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achieve (a-chev'), v. t. To get by effort; accomplish; attain. They certainly seem to achieve success in making their students respect them.

It was arranged to achieve this result.

You have achieved another social success.

She had achieved certain definite things.

acidulous (à-sid ́-u-lus), adj. Slightly sour: fig., sour-tempered; harsh; caustic. Words of similar import, "acid," "sour." The lemon is a very acidulous fruit.

acoustic (a-kōōs'-tik; ȧ-kous'tik), adj. Pertaining to the transmission of sound in an enclosed space, as a room, cave, etc.; acoustics, n. The science of sound; the study of the cause and nature of what affects the organs of hearing; the quality of the transmission of sound in a room.

The acoustic properties of this assembly hall are cellent.

Public speakers often complain of the acoustics of the halls in which they speak.

The test was in accord with the well-known laws of acoustics.

acquiescence (ǎk-wĭ-ěs'-ĕns), n. State or act of acquiescing; acceptance; compliance. Words of similar import, "agree

ment," "assent."

The proposals were met with acquiescence.
She simply bowed her acquiescence.

They were soothed into acquisecence.

acquisition (ǎk-wi-zish'-un), n. Act of acquiring or gaining possession of; anything thus gained or acquired.

similar import, "acquirement."

His purpose was the acquisition of wealth.

These are scholarly acquisitions.

Word of

I would not call this an acquisition, but a cultivation. acquit (ǎ-kwit'), v. t. To discharge, as from an obligation; to release from blame. With the reflexive, to clear one's self from blame; to free or clear; to conduct one's self favorably. This is the time to acquit him of murder.

We trust she may acquit herself of suspicion.

It pleased the parents to see the child acquit himself so well.

She was acquitted of the crime.

acquittal (ǎ-kwit'-ǎl), n. A setting free from the charge of an offense by legal process; a discharge from obligation, debt or accusation.

I have long been indebted to you, but I trust you will accept this as an acquittal.

He secured an acquittal through bribery.

I commend the manner of your acquittal of your obligations.

acrid (ǎk'-rid), adj. Harsh and sharp; bitter; irritating; severe; stinging; acrimonious.

His acrid remarks had no effect.

acrimonious (ǎk-ri-mō'-ni-ŭs), adj. (adv. -ly). Harsh or sharp; bitter; sarcastic.

They became acrimonious.

She would not indulge in acrimonious discussions.

She spoke acrimoniously of the arrangement.

acuity (à-kū ́-i-ti), n. Sharpness; acuteness.

They were endowed with acuity of vision.

acumen (a-ku'-měn), n. Quickness of perception; insight; quickness of discernment. Words of similar import, "cleverness," "perspicacity."

I recognized that keen acumen seldom found in adolescent youth.

She managed with singular acumen the details of her home.

A business man's acumen is his chief asset.

He was without power or acumen.

adamant (ǎd'-à-mănt), n. Very hard stone; fig., impenetrable. Within his breast beats a heart of adamant.

She is adamant on this point.

He remained adamant to her pleadings.


For they can conquer who believe they can.-Dryden.

adamantine (ăd-å-măn'-tĭn), adj. Incapable of being broken; like adamant; as hard as a diamond; immovable.

The diamond is adamantine in its quality of hardness.

Like the adamantine fortitude of great men.

It conflicted with his adamantine principles.

The adamantine shell of circumstances surrounded her.
It was like adamantine chains.

addicted (ǎ-dikt'-ěd), p. a.

Strongly inclined or devoted to some practice or object. Words of similar import, "prone," "accustomed," "habituated."

They were addicted to boasting of their knowledge.
He had become addicted to this habit.

They employed a person closely addicted to study.

address (ă-drěs'), v. t also n. To accost; speak to; to court; to direct in writing (superscription). Speech.

(Remember the accent of this word is on the last syllable.)

It was his custom to address the public on these occasions.
This is their new address.

It was a convincing address.

adduce (ǎ-dūs'), v. t. To offer, or bring forward or show, as a


This was all that could be adduced as evidence.

ad infinitum (ăd în-fi-ni'-tum), Latin. To infinity; without end; to an endless degree or extent.

And so on ad infinitum.

So it runs on ad infinitum.

adios (ä-dyōs'; ä-deeōs'), Spanish. Farewell; adieu. Adios, my dear.

adjuvant (ăj’-ŏŏ-vănt), adj., also n. Helping; contributory; an assistant or helper. Word of similar import, "help."

Bathing is an excellent adjuvant in illness.

ad libitum (ad lib'-i-tum), Latin. At pleasure; as far as one likes.

Tea was served ad libitum.

He had access to the books in the library ad libitum.

admonition (ăd-mō-nĭsh'-ŭn), n. Reproof; expression of warning or advice; counsel. Word of similar import, "caution." It is a timely admonition.

Her admonition was: "Never give up."

It was the faithful admonition of a mother.

ad nauseam (ăd nô'-she-ăm), Latin. Producing disgust; to the extent of exciting disgust, especially, the disgust which arises from wearisome repetition.

I have had excuses ad nauseam.

adolescence (ăd-õ-lès ́-ĕns), n. State or period of growing from childhood to maturity; in a boy, from 14 to 18; a girl, from 12 to 16 years of age; youth; one in the age of adolescence. He pictures the interest attaching to the period of adolescence.

It is a study of adolescence.

adolescent (ăd-ō-lĕs'-ĕnt), adj. also n. Growing from childhood to maturity; pertaining to youth.

Adolescent youth assumes responsibility if placed on it.
The adolescent period is often our happiest.

The soft texture of her complexion revealed adolescent beauty.

"He is a most angelic adolescent."

adoration (ăd-ō-ră'-shun), n. Act of adoring; the supreme worship due to God alone; the utmost regard, respect or esteem;

the highest degree of love.

"reverence," "worship."

Words of similar import,

After the prayers was the adoration of the cross.
Strictly speaking we give God alone adoration.

ad rem (ăd rem), Latin. To the thing or matter in hand; to the point.

Speech must be pure and simple, and it must be ad rem. Your statements of practical methods are much more ad rem than theirs.

adroit (à-droit'), adj. Dexterous of hand or mental faculty; skillful; clever; showing skill in the use of mental or bodily powers. Words of similar import, "clever," "ingenious," (phrase) "expert in action."

It was an adroit piece of work.

He is an adroit politician.

She had an adroit and tactful way of suggesting things.
Here we found adroit and specious reasoning.

They were adroit swordsmen.

adroitness (ȧ-droit'-nes), n. Dexterity; the quality of being adroit.

She had great skill and adroitness in managing children. adulate (ǎd'u-lāt), v. t. To flatter servilely; to show pretended devotion to.

We were first adulated, then criticised.

adulation (ăd-ū-lā'-shŭn), n. Excessive praise; insincere praise. Adulation was to her the breath of life.

Was it public adulation?

The fulsome tone of adulation is far from pleasing.
Adulation is more often insincere than sincere.

adumbration (ăd-um-bra'-shun), n. Something that shadows forth; foreshadowing. Fig., an imperfect representation; a faint sketch or outline; shadow.

This popularity is but an adumbration of future great


It was an adumbration of the tumult about to burst forth.

advent (ăd'-věnt), n. Approach; arrival; coming.

We observed the advent of this stranger with misgivings. The advent of the Redeemer is the greatest event the world has known.

adventitious (ăd-věn-tish'-us), adj. Additional; foreign. Biol. Out of its natural place; incidental; extrinsic; fortuitous. It was an adventitious prestige.

The occurrence was only adventitious.


Mend your speech a little, lest it may mar your fortunes. -Shakespeare.

advisory (ǎd-vi'-zō-ri), adj. Pertaining to advice; giving advice; having power to advise.

His perorations are advisory.

It was left to the discretion of the advisory board.

advocate (ǎd'-vō-kāt), v. t. also n. To plead in favor of; recommend; support. Law. One who pleads the cause of another; one who defends.

This is the doctrine she advocated.

He will engage in any business his parents may advocate. aerial (ã-ē ́-rĭ-ăl), adj. also n. Pertaining to the air; done in the air; name of wires used in radio telegraphy.

We build aerial castles.

His aerial gyrations suddenly ceased.

These animals possess both aerial and aquatic respirations.

He set up aerials on his roof.

æsthete, esthete (ĕs'-thet), n. One who appreciates the beautiful; a lover of art.

His environment and training combined to make him an æsthete.

æsthetic, esthetic (ĕs-thět'-ik), adj. Appreciative of the beautiful in accord with the principles of beauty.

Her æsthetic sensibilities were shocked by this display. affable (ǎf'-à-b'l), adj. Courteous; gracious; easy to approach in speech; sociable.

She is affable and amiable.

afflatus (ă-fla'-tus), n. A blast of wind; a breath; divine inspiration; supernal or overmastering impulse; inspiration.

The divine afflatus is evident in all his works.
They were all inspired by the divine afflatus.
This poet is without his afflatus.

affluence (ǎf'-lōō-ĕns), n. Profusion; wealth; abundant supply. Here we have affluence of thought.

They live in affluence.

California artists revel in an affluence of scenery.

He had risen to affluence through his own efforts.

aftermath (af'-ter-măth), n. That which comes afterward; originally, after the harvest; consequences; result.

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