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Wanted. Exchange. For Sale, Etc., inserted in this department at 25 cents for each 25 words for one issue; each additional word 1 cent. No notice inserted for less than 25 cents.


We will not advertise the skins, nests, eggs, or mounted specimens North American Birds for sale. These columns are for the use of those desiring to make bona fide exchanges of such specimens for scientific collecting purposes only--EDITOR.

In answering advertisements in these columns mention "The Oologist," and thereby help us, as well as the advertiser and yourself.


MALE SKINS WANTED—679, 676, 658, 622, 612, 611, 597, 547. State lowest price when writing. J. P. BALL, 5001 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Send me the list of A 1 Bird Skins that you have to dispose of by exchange or otherwise. R. M. BARNES, Lacon, Ill.

FOR EXCHANGE--A large list of Al North American species of skins for specimens needed in my collection. C. W. CHAMBERLAIN, 36 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass.

WANTED - Skin or mounted specimen of the Passenger Pigeon. (315) WINCHESTER NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM. Winchester, N. H.

PASSENGER PIGEONS: Have one mounted bird in fair condition to exchange for best offer in rare sets. RICHARD C. HARLOW, State College, Pennsylvania.

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WANT SETS-Some quite common from Northwestern U. S. and Canada. Offer in exchange sea bird sets from both coasts. All letters answered. F. M. CARRYL, Maplewood, N. J.

FOR EXCHANGE—Choice sets with nests of Swainson's Hooded Prothonotory Warblers. Summer Tanager, Chuck-Will's Widow. Green-crested Flycatcher. Sets of Eagle and many others for desirable sets and sets with nests. DR. M. T. CLECKLEY, 457 Greene St., Augusta, Ga.

WANTED-Hawk's and Warbler's in firstclass sets with data. KARL A. PEMBER. Woodstock, Vermont.

WANTED-To exchange sets with reliable collectors. Will be glad to send list on receipt of yours. G. BERTRAM REGAR, 1000 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.

EXCHANGE NOTICE-I desire to get in touch with all active field collectors with a view to exchanging A 1 sets. H. W. CARRIGER, 5185 Trask Street, Oakland, Calif.

Will be glad to hear from reliable collectors and to receive their lists. Have good list to offer including some rare species. RICHARD C. HARLOW, State College, Pa.

FOR EXCHANGE-30, 70, 74, 77, 125, 132, 191, 194, 201, 202, 208, 225, 263, 273, 316, 326, 327, 331, 339, 343, 364, 365, 368, 375, 112a, 413, 421, 457, 458, 475, 493. (V.S.) 494, 498c, 501b, 505a, 506, 508, 510. 511, 519, 538, 563, 584, 593, 611, 616, 624, 631, 704, 705, 713, 717a, 721a, 725, 755. 756, 758, 761, 766. Also stamp Collection

for eggs. T. E. MCMULLEN, 433 Bailey

St., Camden, N. J.

EXCHANGE-6 1-4, 12 1-1. 65 1-2. 79 1-1. 118 1-3. 77 1-3, 194 2-4 1-5. 202 6-3 5-4, 211 1-7 1-9, 325 1-1, 331 2-4 1-3, 333 2-1, 339 1-2 4-3, 366 1-4, 373 2-3, 390 1-5 1-6. 476 1-4, 481 1-3, 488 2-3 4-4 2-5, 493 1-5, 498 3-3, 501 3-3, 552A 1-4, 563 1-4, 581 2-4, 584 5-3 2-4. 593 2-3, 598 1-3 1-4, 703a. 1-3, 705 3-4, 761 1-4. 316 1-2. Ostrich at $3.00. ERNEST A. BUTLER, 6314 Opal St.. Philadelphia, Pa.

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WANTED First Class, complete sets, all species of Eagles, Kites. Falcons, Loons, Tropic birds, Hawks, Owls, Vultures, Waders, Warblers, Finches. Send lists in full with terms. Dr. M. T. CLECKLEY, Augusta, Ga.

FOR EXCHANGE-Following Alsets. with data-15, 2-1, 105 1-1, 105 1-2-1, 337b 2-3, 486 1-4, 375d 1-2. 617 1-5, 685b 1-3, and others, for sets needed in my collection. C. BADGER, Santa Paula, Calif.

FOR SALE-A fine white oak cabinet suitable for birds, nests, eggs, or other natural history specimens. Contains 20 adjustable drawers. Details upon request. S. S. DICKEY, 212 East Maiden St., Washington.JPa.

Mounted Birds to exchange for eggs in full sets. J. C. HALL, 1420 Marlowe Ave., Lakewood, O.

WANTED-Set of all kinds, common and rare, containing one or more eggs of any kind of Cowbird. Good sets offered in exchange. J. H. BOWLES, The Woodstock, Tacoma, Wash.

WANTED-One set of eggs of each of the following birds, together with original nest: Scarlet Tanager, Indigo Bunting, Gold Finch. KARL W. KAHMANN, Taxidermist, Lincoln Ave.. Chicago. Ill.

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TO EXCHANGE-I have the following eggs to exchange for sets with data: 13, 30, 30a, 32, 70, 72, 77, 184, 190, 196, 197, 199, 200, 202, 212, 214, 219, 221, 273, 289, 325, 331, 366, 373, 378, 387, 388, 406, 412, 420, 477, 494, 495, 497, 498, 500, 501, 507, 511b, 552, 552a, 591c, 595, 608, 619, 622, 683, 707, 751. What can you offer? IRVING C. LUNSFORD, Petersburg, Va. Box 276.

We are headquarters for such choice stuff as Raven, Yellow-billed Magpie, Santa Cruz Island Jay, Prairie Falcon, Snowy Plover (with nest), Pacific Horned Owl, Vaux Swift, Black Swift, Golden Pileolated Warbler, and scores of others. We desire in exchange exceptional nest-and-egg material of every description, especially foreign if well authenticated. A drawer to a species" is out motto. 400 drawers installed. Visiting oologists always welcome. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE OOLOGY, William Leon Dawson, Director, Santa Barbara, Calif.

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FOR EXCHANGE- Books galore. taire, 43 vols., H. H. Bancroft, 39 vols.. histories, fiction, scientific books on fishes.mammais, shells, Geology, Palaentology, Archaeology, etc. Texas mussel shells, correctly named, reptiles and amphibians in formalin, some Ornithological material. All to exchange for good Foreign and United States stamps. Can use some caeap U. S. stamps by hundred and thousand, 1861-3c, 1870-2c, 3e, etc. JOHN K. STRECKER. 328 North 11th Street, Waco, Texas. 8-21

WANTED-Back numbers of many amateur bird publications. List of desiderate sent to anyone having anything in this line for sale or exchange. Also have many numbers of Auk, Condor, Bird Lore, O. & O., Oologist, Bull. Cooper Club, etc. to exchange. A. C. BENT, Taunton, Mass.

FOR EXCHANGE-Osprey Vol. I, II, III, IV and V.. New Series No. 7 & 2. Condor, Vol. VI & No. 1 of Vol. VII. Wilson Bulletin No. 69. Birds & Nature, Vol XIII. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. Vol. LXV, No. 1; Birds Vol. II, No. 5 and 6. Auk, Vol. XXIV and No. 3 of Vol. XXV. Birds of Wyoming, Birds of Iowa. These will be exchanged or sold only as a whole for best cash offer or extra good sets. W. H. BINGAMAN, Algona, Iowa.


Frank L. Burns' Bibliography of scarce or out of print North American Amateur and Trade Publications in existence. Price 25c. R. M. BARNES, Lacon, Ill.

EXCHANGE-Large number of Oologists and other bird magazines. A few sets nicely prepared of common land birds. Part VII "Birds of North and Middle America” for other parts of same work. Want many issues of Oologist, Osprey etc., for cash or exchange. Also Birds of Washington, D. C. and vicinity by Mrs. L. W. Maynard. RALPH W. JACKSON, Cambridge, Route 1. Maryland.

WANTED-Vols. 6, 7 and 8 of Ornithologist and Oologist; Vols. 1 to 5 of its predecessor the Oologist of Utica, N. Y.; pages 177-187 (index) of vol 4 of Osprey; wants many, send list and get mine. T. J. FITZPATRICK, Bethany, Nebraska.

FOR EXCHANGE Vol. V of Ridgway's Birds of North and Middle America. In paper in perfect condition. Wanted either Vol. I, II or III of the above series. W. C. HANNA 1000 Pennsylvania, Ave., Colton, Calif.

FOR SALE:-Bird Lore, Vols. 1 to 12. inclusive, complete with indexes, in original covers, $35.00. Also odd numbers of Bird Lore. John's British Birds in Their Haunts. 16 colored plates, 190 illustrations, 626 pages. 1918. New Brass-mounted Telescope, 1 3-8 inches objective,magnifies 18 diameters. Just the thing for water birds. THOS L. McCONNELL, 1813 Huey St., McKeesport, Pa.

WANTED-Journal Maine Ornithological Society, Vol. IV, No. 1; Oologist, Vol. XXVI, Nos. 1-2-4; Various numbers of Condor, Ornithologist and Oologist. Have many duplicates. H. H. JOHNSON, Pittsfield, Maine.

FOR SALE--Condor magazine, Jan. 1915 to Jan. 1916. 6 Nos. The Oologist ..agazine from Jan. 1911 to Jan. 1915. Four years subscription. E. S. COOMBS, 243 Franklin St., Boston, Mass.

WANTED-Oologist of Utica, N. Y., Vols. 1-5; Ornithologist and Oologist Vol. 6, numbers 8, 10, 11, index and title page; Vol. 7, index and title page; Vol 8, numbers 4, 11, 12, index and title page. Nidiologist, Vol 1, numbers 1 and


Osprey, Vol. 1, numbers 2, 4 and 6; and other discontinued ornithological magazines. Will pay reasonable prices. FOR EXCHANGE-Ornithologist and Oologist volumes 15 and 16 complete. and several numbers of Volumes 9-14.

Bird Lore Vol 1, numbers 1, 5 and 6; Vol. 2, numbers 1, 4 and 6; Vol. 3, numbers 5 and 6; Vol. 4, numbers 1, 2 and 6; Vol 5, number 5; Vol. 6, number 6; Vol. 7, number 2; Volumes 13 and 16 complete.

Osprey Vol 2, numbers 1, 3, 6 and 7, Vol. 3, number 1.

Bendire's Life Histories. Vol. 1; Nelson's Natural History Collections Made in Alaska; Turner's Contributions to the Natural History of Alaska; Forbush's Useful Birds and their Protection. R. W. WILLIAMS, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.


VOL. XXXV. No. 10

ALBION, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1918.


Owned and Published Monthly, by R. M. Barnes, Albion, N. Y., and Lacon, Ill. TAKE NOTICE.


Examine the number on the wrapper of your Oologist. It denotes the time your subscription expires. Remember we must be notified if you wish it discontinued and all arrearages must be paid. 372 your subscription expires with this issue. 355 your subscription expired with December issue 1917. Other expirations can be computed by intermediate numbers at the rate of one number per month.

Entered as second-class matter December 21, 1908, at the post office al Albion, N. Y., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.

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