaines these presents to be published at the mercat croce of Edinburgh and other places needful, that none pretend ignorance. Extracted by me Thomas Hay.

Mortification of the Dow croft.

125. To all and sundrie good christianes be it knowen . . . that I John Lorimer, toune clark of the burgh of Cullen, heritable proprietar of the croft of land called Dow croft, and utheris underwrittin; whereas it is the bounden dutie of all persones that feareth God, according to there abilitie to endeavour for the good and felicitie of the church and comonewealth quhairin they liwe, and be carefull and studious thereof in there life, much more at there death to leawe testimonies of there desire thereunto, that God may be glorified and learneing propagated in young ones, quhich is the grand pillar quhich supportes an kingdome and God's church therein, under God. . . . thairfor witt ye me . . . to hawe mortified . . . to the baillies and counsell of the burgh of Cullen and there successors, and to the minister and elders of the sessione of Cullen and there successors from time to time

till time end in eternitie, being now appoynted by me as the undoubted patrones of the croft of land and utheris underwrittin to the pious use after specifeit; all and haill that my croft of land called Dow croft, alias schollars croft, with ane litle stone house now sklated standing thereupon, with the pertinentis . . . with ane house builded thereupon at the end of my kill, quhilk Robert Strachan my maltman payes yeirlie therefor four libis money . . . haweing Wm. Ords croft called Placegrein at the south, from the standing march stone douneward to the running of the milne dame at the west, the commone tounes wind milne at the north, and my yaird dyke betuixt my kill lineallie to Wm. Ords yaird dyke and march stone standin there at the east, quhilk croft of land payeth yeirlie six bolles thirrelated beir, quhilk is the yeirlie rent thereof formerlie payed be tennentis of the same, and

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