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them soe many severall and distincte Mannors as to the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes from tyme to tyme shall seeme meete and to the same severall Mannors to assigne lymitt and appoynt soe much lande distinctely and severallie for demeasne Landes of the said severall Mannors and every of them as to the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes shall and may seeme necessary and fitt and the said Mannors or any of them to call by such name and names as the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heirs and assignes shall please the said Mannors to bee houlden of the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes by such services and Rents as to him or them shall seeme meete And alsoe that the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes shall and may att theire pleasure graunte in freehoulde soemuch of the said demeasne Landes Tenements and Hereditaments belonging or to bee belonging to any of the said Mannors to any person or persons theire heires or assignes for and under such rentes and services as to the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires or assignes shalbee thought fitt to bee houlden of the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes as of the said Mannors or any of them respectively the Acte of Parliament made and enacted in the eighteenth yeare of King Edward the First commonly called (Quia Emptores Terrarum) or any other Statute whatsoever or any other matter or thinge whatsoever to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstandinge And that hee the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes shall have houlde and keepe within the said severall Mannours soe to bee erected suche and soe many Courtes aswell Courte Leetes as Courtes Barons as to our Lawes and Statutes of England shalbee agreeable And Wee Doe further for us our heires and successors give and graunte unto the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes for ever all Admirall Rights Benefitts and Jurisdiccons and likewise all Priviledges and Commodities to the said Admirall Jurisdiccons in any wise belonging or apperteyning in and uppon the Seas Rivers and Coastes of or belonging to the said Province and Premisses or every or any of them or to the same adjoyneing within twentie leagues of the said Province and Premisses or any of them and in and uppon all other Rivers and Creekes thereof And likewise power to heare and determine all manner of Pleas for and concerning the same Saveing allwayes to us our heires and successors and to the Lord High Admirall of England for the tyme being of us our heires and successors all and all manner of Jurisdiccons Rights Powers Benefitts and authorities whatsoever incident or belonging to the said office of Admirall which itt shalbee lawfull from tyme to tyme to us our heires or successors or the Lord High Admirall of England for the tyme being to have use and exercise within the said Province and Premisses and the Seas or Rivers thereof or within twentie leagues of the same as aforesaid when wee shall thinke fitt And Wee Doe for us our heires and successors give and graunte unto the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes full power and authoritie att any time or times hereafter by him or themselves or by his or theire Deputies to administer reasonable oathes to all Judges Justices Magistrates and other officers whatsoever by the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes his or theire deputyes to be elected att the eleccon of them to theire several offices and places or within convenient time after And alsoe that hee the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes shall have full power and authoritie aswell by him and themselves as by his or their deputie or other Chiefe Magistrate or Officer by him or them to bee in that behalfe appointed to give and administer reasonable oathes to all or any person or persons of what degree or qualitie soever imployed or to be ymployed in or about the said Province Premisses and Territories aforesaid or anie of them or in or about the coasts of the same And likewise to all or any Inhabitants and others that shalbee or remayne within the said Province and Premisses or any of them for the true and faithful execucon and performaunce of theire severall charges and places or for the exaiacon and cleareing the truth and likewise for the Informacon and better direccon of his and theire judgments in any matter or cause whatsoever concerning the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires or assignes or any Inhabitant member or Person belonging or repayring unto the said Province and Premisses or any of them or any parte of them And in all causes Accons Suits and Debates there to bee begun and prosecuted as the nature of the cause shall require And further of our more espeaciall

grace certeyne knowledge and meere mocon Wee Doe hereby for us our heires and successors graunte unto the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes that itt shall and may bee lawfull to and for the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes and every of them from tyme to tyme to sett to Sea such and soe many Shipps Pinnaces Barges Boates and other Vessells as shalbee thought fitt by the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes prepared and furnished with Ordinances Artillery Powder Shott Victualls Municon or other Weapons or Abiliments of War aswell invasive as defensive in warlike manner or otherwise and with such number of Men Weomen and Children as the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires or assignes shall thinke fitt such voyage into the said Islands and Places or any parte thereof aswell for the Plantacon and Fortificacon thereof as otherwise And that these Presents shalbee a sufficient Lycense and Warrant for any person or persons that shalbee by him or them sent and ymployed thither to goe beyonde the Seas and in that manner soe as the persons soe to bee shipped sent or transported as aforesaid bee not such as are or for the tyme being shalbee prohibited by Proclamacon of us our heires or successors or by any order or orders of the Lords or others Commissioners for Forraigne Plantacons for the tyme being And Wee Doe for us our heires and successors further graunte to and with the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes that onely hee the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes and his and theire Factors Agents and such as shalbee imployed sent lycensed or allowed by him or them and noe other person or persons whatsoever excepte before excepted shall repayre or goe into the said Province of Mayne and Premisses aforesaid and the places within the lymitts and coasts thereof or any of them to dwell inhabite or abide there nor have use or enjoye the libertie use and priveledges of trade or traffique unto in or from the said Province and Premisses or any of them or buying selling bartering or exchangeing for or with any Wares Goodes or Merchanndizes there whatsoever And likewise that itt shall and may bee lawful to and for the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes and for all and every other person and persons that shalbee lycensed or allowed by the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires or assignes from henceforth and at all other tymes and from tyme to tyme after the date of these our Letters Patents according to the orders and constitucons of the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes not being repugnant to our Proclamacons and Orders of the Lords and others our Commissioners as aforesaid to take convey carrie and transport for and towards the Plantacon of the said Province and Premisses or any of them or to bee used there or in the passage thither or returning from thence and there to leave abide and inhabite all such and soe many of our loveing subjects or any other Strangers that will become our subjects and live under our alleagiance as shall willingly transport themselves or bee transported thither and that such our subjects or Strangers may togeather with theire persons send carrie or convey thither aswell Shipping Armour Weapons Ordinance Municon Powder Shott and Habiliments of Warr as Victualls Canvas Lynnen Woollen Cloath Tooles Ymplements Furniture Twyne and Pullen Goodes Wares and Mer chandizes of all kindes and sortes whatsoever fitt and necessary for the foode lyvelyhood habitacon apparrell or Defence of our subjects which shall there inhabite and bee and all other Wares Merchandizes and Goods whatsoever not prohibited by the Lawes or Statutes of this our Kingdome payeing customes and other duties as other our subjects doe in such cases And of our further Royall favour Wee have graunted And by these Presents for us our heires and successors Wee Doe graunte unto the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes that the aforesaid Province Rivers and Places hereby before menconed to bee graunted or any of them shall not bee traded in or unto nor inhabited by any of the subjects of us our heires and successors without the speaciall lycense of the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes And therefore Wee Doe hereby for us our heires and successors charge and comand prohibite and forbidd all the subjects of us our heires and successors of what degree qualitie or condicon soever they bee that none of them directlie or indirectlie presume to trade or adventure to traffique into or from nor to inhabite or abide in the said Province of Mayne Island Dominion and Places hereby menconed or intended to bee graunted or any of them other then the said Sir Fardinando

Gorges his heires and assignes and his and theire deputies and factors unles itt bee with the license and consent of the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes first had and obteyned in that behalf in writeinge under his and theire hands and seales under payne of our indignacon and alsoe of suche penaltyes and punishments as by the Lawes and Ordinances of the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes to bee made in that behalfe shalbee appoynted And Wee Doe further for us our heires and successors graunte unto the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes that all and every the persons being the subjects of us our heires and successors which shall goe or inhabite within the said Province and Premisses or any of them and all and everie the children and posteritie discending of English Scottish or Irish Parents which shall happen to be borne within the same or uppon the seas in passing thither or from thence from henceforth ought to bee and shalbee taken and reputed to bee of the alleagiance of us our heires and successors and shalbee and soe shalbee forever hereafter esteemed to bee the naturall borne subjects of us our heires and successors and shall bee able to pleade and bee ympleaded and shall have power and bee able to take by discent purchase or otherwise Landes Tenements and Hereditaments and shall have and injoy all Liberties Francheses and Immunityes of or belonging to any the naturall borne subjects of this our Kingdome of England within this our Kingdome and within all or anie other of our Domynions to all intents and purposes as if they had beene abydeing and borne within this our Kingdome or any other of our Dominions And Wee Doe further for us our heires and successors give full power and authoritie to the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes or any person or persons to bee thereunto nominated by the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires or assignes to minister and give Oathes of Alleagiance and supremacie according to the formes now established in this our Realme of England to all and every such person and persons as they shall thinke fitt that shall att any tyme or tymes goe or passe into the said Province and Places or any of them or shalbee resident or abideing there And our further Will and pleasure is and Wee Doe by these Presents for us our heires and successors Covenant promise and graunte to and with the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes that if hee the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires or assignes shall att any tyme or tymes hereafter uppon any doubte which hee or they shall conceave concerning the validitie and strength of this our present graunte bee desireous to renewe the same from us our heires or successors with amendment of such ymperfeccons and defects as shall appeare fitt and necessary to bee reformed and amended by us our heires and successors that then uppon the humble peticon of the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes such further and better assurance of all and singuler the Premisses hereby graunted or menconed or intended to bee graunted according to the true meaneing of these our Letters Patents shall from tyme to tyme by us our heires and successors bee made and graunted unto the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes as by the Attorney Generall of us our heires and successors for the tyme being and the Learned Councell of the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes shall in that behalfe bee reasonably devised or advised And further Wee Doe hereby for us our heires and successors chardge and commaunde all and singuler Admiralls Viceadmiralls Generalls Comaunders Captaynes Justices of Peace Maiors Sheriffs Bayliffs Constables Customers Comptrollers Collectors Waiters Searchers and all other the officers and Ministers of us our heires and successors whatsoever aswell nowe as hereafter for the tyme being to bee from tyme to tyme in all things aydeing and assisting unto the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes and to his and theire officers Factors and agents and to every or any of them uppon request made as they tender our pleasure and will avoyde the contrary att their perills And Wee Doe will and for us our heires and successors Doe declare and ordeyne that the said Province and Premisses shalbee ymediately subject to our Crowne of Englande and dependant upon the same for ever And further Wee Will and by these Presents for us our heires and successors Doe graunte to the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes that these our Letters Patents or the enrollment of them shalbee in all things and to all intents and purposes firme good effectuall and sufficient in the lawe against us our heires and successors aswell in all Courts as elsewhere

within our Kingdome of England or in any other our Kingdomes and Domynions as in the said Province and Premisses aforesaid or in any of them and shalbee construed reputed and taken aswell according to the true meaning and intent as to the wordes of the same most benignely favorably and beneficially to and for the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes (noe interpretacon being made of any worde or sentence Whereby Gods worde true Christian Religion now taught professed and maynteyned the fundamentall Laws of this Realme or Alleagiance to us our heires or successors may suffer prejudice or diminucon) any omission misinformacon want of certaine expresse of the contents lymitts and boundes or the certeyne scituacon of the said Province and Premisses aforesaid hereby meant or menconed to be graunted or in what height longitude or degrees the same are or any defect in these Presents or any Lawe Statute or other cause or matter to the contrary notwithstanding And although expresse mencon bee not made of the true yearely value or certeyntie of the Premisses or any of them and notwithstanding any misnameing and not certeyne or particuler nameing of the said Province Places Landes Territories Hereditaments and Premisses whatsoever before by these Presents given graunted confirmed or menconed and intended to bee graunted or confirmed or any parte thereof or the misnameing or not nameing or not rightly nameing of the degrees and Coasts wherein or whereuppon the same or any of them doe lie or any Acte of Parliament Statute Ordinaunce Proclamacon or restraint heretofore made ordeyned or provided or any other thinge cause or matter to the contrary notwithstanding Nevertheless our intent and meaneing is that out of the Premisses hereby graunted or menconed to bee graunted there shalbee always saved and reserved to all and every such person and persons as have or hath any lawefull graunte or graunts of Landes or Plantacons lawfully setled in the division and Premisses aforesaid the free houlding and enjoyeing of his and theire right with the Liberties thereunto apperteyning hee or they relinquishing and layeing downe all his or theire Jura Regalia (if hee or they have any) to the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes whome wee have hereby made Proprietor of the Province or Devision and Premisses aforesaid and payeing some small acknowledgement to the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes for that hee or they are now to houlde theire said Landes anew of the said Sir Fardinando Gorges his heires and assignes In Wittnes &c Wittnes our selfe att Westminister the third day of AprillP. Bre. Privato Sigillo.


CHARLES the Second by the Grace of God King of England Scotland Ffrance and Ireland Defender of the Ffaith &c. to all to whom these presents shall come Greeting

Know yee that wee for divers good causes and consideracons us thereunto moving have of our especiall Grace certaine knowledge and meere motion given granted and by these presents for us our heires and successors do give and grant unto our dearest brother James Duke of Yorke his heires and assigns all that part of the maine land of New England begining at a certaine place called or knowne by the name of St. Croix next adjoyning to New Scotland in America and from thence extending along the sea coast unto a certain place called Petuaquine or Pemaquid and so up the River thereof to the furthest head of ye same as it tendeth northwards and extending from thence to the River Kinebequi and so upwards by the shortest course to the River Canada northward and also all that Island or Islands commonly called by the severall name or names of Matowacks or Lond Island scituate lying and being towards the west of Cape Codd and ye narrow Higansetts abutting upon the maine land between the two Rivers there called or knowne by the severall names of Conecticutt and Hudsons River together also with the said river called Hudsons River and all the land from the west side of Conecticutt to ye east side of Delaware Bay and also all those severall Islands called or knowne by the names of Martin's Vin

yard and Nantukes otherwise Nantuckett together with all ye lands islands soyles rivers harbours mines minerals quarryes woods marshes waters lakes ffishings hawking hunting and ffowling and all other royalltyes proffitts commodityes and hereditaments to the said severall islands lands and premisses belonging and appertaining with theire and every of theire appurtenances and all our estate right title interest benefitt advantage claime and demand of in or to the said lands and premises or any part or parcell thereof and the revercon and revercons remainder and remainders together with the yearly and other ye rents revenues and proffitts of all and singular the said premisses and of every part and parcell thereof to have and to hold all and singular the said lands islands hereditaments and premisses with their and every of their ap purtenances hereby given and granted or hereinbefore menconed to be given and granted unto our dearest brother James Duke of Yorke his heires and assignes forever to the only proper use and behoofe of the said James Duke of Yorke his heires and assignes forever to be holden of us our heires and successors as of our mannor of East Greenwich in our county of Kent in ffree and common soccage and not in capite nor by Knight service yielding and rendring and the said James Duke of Yorke doth for himselfe his heires and assignes covenant and promise to yield and render unto us our heires and successors of and for the same yearly and every yeare forty Beaver skins when they shall be demanded or within ninety days after and wee do further of our speciall grace certaine knowledge and meere mocon for us our heires and successors give and grant unto our said dearest brother James Duke of Yorke his heires deputyes agents commissioners and assignes by these presents full and absolute power and authority to correct punish pardon governe and rule all such the subjects of us our heires and successors from time to time adventure themselves into any of the parts or places aforesaid or that shall or doe at any time hereafter inhabite within the same according to such lawes orders ordinances direccons and instruments as by our said dearest brother or his assignes shall be established and in defect thereof in cases of necessity according to the good direccons of his deputyes commissioners officers and assignes respectively as well in all causes and matters capitall and criminall as civill both marine and others soe alwayes as the said statutes ordinances and proceedings be not contrary to but as neare as conveniently may be agreeable to the lawes statutes and government of this our realme of England and saving and reserving to us our heires and successors ye receiving hearing and determining of the appeal or appeales of all or any person or persons, of in or belonging to ye territoryes or islands aforesaid in or touching any judgment or sentence to be there made or given. And further that it shall and may be lawful to and for our said dearest brother his heires and assignes by these presents from time to time to nominate make constitute ordaine and confirme by such name or names stile or stiles as to him or them shall seeme good and likewise to revoke discharge change and alter as well all and singular Governors officers and Ministers which hereafter shall be by him or them thought fitt and needfull to be made or used within the aforesaid parts and islands and also to make ordaine and establish all manner of orders lawes directions instruccons formes and ceremonyes of government and magistracy fitt and necessary for and concerning the government of the territoryes and islands aforesaid so alwayes as the same be not contrary to the lawes and statutes of this our Realme of England but as neare as may be agreeable thereunto and the same at all times hereafter to put in execucon or abrogate revoke or change only within the precincts of the said territoryes or islands but also upon the seas in going and coming to and from the same as he or they in their good discrecons shall thinke to be fitted for the good of the adventurers and inhabitants there And wee do further of our speciall grace certaine knowledge and meere mocon grant ordaine and declare that such governors officers and ministers as from time to time shall be authorized and appointed in manner and forme aforesaid shall and may have full power and authority to use and exercise martial law in cases of rebellion insurreccon and mutinie in as large and ample manner as our Lieutenants in our countyes within our Realme of England have or ought to have by force of their commission of Lieutenancy or any law or statute of this our Realme And wee do further by these presents for us our heires and successors grant unto our said dearest brother James Duke of Yorke his heires and assignes that it shall and may be

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