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The manufacture of iron or steel or both or of any other metal or article of commerce from metal, wood or both.

Purchasing, taking, holding and enjoying real estate in fee simple, on lease or on ground rent, improving, leasing, mortgaging and selling the same in fee simple or for any less estate or upon ground rent to its contract sale and shareholders and others on such terms as to time of payment as it may determine.

Mining, drilling and operating for petroleum oil, producing and dealing in petroleum oil and acquiring and holding lands, leases and mining rights for that purpose.

Supplying water for the public in warrants 2690 and 2703 Hamlin township, McKean county, Pa., and to persons, partnerships and associations residing therein and adjacent thereto who may desire

the same.

The manufacture of, selling and dealing in, optical instruments, and
especially the manufacture and sale of an eye piece for the correc-
tion of defects of vision, called astigmatism, to be used on optical in-

Manufacturing and selling boots, shoes, brogans, etc.

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Manufacturing glass, selling and dealing in the same.


Purchasing, holding, improving, leasing, selling or otherwise disposing of real estate.


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The manufacture of iron or steel or both, or of any other metal, or of any article of commerce from metal or wood, or both.

Manufacturing iron or steel or both or any other metal, or of any ar-
ticle of commerce from metal or wood or both and for that purpose
to have and possess the powers and privileges expressed and given
in the thirty-eighth section of the corporation act of 1874, and the
various supplements thereto.

Printing and publishing a newspaper of either daily or weekly issue
or both, together with other special or extra issues thereof and to
conduct a general printing business all in the city of Pittsburgh,
county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania.

Manufacture and sale of hosiery and other knit goods.

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Manufacturing white lead, oxides of lead, all lead products, linseed
oil, paints and all the business necessarily incident thereto.

Manufacturing, dealing in and selling articles and appliances useful
for sanitary purposes, with the right to hold and enjoy such patents
as may be necessary for carrying on said business.


The purchase and sale of real estate, and for that purpose shall en-
joy all the privileges and immuities granted by the acts of assembly
of April 29, 1874, and of April 17. 1876, and their supplements.

Wilkinsburg Electric Company.

Supplying light, heat and power or any of them by electricity to the
public of the borough of Wilkinsburg, and to such persons, partner-
ners and corporations residing therein or adjacent thereto as may
desire the same.

The manufacture and the sale of brick.


Capital, $50,000.
December 4, 1889.

Capital, $30,000.
December 5, 1889.

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Manufacturing and supplying gas for light only, to the public in the
township of Logan, Blair county, Pennsylvania, and to such persons,
partnerships and corporations residing therein or adjacent thereto
as may desire the same.

Supplying water for the public at the township of Logan, Blair county,
Pa, and to persons, partnerships, associations and corporations re-
siding therein and adjacent thereto as may desire the same.
Erecting, constructing and maintaining a bridge and approaches
thereto over the Allegheny river in the county of Allegheny from a
point at the foot of Tenth street in the city of Pittsburgh, to a point
on the opposite side of said river at the foot of Goodrich street in the
city of Allegheny. The location of said bridge is about about eight
hundred feet east from the Hand street bridge, and about four hun-
dred feet west from the Hand street bridge of the Pittsburgh, Ft.
Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company.

Manufacture of and dealing in leather and shoe findings, to purchase
and lease real estate necessary for the successful prosecution of said
business and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the
rights, benefits and privileges of said act of assembly and supple-
ments thereto.

Mining and dealing in coal and manufacturing and dealing in coke
and other products of coal; with the right to acquire and dispose of real
estate and other property necessary to carry on said business,
and to have and enjoy all the rights and franchises, and to transact
all such business as mining and manufacturing companies of like
kind are by law authorized to do, and for these purposes to have,
possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said
act of assembly and supplements thereto.

Manufacturing twist or spiral drills, reamers, taps, tools and machinery.

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Supplying electricity for light, heat and power or either of them to the town of Bloomsburg and to persons, partnerships and associations residing therein and adjacent thereto.

Purchasing, holding, improving, leasing and selling real estate.

Supplying light, heat and power by electricity to the public at the borough of Milton, and to such persons, partnerships and associations residing therein and adjacent thereto as may desire the same.

Manufacturing, selling and dealing in pianos and organs and the various parts thereof, with the right to acquire and dispose of such real and personal property as may be necessary in carrying on the business of said corporation.

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Manufacturing articles of commerce from metal and wood.

Manufacturing and dealing in railway and road ballast and other articles from furnace slag.


Mining, preparing, loading, shipping and selling anthracite coal, in all the various branches thereof, with such business as may be necessarily appurtenant thereto.


Purchasing, leasing, holding and selling real estate in such manner, parts and parcels as may be hereafter determined.


Pennsylvania Rolled Steel


Capital, $1,000,000.

The manufacture of iron or steel or both or of any other metal or of any article of commerce from metal or wood or both.


December 20, 1889.

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Carrying on a general agricultural business, including the rearing, feeding, managing and selling of horses and other live stock.

Manufacturing, selling and furnishing toilet articles and supplies.

Manufacturing articles of commerce from metal and wood.

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December 20, 1889.

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The manufacture and sale of bricks and fire bricks, and any article made of clay or earth, and the transaction of all business connected therewith.

The manufacture and sale of paints, leads, zincs, colors, varnishes, oils, japans, fillers, stains, etc., and the transaction of all the business connected therewith.

Supplying light, heat and power by means of electricity to the public at the borough of Towanda; and to such persons, partnerships and corporations residing therein and adjacent thereto as may desire the same.

The manufacture and sale of overalls, coats, pants and other clothing for men and boys.

Grading, curbing, paving or macadamizing, construction and keeping in repair of any species of street, road or highway and the furnishing of the materials and labor therefor, and for that purpose to have and possess the powers and privileges expressed and given in the corporation act of 1874, and the various supplements thereto.

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