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Editorials by B. O. Flower-The Blight of Wall-Street High Finance-The Proposed Tax on
Wall-Street Gambling-Great Gamblers Who Play with Stacked Cards-The Nation-Wide Blight
of America's Monte Carlo-Wall-Street Gambling Worse Than That of the Louisiana Lottery-
How Wall Street Imperils the Legitimate Business of the Nation-The New York World on
Taxing the Gamblers-The Federal Constitution and the Maintenance of Popular Government
The Church and the Social Problems of the Hour-Justice Brewer on the Initiative and Ref-
erendum as a Safeguard Against Despotism and Mob-Rule-The Plunder of the Postal Depart-
ment by the Railways, Our Greatest National Scandal-The Pitiable Plight of the Treasury
Department, with No Statesman at Its Head in the Hour of National Peril-How Crafty Mr.
Cortelyou was Caught in the Act-Mr. Watson's Exposure of the Confiscatory Plea of the Rail-
ways-Mr. Bryan and the Corporation-Owned Press-Mr. Langdon on the Present Struggle
Between Democracy and Graft-Finland's Radical Prohibition Legislation-The Case of Bernarr
Macfadden-A Protest Against Corporal Punishment-Progressive Farmers, Editorial by George
H. Shibley-Initiative and Referendum News, by Ralph Albertson-The Southern Pacific Turn-
Down-A. F. of L. for Direct-Legislation-For Michigan's Constitution-A Connecticut Ref-
erendum-The Wilmington League Active-Progress of People's Rule in Oregon-Mr. Hobson
on Switzerland-New Jersey Takes a Step-A Corporation Invokes the Referendum-Reform
Progress for Arkansas-Miscellaneous Items-Public-Ownership News, by Bruno Beckhard-
Union of Canadian Municipalities-League of American Municipalities-Municipal Markets-
Municipal Land Owning-Swedish Cities-Postal Reform-Toronto, Canada-Mobile, Ala-
bama-Pasadena, California-Salt Lake City, Utah-Berlin's Gas Works-New York's Ferries-
Scranton, Pennsylvania-Seattle, Washington-A Departmental Departure-Denver, Colo-
rado-Ashland, Wisconsin-Dubuque's "Failure"-Proportional Representation News, by
Robert Tyson-The Oregon Initiative-The French Situation-Austria-Germany-Aus-
tralia-News of Industrial Coöperation, by Hazel Hammond Albertson-Sargent, Minnesota-
Aurelia, Iowa-A Coöperating Family-Richards, Iowa-Cincinnati Tobacco Factory-Selma,
California-Charles City, Iowa-Coöperative University Courses-Attleboro Jewelry Association
-Superior Stevedore Association-Coöperative Amusement-Cornell Society-Persian Coöper-
ative Association-An English Garden City-Sydney, Australia,....

Editorials by B. O. Flower-John Graham Brooks on the Renaissance of Democracy_and

Civic Righteousness in the Far West-One of the Foremost Sociological Authorities on Root

Causes of Civic Corruption and the Overthrow of Representative Government-Master Sources

of Corruption of Government and Plunder of the People-Typical Examples of the Corruption

of Government and Enslavement of Industry by Corporate Wealth-Why the People Have So

Long Borne with the Egyptian Taskmasters-How the People Fare under Private Ownership

of Public Utilities-The Substitution of Government by Corporations for Popular Rule-Direct-

Legislation Renders Possible a Truly Representative Government-San Francisco Leads the Way

-How the "Interests" Tried to Defeat Mr. Langdon, and Labor Elected Him-The Great

Importance to the Nation at Large of San Francisco's Battle-The Passing of Gerald Massey, the

Veteran Bard of Freedom-The Popular Reaction Against Extreme Centralization-The Menace

to Republican Government from Autocratic Arrogation of Power and Ultra-Centralization-

A Democratic Method of Restoring the Government to the People-The Unrepublican, Reac-

tionary and Autocratic Method of Dealing with Admitted Abuses-The Hamiltonian Reaction-

ary Centralizing Movement Would Make the Plutocracy Invincible-The Awakening of the

People Promises a Democratic Republican Renaissance-A Great American Daily on the Renais-

sance of Popular Sovereignty-Republican Presidential Possibilities and What They Repre-

sent-The Treasury Department, Wall-Street Banking Interests and the People-Selecting a

Representative of a Privileged Class to Guard the People's Interests from the Aggressions of

That Class-The Selection of the Most Popular Wall-Street Campaign Collector to Head the

Treasury Department-Professor Parsons Exposes the Latest National Treasury Scandal-

The Hebrew Mayor of Rome-Initiative and Referendum News, by Ralph Albertson-Oregon

Aroused-Oklahoma in Congress-Michigan Constitutional Convention-The Newark Ref-

erendums-In Ohio-San Francisco in Line-Notes-Proportional Representation News, by

Robert Tyson-Officers of the League-New Cuban Electoral Law-Work in Michigan-

Summary of Recent Progress-Australian News-Notes-Public-Ownership News, by Bruno


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Editorials by B. O. Flower-Popular Rule or Standard-Oil Supremacy: Which Shall It Be?-

A Choice Involving the Soul-Life of the Republic-The Commercial Leper and the Contagion

He has Spread Throughout Business and Political Life-The Supreme Menace of the Standard-

Oil Interests-Amazing Revelations Showing the Ramifications of the Standard-Oil Interests-

Two Sovereigns Cannot Exist Under One Flag-An Important Table Showing Some of the Ram-

ifications of the Standard-Oil System-The President's Brave Stand on the Standard-Oil Cor-

ruption-A Further Word Concerning the President-Mr. Bryan and the Would-Be Wreckers

of the Democratic Party-An Englishman's Criticism of Our Republic-How the Nation Fell

into the Hands of the Spoilers-The Right and Left of Arm of the Oligarchy of Privileged Wealth-

The Secret of Political Supremacy of Corporate Wealth and Monopoly Power The Plutoc-

racy in Politics for Control of the Government-The Would-Be Wreckers of the Democratic

Party-The Significant Result of the Parker Campaign with the New York World as the Jour-

nalistic Moses-Again the Wreckers are at Work-The World's Campaign Against Mr. Bryan-

Governor John Johnson Championed by Harper's Weekly and Other Reactionary Journals—

President Roosevelt's Message of January Thirty-First-Chancellor Day's Latest Attack on

President Roosevelt Is President Roosevelt a Reactionary ?-The Republican Candidates

and the Feudalism of Privileged Wealth-A Judicial Blow at the Tyrannical Medical Monopoly-

Initiative and Referendum News, by Ralph Albertson-Proportional Representation News,

by Robert Tyson-An Oregon Quartet-The Second Ballot-Public-Ownership News, by Bruno

Beckhard-The Voice from the Tomb-The Mirror Without a Back-Gotham Eclipsed by

the Hub-Professor Parsons' Tour-Jackson, Mississippi-Richmond, Indiana-Fort Worth,

Texas Springfield, Massachusetts-The New York Ferries-Nassau, Bahama Islands-Pasa-

dena, California-News of Industrial Coöperation, by Hazel Hammond Albertson-N. O. Nelson

Makes Good-A Coöperative Millinery Company-R. R. L. Annual Meeting-Farmers' Union

on Finance-La Prosperidad Colony Association-Coöperative Guild of Washington-A Coöp-

erative Foundry-One Oklahoma County-Farmers' Union Cotton Agency-Farmers' Union

Bank-Hop Growers Organize-To Utilize Product-Coal Mines in Trouble-A New Roch-

dale-The Calgary Rochdale-Correctionville, Iowa-Modesto, California-Chico Rochdale-

Sonoma Poultry Association-Stockton Coöperative Dairy-Selma Rochdale-Popcorn Elevator-

Corning, California-Grain and Coal-California Wholesale-Sprague, Washington-Poul-

try Producers,.

Editorials by B. O. Flower-An Appeal to Friends of Popular Government-The Foe Within

the Gates-How Popular Government is Being Overthrown-The Only Peaceful Method for

Restoration of Popular Government-The Campaign Against Popular Rule in Oregon-The

Situation in Oregon-The Portland Journal on the Coming Struggle To American Patriots-The

Church, Privileged Wealth and Social Justice-The Clergy and the Battle for Civic Righteous-

ness-A Leading Metropolitan Clergyman's Brave Stand for Pure Government-Mr. Holmes'
Plea for the Child Slaves of America-The Bishop of London on Dives and Lazarus-The Rev.
R. J. Campbell on Christ's Attitude in Regard to Social Righteousness-Was Abraham Lincoln
a Party Man?-Secretary Taft's Misrepresentation of the Martyred President-Lincoln's Arraign-
ment of Party Subserviency-Renewed Activity of the Modern Dick Turpins-The Recent
Raise in Express Rates by the American and National Express Companies-Twenty-Four Mil-
lions to Stockholders of a Single Express Company-Mr. Bryan and the Senegambian in the
New York World's Woodpile-New Zealand Still Forging Ahead-Initiative and Referendum
News, by Ralph Albertson-Public-Ownership News, by Bruno Beckhard-Municipal Light-
ing in St. Louis-Not a Hypothetical Case-Income of English Cities-Webster City, Iowa-
Cincinnati's Railroad-Gloucester, Massachusetts-Springfield, Ohio-Carthage, Missouri-
New York's Public Baths-Somerville, Massachusetts-Fort William and Port Arthur, Canada-
Proportional Representation News, by Robert Tyson-News of Industrial Coöperation, by
Hazel Hammond Albertson-New England Still Coöperates-Fellowship Farm-The Home
crofters The Maynard Store-Telephones in Vermont-Maine Farmers' Telephones-Mis-
sissippi Farmers' Union-Indiana Dairymen-Georgia Negroes Organizing-A New York
Store Finance Without Frenzy-Erie Railway Employées,.

Editorials by B. O. Flower-Presidential Possibilities-Mr. Bryan: Man and Statesman-

Mr. Taft: His Strength and Weakness-Other Candidates-Other Parties-Direct-Legislation

and Popular Government-Railroad Regulation in Europe The Degradation of the House

of Representatives-How the Privileged Interests Captured and Now Control the National

House Captain Richmond Pearson Hobson's Grave Charge The Revolt in the House

Professor Frank Parsons on the Success of Direct-Legislation in Switzerland-Richard Wagner

on the Demand of Democracy in the Struggle of the People Against Reactionary, Class and

Privileged Interests-The New York World's Gallant Fight for Plutocracy-The President's


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