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THE public having so highly favoured me as to call for a Third Edition of this little work, I have endeavoured to show my gratitude by giving the result of long experience in the propagation of this now very popular flower. I am induced to flatter myself that the directions given in the following pages for propagation and for the cultivation of roses in pots will be found both interesting and profitable to the amateur; in the former I trust those given will be found sufficiently plain : but I must observe that a practical cultivator here finds some difficulty; he, almost obstinately, supposes that every one must know something relative to those, with him, every-day operations; he is apt therefore not to go sufficiently into detail. I have, in writing on propagation, combatted this feeling; and humbly hope that what I have said will be found sufficiently explicit by an indulgent public.

Nov. 8, 1843.

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