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past, none of the Jarejah tribes have ever reared their female offspring. Further particulars of this concern you will learn from Koer Jehajee's writing; and you must excuse him on this score.*

See N° 13, referred to in Col. Walker's Report.

Letter from FATTEH MAHOMED Jenradar, to Col. Walker. 21st Oct. 1807.

"It is notorious that since the Avatara (or incarnation) of Sri Crishna, the people (the Jarejahs) who are descended from the Jadoos, have, during a period of 4900 years, been accustomed to kill their daughters; and it has no doubt reached your knowledge, that all of God's creation, even the mighty emperors of Hindostan, besides all others, the conductors of the affairs of this world, have preserved friendship with this Court, and never acted in this respect (female infanticide) unreasonably. But you, who are an Amir (a Lord) of the great Sirkar, the Honourable Company having written to me on this subject, I have derived much uneasiness; for it does not accord with your good character. This Durbar has always maintained friendship with the Honourable Company; and notwithstanding this you have acted so unreasonably in this respect that I am much distressed. No one has, until this day, wantonly quarrelled with this Court, who has not, in the end, suffered loss.-Do not again address me on this subject." See N° 20, as above.

How conclusive, in regard to any further interference, would these letters have been deemed by some! "What more," it would be said,

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. can be done with prudence? Enthusiasm alóne would dictate further solicitude about the matter." But Col. Walker did not desist from his benevolent purpose, because he met with some obstacles: for he wished to overcome them. * He sought opportunities of informing the understanding of the people on the nature of the crime. He discovered that it was generated directly by these principles, pride, avarice, and the alleged inferiority of woman.


By discussing the subject frequently in the "public Cutcherry (the Court of Justice) and "exposing the enormity of the practice, as "contrary to the precepts of religion, and the "dictates of nature, every Cast came to ex"press an abhorrence of Infanticide; and the σε obstinate precepts of the Jarejahs began to

When Governor Duncan of Bombay apprized the Su. preme Government in Bengal, of his intention to endeavour to abolish the practice of murdering female children in Guzerat, he received for answer an expression of their approbation in the following measured terms: dated 31st July 1806.

"We cannot but contemplate with approbation the considerations of humanity, which have induced you to combine with the proposed expedition, the project of suppressing the barbarous custom of female infanticide. But the speculative success even of that benevolent project cannot be considered to justify the prosecution of measures, which may expose to hazard the essential interests of the state; although as a collateral object, the pursuit of it would be worthy of the bene volence and humanity of the British Government." Moor's Hindu Infanticide, p. 37.


be shaken"-Paragraph 244.

And what

was the result? Within twelve months of the date of the foregoing letters, Jarejah, JEHAGEE himself, and JEHAGEE'S Mother, and FATTEH MAHOMED, formally abjured the practice of infanticide, and were soon followed by the Jarcjah tribes in general. JEHAGEE first transmitted a writing to the following effect: From "motives of friendship, the Honourable Company have urged me to preserve my daughters. To this I consent; if the Chiefs of Nowanag. gar and Gondal agree."-Shortly after, these chiefs did agree, and bound themselves by a solemn engagement, in 1808, to discontinue the practice. About the end of the year 1809, many of the Jarejah fathers brought their infant daughters to Col. Walker's tent, and exhibited them with pride and fondness. "Their mothers and nurses also attended on this interesting occasion. True to the feelings which are found in other countries to prevail so forcibly, the emotions of nature here exhibited were extremely moving. The mothers placed the infants in the hands of Col. Walker, calling on him to protect what he alone had taught them to preserve. These infants they emphatically called HIS children." *

Moor's Hindu Infanticide, p. 308.


The following is an extract of a letter from the Government of Bombay to the Court of Directors, dated 20th January, 1809.

"We congratulate your Honourable Court on the prospect thus afforded of extirpating from the peninsula of Guzerat, a custom so long prevalent, and so outrageous to humanity. This object will not be lost sight of: and, trusting to the aid of Divine Providence, we look with confidence to its gradual but certain accomplishment, to such a degree as may form an Era in the History of Guzerat, lastingly creditable to the English name and influence."

This event affords an invaluable lesson concerning the character of the Hindoos, and the practicability of civilizing them. What was effected in Guzerat, as to the murder of children, is equally practicable in Bengal, in regard to the burning of women; and at Juggernant, in regard to self-murder under the Idol's Car.

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By discussing the subject frequently," says Colonel Walker," in the public Cutcherry, and "exposing the enormity of the practice, as "contrary to the precepts of religion and the "dictates of nature, the obstinate principles "of the Jarejahs began to be shaken." Now, we would ask, what is there to prevent the custom of BURNING WOMEN ALIVE from being discussed in the public Cutcherry of Calcutta, and

"exposing the enormity of the practice, as con"trary to the precepts of religion, and the dic"tates of nature ?"

The English nation have a right to demand an answer to this question from the supreme government in Bengal.

The number of females sacrified in the provinces of Guzerat and Cutch, amounted, as was observed, to three thousand and upwards annually. "The Jarejahs," says Col. Walker, "will sometimes remark that their Gooroos (or priests) are poor and despised; which they made no scruple of attributing to the sin of infanticide, and from the wrath of God for having the weight of that crime on their heads. This singular opinion, expressed nearly in their own words, instead of producing an abhorrence of the act, has served to confirm their idea that they have nothing to do with its responsibility and punishment." Par. 189.

We may observe, that in almost all countries it is usual to impose the chief responsibility for national immorality on the Priests; and, we think, with justice. The moral turpitude of the rites of Juggernaut is in this way excused by the people. "It is," say they, "the sin of the priests, not ours." In Christian countries also, there is oftentimes a secret persuasion in the minds of men, that the Priest preaches the doctrine of "the God of this

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