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and Leonard his britherne, with the lorde Howard, the lorde Brooke, the lorde Ferreyrs, the lorde Willowby, with vij. knights and xi. esquiers, with divars gentlemen and vij c. men of warre, departed out of England from Sowthampton, with a great navy of shipps to set that company aland in Spayne, for to helpe the kynge of Spayne agaynste the Frenche kynge; a and ser Edward Howard was lord admyrall of the kyng's flete, for to kepe the se before theyr syttynge forwarde; but thes lords made but a smal jorney there at that season.

1512. The 4. of Henry the Eighth, the kyng's greate shippe called the Sovereigne was brente upon the see,b with the greate carecke of Brest; and in the Sovereigne ser Thomas Knevett was one of the capitaynes, and ser John Carewe the tother, and they were bothe brent in the great caricke of Breste, for they were entered in hir, and she was almoste yolden c; and then the Frenche men set fire in hir, and brent bothe the shippes, for they were faste crapelyd together, and almost brent all the men in bothe shipps.

The king of Spain had invaded Navarre, and England supported him in the hope of recovering Guienne. The English army, however, effected nothing, after having lost 800 men by sickness. See Stowe's Chronicle; and Letters of Dr. William Knight to Wolsey, in Ellis's Original Letters, Second Series.

b A more correct account of this catastrophe will be found in Hall. The English ship burnt was the Regent, not the Sovereign. The action was commenced by the latter, in which were sir Henry Guilford and sir Charles Brandon, "but by negligence of the maistre, or else by smoke of the ordinance, or otherwise, the Soveraigne was caste at the stern of the carrike." The Regent, commanded by Sir Thomas Knevet, who had been preparing to board another vessel called "the great shippe of Deepe," then suddenly made for the carrick, and was able to craple with her along-boorde; " and after a cruel fight the explosion took place, and both ships were burnt. With sir Thomas Knevet and sir John Carew were seven hundred men, who were all drowned or burnt; in the carrick were nine hundred Frenchmen, a few of whom were saved by the James of Hull. The carrick is said to have appertained to the queen of France, and was called Cordelier; her commander sir Piers Morgan, which name perhaps is Anglicised. A letter of Wolsey, describing the loss of the Regent, is in MS. Cotton. Vitell. B. II. f. 180, and printed by Fiddes, Collections, No. 9.

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1513. The 5. of Henry the Eighth, Edward Howard, lorde amerall, was slayne with the Frenche men before the towne of Brest, on the coaste of Britaigne, in the monithe of May.a

The vi. of June, the erle of Shrewsbery landyd at Caleys, beinge chefe capitaine of the forwarde goinge into France; with hym landyd the erle of Darby, the lord Hastyngs, the lorde Fitzwaltar, and ser Rafe ap Thomas knight baneret, ser Randill of Brewton, ser John Crofts, ser John of Assheton, ser John Dicby knight marshall of the forwarde, ser John Hogan, ser Alisander Baynham, ser Edward Belknappe, ser Sampson Norton master of the ordenance of the forward, and ser [Richard] Cheverall tresorar of the warrs of the forward, with dyvars knights and esquiers, with ther retynewe of xv. thowsand men of warr, besyde all othar followers.

The 7. of June landyd the lord of St. John's c with dyvars gentlemen and men of warre to goo in the forward.

The viij. of June landyd the lord Cobham with dyvers othars. The viiij. of June landyd the baron of Dudley with his retinew. The x. of June landed the erle of Wilshere the duke of Bokingham's brothar, and the lorde Herberd, than beinge lord chamberlayn of the kyng's howse, the baron of Burforth,e and the

This did not happen in May, but on the 25th April 1513, in an attempt to cut out some French gallies in the harbour of Conquet. In a letter written by king James IV. (probably his last) to king Henry, dated Edinburgh, the 24th May, the event is thus alluded to, as an argument for peace between Christian princes: "And surlie, derrest brothir, we think mair lose is to you of 30ure lait admirall, quha decessit to his grete honour and laude, than the avantage micht have bene of the vynnyng of all the Franche galeis and thair equippage. The saidis unquhile vailzeant knichtis service, and utheris noble men that mon on baith the sides apparently be perist, geve weir (if war) continew, war bettir applyt aponn the innemyis of Crist, quhairintill all cristen men war well warit." It is melancholy to remark that, in less than four months after penning these lines, king James fell in battle fighting against an army of the "dearest brother" he thus addressed, and which was commanded by the father of the man of whom he here speaks in such handsome terms. Sir Edward Howard, K.G. was the third son of the earl of Surrey, soon after restored to the dukedom of Norfolk.

b Sacheverall.

Thomas Docwra, the lord prior of St. John's.

Sir Charles Somerset, lord Herbert.
Sir Thomas Cornwall, baron of Burford.

barone of Carewe,a with dyvars knights and esquiers, gentlemen, and men of warre, to goo in the seconde warde.

The xij. day of June landyd the erle of Kent, the lord Awdeley, the baron Curson, and dyvars othar for the seconde warde.

Ther landyd also in thes dayes, ser Richard Wentworthe, ser Arthur Hopton, ser Thomas Grene, ser John Raynforthe, ser John Awdley, ser Thomas Leighton, ser Robart Demmocke, ser John Husse, ser Davie Owen, with othar gentlemen.

The xiij. of June landyd the lord Dakers and the lord Suche, with dyvars gentlemen and men of warr for to serve the kynge. On the sayde xiij. day the erle of Shrewsbery, the erle of Derby, the lord Hastyngs, the lord Fitzwatar, the lorde of Seint John's, the lorde Cobham, the lord Awdley, ser Rys ap Thomas, with dyvars knights and squiers with their retinewe set toward Fraunce, and lay the first night betwixt Newname brydge and the cawsey, with ther retinewe to the nombar of xvj. thowsand, and the next night betwixt Sandingfilde and Margysen, and the next night almost at Margysen, iij. miles without the Englyshe pale, where they lay tyll the forwarde cam to them.

The xvj. of June the lorde Herberd, lord chamberleyne of the kyngs howse and chefe capitayne of the second warde, the erle of Wilshere, the erle of Kent, the baron of Burforthe, the baron of Carewe, the baron Cursen, with dyvars knights and esquiers and men of warre, to the nombar of x. thowsand men of warre, set fro Caleys and lay the first night betwixt Newnam bridge and the cawsey, the next night betwyxt Sandyngfild and Margison, and so to the forwarde, where they lay ij. or iij. nights, and no Frenchemen came to them, and they wente almoste to Boloyne, and then returned and went to Terwen, and beseged it.

The xvij. day of June landyd at Caleys ser Moris Barkeley, ser William Sands, ser John Seemer, and vij o. Almayns that cam out of England.

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The xviij. of June came v c. Almayns out of Flandars into the Englyshe pale, and there taried the kyng's comynge.

The xxj. of June landyd the lord marques of Dorset, ser Adrian Forteskewe, ser Thomas Lucé, ser Richard Caundishe, ser John Woderofe, and many esquiers and gentlemen.

The xxij. of June landyd the lorde Roose, the lorde Dacy,a and ser Robert Brandon, and othar esquiers and gentlemen.

The xxv. of June landyd the duke of Bukingham, with divars knights, esquiers, and gentlemen.

The xxvij. of June landyd the erle of Northumbarland, ser John Pechy, ser John Arundell, and ij. of the lorde marques Dorset's bretherne, with othar knights, esquiers, and gentlemen.

The xxviij. of June landyd the lorde Barnes with dyvars gentlemen. When the erle of Shrewsbury with his hoste, and the lord Herbert with his oste, were before the towne of Turwen lyinge at the siege, ser Edmond Carowe, baron, was slayne with a gonne, in the lord Herberd's pavilion; his body was buryed at Caleys.

Shortly aftar that this army was before Terwyne, there was dayly sent carts out of Caleys laden with brede and beare and victuales to the oste that lay before Terwyne, whereof when the Frenche men knewe, they lay in awayte, set on them, bett them, and slewe a iij c. Englishe men, toke many prisonars, [and] put the rest to flight. Ser Nicholas Vasse, lyve-tenaunt of Gwisnes castle, and ser Edward Belknape, and othar divars capitaynes that went to conduct the carts, fled to Arde for socowre, or els they had been slayne or taken.d

The last day of June kynge Henry landyd at Caleys; with hym landed the bysshope of Wynchestar lord prevye seale,e the byshope of Durham,f the earle of Essex,g the vicount Lile,h the lorde Wil

a Darcy.

b Sir John Pechy was "vice-governor of all the horsemen" in this campaign.-Hall. d This occurred on the 27th of June.-Hall.

c Vaux.

f Thomas Ruthall,

e Richard Fox. The earl of Essex was "lieutenant-generall of the spears."-Hall. h Charles Brandon. He was "marshal of the host and captaine of the forewarde." He had been created viscount Lisle on the 15th May preceding.

lowbye, the lord Broke, the lord Fitzwaren, and the lord of Burgenye, ser Edward Poynyngs, ser Henry Marney, ser William Sydney, ser John Foskew,a ser Edward Cobham, ser Adrian Wyndsore tresurar of the warris of the kyng's oste, ser William Vaumpage, ser Griffithe Doon, ser Antony Outtred, with many othar knights, esquiers, and othar.

The viij. of July there cam to the kynge at Caleis embassadors from Maximilian, then emperowre; ther came also dyvars great men from the lady Margaret duchesse of Savoy, the emperor's doughter.

The xiiij. of July ther came to Caleis ambassadors from the kynge of Spayne; they spake there withe kynge Henry of England, and returnyd.

The xxj. of July the kynge departed from Caleys, forwarde, and he lay the first nyght betwixt Calkewell and Freydon, the next night before the castle of Gwisnes at Bocarde; the next night he lay besyde Arde a good way without the Englyshe pale, and when he was a lytle beyond Dornome there came a great oste of Frenchemen that wer purposed to have set upon hym to have taken or slayn hym, but the kynge with his ost kept theyr grownd, and shot theyr greate ordinance, and barke b the array of the Frenche men. In this busynes there was a greate gonne of brasse callyd one of the xij Apostles, with dyvars othar ordinaunce that cam not redelye aftar the kynge, where of the Frenche men heringe cam and kyllyd many cartars and laborars; amonge the whiche they kyllyd Gorge Buckemer the kyng's mastar carpentar of the towne of Caleys; they toke many prisonars.

The first day of August a bushement of Frenchemen came to the cawsey but a myle and halfe out of Caleys, where they brenned howses, toke many men prisonars, droffe away horses,

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c Termed by Hall "a great curtall called the John Evangelist." It was overthrown in a deep pond of water.

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