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among them a few weeks before; and I listened to the execution of the Magnifical, subsequently to a psalm, to an anthem taken from the book of Isaiah before, and the Nunc Dimittis after the sermon. Upon inquiry, I found that among the choristers were some of the most respectable men in the parish, who would perhaps have been shocked to have been told plainly that they had been guilty of an awful profanation of the Sabbath ministration; and, instead of seeking pardon for their sins, had been perverting one of the means of grace into a grievous occasion of transgression; all which would have been prevented, had their minds been really turned to the "praise and glory of God," instead of to their own praise and glory. The simpler the tunes, the better for that purpose. "In psalms and hymns and spiritual songs," we are required to make melody with our hearts unto the LORD. London Cottager's Visiter.



THOUGH it may sound strangely to make an elaborate eulogy on an art, which, in all ages of the world, has been recognised as one of the most delightful that can be practised, and which, by no very extravagant exaggeration, has been even called divine; yet so much error has existed among us, both as to its design and to its effect; it has been so hardly judged, in consequence of the bad taste or the bad character of some who have practised it, that it may be of use simply to state what effects it is designed and is able to produce.

Nearly all sounds, natural and artificial, from the overwhelming crash of the thunder, or the deep toned roar of the cataract, to the animated song of the happy bird; from the lowest bass of the organ, to the shrill note of the fife, or the harsh rattle of the drum; from the sublime voice of the tempest, to the gentle sigh of the zephyr; from the shout of the man to the laughing prattle of the infant, are adapted to excite emotion; and music is the science of adapting, and the art of producing those sounds, and combinations of sound, best suited to create the emotions intended to be awakened within us.

To these three points I wish to invite your
attention, viz.: its importance as an auxiliary
in education; the pleasure it conveys to the
ear; and its power of producing emotion.

In a country where the education of the
young is so important, and has, from the ear-
liest period, received so much attention, and
excited so deep an interest as in our own, it
is certainly singular that the aid of music has
not been sought to stimulate the attention of the
youthful student, and introduce those habits of
order and method which are indispensable to
the acquisition of the art, and are such impor-
tant means of progress in every species of
knowledge. Music is at once a charming re-
laxation from the tedious task, the dry drud-
gery of the grammar, the pen, or the slate, and
a mode of discipline scarcely inferior in effica-
cy to the dullest lesson of the horn book, learn-
ed under the fear of the searching experiment
of the birch or the ferule. It is a study and an
amusement, a discipline and a sport. It teach-
es, in the most attractive manner, the advan-
tage of combined, harmonious action, of sub-
mission to rules, and of strict accuracy. All
these are necessary to the agreeable result of
the practice; and the attainment of that result
is, itself, stimulus and reward sufficient for the
required exertion. It produces, in a remarka-
ble degree, the effect attributed by a classic
character and refining the manners. Nothing
poet to all the elegant arts, of softening the
children of the rougher sex, which follows a
is more obvious than the change of tone, in
moderate proficiency in this exquisite accom-
plishment. Are these tendencies of no value,
teacher, who experiences so often the want of
or of slight importance? Surely not. The
tion, and the need of relaxing his own toil,
some agreeable stimulus to the flagging atten-
will seize upon music with grateful avidity;
while the pupil will wonder what has become
of the weariness he felt a moment before, and
quicken, at the first sound of the music lesson.
his eye will brighten, and his apprehension

ginary. It is a fine thing to talk about, but
But, perhaps, it may be said, this is all ima-
how can it be done? How can a school full
of children be taught to sing, when it is so diffi-
cult to teach a single pupil, who has the exclu-
sive attention of a master for hours of every
satisfactory answer to this question, is a refer-
day? The simplest, most direct, and most
ence to the schools which have been, and are
now taught by the professors of the Boston
Academy of Music. No difficulty occurs in
teaching those rudiments of music which are
all it is necessary to give; and no doubt can
be entertained of the favorable tendency of the

It is manifest, that if any considerable degree of proficiency be made in music, it is an agent of great power for good or for evil; and in every age, and in every country, powerful emotions have been excited by music adapted to the degree of civilization of the people and the time. Even in our own unmusical age and nation, who is there can resist the contagious effect of the lively march, the solemn dirge, or the dance-moving air of the ball-study, by those who will examine for themroom? These are but some of the coarser and more obvious effects of an art susceptible of every degree of refinement; and the variety of feelings excited by music, can be limited only by the capacity of our nature.

From these appeals to the feelings, the emotions, the passions, music derives its moral power; and it is also the direct source of pleasure to the ear, from the adaptation of the sounds it produces to give enjoyment to that delicate organ; and it is a very valuable accessory in the intellectual development of the faculties, from the excellent mental discipline conveyed by the study of its theory and practice.

shortest, it is by no means the only answer to selves into its result. But though this is the be given. Throughout the whole extent of northern Germany, every child who goes to school, is as sure to be taught to sing as to read. The exceptions are almost as few to the capacity of learning something of music, as to only to show the general prevalence of what that of learning to spell; and serve, in fact, is erroneously thought so rare-an ear for muothers, which has produced an opposite imsic. The obstacle in this country, and in some pression, is, that the attainment of musical knowledge has been deferred till a period of

ished, and the organs are less flexible than life when the facility of acquisition is diminin early youth; while the instruction has been given on the plan of benefit to the teacher rather than the taught; its difficulties have been unnecessarily magnified; and it has been attempted to make every pupil a first rate solo singer. It has, too, been unfortunately regarded as a mere accomplishment, which might as well be left to the pursuit of the young, the frivolous and the worldly, and was unworthy the attention of the parent, seriously anxious for the education of his child.

It is the aim of the Academy to correct these errors and to reform this unwise practice; to teach the elements of music to as many children as possible, at as early an age as practicable, and thus, while giving to many the benefit of its discipline, to discover those who have any particular aptitude for its prosecution to a more advanced degree of skill, and to save, for be ter purposes, the weary hours which have been wasted by so many unhappy daughters of song, in attempting the difficult air, or to them impossible bravura.

It is not necessary to the understanding or enjoyment of good music, whether vocal or instrumental, that one should be able to perform it one's self, (an idea that has been strangely prevalent in some of our churches,) but some acquaintance with the design of music, and its means of accomplishing its own designs, is necessary; and this knowledge will be very generally diffused, if the Academy should be successful in its plans. Part of the effect, therefore, of the operations of our Academy, will be to make good listeners, as well as good performers, and one is scarcely less desirable than the other.

It ought not to be omitted, in enumerating the advantages of a musical education, that its effect on the physical constitution, on the development and healthy action of the organs principally exercised by it, is decidedly beneficial; and in a country and climate in which pulmonary diseases are so prevalent, every remedy, especially of an agreeable and preventive kind, should be diligently used.


THE nose and roof of the mouth may be regarded as the sound-board of the voice. The teeth form a bridge or barrier upon which the lips and tongue are constantly playing, and their beauty and regularity contribute much to the neatness of speech. The action of the tongue is susceptible of high cultivation, and upon its activity depends much of that silvery tone of voice that delights us. With many, it lies a sluggish lump in the mouth; as when pronouncing the letter L, it so blocks up the passage that the voice escapes with difficulty. The lips are employed in the softer tones, and are changeable with the same lassitude of expression. The chin has an important office to perform, which is to operate upon the hinge that opens and shuts the mouth; for upon its activity we either disclose a polite or vulgar pronunciation. Every one must have noticed, in lazy speakers, how the words are drawled out of the mouth; as Nec-o for No. Others begin to talk before their mouths are open, affixing the closing M to most of their words: as M-yes for Yes, Gardiner's Music of Nature.



TO CORRESPONDENTS. "Lives there a man, who sheds no tear," an original poetic effusion, shall appear in our next.

"Grief of my heart," an original Duett, is now before us, and shall be published.

The contribution of S. S. Wardwell, of Providence, has been received. In due time, it shall have a place.

"Notes by a traveller about town," are rather too personal for our pages. If the author, however, will consent to some modification of his article, we will publish so much as relates to the singing in our choirs.

"Music the dialect of heaven," a sacred song, written for the Minstrel, by a lady of this city, and by her adapted to the Scottish air " Bonny Doon," will probably be inserted with the Music, in our next number.



Owing to a variety of circumstances, unnecessary here to detail, and over which the Editor had no control, the publication of the two present numbers have been delayed several days beyond their date. Subscribers will, however, be furnished with the whole volume, which will be completed in January next.

All subscribers who have not yet complied with the terms upon which the Minstrel is published, are now expected, (according to previous notice,) to pay $3 for the present volume. The amount may be forwarded to us, at our risk and expense.

Our Agents will also do us a special favor by giving a little prompt attention to this matter, so far as they may be concerned. We are now very much in want of whatever is due, in order to enable us to make the contemplated improvements in our second volume.


This original Anthem, suitable for music societies and choirs, which appears in the accompanying pages, has been stereotyped, and any number of copies can be had, at a reasonable price, by applying at our office.


In addition to the two Hymns for which Music is wanted, as stated in No. 16, p. 124, we have been requested by the same gentleman referred to in that number, to insert the following Hymn, for a similar purpose:


THоU art gone to the grave, but we will not deplore thee;
Though sorrows and darkness encompass the tomb,
The Saviour has passed through its portals before thee,
And the lamp of his love is thy guide through the gloom.



Thou art gone to the grave-we no longer behold thee,
Nor tread the rough path of the world by thy side
But the wide arms of mercy are spread to enfold thee,
And sinners may hope, since the Sinless has died.

Thou art gone to the grave, and its mansions forsaking,
Perhaps thy tried spirit in doubt lingering long;
But the sunshine of heaven beam'd bright on thy waking,
And the song that thou heardst was the seraphim's song.

Thou art gone to the grave, but 'twere wrong to deplore thee,
When God was thy ransom, thy guardian, and guide;
He gave thee, and took thee, and soon will restore thee,
Where death has no sting, since the Saviour hath died.
For the above Hymn, and the one com-

"Sing Hallelujah! praise the Lord,"
the gentleman "hopes that some talented au-
thor may be induced to try to furnish Music."
And adds,-"I will try to be liberal."

The editor of the Minstrel is authorized to

act as agent in this business. Communications
should be addressed to him, at No. 146 Nassau


An examination of the pupils of the Cincinnati (Ohio,) Musical Seminary, under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Nixon, and his sister, Miss Nixon, took place on the 28th of last month. The citizens interested in the cause of education, were particularly invited to attend. In order that our readers may form some idea of the nature and extent of the studies pursued in this justly popular institution, we insert the order of the exercises at the examination :

"In the theory of music-the nature of the scales, harmonized and diversified, with the enharmonic changes, and the introduction and resolution of discords, will be briefly explained; and examples given in parsing music, in thorough bass, in modulation, and in composition: the specimens to be played.

"In the course of the examination, the lessons, having different subjects founded on the same fundamental harmo ny, will be played in concert; and several miscellaneous pieces, vocal and instrumental, English and Italian, will vary the exercises.

"The concluding ceremonies will be the exhibition of the books written by the pupils, and the awarding of the premiums, medals, &c."

In our next number, we shall probably give some particulars concerning the result of this examination.


A correspondent asks, "What has become of the N. Y. Handel and Haydn Society ?"We answer,-It is still in existence; and it is the intention of its managers, to take measures to place it on a permanent footing.

Among other improvements, we would suggest that a vocal conductor be appointed, who shall not only direct the performance, but also beat the time with something that can be seen, -the time is now marked by a stamp of the foot. Another improvement is, the attendance of a small but efficient orchestra; also the adoption of some more simple music, at least for a part of the evening's performance, that new members may be profited, and thereby become qualified to assist in the more difficult chorus. There are other suggestions for the improvement of this society, which we shall venture to make on a future occasion.

P. S. This article has been in type for some time, and was crowded out of our last number: Since that period, however, the N. Y. Handel and Haydn Society has been dissolved! So the N. Y. Sacred Music Society will hereafter have to look to some other source for their best members.

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A new Sacred Music Society, embracing one or two features not recognised in other music associations, has recently been formed in this city. It is composed of gentlemen of respectable standing and influence, and of some of the first amateurs among us, assisted by a number of the profession. Particulars in our



The stated Meetings for Rehearsal of this Association, take place three times each month, viz: On the evenings of the second Monday, -of the Wednesday of the following week, and


of the Friday of the week thereafter. The ex-
ercises of each evening commence at 7 o'clock,
in the Brick Church Chapel, opposite the
American Tract Society's house.


MR. EDITOR,-Being a great admirer of Sacred Music, and having often heard much of the attention paid to its cultivation in some of the churches at Albany, I was induced on a recent visit to that city, to take notes of what I witnessed, in relation to this subject, with the view of sending the substance of them to you for insertion in the columns of the Minstrel.

The or

It was the Sabbath of the 27th ult., that I spent in Albany.
In the morning, at the suggestion of some Baptist friends,
I attended worship at the new church in North Pearl-street,
-under the pastoral charge of the Rev. Mr. Welsh. On
my way thither, however, I stepped into the lobby of Dr.
Sprague's church, during the singing of the first Psalm,
which was performed in a plain style, according to the
wishes of the leading members, as I understand.
gan was played by a Miss Cole, (daughter of Mr. Isaac Cole,
to whom reference will again be made before I close,) with-
out voluntary, interlude, or any embellishment. This may
appear proper and even necessary to the greater part of
Christians at the present day, uneducated and unskilled as
many of them are, in the science and practice of Music;
but, to my mind, an organist, with sufficient sensibility to
appreciate the subject, may seize upon the moment of vocal
rest between the stanzas, for giving additional effect to the
last sentiment, or preparing the mind to enter more fully
into the following strain of the sacred poet, by skilfully
touching the keys of his noble instrument. The choir was
composed of 15 or 20 individuals,-about half of whom
were ladies. I regret to state, however, that out of this
number, only two parts, Treble and Bass, were sung.
these were good, which, in a degree, excused the absence of
Tenor and Alto, or 2d Treble.

As I entered the church of Mr. Welsh, the choir and con-
gregation were singing: After which Mr. W. preached a
very instructive sermon from Rom. x. 1. The singing,
though tolerably good, was faulty in one particular,--the
leader of the choir, sang for the most part, on the Air, or
Treble, which is almost an unpardonable offence at the pre-
sent day.

In the afternoon, I attended the South Dutch church,-
Rev. Dr. Ferris, pastor. Dr. Flagler, recently of Kinder-
hook, is the leader of the choir in this church, he having
effected an engagement with the congregation to act in that
capacity. From what I witnessed I should judge that his
qualifications for this office, are quite respectable; and, in-
deed, this seems to be the opinion of all who know him.
Nature has done much for him, in bestowing upon him a
tenor voice of great excellence. Dr. F. is, by profession, a
Physician; but considering the claims of Sacred Music to
be of paramount importance, has given himself almost en-
tirely to its promotion. And I hope that success may attend
his labors.

In the evening I went to the First Presbyterian Church,
-the Rev. Mr. Campbell, pastor, who officiated on the oc-
casion. I was particularly pleased with his manner of
reading the Hymns. It really did me good; and, to borrow
a figure, he put me in a refined frame of mind, to listen with
increased attention to the accompanying exercises. The
choir, aided by a violoncello and two flutes, performed their
part admirably well. A cultivated voice of superior tone, on
the 2d treble, was pleasingly and plainly distinguished. I
consider this choir, in point of cultivation, equal if not supe-
rior to any in the State: And as a proof of this assertion, I
here state, that they sang very well on this occasion, at the
request of the Pastor, "Worthy the Lamb," &c., from Han-
del's Messiah, after an hour's praetice only. A choir that
can perform creditably with so short preparation, that grand
and difficult chorus, must have been under skilful training.
And it certainly reflects much credit on their teacher and
leader, (Mr. Isaac Cole,)-who has ever proved himself an
efficient and successful musician. It will be recollected that
Mr. C. was, for many years, the vocal conductor of the
New York Sacred Music Society, and no doubt, its present
popularity is owing in a great degree, to his efforts to promote
its interests. He always lamented the policy of connecting
theatrical singers with the society. But to return to last
evening: I shall not soon forget the rich treat I then enjoy.
ed. Oh, how exalted piety appears where the services are
W. B.
Yours, &c.
so elevated!

Is it proper for choirs to practice on the Sabbath? Will the Rev. Mr. Campbell please give his views on this point, through the medium of your paper?

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"THE Rev. Mr. GEORGE HERBERT, in one of his walks to Salisbury, to join a musical society, saw a poor man, with a poorer horse, that had fallen under his load. Putting off his canonical coat, he helped him to unload, and afterwards to load his horse. The poor man blessed him for it, and he blessed the poor man. And so like was he to the good Samaritan, that he gave him money to refresh both himself and his horse, at the same time admonishing him, that if he loved himself, he should be merciful to his beast.'

So, leaving the poor man, and coming unto his musical friends at Salisbury, they began to wonder, that Mr. George Herbert, who used always to be so trim and clean, should come into that company so soiled and discomposed; but he told them the reason, and when one of them said to him, 'he had disparaged himself by so mean an employment,' his answer was, that 'the thought of what he had done, would prove music to him at midnight, and that the omis sion of it would have made discord in his conscience, whenever he should pass by that place.' 'For if,' said he, 'I am bound to pray for all who are in distress, I am surely bound, as far as it is in my power, to practice what I pray for. And though I do not wish for the occasion every day, yet, let me tell you, I would not willingly pass one day of my life, without comforting a sad soul, or showing mercy; and I bless GOD for this opportunity. So now, let us tune our instruments." "

What maketh music, when the bird

Doth hush its merry lay,

And the sweet spirit of the flowers
Hath sigh'd itself away?
What maketh music, when the frost
Doth chain the murmuring rill,
And every song that summer woke,
In winter's trance is still ?

What maketh music, when the winds
To hoarse encounter rise,
When Ocean strikes his thunder-gong,
And the rent cloud replies?
When no adventurous planet dares
The midnight arch to deck,
And in its startling dream, the babe
Doth clasp its mother's neck?
But when the fiercer storms of life
Do o'er the pilgrim sweep,-
And earth-quake voices claim the hopes
He treasured long and deep,
When loud the threatening passions roar,
Like lions in their den,-
And vengeful tempests lash the shore,-
What maketh music then?

The deed to humble Virtue born,

Which nursing memory taught

To shun the boastful world's applause,
And love the lowly thought,-
This builds a cell within the lieart,

Amid the weeds of care,

And turning high its heaven-strung harp,
Doth make sweet music there.

Hartford, Aug. 28th, 1835.



L. H. 9.


I came to the place of my birth, and cried, "The friends of my youth, where are they?' And an echo answered, 'Where are they?-ARABIC MANUSCRIPT.

WHERE are they-where are they? the lovely, the brave!
Have they melted from earth like the foam from the wave?
I cried, as I sought their dark homes in despair,
'O where are my friends?' and a voice answer'd, 'Where?'

The palm-tree that shaded the sports of our youth,
Still rear'd its tall form like a pillar of truth;
The fount flash'd as bright in the summer-noon glare,
But they who rejoiced in its flow were not there.
Where are they-where are they? No welcome I found-
The spirit of solitude brooded around; ✔✔
Yet all look'd so tranquil, familiar, and fair,

I could have believed the departed still there.

But, ah! when I call'd them in tones they once loved,
No step o'er the sod of that lone valley roved;
And a voice, it was Echo's, from regions of air,
Replied in wild accents, 'Where are they, O where ?"
Blackw. Mag.


The following eloquent conclusion is extracted from an article by Pierpont. After speaking of the varying changes of nature, he says:

"IF then the beauties of the year are so fading, and its bounties so soon perish; if the loveliest scenes of nature so soon lose their power to charm, and a few revolving years break the spell that binds us to those whom we love best; if the very figure of the earth is changed by its own convulsions; if the form of human government, and the monuments of human power and skill cannot endure-if even the religions that predominate in one age are exploded in another; if nothing on the earth beneath, or the waters under the earth,' preserves its form unchanged, what is there that remains for ever the same ?-What is there over which the autumnal winds and wintry frosts have no power? What does not pass away while we are contending with wayward fortune, or struggling with calamity? What then is proof against the fluctuations of human opinion and might of the ocean's waves, when mountains are heaved up from the abyss, or thrown from their deep foundations?"


AN attentive investigator observes little monotony in nature. Day succeeds to morning; evening to noon, and night to evening; summer to spring, and winter to autumn. Even the sea itself changes frequently in the course of a day. When the sun shines, it is cerulean; when it gleams through a mist, it is yellow; and as the clouds pass over, it not unfrequently assumes the tints of the clouds themselves. The same uniformity may be observed throughout the whole of nature; even the Glaciers of the Grisons present varied aspects, though clad in perpetual snow. At dawn of day they appear saffron ; at noon their whiteness is that of excess; and as the sun sinks in the west, the lakes become as yellow as burnished gold; while their convex and peaked summits reflect, with softened lustre, the matchless tintings of an evening sky. Hence Virgil applies the epithet purpureum to the sea, and not unfrequently to mountains; while Statius colors the earth with the purple splendor of Aurora. The effect is beautifully alluded to by Mallet. The sun

glorious from amidst

A pomp of golden clouds, th' Atlantic flood Beheld oblique, and o'er its azure breast Waved one unbounded blush.


A dull, uniform life, lets the imagination sleep and become torpid. I have no doubt that scenery and climate have a great effect upon the spiritual part of the imagination, as well as on the material. Johnson, I think, became more imaginative after he had visited the Hebrides; at any rate when our minds contemplate him carried about on the waves of the stormy ocean in which those islands are placed, and sleeping with the northern billows beating at the feet of the castellated rock where he is hospitably received, we have a pleasing idea of him, which revolts at the disputations, dreariness, and vulgarity of Bolt-court.

Sir. Egerton Brydges' Autibiography.

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Here loads of lances, in my blood imbrued,
Again shot upward, by my blood renew❜d.

"Those bones, stranger ?" said the pioneer, why, that ignorant varmint cant tell you nothing about them-they were the frame-work of men who kicked their shins against these knobs a million years before his people came here to scare the game and burn the Prairies."

The Indian evidently understood the words of the rough hurter, though he did not vouchsafe a reply to the hereditary enemy of his race. He did not seem, however, to take offence at the interruption, but waiting patiently until the other had finished, he drew his blanket around him, and rising to his feet, stood erect upon the mound. The light of our fire was thrown full upon his attenuated features, and lit them up with almost as ruddy a glow as that which bathed the autumnal foliage behind him. He was mute for some minutes, and then spoke to this effect:

"Yes, they were here before my people. But they could not stay when we came, no more than the Red-man now can hide before the presence of the Long-knife. The Master of Life willed it, and our fathers swept them from the land. The Master of Life now wishes to call back his red people to the blessed gardens whence they first started, and he sends the Pale-faces to drive them from the countries which they have learnt to love so well as to be unwilling to leave them.

"It is good. Men were meant to grow from the earth like the oak that springs in the pine barren, or the evergreen that shoots from the ground where the tree with a falling leaf has been cut down.

"But listen, brother! Mark you the hue that dyes every leaf upon that tree? It is born of the red water with which its roots were nourished a thousand years ago. It is the blood of a murdered race, which flushes every autumn over the land, when yearly the moon comes round that saw it perish from this ground." American Monthly Mag.

OUR CHILDREN CAN DO AS WE DID. DR. told me, that when the schoolmaster went to one of the families, the man treated the schoolmaster politely, but could not encourage him: but the good wife said, "I have no notion of these schoolmasters; it is only to make money. I know as much as most people do; and when I was young, a schoolmaster came round, and I was signed for a quarter, and I went two or three days, and I did not know one bit more than I did before I went, and then I was signed to a singingschool, and I went two or three days, and I did not know one bit more than I did before; and I reckon I know as much as most people, who go to these schools, and our children can do as we did."

CONTEMPT of fame is the contempt of virtue. Next to our own esteem, says the best of the Roman philosophers, it is a virtue to desire the esteem of others. A thousand misfortunes are less affecting than a single kindness.

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An Anthem.


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[Entered according to an Act of Congress, in the year 1836, by JAMES DE VOE, in the Clerk's office of the Southern District of New York.]


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