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doe any thinge to the hindranse of his affayeres, I could have byne contented to have traveled further, nevertheles, since his grace is so pleased, I am very glad thearof, and shall so order my jurney as afore. And forasmuche as your said lettres ye make mention of an overture made by my lady the Frenche kynges mother, of the meetyng of cardinalles beinge at libertye to consulte and determyne what shalbe done for ordering of the churche, the pope thus beinge in captyvety and detayned in the emperores hands, wherof mention is made in your said letteres; and wheare mention is made in your said letteres that my lady the French kynges mother, with very ardente and vehemente wordes, sayd that christyane princes could not of their honores suffere the head of Christes chorche to be kepte in servitude and captyvetye, and that theare could be no cause whearfor any prince of his owne authorytye could put the pope to his ransome, or keepe him in durance, but that all christyane princes for the tyme of the said captyvety ought to declyne from the jurisdiction of the same, aslonge as he was so detayned, and not put to lyberty; whearby every christyayne manne myght have to him free accese as to their comone father of Christes chorche; I am very glad that this overture proceedethe of her; and had not she have made the same overture undoubtedly the kynge and I wold have made it, whearfore ye shall in conversyng with my lady, not only comend the sayd overture, alledging that I muche approve and thinke the same necesary to be followed, but also that it shalbe very expedyente that she by her greate wisdom and dexterytye do cause the kyng her sonne to write to suche cardynalles as be at lybertye out of Rome, as welle of Fraunce as Itally, to take the payne to com into Fraunce with all celerytye and possyble dillygence unto some place nye unto the kyng and me, wheare his grace, she, and I may conferre with them, and take order not onely for the government of the churche duringe the captyvetye of the pope, but also what is further to be done in case the emperor will not condescend to resonable condisyones of peacePropterea, ne quid temporis per moram inutiliter effluat, urgete atque instate ut cardinales ad loca nobis quam maxime vicina conveniant et congregantur, ne nos in ulteriores partes Galliæ protrahant, illicque nimium remorentur; and for this purpose the pope's ambassador, who passethe with me in this jurneye, directethe his letteres as well to the legate de Salmates theare as also to the sayd cardinalles, being absent, and so shortely shall also the kynges highnes, and I will write to the cardinalles

according to suche a minute as ye shall receave hearwithe, which ye maye comunycate with the Frenche kyng and his counselle.

Ye maye also saye unto the sayde Frenche kyng and my ladye, in asmuche as my passage towards him is div[u]lged in Flaunderes, and come to my ladye Margaretes eare, and that they, perceavinge it to be adverse to ther purpos, wold be glad to lette and interupte the same, which as it is sayd they might easily doe in certayne passages between Amyence and Calleys, unlese the same weare foreseene and provided for by the garrysones of his frontyeres, I doubt not but for his honore and my suertye he wold provide and forsee that no suche enterprise shalbe attempted uppon me and my trayne. Prayeng him therefore that some folkes may be deputed to come to me to Callys before my departynge from the same, with whome I maye confere and be ascerteyned accordingly in what place I and my trayne from journeye to journeye shalbe lodged and ordered for my suertye. This done, I wold gladly that ye my lorde of Bathe, with as convenyent speed as myght be, tooke your jurneye towardes me, leavinge behinde you sir Anthony Broune, so as I might, after mye meeting with the Frenche kyng, comunycate suche secret matteres and of highe importance as I have to be disclosed to you on the kynges behalfe, wherin I wold gladly have conference with you 2 or 3 dayes; whearfor, as maye stand with your comodytye, I wold gladly ye so ordered your meetynge with me as I myghte, iff it weare possyble, speake with you at Montrell, or at the furthest [at] Abaville.

What my nomber is, and what personages I bringe with me, I shall more specyally write unto sir Anthony Broune before my departynge out of Callys, to shewe the same unto the Frenche kyng, whom I praye you to desyre that he take order for directyone of suche the kynges letteres as I shall from Callys send unto him to be convayed unto Spayne, Itally, and other partes, trustyng that uppon my cominge to the Frenche kynges presence such wayes shalbe taken as shalbe to the honore of bothe princes, and to the welthe and tranquillytye of all Christendome.-FINIS.

Indorsed.-Cardenall Wolse's lettere of his purposed jurneye as Ambassador to the Frenche kynge, 1527.

[P. 41.] THE INTERVIEW OF HENRY VIII. AND FRANCIS I. In 1532. A warrant to [Garter and] the offycers of armes to attend the Kynge at the Enterviewe appoynted betweene King Henry the 8th and the French Kinge at Callais.

By the Kynge.

(MS. Harl. 69, p. 57 b.)

Trustie and welbeloved, we greete you well. And whereas motyon and vertue is made as a mutuall desire of us and our good brother the French kynge for an enterviewe and meetynge to be made and had betweene us at our towne of Callais in the begininge of the month of October next ensuing, the same proceedinge of our sinceire love and amitie firmlie established upon indissoluble grounds and causes for the benefite and welthe of us both, our realmes and subjectes, and the welthe of all Christendom, is not unlikelie to take certayne effecte, in which case it weare necessary for us to be soe furnished with our nobles and servauntes as our dignitie and estate represented with our honor doth require. We therefore, knowinge your towardness to serve us at all tymes as appertayneth, desire and praye you and neverthelesse command the same, not onlie to put yourselfe in a readines with foure servauntes to waite on you, well and comely horsed, to attend upon you at Canterbury the xxvijth. day of September next ensuing, but also to give monicion and warning in our name to Clarencieux and Norrey, eich of them to have three servauntes, to Carliell, Richmond, Lancaster, and Windesore, with eiche of them two servauntes, and to Rougcroix, Porteculles, Blewmantle, Rougedragon and Barwicke, with eiche of them one servaunt, every one to be well and comely horsed, and in like manner to attend upon us at Canterbury the day aforesaid: Signefyinge unto you that the most parte of such parsonages as shall attend upon us being appointed to apparell there servauntes in coates of lyght tawny with their devise upon the sleeve, and red Myllen bonnetes, which garmentes mustereth well and setteth forth the nombers, it should be acceptable to us if you and the rest of our servauntes before expressed every man for parte did the semblable. Given under our signet, at our manner of Langley, the xviijth. day of August, &c.

To our trustie and welbeloved Thomas Wrothesley alias Garter knight, princepall Kinge of Armes.

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Item, the xij. day paied to one Renolles, in rewarde for bringing billes assigned to Dover by the kinges commaundement, xxiijs. iiijd.

Item, the same day paied to a servaunt of my lord wardeyns, in rewarde for bringing of a purpesse and carpes to Caleys, xs.

Item, the xiij. day paied to a servaunt of sir John Nevelles, in rewarde for bringing of pastes of red dere to the king to Calays, vijs. vjd.

Item, the same day paied to Jacson the hardewareman, for a dousin and a halfe of Spanysshe gloves, iijs. vjd.

Item, the xiiij. daye paied to maister Cromewelle, by the kinges commaundement, for bowe-staves for his grace's use, vli.

Item, the same daye paied to a servaunt of the great maister,† in rewarde in bringing grapes and peres to my lady marques,‡ to Calys, xlvjs. viijd. Item, the xvij. daye paied to Cornelys, § by the kinges commaundement,

*Edited by Sir Harris Nicolas, 1827, 8vo.

† Anne de Montmorency, great master of France, who was made a knight of the garter at this meeting. (See the note in p. 43.)

Anne Boleyne, marchioness of Pembroke.

§ Cornelius Hays, the king's goldsmith.

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