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WANTED-To correspond with collectors having perfect sets of Murrelets, Anklets. Tropic birds. Mex. Jacana, Limpkin, Turnstone. Bartram's Piper and No. Phalerope. Can offer Loons, Albatross's, Hawks, Owls and Mourning and Cerulean Warblers, etc. All answered. HAROLD MEYERS, Medina N. Y.

WANTED-Sets of eggs from original collector. Oregon, Green and Beldings Jay, Prairie and Ahlornado Falcons. I have many Bird magazines for exchange or sale. Want Bird Lore Vol. VII No. 1. C. M. CASE, 306 Blue Hills Ave., Hartford, Conn.

FOR SALE-Oologists Tools and Supplies, Bird Books and magazines. BENJAMIN HOAG, Garfield, N. Y.

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WANTED First Class, complete sets, all species of Eagles, Kites. Falcons. Loons, Tropic birds, Hawks, Owls, Vultures, Waders, Warblers, Finches. Send lists in full with terms. Dr. M. T. CLECKLEY, Augusta, Ga.

FOR EXCHANGE-Following Alsets, with data-15, 2-1, 105 1-1, 105 1-2-1, 337b 2-3, 486 1-4, 375d 1-2. 617 1-5, 685b 1-3, and others, for sets needed in my collection. C. BADGER, Santa Paula, Calif.

FOR SALE-A fine white oak cabinet suitable for birds, nests, eggs, or other natural history specimens. Contains 20 adjustable drawers. Details upon request. S. S. DICKEY, 212 East Maiden St., Washington, Pa.

K. L. Skinner, Brooklands Estate Office, Weybridge, England, desires correspondence and exchange with reliable collectors. Only the very best sets will be accepted or offered.

Present requirements includes series of 261. 263, 273, 337, 339, 364, 387, 388, 501, 498, 534a, 535, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 543, 544, 546, 552, 552a, 560, 561, 563, 575, 585, 603, 605, 619, 624, 749, 751, 757, 758, 759b, 761, 763, etc.

Sets offered 229, 271, 274, 473. 493, 269; fine series British Buntings, Finches, Thrushes. Tits, Warblers, etc. Also fine sets from Lab rador of 559, 551, 515, 274 etc. and rare and interesting sets from India, Australia and Africa.

Mounted Birds to exchange for eggs in full sets. J. C. HALL, 1420 Marlowe Ave., Lakewood, O.

WANTED-Set of all kinds, common and rare, containing one or more eggs of any kind of Cowbird. Good sets offered in exchange. J. H. BOWLES, The Woodstock, Tacoma, Wash.

WANTED-One set of eggs of each of the following birds, together with original nest: Scarlet Tanager, Indigo Bunting, Gold Finch. KARL W. KAHMANN, Taxidermist, Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Ill.

If you want to increase your collection of birds eggs or to dispose of the same advertise in THE OOLOGIST. It will produce results as it reaches almost every person in North America who is a collector of Oological specimens and a great many who are not but who wish thy were. We give one free ad. with every subscription.

A collection of Birds Eggs carefully prepared, correctly named and nicely arranged. Is a beautiful sight and of Educational value.

WANTED-To correspond with some eastern collector with a view to exchanging eggs. now and next spring. BILL GRIFFEE, Norton, Kan.

WANTED-A-1 sets of all birds, also sets with Cowbird eggs. Must have full data. Can exchange A-1 shells or cash. Write what you have, stating value. HARRY L. SEMLER, City Carrier No. 3, Lexington, Mo.

CORRESPONDENCE DESIRED WITH COLLECTORS WHO CAN SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING WANTS: - 293a-294-300a-300b311-332-336-337-337b-373e-377-414- 420-467-483-501a501b-501c-507-509-511a-513a-602- 619-627a-628-630


Rev. H. E. WHEELER, Conway, Ark,

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FOR EXCHANGE- Books galore. taire, 43 vols., H. H. Bancroft, 39 vols., histories, fiction, scientific books on fishes,mammais, shells, Geology, Palaentology, Archaeology, etc. Texas mussel shells, correctly named, reptiles and amphibians in formalin, some Ornithological material. All to exchange for good Foreign and United States stamps. Can use some cheap U. S. stamps by hundred and thousand, 1861-3c, 1870-2c, 3c, etc. JOHN K. STRECKER. 328 North 11th Street, Waco, Texas. 8-2t

WANTED-To correspond with anybody having back numbers of bird magazines for sale. DeLOACH MARTIN, Marshall, Texas.

WANTED-Exchange or sale lists of books or magazines on birds and general natural history. B. S. BOWDISH, Demarest, N. J.

WANTED-Back numbers of many amateur bird publications. List of desiderate sent to anyone having anything in this line for sale or exchange. Also have many numbers of Auk, Condor, Bird Lore, O. & O., Oologist, Bull. Cooper Club, etc. to exchange. A. C. BENT, Taunton, Mass.


Frank L. Burns' Bibliography of scarce or out of print North American Amateur and Trade Publications in existence. Price 25c. R. M. BARNES, Lacon, Ill.

EXCHANGE-Large number of Oologists and other bird magazines. A few sets nicely prepared of common land birds. Part VII Birds of North and Middle America" for other parts of same work. Want many issues of Oologist, Osprey etc., for cash or exchange. Also Birds of Washington, D. C. and vicinity by Mrs. L. W. Maynard. RALPH W. JACKSON, Cambridge, Route 1. Maryland.

WANTED-Vols. 6, 7 and 8 of Ornithologist and Oologist: Vols. 1 to 5 of its predecessor the Oologist of Utica, N. Y.; pages 177-187 (index) of vol 4 of Osprey; wants many, send list and get mine. T. J. FITZPATRICK, Bethany, Nebraska.

FOR EXCHANGE-Vol; V of Ridgway's Birds of North and Middle America. In paper in perfect condition. Wanted either Vol. I, II or III of the above series. W. C. HANNA 1000 Pennsylvania, Ave., Colton, Calif.

FOR SALE:-Bird Lore, Vols. 1 to 12, inclusive, complete with indexes, in original Covers, $35.00. Also odd numbers of Bird Lore. John's British Birds in Their Haunts. 16 colored plates, 190 illustrations, 626 pages, 1918. New Brass-mounted Telescope. 1 3-8 inches objective,magnifies 18 diameters. Just the thing for water birds. THOS. L. McCONNELL, 1813 Huey St., McKeesport, Pa.

WANTED-Journal Maine Ornithological Society, Vol. IV, No. 1; Oologist, Vol. XXVI, Nos. 1-2-4; Various numbers of Condor, Ornithologist and Oologist. Have many duplicates. H. H. JOHNSON, Pittsfield, Maine.

BOOKS ABOUT BIRDS Catalogue Number 5 (48 pages). Ready September 15th. Send your application promptly to JOHN D. SHERMAN, Jr.. 24 Claremont Ave., Mount Vernon, N. Y.

WANTED-Oologist of Utica, N. Y., Vols. 1-5; Ornithologist and Oologist Vol. 6, numbers 8, 10, 11, index and title page; Vol. 7, index and title page; Vol. 8, numbers 4, 11, 12, index and title page. Nidiologist, Vol 1, numbers 1 and 2. Osprey, Vol. 1, numbers 2, 4 and 6; and other discontinued ornithological magazines. Will pay reasonable prices.

FOR EXCHANGE Ornithologist and Oologist volumes 15 and 16 complete. and several numbers of Volumes 9-14.

Bird Lore Vol 1, numbers 1, 5 and 6; Vol. 2, numbers 1, 4 and 6; Vol. 3, numbers 5 and 6; Vol. 4, numbers 1, 2 and 6; Vol 5, number 5; Vol. 6, number 6; Vol. 7, number 2; Volumes 13 and 16 complete.

Osprey Vol 2, numbers 1, 3, 6 and 7; Vol. 3, number 1.

Bendire's Life Histories, Vol. 1; Nelson's Natural History Collections Made in Alaska; Turner's Contributions to the Natural History of Alaska; Forbush's Useful Birds and their Protection. R. W. WILLIAMS, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.


VOL. XXXV. No. 9

ALBION, N. Y., SEPT. 1, 1918.


Owned and Published Monthly, by R. M. Barnes, Albion, N. Y., and Lacon, Ill. TAKE NOTICE.


Examine the number on the wrapper of your Oologist. It denotes the time your subscription expires. Remember we must be notified if you wish it discontinued and all arrearages must be paid. 372 your subscription expires with this issue. 355 your subscription expired with December issue 1917. Other expirations can be computed by intermediate numbers at the rate of one number per month.

Entered as second-class matter December 21. 1908, at the post office al Albion, N. Y., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.

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Pennsylvania and New Jersey Nesting Dates for 1915.

190. Bittern, Woodbury, N. J., June 5; three nestlings and one rotten egg with dead embyro.

191. Least Bittern, Brides burg, Philadelphia, Pa., May 20; six fresh eggs.

194. Great Blue Heron, near Woodstown, N. J., April 18; deserted heronry of about thirty nests.

201. Green Heron, Haddonfield, N. J., May 2; two fresh eggs.

Night Heron,

202. Black-crowned Peermont, N. J., May 30; four fresh eggs.

208. King Rail, Bridesburg, Pa., June 25; empty nest.

211. Clapper Rail, Stone Harbor, N. J., May 30; ten fresh eggs.

212. Virginia Rail, Bridesburg, Pa., June 7; ten highly incubated eggs.

214. Sora, Bridesburg, Pa., May 24, seven fresh eggs.

216. Black Rail, Stone Harbor, N. J., May 30; completed nest, bird flushed from it.

219. Florida Gallinule, Bridesburg, Pa., May 31; twelve fresh eggs.

263. Spotted Sandpiper, Camden, N. J., May 22; four highly incubated eggs.

273. Killdeer, Camden, N. J., May 22; empty nest, from which a friend took four eggs on the seventeenth.

316. Mourning Dove, Jordantown, N. J., April 24; two eggs two-thirds incubated.

325. Turkey Vulture, near Woodstown, N. J., April 18; completed nesting site.

339. Red-Shouldered Hawk, near Alloway, N. J., April 18; completed nest.

343. Broad-winged Hawk, Haddonfield, N. J., May 15, two fresh eggs. 360. Sparrow Hawk, National Park,

N. J., April 25; five fresh eggs.

364. Osprey, Cape May Point, N. J.,

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452. Crested Flycatcher, Woodbury, N. J., June 5; nest started, contained a snake skin.

456. Phoebe, Bustleton, Pa., April 30; five slightly incubated eggs.

461. Wood Pewee, Bustleton, June 26; one fresh egg.

465. Acadian Flycatcher, near Fox Chase, Pa., June 14; three fresh eggs. 477. Blue Jay, Jordantown, N. J., May 2; six fresh eggs.

488. Crow, Frankford, Pa., April 20; five fresh eggs.

490. Fish Crow, Cold Spring, N. J., May 15; five slightly incubated eggs. 493. Starling, Fox Chase, Pa., April 22; five fresh eggs.

495. Cowbird, Holmesburg, Pa., May 11; one slightly incubated egg in Song Sparrow's nest of four eggs.

498. Red-winged Blackbird, Camden, N. J., May 22; two fresh eggs. Frankford,


501. Meadowlark, May 24; six slightly incubated eggs. 507. Baltimore Oriole, Ogontz, Pa., June 2; inaccessible nest; female incubating.

511. Purple Grackle, Harrowgate, Philadelphia, Pa., April 29; five highly incubated eggs.

E. S. English Sparrow, Bridesburg, Pa., May 24; four fresh eggs.

550. Seaside Sparrow, Stone Harbor, N. J., May 30; several completed nests.

560. Chipping Sparrow, near Lenola, N. J., June 11; four highly incubated eggs-one a runt; it was infertile.

563. Field Sparrow, Rio Grande, N. J., May 16; four fresh eggs.

581. Song Sparrow, Frankford, April 30; four fresh eggs.

584. Swamp Sparrow, Bridesburg, Pa., May 20; four slightly incubated eggs.

587. Chewink, Jordantown, N. J., May 23; four fresh eggs.

593. Cardinal, Torresdale, Pa., April 21; three fresh eggs.

595. Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Andalusia, Pa., June 28; two fresh eggs.

598. Indigo Bunting, Bethayres, Pa., June 10; four half incubated eggs.

608. Scarlet Tanager, Jordantown, N. J., June 27; deserted nest.

611. Purple Martin, Holmesburg, and Bustleton, Pa., June, several occupied colonies in bird boxes.

614. Tree Swallow, Peermont, N. J., May 30; five slightly incubated eggs. 616. Bank Swallow, Fish House, N. J., May 22; four fresh eggs.

617. Rough-winged Swallow, Harkers Station, Pa., May 31; five fresh eggs.

619. Cedar Waxwing, Haddon Heights N. J., June 18; five fresh eggs.

624. Red-eyed Vireo, Fox Chase, Pa., June 14; three half incubated eggs; there was also a Cowbird's egg in this nest.

631. White-eyed Vireo, Pensanken, Creek, N. J., May 13; Completed nest subsequently deserted.

636. Black and White Warbler, near Lenola, N. J., July 10; empty nest, foot up in hollow stump foot deep. 639. Worm-eating Warbler, Chestnut Hill, Pa., June 17; four half incubated eggs.

641. Blue-winged Warbler, Gladwyne, Pa., May 29; five fresh eggs. 652. Yellow Warbler, Essington, Pa., May 29; four fresh eggs.

674. Oven bird, Mayville, N. J., May 16; three fresh eggs.

677. Kentucky Warbler, Bustleton, Pa., June 4; four slightly incubated eggs.

681. Maryland Yellowthroat, Bustleton, Pa., June 14; four highly incubated eggs.

683. Yellow-breasted Chat, Bustleton, Pa., May 25; three slightly incubated eggs.

704. Catbird, Fish House, N. J., May 24; four fresh eggs.

705. Brown Thrasher, Highland, Camden, N. J., May 8; five fresh eggs. 718. Carolina Wren, Germantown, Pa., June 17; five fresh eggs.

721. House Wren, Fork's Landing, N. J., May 23; six fresh eggs.

725. Long-billed M,arsh Wren Bridesburg, Pa., June 7; five slightly incubated eggs.

755. Wood Thrush, Jordantown, N. J., May 23; four fresh eggs.

761. Robin, Holmesburg, Pa., April 30; three fresh eggs.

766. Bluebird, near Alloway, N. J., April 18; one fresh egg.

Richard F. Miller,

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