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tance while his son transcribed the fol

lowing lines.

Know, stranger, ere thou pass, beneath this stone
Lie John Tradescant, Grandsire, Father, Son;
The last died in his spring; the other two,
Liv'd till they had travell'd Art and Nature through.
As by their choice collections may appear,

Of what is rare, in land, in sea, in air;
Whilst they (as Homer's Iliad in a nut)
A world of wonders in one closet shut :
These famous antiquaries who had been
Both gardeners to the Rose and Lily Queen,
Transplanted now themselves, sleep here; and when
Angels shall with their trumpets wake men,
And fire shall purge the world, these hence shall rise,
And change their garden for a Paradise.

Charles having written the epitaph, and it growing late, they hastened to the coach, and in half an hour reached home.



MARY, for some time after her father and brother's departure, gave vent to her tears; but at length, finding they had no effect but making her head ache, and protracting her lessons, which her father's behaviour convinced her must be executed, or she expect no recreation, shę wiped her eyes, and sat down to her studies. Though she had imbibed a habit of idleness, she was naturally active, and possessed a retentive memory; thus the French task was scarcely read thrice before it was learned, nor were the other lessons more tardy: for she had concluded them so speedily, that even she herself thought the time soon elapsed.

"What a silly girl was I," said she to her governess, Mrs. Beaumont, "not to

do these trifles in the morning, I should then have been with them; but what vexes me even worse than being disappointed of my pleasure is, that I know my papa thinks me idle: and though he did not express anger, he will not easily forget it."

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Suppose," answered Mrs. Beaumont, "that you were to endeavour to give him some convincing proof that you are not so."

"But, my dear Madam," returned Mary, "how is that to be done at once?"

"Nay, I scarcely know," answered she carlessly but suppose you were to take double lessons: are you capable of so much exertion ?"

Mary by no means approved the double lessons; but the question piqued her, and she replied rather petulantly, "I should be very sorry, Madam, if I were not."

The lessons were then set and learned even more speedily than before: for Mrs. Beaumont's question had touched her pride, and she wished to show her

of what she was capable: the whole therefore was concluded before Mr. Richardson's return.

Mary expected to be highly praised both by her governess and father; but the first simply said she had done well, and the second, "You have now, Mary, given us a proof of your capacity: you find it is more than equal to double what is required of you; therefore idleness alone can ever prevent your performing your duty, which I give you my word, I will never excuse, whatever may be the state of the weather."

The last sentence gave her to understand, that he had overheard the discourse of the morning; and, almost overcome with shame, she hesitatingly made an excuse for her conduct, which Mr. Richardson readily accepted.

Mr. Richardson's dinner was just over, and his children sent for to partake the desert, when his servant informed Irim that a young lad requested to see him.

Good men are usually easy

of access,

and of that denomination was Mr. Richardson; who instantly ordering the lad in, was well pleased to find it the sailor William, from Edmonton.

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Well, young man," said he, goodhumouredly, "how did you find your friends? and have you yet been to your Captain's brother ?"

The boy's feelings appeared too powerful for utterance; but at length he said, 66 My mother, thank God, Sir, is well; but for my good Captain"-søbs choaked his voice, and the sentence remained unfinished.


Compose yourself," said Mr. Richardson, "take that glass of wine," reaching him one; "we are in no hurry to learn particulars."

The lad drank the wine, and after a few moments exclaimed, with a fresh. burst of sorrow," My Captain, Sir, has left me two hundred pounds."

"I am rejoiced at it," answered Mr. Richardson:" for I have no doubt you

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