Abbildungen der Seite

Carcass. Described, 236.

CARDON, Lord. Settles in South Carolina, 166.
CARLETON, SIR GUY. Governor of Canada, 373. At St.
John's, 249. At Quebec, 241. His propositions of
reconciliation, 1782, 345.

CARLISLE, Earl of. Commissioner to America, 1778, 236.
Carolina. Amidas and Barlow off the shores of, 55.
Colonies founded in, 62. Origin of the name, 50, 55,
98. The colonies of, 97, 163, 164; separated, 171.
Grant from Parliament to, in 1757, 206. Opposes tax-
ation, 223.

Carolina, Fort, 98.

"Caroline" steamboat, 472.

Carpenters Hall, Philadelphia, 288, 588.

CARROLL, CHARLES, of Carrollton, 252.

Signer of the

Declaration of Independence, 602. Portrait and auto-
graph of, 601. Notice of, 603.

CARROLL, DANIEL, 356. Signer of the Articles of Con-
federation, 611; and of the Constitution of the United
States, 629.

CARROLL, JOHN, Archbishop.

Apostolic-Vicar, 1786,
354. Portrait, autograph, and notice of, 354.
CARTERET, SIR GEORGE, 98, 159. Purchases New Jer-
sey, 159.

CARTERET, PHILIP. Governor of New Jersey, 94, 159.
Carteret County Colony, 98, 164, 165.

CARTIER, JAMES. His expeditions, 48, 49. Picture of
his ship, 48.


CARVER, JOHN, Governor, 77, 78. His interview with
Massasoit, 114. His chair, 79. Death of, 115. Notice
of, 78.

Cascades, Oregon. Attacked by Indians, 1856, 528.
Casco Village. Attacked by the French and Indians,


CASS, LEWIS, General At Detroit, 424. Candidate for
the Presidency, 1848, 498.

Castile. Emulates the Italian cities in trade, 86.
CASTILLON, General. Deserts Colonel Walker at Rivas,


CASTINE, Baron de, 134.

Castine. Admiral Griffith seizes the town of, 1814, 438.
Castle William, 220.

CASTRO, General. Opposes Fremont, in 1856, 487.

Catacombs. Ancient, in America, 11.

Catawba Indians, 26, 27. Their territory, 26. Expel
the Shawnees, in 1672, 26. Invaded, 1701, by the Five
Nations, 25, 26. At war with the Tuscaroras, 1712, 26.
Join the conspiracy to exterminate the Carolinians,
27. Assailed by the Cherokees, 27. Allies of the
North Carolina Colony, 168, 170. Population of, in
1650, 31. Join the Americans in the Revolutionary
War, 27. Eloquent appeal of a warrior of the, to the
Legislature of South Carolina, 27. Language of the,

[blocks in formation]

Chad's Ford. Washington's head-quarters at, 274.
Chair. Governor Carver's, 79.

CHAMPE, Serjeant. Attempts to capture Arnold, 326.
CHAMPLAIN, SAMUEL His expedition, 59. Discovers
Lake Champlain, 59; and Lake Huron, 59. His pub-
lications, 59.

Champlain, Lake. Discovered, 59. See Lake Cham-

CHANCO. A converted Indian, saves Jamestown, Vir-
ginia, 106.

CHANDLER, General. Notice of, 426.

CHAPIN, E. H., Rev. His speech, at the opening of the
World's Fair, 1953, 517.

CHARLES I., of England, 74. Accession of, 107, 116. His
intolerance, 116. His character, 108.

CHARLES II., of England. Restoration of, 109. His prof-
ligacy and prodigality, 110. His gifts to Lord Cul-
pepper, and the Earl of Arlington, 110. Grants a new
charter to Connecticut, 155. Declares the Massachu
setts charter void, 129. Makes judges independent of
the people, 110. Reproaches Governor Berkeley, 112,
Gives New Netherland to his brother James, 144.
Death of, 113. The charter of Connecticut contains a
portrait of, 155.

CHARLES IX., of France, 49, 51. His commission to
Coligny, 50.

CHARLES EDWARD, son of James II., 184.
Charleston, South Carolina. Laid out by Culpepper,
165. Map of, in 1689, 166. Founded, 99, 117. French
and Spanish expedition against, 169. Siege of, in 178),
309, 311. Map of the siege, 311, Captured by the
British, 1750, 312. Evacuated by the British, 1782, 848.
Oglethorpe at, in 1782, 100. Refuses to allow tea to be
sold, 1773, 224.

Charlestown, Massachusetts, 236.
Charter Oak, The.

Picture of, 156.

Charter of Liberties. William Penn's, 162. Of New
York, 147.

CHASE, SAMUEL. Member of the first Continental Con-
gress, 1774, 5S8. Signer of the Declaration of Inde-
pendence, 692. Member of the Committee of Congress,
on Slavery, 1784, 534.

CHATHAM, The Earl of, 218. His conciliatory measures,
231. His denunciations in the House of Lords, 252,
His letter to Sayre, 228. His opinion of the Conti-
nental Congress, 225. Death of, 286. Portrait and no-

tice of, 217. See PITT.
Chattahoochee River, 28, 103.
CHAUNCEY, Commodore, 420, 425.
Chepultepec. Battle of, 1847, 494.
Cheraw Indians, 20.

Cherry Valley. Devastated, in 1778, 290.
"Cherub" sloop-of-war, 431.

Cherubusco. General Scott at, in 1847, 493,
CHEESEMAN. General Montgomery's Aid, 242,
Cherokee Indians. De Soto penetrates the country of
the, 44. Their territory, and character, 27. Foes of
the Shawnees, 27. At war with the Tuscaroras, 27;
Five Nations, 25, 27; Six Nations, 25; Catawbas, 27.
Among the confederates against the Carolinians, in
1715, 27. Allies of the English against the French, 27.
Assisted at the capture of Fort Du Quesne, 1755, 27.
Migrations of the, 25, 162. Allies of the North Caro-
lina Colony, 168. Allies of the Americans in the
Revolutionary War, 25. Population of the, in 1650, 31.
Civilization of the, 28. Friends of the United States,
in 1812, 28. Assist the United States in subjugating
the Creeks, 28. Language, 12. Newspaper, 28: see

Cherokee Phoenix. An Indian newspaper, 28.
Chesapeake Bay. Explored by Captain John Smith,
67. Gosnold in the, in 1607, 64. Indians on the, 20.
"Chesapeake" frigate, 401, 429.

Chester, Pennsylvania. William Penn at, 97.
Chestnut-street, Philadelphia. Origin of the name, 162.
Chevaux-de-frise. Described, 274. At Charleston, in
1780, 311.

[blocks in formation]

Christians, Indian. Converted by French Jesnits, 22
CHRISTINA. Daughter of Gustavus Adolphus, 33.
Christina, Delaware, 93.

[blocks in formation]

Civilization. New period of, in America, 52.
autograph of, 440. Notice of, 441.

Clam Shells. Used in making wampum, 13.
Clans, Indian, 17.

CLARENDON, Lord, 98.

Clarendon County Colony, 98.

CLARK, ABRAHAM. Delegate from New Jersey, to the
Convention on the Articles of Confederation, 356.
Signer of the Declaration of Independence, 602.
CLARKE, GEORGE R., General. His operations in South
Carolina and Georgia, 314, 315, 319, 336. His expedi-
tion against the Indians, 303. Captures Kaskaskia,
and Cahokia, 303. Portrait and autograph of, 300.
Notice of, 398.

CLARKE, Captain. His tour of exploration with Captain
Lewis, in 1804, 479.

CLARK'S History of Onondago county, cited, 23.
CLARKE, JOHN, Dr., 91.

CLAY, GREEN, General. At Fort Meigs, 418, 419. No-
tice of, 418.

CLAY, HENRY. United States Commissioner at Ghent,
1814, 443. Nominated for the Presidency of the
United States, 1825, 454. Secretary of State, 1825, 454.
His Compromise Bill, in 1833, 464, 500, 501. Nom-
inated for the Presidency, in 1844, 478. Portrait,!
autograph, and notice of, 500.

CLAY, Lieutenant-Colonel, 486.

CLAYTON, JOHN M. Secretary of State, 1849, 499.
Clear Water River, 19.

CLEMENT XIV., Pope, 266,
"Cleopatra" steamboat, 508.

"Clermont" steamboat. Fulton's first steamboat, 399.
CLEVELAND, BENJAMIN. At King's Mountain, 819.
CLINCH, General. At Fort Drane, and Withlacoochee,

CLINGAN, WILLIAM. Signer of the Articles of Confed-
eration, 611.

CLINTON, DE WITT, 416. His part in the Erie Canal, 457.
Portrait and autograph of, 456. Notice of, 457.
CLINTON, SIR HENRY, General. At Boston, 1775, 234,
236. Joins Sir Peter Parker, 1776, 248. On Long
Island, 1776, 253. At New York, 1777, 272. Captures
Fort Clinton and Fort Montgomery, 1777, 253. Ex-
pected by Burgoyne, 1777, 251. At Monmouth, 1778,
287; pursued by Washington, 287. His moonlight
despatch, 285. His marauding expeditions, in 1778,
1779, 296. Succeeds Howe, 1778, 287. Evacuates
Rhode Island, and proceeds to the Carolinas, 1779,
306, 309. In New Jersey, 1789, 320. Deceives Wash-
ington, 320. At the siege of Charleston, 1780, 309.
Sails for New York, 1780, 313. Sends emissaries to
the Pennsylvania mutineers, 1781, 325, 829. Portrait
of, 287.

CLINTON, JAMES, General. At Tioga Point, 304.
CLINTON, GEORGE, Governor, 257. Vice-President of
the United States, 1801, 396, 404. With General
Knox, when he entered New York, in 1752, 850. Por-
trait and notice of, 350.

Club, Indian, used in war, 14.
CLYMER, GEORGE, 356, 62, 629.

COCKBURN, Admiral. His marauding expeditions, in |
1813, 1814, and 1815, 430, 440.
Cod Fishery, 47, 116.

COFFEE, General. In the expedition against the Creeks,
1813, 428. Notice of, 428.

Coin. Persian, found in Ohio, 11. Roman, found in
Missouri, 11.

Coins and Currency, of the United States, 372. Cop-
per coins, 372.

COLDEN, CADWALLADER, 215. Portrait and autograph
of, 216.
COLIGNY, Admiral, 49, 50. Sir Walter Raleigh studies
the art of war with, 52. The friend of Huguenots, 49.
COLLAMER, JACOB. Postmaster-General, in 1849, 499.
College. At Boston, appropriation for establishing a, in
1636, 211. Dartmouth, Harvard, King's, Nassau Hall,
Philadelphia, Queen's, Rhode Island, William and
Mary, Yale, 178.

COLLETON, JAMES, Governor, 166.


COLLINS, JOHN. Signer of the Articles of Confederation,


Colonies. American, history of the, 104, 174. Amer-
ican, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, 51, 52.
American, population of the, 179. New England, pro-
posed Union of the, in 1637, 121; the Union dissolved,

Colony. Founding of a, described, 61. The earliest in
America, 42.
The slave-trade in the,

Columbia, District of, 388.
abolished, 501.

Columbia River, 479.


His marriage, 37. His
voyage to Iceland, 37. His son Diego, 37. At the gate
of the monastery of Rabida, 88. Queen Isabella fits
out a fleet for him, 87. He sails from Palos, in 1492, 39,
High admiral, 39. Pecuniary promises made to him,
39. Picture of, before the Council of Salamanca, 34. Ex-
plores Cat Island, discovers other islands, including
Cuba and San Domingo, 40. Returns to Spain in March,
1493, 40. His three subsequent voyages; appointed
Viceroy and High Admiral of the New World; his
fourth voyage, 41. His first landing in America; takes
possession of the country, in the name of Ferdinand
and Isabella, 40. Picture of the banner of his expedi-
tion, 40. Class of ships used by, 60. Picture of the
fleet of, 39. Sent in irons to Spain; persecution, neg-
lect, and death of, 41. Life of, by Irving, 60. Portrait
of, 36.

Comanche Indians, 33. Territory of the, 45.
Combahee River. D'Ayllon anchors at the mouth of
the, 43. Named Jordan, by D'Ayllon, 48,
Commerce. Of the American colonies, restrictions im-
posed on the, 212. American, 381, 382, 390, 391; pro-
tected, in 1801, 391; injured by England and France,
400, 401; injured by pirates, 1819, 453. Of Great Brit-
ain and the United States, 867.

Committee, of Safety. Of Massachusetts, 234. Com-
mittees of Correspondence, 226.

Como. Witchcraft at, 182.

Company of Free Traders, 96.

"Concessions," The, of Berkeley and Carteret, 159.
Confederation. American Articles of, 266, 267, 353,
355; copy of, 604 ss.

Congaree Indians. Hostile to the South Carolina col-
onies, 170.

Congress. The word, explained, 866. First Conti-
nental, at Philadelphia, 1774, 227, 228; the Earl of
Chatham's opinion of it, 228; State Papers put forth
by the, 1774, 447 ss.; second Continental, 215, 238;
Members of the, 588; Declaration by the, on taking
up arms, 1775, 53, 587; appoints a Committee to con-
fer with Washington, 1775, 239; measures of, 245;
Armed Marine of, 307; Committee on Naval Affairs,
307. Continental, Navy Board of; Marine Committee,
and Board of Admiralty of, 808; resolution on Inde-
pendence, and Committee on the Declaration of Inde-
pendence, 251; Committee for conferring with Lord
Howe, 259; Articles of Confederation of: see Articles
of Confederation. Sessions of the Continental, 558.
Continental, sends an embassy to France, 1776, and to
other European courts, 266; rejects Lord North's
Conciliatory Bills, 256. Of the United States, resolu-
tion of the, 1780, to allow military officers half pay for
life, 349; disbands the army, 1752, 350; efforts of, in
1784, to restrict slavery, 534; at New York, 1787, 862;
recommends the appointment of a day for thanksgiv
ing and prayer, 1787, 370; measures of the, respecting
Revenues, 1789, 366, 367; session of, 1790, 871; Extra-
ordinary Sessions of, 475. Provincial, at Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 230. Meeting, organization, proceed-
ings, journal, adjournment, etc., of, 615. Powers
vested in, 616-613. Power of, over public lands, 627.
Discusses the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 1854, 520, 521.
“Congress" frigate, 414.
Connecticut. Origin and signification of the word, 85.
Settlement of, 62. Pequod Indians in, 21. History
of the Colony of, 154. Constitution of, 154. Charter

[ocr errors]

of, from Charles II., 155. Takes part in the war
against King Philip, 155. Refuses to surrender its
charter, 156. Joins the Confederacy of colonies, in
1643, 121. Population of, în 1700, 157. Grant to, from
Parliament, in 1758, 206.

Connecticut River. Discovered by Block, 72, 82. Col-
ony at the, 85, 86.

CANONCHET. Famous New England Indian, 21.
CONNOR, Commodore. Sails for the Gulf of Mexico,
480. Captures Tampico, Tabasco, and Tuspan, 485.
At Vera Cruz, 489.

CONRAD, CHARLES M. Secretary of War, 1850, 502.
"Constellation" frigate, 382. Captures the frigate L'In-
surgente, 1779, 385. Action of the, with the frigate
La Vengeance, 355.
Constitution of the United States. Washington sug-
gests a Convention on the subject of a; history of the,
355. Copy of the, 612-632.
Constitution of Government, Pilgrim, 78.
"Constitution" frigate, 882, 415, 440. Action of the, with
the Guerriere, 414.

Continental. Army, 288.

Congress: see Congress.
Money, 245; depreciation of, 298, 828; counterfeited,

CONTRECŒUR, M. Attacks the Ohio Company's men,


[blocks in formation]

Carolina settlements, 163.

CORNBURY, Lord, 149, 161.

CORNPLANTER. Seneca chief, 26, 304.

CORNSTALK. Shawnee chief, unites with Logan against
the white men, 20. His bravery; he and his son
shot, 20.


CORNWALLIS, CHARLES, Lord. On Long Island, 1776,
253, 254. Captures Fort Lee, 259; Newark, New
Brunswick, Princeton, and Trenton; pursues Wash-
ington, 260. At New York, 262. At Princeton, 268.
Approaches Trenton, 268. At Charleston, 1780, 311.
In South Carolina, 313. At Sanders's Creek, 315.
command of the British army at the South, 1780, 315.
At Charlotte, 318. At Winnsborough, 319. Succeeds
Phillips, 1781, 330. Pursues Morgan, 332. Abandons
North Carolina, 1781, 334. At Wilmington and
Petersburg, 388. His operations in Virginia, 388.
Surrenders, at Yorktown, 1781, 341. His cruelty, 318.
Portrait and notice of, 318.
CORONADA. His expedition, 45.-
Coronet. Armorial distinction, 73.
Corpus Christi village, Mexico, 480.

CORTEZ, FERNANDO. His expedition to Mexico, 43.
Dethrones Montezuma, 10. Notice of, 43.
CORTOREAL, GASPER. His expedition to America, in
1500, 47.

CORWIN, THOMAS. Secretary of the Treasury, 1850, 502.
COSBY, WILLIAM, Governor, 150.

Costa Rica. Declares war against Nicaragua, 1856, 526.
COTTEN, JOHN. Clerk of the Stamp Act Committee, 556.
COTTON, Rev. Mr., 118. Comes to America, in 1663, 86.
Cotton. Cultivation of, in the United States, 868.
Council of Plymouth, 117, 120.

Council, Indian. How composed, 16.

Cradle. Of Peregrine White, 78.
CRAIG, Major, 345.

CRAIK, Dr. His anecdote of Washington's wonderful
escape from death, at the battle of Monongahela, 156,
CRAMPTON, Mr. British Minister, dismissed, 528, 529.
CRANCH, Judge. Administers the oath of office to
President Tyler, 475.

CRANE, STEPHEN. Member of the first Continental
Congress, 1774, 588.
Craney Island, 430.

CRAVEN, Lord. One of the principal friends of Charles
II., 98.

CRAVEN, CHARLES. Governor of South Carolina, 170.
CRAWFORD, GEORGE W. Secretary of War, in 1849, 499.
CRAWFORD, WILLIAM H. United States Minister to
France, 1813, 429. Secretary of the Treasury, 1817,
447. Nominated for the Presidency, 1824, 454.
Creation of the World. Indian traditions respecting
the, 16.

Creek Indians, 29. Their lands, 30, 455, 456. Allies of
the British, 30. Confederates, 19, 29, 30. McGillivray,
Emperor of the, 16. Subjugation of the, 25. Allies
of the North Carolina Colony, 168. Capture Fort
Mimms, in 1818, 427. General Jackson's expedition
against the, in 1814, 428. Allies of the Seminoles,
1836, 467. Creek Sachem, To-mo-chi-chi, 103.
Creoles. Origin of the, 41.

"Crescent City" steamboat, 512.

Crimea, The. Enlistments in American cities, for the
English army in, 528.

CRITTENDEN, J. J. Attorney-General of the United

States, 1841, 474, 502.

[blocks in formation]

Crown Point, 199. Samuel Champlain at, 59. John-
son's expedition against, 155. Plan of, 200.
CROWNINSHIELD, BENJAMIN. Secretary of the Navy,
1817, 447.

CRUGER, JOHN. Author of the Declaration of Rights,
215, 549. Member of the Stamp Act Congress, 556.
CRUGER, Lieutenant-Colonel, 335. In South Carolina,
1780, 313, 315.

Crusaders. Account of the, 88.

Crystal Palace. At London; at New York, 517.

Discovery of, by Columbus, 4). Exploring
voyage to, 41. Invasion of by Lopez, 52. Prepara-
tion at New York for the invasion of, 1551, 508, © Re-
lations between the United States and Spain respect-
ing, 1852, 512. Affair of the Black Warrior" at,
1854; proposed invasion of, 1854, 521. Proposed pur-
chase or seizure of, 522. Conspiracy in, in 1855, 527.
CULPEPPER, Lord. Grants to, by Charles II., 110. His
character, 113.

CULPEPPER, JOHN, 99. The revolt led by, 164. Lays
out the city of Charleston, 165.
Culpepper Flag, 243

CUNNINGHAM, Provost-Marshal, 258.

Currency, National. Of the United States, 872.

Cup, Silver. Found in an ancient mound at Marietta, 11.
CUSHING, CALEB. Attorney-General of the United
States, 1853, 515.

CUSHING, THOMAS. Member of the first Continental
Congress. 1774, 588.


CUSTIS, GEORGE W. P. Notice of, 514, 515.

"Countess of Scarborough," British ship. Captured by "Cyane," frigate, 440.

Paul Jones, in 1779, 307.

Counties, Origin of, 78.

Cowpens, Battle of, 331, 332.

Cows. Brought to America by Columbus, in 1493, 41.
A hundred, taken to Virginia, in 1611, 68.

COXE. Speaker of the New Jersey Assembly, favors a
Union of the Colonies, 1722, 183.

COXE, TENCH. Portrait and autograph of, 369. Notice
of, 368.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

DANIELS, Colonel, 169.

Danvers, Witchcraft at, 183.

DARE, ELEANOR. Her daughter Virginia, 56.

Darien, Isthmus of. Boundary of the Aztec empire,
10. Colonized, in 1510, by Vasco Nunez de Balboa,
41. Ship Canal, 524.
Dartmouth College, 178.
Daughters of Liberty, 216.

DAVIE, WILLIAM RICHARDSON, Colonel, 818, 356. En-
voy to France, 1799, 385.

DAVIS, JEFFERSON. Secretary of War, in 1853, 515.
D'A YLLON, LUCAS VASQUEZ. Enslaves natives of the Ber-
mudas, 42. Governor of Chicora; mortally wounded,


DAYTON, JONATHAN, 356. Signer of the Constitution
of the United States, 629.

DAYTON, WILLIAM L. Nominated Vice-President of
the United States, 1856, 582.
DEANE, SILAS. Member of the first Continental Con-
gress, 1774, 588. Chairman of the Committee on Na-
val Affairs, 1775, 307, 30s. American Agent in France,
266. On the American embassy to France, 1776, 266.
Returns to America, 1778, 287. Proposes to present
to the French Government Rittenhouse's Planeta-
rium, 269. Portrait and notice of, 266.

DEARBORN, HENRY. Secretary of War, 1801, 390. Com-
Inands the Army of the North, 1812, 412. At York,
Canada, 1813, 425. Portrait and notice of, 410.
Death. Punishment of, among Indians, 15.
DECATUR, STEPHEN, Commodore, 415. In the Mediter-
ranean, 1815; at Algiers; at Tunis, 445. His exploit
at Tripoli, 392. Captured, 1815, 440. Portrait and
notice of, 392.

"Decatur," sloop of war, 528.

Declaration of Independence, copy of the, 590-601.
Declaration of Rights, in 1683, 147; in 1765, 215, 549.
Deerfield, Connecticut, 126.


Attacked by Rouville,

DE HART, JOHN. Member of the first Continental Con-
gress, 1774. 598.

DE HAVEN, Lieutenant, 509.

DE HEISTER. Hessian General, 253, 254.

DE KALB, Baron. In the Southern campaign, 1779,
1780, 309, 314. Death of, 316. Monument to; por-
trait and notice of, 316.

DELANCEY, JAMES, Governor, 183, 185. Favors a Stamp
Act, 1755, 541.

Delaware. Settlement of, 92. Colonies, 144. Swedes
in, 62. Yields to the Dutch, in 1673, 147. An inde-
pendent colony, in 1776, 159.


Delaware Bay. Verrazani anchors in, 48.
Delaware Indians, 17, 21. Their lands, 21. Treaties
with the, 161, 363. Their hostility to the English, 19.
Delaware River, Washington crosses the, 260.
DE LA WARR, Lord. Governor of Virginia, 68.
Jamestown, 69. Character of; death of, 69.
Delft-Haren, Holland. Puritans sail from, 1620, 77.
Deluge, The Universal. Indian traditions of, 16.
Democracy. At Massachusetts Colony, changed to a
Representative Government, 118.

Democratic Party in the United States, 1856, 531.
DE MONTS. His expedition to America; his fort; his
colony, 58.

Denmark. Comprised in Scandinavia. 34. Traffic of
Iceland and Greenland with, in 950, 35.
Descent. Indian rule of, 16.

Deseret. The country of the Mormons; signification of
the name, 504.

DESIA, JOSEPIL On the war of 1812, 409.

DE SOTO, FERDINAND. Governor of Cuba, and of Flor-
ida; lands at Tampa bay; discovers the Mississippi
river, in 1541, 44, 45. Proceeds to New Madrid; death
of, 45. Portrait of, 44.


Detroit. Capture of, 1813, 424.

DE VRIES, Captain, 92. His plantation, 140.

DIAZ. Portuguese navigator, discovers Stormy Cape,


DICKINSON, JOHN. Member of the Stamp Act Con-
gress, 556.
Member of the Continental Congress,
1774; corrects the Petition to the King, 578, 588. Au-
thor of the Address to the Inhabitants of Quebec, 572.
Signer of the Articles of Confederation, 611. Chair-
man of the Convention on the Constitution of the

[blocks in formation]

Dime. United States coin, 372.

DINOCRATES, the Architect. His proposed statue of
Alexander the Great, 60.

DINWIDDIE, ROBERT, Governor, 185. His letter to St.
Pierre, 181. His independent companies, 151.
Directory, The French, 383, 384.

Discoveries. English and French, 45 ss.
Dissenters, in England, 76.

DOBBIN, JAMES C. Secretary of the Navy, 1853, 515.
DOBBS, Governor, 185.
Dobbs's Ferry, 257.

Dollar, American, 372.

Dominion, The Old: see Old Dominion.

DONELSON, ANDREW J., 479. Nominated Vice-Presi-
dent of the United States, 1856, 531.
DONGAN, THOMAS, Governor, 147.

DONIPHAN, Colonel. At Braceti, Chihuahua, and Sal-
tillo, 488, 489.

DONOP, Count. At Burlington, 262. Death of, 295.
Dorchester, Massachusetts. Founded, 118.

DOUGLASS, Mr. of Illinois. His Kansas-Nebraska Bill,
1854, 519.

Dover. Attacked by the French and Indians, 1689, 130.
DOWNIE, Commodore, 434. Death of, 435.
DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS, 56. At St. Augustine, 57.
covers the tobacco-plant; introduces it into England.

DRAKE, S. G. His Book of the Indians, 33.


[blocks in formation]

Dutch, The. Their maritime enterprise, 1609, 71. East
India Company of, send a ship to the Hudson River,
71. Purchase Manhattan Island from the Manhattan
Indians; their contests with the Indians, 21. Settle
at New Amsterdam, 62. In New Netherland, send a
friendly salutation to the Massachusetts Colony, 118.
Their friendly intercourse with the Puritans, $5. Op-
pose Captain Holmes, 1633, 85. Purchase Long Island,
114. Claim jurisdiction, upon the Connecticut, 121.
Settle in South Carolina, 99. Take possession of New
York, in 1673, 147. Monopolize the trade of Japan,


Dutch. East India Company, 59, 71. West India Com-
pany, 72, 93, 139, 144. Mariners, traffic of, with East-
ern Asia, 59. Traders, story of Captain Argall and, in
1613, 72.

Dutchman. Picture of a, 176.

Dutch Point, Connecticut, 85.

DWIGHT, THEODORE. Secretary of the Hartford Con-
vention, 444.

DYER, ELIPHALET. Member of the Stamp Act Con-
gress, 556; and of the first Continental Congress, 558.

Eagle. American gold coin, 372.
Earls. Districts governed by, 78.

East India Company. Send tea to America; notice
of the, 224.

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EATON, JOHN H. Secretary of War, 1829, 461.
EATON, THEOPHILUS. Governor, 88, 154.

EATON, WILLIAM, Captain. Consul at Tripoli, 392.
Edda Indians, 23.

EDEN, WILLIAM. Commissioner sent to America, 1778,

Edenton, North Carolina. First popular assembly at, 98.
Education. Fostered by the Massachusetts Colony,
121. In the colonies, 178.

EDWARD VI., of England, 75.


EFFINGHAM, Governor. Character of, 113.

Egypt. Origin of the Indians referred to, 11.
Elba. Bonaparte at, 1814, 431.

Electors for President and Vice-President of the United
States, 361.

Electro-magnetic telegraph, 507.

ELIOT, JOHN, Rev., 123.

ELIZABETH, Queen, of England, 51, 76.
Elizabeth Islands. Discovered, 57.

Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Origin of the name, 159.
Families remove from Long Island to, in 1664, 159.
ELLERY, WILLIAM. Signer of the Articles of Confeder-
ation, 611; and of the Declaration of Independence,

385. On the Judicary of the
trait and autograph of, 360.
Elm. Penn's treaty, 96, 161.
Embarkation of the Pilgrims.


England: see Great Britain.
English gentleman.
"Enterprise" brig, 430.
"Epervier" brig, 440.

Envoy to France, 1799,
United States, 365. Por-
Notice of, 359.

Weir's picture of the,

Picture of an, in 1580, 57.

Erie Indians, 19, 23. Invaded by the Five Nations, 24.
Erie Canal, 456, 457.

Erie, Lake: see Lake Erie.

Ernucfitu. Battle at, in 1814, 428,

ERSKINE, General. At Trenton, 268.

ERSKINE, Mr. British Miniter to the United States, 406.
Esopus Indians, 143.

Esquimaur Indians, 17. Their account of Sir John
Franklin's party, 509.

"Essex" frigate, 414, 430, 431.

ESTAING, Count d'. Sent, with a fleet, to America, 286.
His fleet disabled by a storm, 1778, 289. In the West
Indies, 1775, 292. Off the coast of Georgia, 1779, 305.
At the siege of Savannah, 305. Portrait and notice
of, 289.

ESTAMPES. Executed in Cuba, in 1855, 527.
Estramadura. Cortez died at, in 1554, 43.
Etchemin Indians, 22.

EUSTIS, WILLIAM. Secretary of War, in 1809, 406.
Eutaw Springs. Battle of, in 1781, 338.

EVERETT, EDWARD. His letter on English and French
interference respecting Cuba, 513.

EWING, JAMES. General. At Trenton, 263.

EWING, THOMAS. Secretary of the Treasury, in 1841,
474; of the Interior, in 1849, 499.

Excommunication. Account of. 75.
Exeter, New Hampshire. Founded, 80.

Eye. A people in America with only one, 12.

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[blocks in formation]

Fishing Creek, 27.

FITZSIMONS, THOMAS, 356. Signer of the Constitution
of the United States, 629.

Fire Nations, The. History of, 23. Their territory;
their confederates, 23. Joined by the Mississagines,
17. At war with the Ottawas, and the Hurons, 18,
59; the Eries, the Andastes, and the Shawnees, 19;
the Wyandots, 24; the Cherokees, 27; the Catawbas,
in 1701, 26; the Lenni-Lenapes, in 1650, 21. Captain,
John Smith's friendly relations with, 67. Allies of
Governor Winthrop, 181. Attempts of James II. to
introduce French priests among them, 147. Their
treaty of neutrality, in 1701, 135.

Flag. Culpepper, 243. Royal, of Great Britain, 144.
Union, 245. Of the thirteen stripes, unfurled by
Washington at Cambridge, 144.

Flathead Indians, 33.

Flax, American, 206.

Fleet. Of Columbus, picture of the, 39. Of England:
see Great Britain. Of France: see France.
FLEMING, Captain. Death of, 269.

FLETCHER, BENJAMIN, Governor, 149, 156, 164.
Flint River. De Soto on the banks of the, in 1589, 44.
Floating Batteries. Described, 201.

Florida. Discovery of; origin of the name, 42. Nar-
vaez, Governor of, 43, 44. Melendez's expedition to,
50, 51. Oglethorpe's expedition to, 172. Ceded to
England, 1763, 204. Restored to Spain, 173, 849.
Ceded to the United States, 1819, 451. State of, added
to the Union, 1845, 475.

FLOYD, WILLIAM. Member of the first Continental
Congress, 1774, 588. Signer of the Declaration of In-
dependence, 602.

Congress, 1774, 588.

Member of the first Continental

FOOTE, Mr., Senator from Mississippi, 501.

FORBES, JOHN, General. Acts contrary to the advice
of Washington; his expedition to Fort Du Quesne,

FORCE, PETER. His copy of the Journal of Congress,
572. His "National Calendar," 613.

FORSYTH, JOHN. Secretary of State, 1886, 470.

Adams, 374.

Amsterdam, 139.

Andrew, 178.

Bower, 438.

Brooke, 467.

Brown, 481.
Carolina, 51, 98.
Casimir, 142, 143.
Clinton. 253, 324.
Cumberland, 198.
Dearborn, 412.
Defiance, 374, 416.
Deposit, 416.
Diego. 172.

Drane, 467.

Du Quesne, 27, 182, 185, 186.
Edward, 189, 190, 191, 192, 275.
Erie, 433, 434.

Forty Fort, 290.

Frederica, 178.

Frontenac, 198.

Galphin, 336.

George, on Lake George, 198, 414, 425, 426, 427.
George, New York City, 248, 351.
Granby, 235.

Griswold, 340.

Hamilton, 253.

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