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thought the disease of Ali dangerous, but to-day thou sayest that air and exercise are alone wanting to complete his cure.' I replied, that at first Ali's disorder had very dangerous symptoms, but that youth and a good habit of body, had repelled them.'

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"Heider muttered something unintelligible between his closed teeth; then fixing his fierce eyes on me, he said, Hast thou not been well treated at my court?' for whatever

"I bowed assent my thoughts were, I did not dare


sumed he.


"Canst thou be faithful, then?' reCanst thou, by one act, raise thyself to merit my friendship and certain honour ?'

"This question, though I knew not why, startled me; but his complexion was even more gloomy than usual, his eyes sparkled with redoubled ferocity, and his dark brows were knit into a frown of horror.

"I replied, that hitherto I had given

him no cause for complaint in whatever he thought fit to entrust me.

"Then listen to thy master,' replied he, I had hopes, from the accounts I received, that death would have released that boy from my power- for never shall the son of a Christian slave inherit my crown and kingdom. Mark me, then: though my hopes have failed, thou canst easily administer to him a dose of poison, and he will simply appear to have sunk under a return of his disorder.'

"Imagine the horror I felt at this dreadful proposal. For some moments I was unable to reply: but a sudden reflection struck me, that if I did not apparently comply, some of his wicked agents, less scrupulous than myself, might effect it. I therefore, though not without hesitation, answered, that if he insisted, I must obey; but thought, with submission, that it was better that the Prince should remain confined some days longer, as from a relapse of his malady,

which might give his death the more colour of arising from it.

"Thou speakest well,' replied he. But why tremblest thou? and wherefore flies the blood from thy cheek? Think only of what awaits thee!'

"More discourse of the same kind passed, but too horrible to relate, and I was under the cruel necessity of appearing to agree to all he required, or to have met with certain death, without saving the innocent child.

"At length, to my great satisfaction, he dismissed me, with a strict charge of secrecy, the smallest deviation from which he declared should doom me to certain death."




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"THE young Ali was accordingly confined for some days to his apartment report spread that his health was worse than before, and that he was deemed in the utmost danger. This news reached the unhappy Doual Saab and his wife, who in vain offered their whole dominions as security for the ransom of the child.

"While my mind was almost in a state of distraction how to evade the cruel designs of the Rajah at all events to save the child from his murderous intent, and myself, if possible, from his powerHeaven pointed out the means, and clearly proved that innocence is its peculiar care; and that though guilt may contrive its fall, and confine it with bars

and bolts of iron, yet it has an invisible Protector, before whom the arm of wickedness becomes as powerless as the feather before the wind.

"Gourah, the keeper of the youthful Ali, was suddenly seized with a complaint in his stomach, of so violent a nature, that it occasioned convulsions, and his life was despaired of. In this extremity he requested my advice; when a sudden idea presented itself to my mind, and having made every one leave the room, I said, that though his malady was highly dangerous, and such as I truly believed beyond all Indian skill, yet I flattered myself I possessed the means of relieving it, but would not exert myself to restore him, unless he would first promise, by all he held most sacred in his faith, to grant me a request I had to make, and likewise to keep it secret. The pangs of the keeper were too violent for him long to demur; he took the vow I required, and I administered medicine that in a few hours relieved him.

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