Abbildungen der Seite

HEOTIC Debilitated; exhausted.

Hereditary. Transmitted from parent to child.

Hibernate, hibernation. A partial suspension of animation.

through the winter, hibernate.

Histogenetic. Tissue-forming.

Animals that sleep

Hydragogues. Medicines producing copious, watery, alvine discharges.

Hydrocarbons. Starch, sugar, and oils.

Hydrogen. A light, inflammable gas, forming, by chemical combination, water and animal and vegetable matter.

Hygiene, hygienic. The science of the preservation of health.

Hymen. A fold of membrane at the outer orifice of the vagina, found sometimes, but not always, in virgins.

Hypertrophy. Increased nutrition and consequent growth.

Hypnotic. Producing sleep.

Hypochondriasis. Belief in the possession of an imaginary disease.

Hypodermic. Under the skin.

Hypodermic syringe. An instrument for injecting liquid remedies under the skin.

ILEUM. The convoluted portion of the intestines.

Impotence. Loss of sexual power; inability to copulate.

Indications. The symptoms or conditions needing medication.

Infection, infecting. The communication of disease by touch, food, drink, or the breath. Infecundity. Unfruitfulness.

Infiltrate. To penetrate the pores of a part.

Inflammation. A condition attended with heat, pain, redness, and swelling.

Injection. Passing a liquid into a cavity of the body, through and by means of a syringe. Innocuous. Harmless.

Inoculation. Taking a disease by contact with an abraded surface.

Insolation. Sunstroke.

Insomnia. Inability to sleep.

Inspiration. Inhaling air by the lungs.

Inspissated. Thickened by evaporation.

Instinct. An inborn principle directing to health and self-preservation.

Intercostal. Between the ribs.

Intestine, intestinal. The canal from the stomach to the anus; the bowels. Relating to the intestines.

Invermination. Infested with worms.

Iris. The colored membrane seen in the eyeball; it is blue in blue eyes, gray in gray eyes, etc.

Irritation. Local excitement, or excess of vital action.

KIDNEYS. Two organs, one on each side of the spine, internally and above the

small of the back, which secrete the urine from the blood.

LAOHRYMAL gland. Organ for forming tears.

Lachrymation. Weeping.

Lacteal. Milky. Vessels containing chyle.

Larynx. The Adam's apple of the neck; the upper part of the windpipe which contains the organs of voice.

Lancinating. A deep and sudden pain, compared to the stab of a lance.

Leeching. Removing blood by the application of a leech

Lesion. A diseased change.

Leucocytes. White corpuscles of the blood.

Leucorrhoea. Whites.

Liquor sanguinis. The fluid part of the blood, holding in solution fibrine, albumen, etc. Liver. The great assimilating gland of the body. It is situated below the diaphragm or midriff, and above the stomach, bowels, and kidney, and extends from the base of the chest to the spine, and from side to side.

Lobe. A rounded, projecting part.

Loins. The small of the back, between the ribs and pelvis.

Lungs. Two organs situated in the chest, one on each side, with the heart between; the organs of respiration.

Lymph, lymphatic. The fluid secretion of the lymphatic glands, which is emptied inte the circulation.

ACKINTOSH. Cloth covered with waterproof material.


Malaria. Poisoning emanations in the air, producing disease.

Mammary gland. The female breast.

Mastication. Chewing the food.

Masturbation. Personal excitement of the sexual organs.

Median line. An imaginary line dividing the body into the right and left side.

Medulla oblongata. An organ, marrow-like, lying at the base of the skull.

Medullary. Pertaining to the marrow.

Membrane, membranous., A thin, web-like structure covering parts and organs, and lining cavities.

Meninges. Coverings of the brain and spinal cord.

Mensis, menses. The monthly uterine flow during the middle age of women.

Menstrual. Pertaining to the monthly flow.

Mesentery. The folds of the peritoneum which hold the intestines in place.

Metamorphosis. Transformation.

Metastasis. Change in the seat of a disease.

Miasm, miasmatic. The germs of disease floating in the air, which produce infection. Microscope. An instrument for magnifying minute objects.

Micturate. To evactuate the bladder.

Molar teeth. The sixth, seventh, and eighth teeth from the centre of the lips.
Molecule. A little portion of any body.

Morbid. Diseased.

Motor. Moving.

Mucilages. The gummy principle of plants.

Mucoid. Like mucus.

Mucus, mucous.


A viscid fluid, which in health keeps the membranes in their proper

Myopic. Near-sighted.

NARCOTIC. A stupefying remedy; in large doses destroying life.

Sickness at the stomach; ineffectual effort to vomit.

Navel. The round scar at the centre of the abdomen, marking the place of attachment of the cord previous to and at birth.

Neuralgia. Nerve-pain.

Neurine. The substance of which the brain is composed.

Nitrogen, nitrogenous. The gas constituting four-fifths of the volume of the atmosphere. Noxious. Poisonous; harmful.

Nucleus, nuclei. The germinal point in a cell: kernel.

Nutrition. Increasing in growth, or supplying the materials for growth.

OBCORDATE Half egg-shape and half heart-shape.

Obesity. Excessively fat.

Esophagus. The food-passage from the throat to the stomach.

Estruation. Periodical sexual desire; heat.

Oleaginous. Oily.

Ophthalmoscope. An instrument for examining the interior of the eye by concentrated and reflected light.

Optic nerve. The nerve conveying visual impressions from the eye to the brain.

Osmosis. Attraction of fluids for each other through moist membranes and their motion.

Ossicles. Little bones.

Ounce. One-sixteenth of a pound; in fluids, eight drams or teaspoonfuls.

Oxygen. The gas constituting one-fifth the volume of the atmosphere. It supports combustion

PAD, A folded cloth used as a support.

Palate. Roof of the mouth.

Palatine arch. The arch, in the rear of the month, formed by the palate bone.
Palsy. Loss of sensation or motion, or both; paralysis.

Pancreas, pancreatic juice. A large gland in the abdomen, beneath and behind the stomach. Its secretion.

Papiliæ. Little raised points upon the surface; they can be seen upon the tongue.
Papulose, papular. With dry pimples.

Paralysis. To lose the power of motion in a part, or sensation, or both.

Parasites. Animals or plants that subsist upon others.

Parenchyma. The texture of organs like the liver, kidneys, etc.

Parotid gland. A gland at the angle of the lower jaw, which secretes saliva and discharges it by a short tube upon the cheek near an upper molar (back) tooth.

Paroxysm. The period of more aggravated symptoms, following an interval of compar

ative freedom.

Parturition. Childbirth.

Pathology. That department of medical science whose object is the knowledge of disease. Pelvis. The bony structure at the termination of the spine, enveloping and protecting the lower intestines, bladder, genitals, etc.

Pentandria Monogynia. A name given to a class of plants having five stamens and one style.

Percussion. Striking with the finger-tips to discover by the resonance the condition of internal parts.

Perineum. The part between the genitals and the anus or tip of the spine.
Periodicity. Occurring at regular periods, as a chill every other day, etc.

Periosteum. The tough membrane covering all bones.

Peristaltic. The peculiar motion of the intestines which propels its contents forward, somewhat like the crawling of a worm.

Peritoneum. The membrane lining the abdominal walls and covering the intestines. Petaloid. Resembling a leaf-stock.

Petals. The colored leaves of a flower.

Pharmacist, pharmaceutist. One who manufactures drugs.

Pharmacy. The manufacture of drugs.

Pharynx. The posterior portion of the cavity of the mouth, behind the palate, above the wind-pipe and gullet. The breath and food pass through it.

Phosphorus, phosphates. A substance familiar to us in matches. It is a constituent of the brain and nerves.

Phrenic nerve. The respiratory nerve. It arises in the neck, passes through it and the chest, and is mainly distributed to the diaphragm.

Physiology. The functions of the organs of the body; the phenomena of life.

Pile-compressor. An instrument supporting the rectum and anus.

Placenta. A fleshy body attached to the womb and by a cord to the child, supplying blood and nourishment before birth.

Plasma. The fluid portion of the blood holding in solution fibrine, albumen, etc.
Plastic. Formative.

Plethora. Abounding in blood; full-blooded.

Pleura. A wetted membrane lining the walls of the chest and covering the outer surface of the lung. There are two.

Plexus. A net-work of blood-vessels or nerves.

Pneumogastric nerve.

The great nerve distributed to the chest and stomach.

Polypus. A kind of tumor.

Post-mortem. After death.

Prepuce. The prolonged skin of the penis which covers the glans or head.

Probang. A whalebone rod with a sponge on one end.

Probe. A wire for examining wounds, canals, etc.

Prophylactic. Preventive.

Prostate gland. A gland at the upper portion of the urethra surrounding it and touch ing the bladder.

Psoas muscle. The great muscle which draws the thigh up to the abdomen.

Puberty. That period of life, about the age of 13, when the procreative organs most rapidly develop; hair grows about them and upon the face of the male, the breastṣ of the female enlarge, and, in fact, the period of youth has passed and that of manhood or womanhood arrived.

Pubic bone. A bone in the lower abdomen immediately under that part of the surface covered with hair.


Pupil. The circular opening in the colored part of the eye (iris).
Purgative. A medicine causing free alvine discharges.

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RECEPTACULUM CHYLI. A hollow organ for holding chyle.

Rectum, rectal. That portion of the bowels nearest the outlot.

Recuperate. To regain health and strength.

Regurgitate. To flow backward.

Remission. Decrease in fever.

Renal. Pertaining to the kidney.

Respiration. Breathing.

Retching. Ineffectual effort to vomit.

Retina. The lining to the eye.

Revulsive. Agents which create diseased action on the surface to relieve internal disorder. Roborant.

Strengthening; tonic.

B, recipe. Take the articles following.

SACCHARINE. Of the nature of sugar.

Saliva. One of the digestive fluids which is mixed with the food during mastication. Sanitarium. A remedial institute.

Schneiderian membrane. The lining of the nasal cavity.

Scrofulous. Of the nature of scrofula.

Scrotum. The skin covering the testicles.

Sebaceous. A name given to the oil-glands of the skin.



Secrete, secretion. Drawing out fluids from the blood; each gland absorbs material peculiar to itself.

Sedatives. Remedies which control or depress excessive vital action.

Self-pollution. Personal excitement of the sexual organs.

Semen. The fecundating fluid of the male which is secreted by the testicles.
Seminal. Pertaining to semen or sperm.

Sensorium. The centre of sensations.

Sepals. The leaves of the envelope of a flower.

Serum, serous. The watery portion of animal fluids.

Sigmoid flexure. A bend in the intestines just above the rectum.

Sinapism. An irritating plaster.

Sound. A solid rod, catheter shape.

Spasms. Violent and involuntary muscular movements.

Specific disease. Syphilitic diseases; private diseases.

Speculum. An instrument for dilating the orifice to internal canals or cavities.

Spermatic. Pertaining to sperm or the organs of generation.

Spermatic cord. A cord consisting of blood-vessels, nerves, and the canal of the sperm, which supports the testicle.

Spermatozoa. The formative agents in generation found in the semen of the male. Sphincter. A round muscle closing an outlet.

Spicula. A splinter of bone.

Spleen. A spongy organ situated deep in the upper abdomen, between the kidney and stomach.

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Sthenic. Possessing excessive strength.

Stun. Unconsciousness produced by a blow or fall.

Stupor. Diminished sensibility or exercise of the intellectual faculties.

Styptic. Arresting hemorrhage: astringent.

Sublingual gland. A salivary gland under the tongue,

Sudoriferous. A name given to the sweat-glands of the skin.

Suppository. A semi-solid medicine deposited in the rectum.
Suppurate. To discharge matter or pus.

Suspensory bandage.

Sympathetic nerves.

The nervous system of the automatic functions.

Symptom. A sign of disease.

Syncope. Fainting.

TAMPON. A plug made of lint or cotton.

Tapping. Drawing off fluids in cavities by puncturing the surface.

Tenesmus. Violent contractions.

Testes. The male organs contained in the scrotum.

Testicles. Testes.

Tetanus. Permanent contraction of muscles.

Therapeutics. The department of medical science concerned


Thoracic. Pertaining to the chest.

Thyroid glands. Throat-glands.

Tissues. The anatomical elements of organs.

Tonics. Remedies which improve the health and strength.

Tonsil, A gland at the side of the throat near the soft palate.


the treatment of dis

Trachea. That part of the windpipe between the larynx or vocal organs and the bron chial tubes.

Traumatic. Pertaining to a wound.

Tubercle. Concretions of degenerated matter.

Tubule. A little tube or canal.

Tympanitic. Having a drum-like sound from the accumulation of air.

Tympanum. The drum of the ear.

ULCER, ulceration. A chronic sore situated in the soft parts. A diseased action re

sulting in ulcer.

Umbilicus. The navel.

Uræmic. Pertaining to urine.

Urea. A constituent of urine.

Ureters. The canals, two in number, carrying the urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Urethra. The canal or pipe leading from the bladder for the conveyance of urine from the body.

Uric acid. A constituent of urine; in excess it forms combinations, producing calculus or stone.

Urine. The secretion of the kidneys which collects in the bladder and is discharged through the urethra.

Uterus. An organ situated between the bladder and rectum and above the vagina, which holds the foetus during gestation.

Uvula. A fleshy organ hanging from the centre of the soft palate.

VACCINE. Pertaining to small-pox.

Vagina. The canal, five or six inches in length, leading to the uterus or womb.

Varicose. Pertaining to a dilated vein.

Vascular. Full of blood-vessels.

Vaso-motor. Affecting vessels by reflex nervous action.

Vein. A blood-vessel which, with one exception, carries the blue or venous blood.
Ventricle. A chamber in the heart.

Vertigo. Dizziness.

Vesicle. A bladder-like sac.

Vesicular. Full of little vessels.

Vicarious. In place of another; a function performed through other than the natural channels.

Virus. The poison transmitting infectious disease.

Viscus, viscera. An organ of the body. Organs.

Vitality. The vital principle.

Void. To evacuate.

Vomiting. Emptying the stomach upward.


A profuse flow of saliva,

Womb. An organ situated between the bladder and rectum and above the va gina, which holds the foetus during gestation.

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