Abbildungen der Seite

ment, and that a conference be defired with the Senate on the subject matter thereof.

Ordered, That Mr. Madifon, Mr. Scott, and Mr. Moore, be appointed managers at the faid conference, on the part of this House.

The Houfe proceeded to confider the amendments made by the committee of the whole House, to the bill, "to regulate the collection of the duties impofed by law, on goods, wares and merchandize imported into the United States, and on the tonnage of fhips or veffels;" which being read, were agreed to.

The faid bill was then further amended at the Clerk's table, and, together with the amendments, ordered to be engroffed, and read the third time on Thursday next.

The House proceeded to confider the amendments propofed by the Senate, to the bill, intituled, "An act providing more effectually for the fettlement of the accounts between the United States and the individual States:" and made fome progress therein.

The feveral orders of the day, were farther poftponed until to-morrow.
And then the Houfe adjourned until to-morrow morning ten o'clock.


A petition of Lemuel Sherman, was prefented to the House and read, praying compenfation for military fervices rendered during the late war:

Alfo a petition of Joseph Pannil, to the same cffect.

Ordered, That the faid petitions, together with the petition of Jeremiah Ocain, which was prefented on the eleventh of March laft, be referred to the Secretary at War, with inftruction to examine the fame, and report his opinion thereupon to the House.

The feveral petitions of John R. Livingston, Philip Verplank, and Peter Pra Van Zandt, were prefented to the House and read, refpectively praying the liquidation and fettlement of a claim against the United States.

Ordered, That the faid petitions be referred to the Secretary of the Treasury, with inftruction to examine the fame, and report his opinion thereupon to the House.

A bill, making further provifion for the payment of the debts of the United States, was read the fecond time, and ordered to be committed to a committee of the whole House, to-morrow.

A message from the Senate by Mr. Otis, their Secretary.

Mr. Speaker-The Senate have agreed to the conference defired by this House, on the fubje& matter of the amendment depending between the two Houses, to the bill, intituled, "An act to regulate trade and intercourfe with the Indian tribes," and have appointed managers at the fame on their part: And then he withdrew.

The House proceeded to confider the amendments propofed by the Senate, to the bill, intituled, "An act to provide more effectually for the settlement of the accounts between the United States and the individual States:" Where: upon,

Refolved, That this Houfe do difagree to all the faid amendments, and defire a conference with the Senate on the subject matter thereof.

Ordered, That Mr. Sedgwick, Mr. Wadsworth, Mr. Boudinot, Mr. Fitzfimons and Mr. Williamfon, be appointed managers at the faid conference, on the part of this House.

Ordered, That the Clerk of this Houfe do acquaint the Senate therewith

Ordered, That a committee be appointed to prepare and bring in a bill or bills to amend the act, "for the establishment and fupport of light-houses, beacons, buoys and public piers;" and a committee was appointed of Mr. Smith of (South-Carolina,) Mr. Sinnickson, and Mr. Foster.

The House proceeded to confider the report of the committee, to whom was referred the memorial of Donald Campbell, and the refolution reported by the faid committee, in the words following, to wit: That there be allowed to Donald Campbell, late a deputy quarter-mafter-general, in the American army, two and a half per cent. in addition to the two and a half per cent. which has been already allowed to him as a commission, on the purchase and distribution of cloathing to the troops in Canada, by order of general Schuyler," was, on the question put thereupon, difagreed to by the House.

A motion was then made and feconded, that the House do agree to the following refolution.

day of

"Refolved, That Donald Campbell is entitled to the pay, fubfiftence and forage of a colonel in the army of the United States, from the date of his commiffion until the and, that he also, during the faid time, is entitled to the pay, fubfiftence and forage allowed during the faid time to a deputy quarter-mafter-general in a separate department." And on the queftion thereupon, it paffed in the negative.

Refolved, That the petition of the faid Donald Campbell be rejected. Mr. Stone, from the committee to whom was re-committed the petition of Francis Mentges, made a report, which was read, and ordered to lie on the


The House proceeded to confider the memorial of Louis Pierre Lombart de la Neuville, which lay on the table: Whereupon,

Ordered, That the memorialift have leave to withdraw his faid memorial. Mr. Smith (of South-Carolina,) from the committee appointed, presented, according to order, a bill to amend the act" for the establishment and fupport of light-houses, beacons, buoys and public piers," which was received, and read the first time.

On motion,

The faid bill was read the second time, and ordered to be engrossed, and read the third time to-morrow.

On motion,

Ordered, That the petition of the clerks employed in the office of the pay-mafter-general and commiffioner of army accounts, which was presented yesterday, be referred to Mr. Vining, Mr. Heister, and Mr. Gilman, that they do examine the matter thereof, and report the same, with their opinion there. upon to the House.

The several orders of the day were farther poftponed until to-morrow. And then the House adjourned until to-morrow morning eleven o'clock.

THURSDAY, July 15.

An engroffed" bill to amend the act for the establishment and fupport of light-houses, beacons, buoys and public piers," was read the third time.

Refolved, That the faid bill do pass, and that the title be, " An act to amend the act for the establishment and fupport of light-houses, beacons, buoys and public piers."

Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do carry the faid bill to the Senate, and defire their concurrence.

A meffage from the Senate by Mr. Otis their Secretary.

Mr. Speaker-The Senate agree to the conference defired by this House, on the subject matter of the amendments depending between the two Houses, to the bill, intituled, " An act to provide more effectually for the fettlement of the accounts between the United States and the individual states," and have appointed managers at the fame, on their part: And then he withdrew.

The House proceeded to confider the report of the joint committee of the two Houses, appointed to confider and report their opinion when it will be convenient and proper that an adjournment of the prefent feffion of Congress fhould take place: Whereupon,

Refolved, That in the opinion of this Houfe, the bufinefs now depending before the two Houses, may be finished by Tucfday the twenty-feventh inftant: and that it will be convenient and proper that an adjournment of the present feffion of Congrefs fhould take place on that day.

Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do carry the faid refolution to the Senate, and defire their concurrence.

Mr. Brown, from the committee appointed, prefented, according to order, a bill to enable the officers and foldiers of the Virginia line on continental eftablishment, to obtain titles to certain lands lying north-weft of the river Ohio, between the Little Miami and Sciota, which was received, and read the first time. On motion,

The faid bill was read the fecond time, and ordered to be committed to a committee of the whole Houfe on Monday next.

Mr. Gerry, from the committee appointed, prefented, according to order, an amendatory bill for establishing the fees and perquifites to be received by Confuls and Vice-Confuls of the United States in foreign parts, and for other purposes therein mentioned, which was received and read the first time. On motion,

The faid bill was read the fecond time, and ordered to be committed to a committee of the whole House on Monday next.

The House, according to the order of the day, refolved itself into a committee of the whole Houfe, on the bill making further provifion for the payment of the debts of the United States.

Mr. Speaker left the chair.

Mr. Boudinot took the chair of the committee.

Mr. Speaker refumed the chair, and Mr. Boudinot reported, that the committee had, according to order, had the faid bill under confideration, and made no amendment thereto.

Ordered, That the faid bill do lie on the table.

The feveral orders of the day were farther poftponed until to-morrow: And then the House adjourned until to-morrow morning eleven o'clock.

FRIDAY, July 16.

A meffage was received from the Prefident of the United States, by Mr. Lear his Secretary, notifying that the Prefident did, this day, approve and fign the act, intituled, "An act further to provide for the payment of the. invalid penfioners of the United States."

Ordered, That the Clerk of this Houfe do acquaint the Senate therewith. A petition of John F. Amelung, proprietor of the glafs manufactory in the ftate of Maryland, was prefented to the Houfe and read, praying a grant of land, or other encouragement, to enable him to extend his undertaking upon a plan, which fhall be equal to the supply of the United States.

Ordered, That the faid petition be referred to the Secretary of the Treasury, with inftruction to examine the fame, and report his opinion thereupon to the House.

The House proceeded to confider the bill making further provision tor the payment of the debts of the United States, which lay on the table, and the faid bill being amended at the Clerk's table, was, together with the amendments, ordered to be engroffed, and read the third time on Monday


A meffage from the Senate by Mr. Otis their Secretary.

Mr. Speaker-I am directed to inform this House, that the Prefident of the. United States did, this day, affix his fignature to an act, which originated in the Senate, intituled, "An act for establishing the temporary and permanent feat of the government of the United States:" And then he withdrew.

Mr. Baldwin, from the committee to whom were referred the reports of the Secretary at War, on the petitions of John Baylor, Anthony Walton White, and Stephen Steward, made a report, which was read, and ordered to lie on

the table.

Mr. Williamson, from the committee appointed, prefented, according to order, a bill for the relief of difabled foldiers and feamen, and of certain other perfons, lately in the fervice of the United States, which was received, and read the first time.

A petition of William Gordon, was prefented to the House and read, praying the fettlement of a claim against the United States, which is due to the eftate of John White, deceased, on which the petitioner has administered: Whereupon,

A motion being made and feconded, that the faid petition be referred to the Secretary of the Treasury,

It paffed in the negative.

The feveral orders of the day, were far:her poftponed until to-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourned until to-morrow morning eleven o'clock.

SATURDAY, July 17.

A petition of Simon Wilmer Wilfon, of Kent county, in the ftate of Dela ware, was prefented to the Houfe and read, praying the liquidation and settlement of a claim against the United States.

Ordered, That the faid petition be referred to the Secretary of the Treasury, with inftruction to examine the faine, and report his opinion thereupon to the House.

A meffage from the Senate by Mr. Otis their Secretary.

Mr. Speaker-The Senate have paffed the bill, intituled, " An act providing for holding a treaty or treaties, to eftablish peace with certain Indian tribes," with an amendment, to which they defire the concurrence of this House: And then he withdrew.

The House proceeded to confider the said amendment, and the fame being read, was agreed to.

Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do acquaint the Senate therewith. Mr. Heister, from the committee to whom was referred the petition of a number of citizens of the state of North-Carolina, called Dunkards, made a report, which was read, and ordered to lie on the table.

An engroffed bill, to regulate the collection of the duties imposed by law, on goods, wares and merchandize imported into the United States, and on the tonnage of fhips or veffels, was read the third time, and the blanks therein filled up.

Refolved, That the faid bill do pafs, and that the title be, "An act to provide more effectually for the collection of the duties imposed by law, on goods wares and merchandize imported into the United States, and on the tonnage of ships or vessels.”

Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do carry the faid bill to the Senate, and defire their concurrence:

Mr. Gilman from the joint committee for inrolled bills, reported, that the coinmittee had examined two inrolled bills, one intituled, "An act for the government and regulation of feamen in the merchants fervice," the other intituled, "An act impofing duties on the tonnage of fhips or veffèls ;" and had found the fame to be truly inrolled: Whereupon,

Mr. Speaker figned the faid inrolled bills.

Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do acquaint the Senate therewith. A petition of Abraham Hunt, late captain in the firft Maffachusetts regiment, on continental establishment, was prefented to the House and read, praying to receive the commutation of five years full pay, in lieu of half pay, in confideration of military fervices rendered during the late war.

Ordered, That the faid petition be referred to the Secretary at war, with inftruction to examine the fame, and report his opinion thereupon to the House.

Mr. Vining, from the committee to whom was referred the petition of the clerks in the office of the paymaster-general and commiffioner of army accounts, made a report, which was twice read at the Clerk's table, amended, and agreed to by the House, as followeth.

Refolved, That the clerks in the office of the commiffioner of army accounts, are entitled to receive for their fervices, a fun not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be paid in the fame manner and at the fame rate, as the salary allowed to the clerks in the department of Treasury; and that the Auditor and Comptroller, be authorized to adjust the accounts of the clerks in the said office, upon the fame principles as thofe of.the Treafury department, agreeably to the appropriation by law.

Ordered, That the Clerk of this Houfe do carry the faid refolution to the Senate, and defire their concurrence.

Mr. Gilman, from the joint committee for inrolled bills, reported, that the committee did, this day, wait on the Prefident of the United States, and prefent for his approbation, two inrolled bills, one intituled, "An act for the government and regulation of feamen, in the merchants fervice;" the other intituled, "An act impofing duties on the tonnage of ships or vessels."

"A bill, for the relief of difabled foldiers and feamen, and of certain other perfons, lately in the service of the United States," was read the fecond time, and ordered to be committed to a committee of the whole House, on Monday


The feveral orders of the day were farther poftponed until Monday next. And then the House adjourned until Monday inorning eleven o'clock.

MONDAY, July 19.

An engroffed bill further to provide for the payment of the debts of the United States, was read the third time, and the blanks therein filled up. And then the question being put that the faid bill do país.


It was refolved in the affirmative, NOES 15.

The ayes and noes being demanded by one fifth of the members prefent,

Those who voted in the affirmative, are,

John Baptift Afbe,

Abrabam Baldwin;

Timothy Bloodworth.
John Brown;

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