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My lorde Graye, leutenaunt of Hampnes, at xijd. per diem and xx. markes in rewarde per annum, with xvij. souldyors at viijd. every of them, and vij. in vjd. Summa, cccijli. vs. xd. Inde, victaill money, xvjli. xvs. And so rest clere, cciiijxxvli. xs.

My lord chamberlayne*, leutenaunte of Guysnes, at ijs. per diem, and xl. markes per annum for his rewarde, and for spiall money xxxiijli. vjs. viijd., with xlix. souldyors at viijd. and Iti. at vjd. Summa, мlexlviijli. xviijs. iiijd. Inde, victaill money, lxiijli. xvjs. vjd. So rest clere to be paid, Miijxxvili. xxd. st. t.

Summa of the hole counsaill, as well within the towne as withoute, with theyr companyes fees and rewardes ordynarie, as before dothe appere, M'M'мlecciiij xxvli. xviijs. vd. st. t.

[f. 85b.] Summa of the greate retynue, vijм1.ccxxxiiijli. iiijs. ixd. st. t. [f. 86.] RETINENTIA THESAURARII.

Speres, Richarde Lee, Richarde Carie, Richarde Cole, and Thomas Massingberde, at xxli. per ann.

[f. 86b.] Summa of the Thresorer's companye aforesaide, li. persons, argent iiijc. Ixixli. ijs. ijd.

[f. 87.] MASONS. William Baker, master mason, at xijd. a day, and fifteen others at viijd.—Summa, clxijli. xiijs. iiijd. st. t.

[f. 87 b.] CARPENTERS. John Burde, master carpenter, at xijd. and twenty others at viijd.—Summa, ccviijl. xjs. viijd. st. t.

[f. 88.] John Dossen, master smythe, at xijd. a day, and Robert Robynson, plummer, at viijd.-xxxijl. iijs. xd. st. t.

Jhsus and saint George, in bothe churchis, for the exchequer companye, which be in the kinges petie wages, iiijli. ijs. viijd.

The annuite or pension some tyme paide to the Fryars Carmelites, and now graunted to my lorde Lisle, deputie, vjl. xiijd. iiijd.

[f. 88 b.] SUMMA TOTALIS of the hole booke for a hole yere, viijmil cxvijli. xjs. ixd. st.

That is, £8117 118. 9d. On a piece of paper stuck upon fol. 80 of the same document, is another Sum Total, £674 16s. 34d. apparently stating the annual charge for victualling the garrison:

Summa totalis paid for the ordinary kepe rachons of the towne and squeynage of Calais by the space of an hole yere, as by the particulars of

*William lord Sandys.

the same may apeir, endyng the xxiiijth daye of Septembre in anno xvijmo Regis H. viijmi., [1525,] the some of vjclxxiiijli. xvjs. iijd. ob. q.


(MS. Cotton. Faust. E. VII. pp. 89–102b.)

These Ordenances are written on the same quire of paper with the muster-roll of which the preceding abstract has been given. It may, therefore, be concluded that this copy was made about the same time, though the original date of the ordenances is probably considerably earlier, if they may be considered as part of" the good, olde, and holsome lawes, ordenances, and constitutiones" which the commissioners found neglected in 1535 (see before, p. 130).

CALIS. What gates shalbe opened every day, and howe often.

First, where there be fower gates to the saide towne, that is to saye, the Lanterne gate, the Milke gate, the Bulloigne gate, and the Water gate, it is ordeyned, that the Lanterne gate shalbe opened every daye in the yere, except for any greate cause by the commaundement of the king's deputie there be thre gates open. Then shall at the Lanterne gate be opened but only to two wyckets, till the thirde gate soo opened by commaundement be shitt againe. And from Mondaye next after Candlemas daye unto the feast of Seint Michill the seid gate shalbe opened two tymes every daye before none; and every Sondaye, Cristmas daye, Candlemas daye, Goodfriday, Seint George's daye, Assension daye, Corpus Christi daye, the Assumption of our Ladie, the saide gate shalbe opened thre tymes bifore none, that is to saie, in the sommer tyme the first opening is at v. of the clock; and in the winter tyme immediately after the first stricking downe of the watche bell, which is when he may see his marke to releave the gate of suche as will go oute. And then it is shitt ageyne till vj. of the clock, in whiche tyme they here masse, and then open againe, and soo remayne open till ix. of the clock; and then the saide gate is shut againe till after the sakering of high masse; and then ys opened againe for suche as wil pas oute, and immediately shut againe, and so remayneth till the watche bell ring to the shutting of the same, and be seassed. And during the herring tyme, which contynueth from Michaelmas till Seint Andrewes tide, the seide gate is opened every Sondaye but two tymes before none; and every Mondaye and Fridaye, if they be not principall holly daies, the Mylke gate ys opened; and every Tewesdaye and Thursdaye, yf they be not principall

holly daies, the Watergate ys opened; and Wednesdaye and Saturdaye, yf they be not principall holly daies, the Bulloigne gate shalbe opened; provided alwaies, that during the herring tyme no gate shalbe opened but only the Lanterne gate, withoute the special commaundement of the kinges deputie.

The Opening of the Gates.

First, when the watche bell in the morning hathe stricken thre tymes, which ys called the striking downe, then shall tenne porters resorte to the Merket, and shall take with them the phipher and the drome, and the hole warde appointed for that daye, which be fortie in nombre, and from thens shall goo to the deputies lodging, and then two of the saide porters appointed to be keye-berers for that daye receyve of the kinges deputie the keys of as many gates as the saide deputie shall appoint for that day to be opened; and with the saide keys they shall goo to the Market, where shall mete with them either the master porter, or the gentleman porter, or bothe, and go forthe with them to the Lanterne gate; and when thei be ther assembled, oon of the porters that berithe the keys that daye shall put the kei in the lock of the innere grete gate, but he shall not unlok yt till he be commaunded by the deputie, if he be ther, or, in his absence, by the master porter, marshall, or undermarshall, if any of them be there; and, in their absence, the gentleman porter, when he seithe the hole warde ther present, shall commaunde the saide porter soo haveing the kei in the lock to unlock the saide gate, and yet he shall not open the saide gate, but shall open the wicket, at which wicket shall first goo oute eight porters; and two porters with the master porter, or gentleman porter in his absence, shall still remayne within the greate gate of the towne, till the mydle gate and drawe bridge be by two of the saide viij. porters letten downe; and than the whole warde shall entre, and one of the porters shall open the wicket of the uther gate, whereat shall goo forthe tenne or twelve of the saide warde to see and albe cleare, and ther shall remayne, and all persons beinge without the saide gate, untyll all suche persons and carriages then beinge at the inner gate be come forthe, and thenne the master porter shall commaunde the great gates to be opened, and shall see that the two skowrers shall first goo oute of the saide gates; and thenne the saide master porter, or the gentleman porter in his absence, shall goo to his place accustomed, and all suche as woll goo

forthe of the towne shall followe hym. And betwene our Ladye daye in Lent and Saint Michell the Archangell the saide gate, after the firste opening and clearing as before is saide, shall againe be shutt immediately, except only they shall not drawe up the drawbridge; and, assone as yt ys shut, the keys with the said warde shall reasort to the Fryers, wher is a masse ordeyned by the king for them to here masse, and assone as the saide masse ys done, they shall againe retorne to open the saide gate with lyke seremonies as before. And it is ordeyned that at all suche tymes as the Lanterne gate shalbe opened two tymes in the fornone, which ys from the Mondaye after Candelmas daye to the Mondaye after Michilmas daye, yf in any daye during the saide tyme ther shalbe two gates opened, the saide other gate that shalbe for that daye opened shall not be opened till the seconde openyng of the saide Lanterne gate, and then shall the porters devyde themselves at the Friers' gate, soo that fyve of the porters with the master porter, if he be ther, and haulfe the warde, shall goo to the Lanterne gate, and the other fyve with the gentleman porter, and the other haulfe of the warde, shall goo to the other gate that shalbe opened for that daye, and soo shall open them with lyke circumstaunces as before ys saide, and bring the keis and laye them in a coufer in the porter's lodge, and ther locked to remayne till the gates shall againe be shut. And betwene Saint Androwes daye and the Mondaye next after Candelmas daye, at suche daies as too gates shalbe opened, when the Lanterne gate is first opened with the hole warde, as before is saide, than fyve of the porters, taking with them haulfe the warde, goo immediately too the other gate which shalbe opened at that daye, and shall open the same with like circumstaunces as bifore ys saide, and shut the same with like circumstances; and from Lammas to our Lady daye in Lente, the saide oute gate, if it be againe opened at oon of the clocke at afternone, shall alwaies be shut at thre of the clock at afternone, and from our Lady daye in Lent to Lammas at fower of the clock; provided alwaies, that during the herring tyme and mystie wether no oute gate shalbe opened but hit be by the speciall commaundment of the king's deputie for the tyme being. And at elleven of the clock the saide gates shalbe shut, with lyke seremonies afforsaide, and the keis accompanied as bifore is saide to the deputie, wher so evere he be in the saide towne; and, in his absence, to suche one as by hym shalbe appointed to have the custodie of the same keis; and theise keis, soo being in the custodie of the kinges

deputie, or his deputie, shalbe coverid with a quishyn or some other thing, so that no man shall see the secrets of them; and thence, at one of the clock at afternone the saide porters, with the aforesaide warde, shall fetche again the keis from the deputie, and open the saide gates with like seremonies as bifore ys saide in the morning, saving the scowrers shall not goo out but in the morning.

The Shitting of the Gates.

First, when the watch bell hath rong haulf an ower to the shitting of the gates, and is cessed, the hole warde then being at the gate, one of the porters shall knok with his staffe upon the outter gate to gyve warning, and than immediately shall shut the utter gate, and shall open the wicket of the same gate, and two of the porters shall shut the inner gate, leving the wicket open of the same. And all the saide porters, with the hole warde, shall stande betwene the saide two gates, and soo kepe the wickettes open till such tyme as the mersshall or his deputies hathe sett the skoutwatche withoute as is retorned within the gate; then the maister porter, or the gentleman porter in his absence, shall commande one of the other porters to shit the outer wicket, and he hymself shall serche and see that the saide gate and wicket be surely locked and barred; and thenne he shall commaunde the warde to goo into the towne bifore the saide inner gate, ther to remayne. And then the two porters which have the charge of the keis that daye shall drawe upp the drawbridge, and after shut the inner wicket, and see that the same gate and wicket be also surely locked and barred; and then the master porter, the jentleman porter, with tenne porters and the hole warde afforesaide, shall accompany the keis to the Market; and thenne the master porter may depart, but the jentleman porter and the other porters, with the hole warde, shall bring the saide kayes to the kinges deputies lodging, and ther the saide keyes shall remayne in the keping of the saide deputie, and shalbe locked in a coffer, which coffer alwaies standith by the deputies bedsyde. And it is ordeyned that the comptroller's clarke of the chekk shalbe alwaies at the opening and shitting of the gate, and shall call as well the names of them that shall waite ther for that daye, as to marke the defaults of suche of them as shalbe absent, and chekk them.

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