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ments in being not only a tax-collecting office, but
also a trading corporation of public carriers; it is
therefore bound to employ efficient servants.
no department, however, has the system of patron-
age been more grossly abused by the appointment
of persons among the subordinates wholly unfitted
for the duties. At present we abstain from enter-
ing into that branch of the subject; only noting
the fact here, as causing one of the most serious
abatements in the apparent advance of the post-office
and its revenue.

aspect of the published accounts, since the increase | post-office differs from the other revenue departof business causes a larger amount of balances to be left in the hands of post-masters, and thus there is a continual tendency to abate the apparent increase in the account of the money that reaches the exchequer; a tendency which will continue while the department is in its present state of rapid growth. Another cause of apparent abatement in the revenue is, the amount of increased expense thrown on the department other than that due to the simple cost of transmitting correspondence. For example, to take only one item, there has been an immense increase in the number of newspapers transmitted by post, and the expense of course falls on the department; but the increased revenue derived from the newspaper-stamp, which is defended as a real postage, is set down to the credit of the stamp-office. In spite of all these abate- 1839* ments, the net revenue displayed in the revenue- 1840 accounts for the past year was 864,000l.

The following is an estimate of the number of chargeable letters delivered in the United Kingdom in each year from 1839 to 1847:


Number of Letters.

76,000,000+ 169,000,000

Annual Increase.
Number of Letters.

Per cent. reck.


the nuin. for 1839.

123 per ct.



27,500,000 36




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The moral taught by this steady increase both of 1842 letters and revenue in the post-office is, that increased facilities for the public bring a corresponding increase both of business and profit to the department. But this fact comes out still more strongly on a scrutiny of the details. The last column in the table is particularly instructive; it shows the annual increase per cent. in the number of letters, as compared with the number in 1839, for each of the eight subsequent years, as fol


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M. Guizor's want of moral sense has been be

trayed in another affair; not so important in itself as the pacification of Switzerland, but momentous as the overt sign of a deplorable official corruption in France. A practice has obtained of permitting 123 ... 36 14 18 ... 28 39 37... 30 private persons to purchase the resignation of peoLet the reader glance at these figures while we ple in office, in order to make a vacancy for the recite two or three facts. In 1841 the whig min- purchaser. That is not all: the purchaser does istry went out of office; and Mr. Goulburn, Sir not always pay for the vacancy to which he is Robert Peel's chancellor of the exchequer, had hard-appointed, but sometimes for another vacancy which ened his heart against faith in post-office improve- a minister wishes to fill up with a third party. In ments. His predecessor had contemplated a plan for effect, therefore, a candidate for office purchases adding to the number of rural posts; and a first step his place with an indirect bribe to the minister. in that direction was to have been made, at a cost And it is disclosed that M. Guizot has been a of 7,000l. or 8,000l. Mr. Goulburn rejected that party to such transactions; a M. Petit, whose plan, as "expensive;" and in 1842-3 little was case was brought before the chamber of deputies, done to extend post-office communication. In 1843, having twice effected such an operation. M. however, there was a parliamentary agitation; the Guizot's defence was the worst part of the affair. post-office again began to extend its facilities; and In terms he condemned the practice; but he exthe annual increase, which received so remarkable cused the particular bargains on the score of longa check in the two years of torpidity, again thawed continued usage, averred that there had been no into active motion. Even the commercial distress recent instance, and promised a law to prevent the of 1847 had no such effect in abating the annual abuse in future. In other words, M. Guizot is He acts on the maxim increase as the official torpidity of 1842-3. And virtuous when found out. from what we have noted above, it may be inferred which was the flaw in Bacon's philosophy, and that, in spite of the "expense" which Mr. Goul- probably caused his downfall-that falsehood is burn so much feared, the increased facility has been like an alloy, which makes affairs work better. profitable to the department. As a man of letters, he will write in a high historic vein; as a working statesman, he accepts a lower standard.

*The estimate for 1839 is founded on the ascertained

We have here considered only the facilities afforded by direct regulation-we have in fact limited our view to the results obtained from the partial and gradual adoption of Mr. Rowland Hill's plans. number of letters for one week in the month of NovemWe are well aware that there are auxiliary facil-ber; and, strictly speaking, it is for the year ending Deities to be afforded from measures with which Mr. The estimate for each subsequent year is founded on the cember 5, at which time 4d. was made the maximum rate. Hill has nothing to do, and especially by the re- ascertained number of letters for one week in each calenmoval of abuses which impede the efficiency of the dar month. (Vide return to the house of commons, No. 586, 1847.) establishment. It is to be remembered that the

+ This is exclusive of about 6,500,000 of franks.

But this incident does not stand alone; it be- tion of Abd-el-Kader as a soldier, politician, or longs to the same class with the affair of M. Teste Mahometan priest, it is much greater as a literary and General Cubières-another indication of the man. He is said to be as learned as an Arab can wide-spread corruption that undermines French be. Two leather trunks, containing his library, society. Those whom France has for enemies have always accompanied him, even during the will rejoice at it, since it weakens her: her last months that preceded his submission; they strength is sapped by domestic treachery, in which also made part of his personal baggage on board. the highest of her official men partake: she can- But every one is ignorant of the real cause of his not trust her own citizens, however exalted by submission, which was love. He is another talent or station.-Spectator, 29 Jan. Antony. After having endeavored with heroic courage to make a passage through the Moorish


A QUESTION of Some interest, respecting the cus-camp, he succeeded, with a considerable number tody of an infant, was decided on Monday, in the of his followers, in sufficiently disengaging himself Bail Court, by Mr. Justice Wightman. The to be able to gain the desert; but at the moment child, Margaret White, aged eight years, (her he was about to profit by the liberty this last coup father's name was Thurston,) was brought up de main gave him, he heard the firing which had under a writ of habeas corpus. She was ille-reached his deira. Then, like the lion of the gitimate, and the application was made on behalf desert who sees his lioness entrapped and his cubs of the mother, who alleged that the girl had been carried away, he retraced his steps and fell upon stolen from her. The infant had been originally the Moors, with the rest of his faithful followers; placed by the father and mother at nurse with a whilst the cries of his wives, whose tents the eneMr. and Mrs. Browne, with whom she lived seven my had commenced pillaging, exalted his courage. years; Mrs. Browne being the sister of the child's Twice the emir was rolled to the ground with his father. In consequence, however, of a disagree- horse wounded under him; twice surrounded and ment between Mr. and Mrs. Browne, which led to seized, he released himself by his extraordinary their separation, little Margaret was removed, and agility, and gained a victory by hard fighting in placed under the care of Mr. and Mrs. Bucking- the midst of a victorious retreat.” ham; who, it was alleged, were bringing her up last, abandoning his deira, which enclosed all his in the Roman Catholic faith, and intended to rear affections, to our generosity, he departed, in order her for the stage. (Mrs. Buckingham belongs to to regain the south. After two nights' march, the Haymarket Theatre.) An application was made though certain of saving himself, his heart softened by Mr. Browne to the Buckinghams to give up the at the idea of his isolation, and, preferring captivity child to him, on the ground that his father and sis- with his friends, he returned to treat with us." ter believed it to be his, and were disposed on that account to leave it some money. The request was refused by the Buckinghams. In November last, while the little girl was playing in Golden Square, she was taken away by Mrs. Browne, and conveyed to Cambridge; hence the present proceed-broken-hearted. It is said, the only thing which ings. An attempt was made, at the suggestion of the judge, to arrange the matter out of court; but the parties could not come to terms. The case then proceeded. Its result appeared to turn on a long conversation which Mr. Justice Wight-ique:man held on the bench with the little girl, who displayed remarkable intelligence. After this conference, the judge expressed his opinion that Margaret White had not been taken away, but had accompanied Mrs. Browne willingly. Indeed, it was very evident from her demeanor in court, that she entertained a strong preference for the Brownes over the Buckinghams. It also appeared that Mr. and Mrs. Browne were again living together. It was therefore ordered that the girl should remain with Mr. and Mrs. Browne, the mother being allowed access at all reasonable and seasonable times.

A TOULON Correspondent of the Times recounts some interesting facts respecting Abd-el-Kader. "I have seen the emir. It is quite a mistake that his eyes are black; they are of a decided gray, shaded by very long black eyelashes. He speaks very fluently; which is a proof of high distinction among the Arabs. Whatever may be the reputa

* "The emir is still confined in his sad prison. He reads the Koran to his faithful followers. During the prayers, they open the windows and make a large fire in the middle of the room. His mother cries, his wives sob, and he is almost

consoles him is that the unfaithfulness of his enemy aggravates his misfortune."

WE find the following in the Union Monarch

"We have before us a letter from Toulon from which we must extract a few passages as likely to be interesting to our readers. It speaks of Abd-el-Kader in manner to make us believe that he is decidedly a very superior man. He bears his misfortunes with unalterable dignity and mildness.



Deceived by war, he consoles himself with One expression of his paints him to the The other day, he said to an officer, ‘the other world is as to this like the East to the West. We cannot approach the one without turning away from the other.'"


Punica fides ab iisdem suo more servatâ,
Regione quondam Punicâ Franco-Gallis occupatâ,

qui sese ultro invictus dederat,
amicis, exercitibus, regno, libertate,
privatus est à L. Philippo rege.-W. S. L.

IT having been found necessary to suspend the steam-packet service between Havre and New York for a time, notice has been received from the director-general of the Frencn post-office, that no letters will be transmitted by that channel until further notice.

ANOTHER expedition, to proceed by Behring's strait in search of Sir John Franklin, is to be immediately fitted out, under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross. It is to consist of two ships, of 470 and 420 tons respectively, which are entirely new, and are to be appropriately named the "Endeavor" and the "Resolution," after Cook's ships. They are to be fitted at Blackwall by the 1st of April, and will be commissioned in a few days. They will follow up Sir John Franklin's track to Baffin's bay. THE agricultural report for January is very satisfactory as regards the winter corn. Indian corn

THE return of her majesty's ship Cormorant from the Oregon Territory has made known the fact that there are immense quantities of excellent coal on Vancouver's Island, lying near the surface. The Cormorant supplied herself with fuel at the rate of 4s. a ton; the price at Valparaiso being 11. 6s. The coal was worked by the natives. THE celebrated French artillery-officer, Lieuten-meal has come into favor with the graziers; and ant-general Paixhans, has, at his own request, large quantities have been taken for feeding purbeen placed upon the reserved list. Having poses. There is an immense quantity of hay still always been of opinion that aged officers should on hand, and cattle of all kinds fare remarkably retire to make room for those more fit for active well. The early lambing season has been very service, and having expressed this sentiment in the favorable, particularly in Sussex, Hampshire, and Dorsetshire. committee which prepared the law on the general staff of the army, he has resigned his situation as member of the committee of artillery.

THE Prussian papers give a most awful description of the want and distress in some parts of Silesia: according to them, it is much greater than even in the worst parts of Ireland. A society, under the auspices of Count Brandenburg, had been formed at Berlin for the relief of these unhappy districts.

THE mayor of Boston in Lincolnshire has declared his determination to preside at no public dinner where drinking customs are permitted.

A GUINEA-PIG, on which Mr. Brande had experimentalized in a recent lecture on chloroform, has since died. It did not rally after the second administration of the vapor.

THE first of the eight great iron tubes required for carrying the Chester and Holyhead railway over the Menai strait was tested on Saturday, at Chester, in the presence of Mr. Stephenson the projector, and a large number of engineers. All support being removed, the tube had a clear span of 400 feet, each end resting on a stone pier. The experiment was then made by running locomotives and heavily-laden ballast-wagons through; one train of 28 wagons filled with iron, weighing

THE maritime city of Augusta, in Sicily, has been wrecked by earthquake. A first shock of great violence drove the people from their houses; the fatal second shock then worked such destruction that only twenty-seven houses remained standing. Where the mole lately stood the sea now gives no bottom at fifty fathoms. Fifty-nine citizens had been drawn out of the ruins, wounded, but alive; thirty-five dead bodies had been recov-upwards of 300 tons. The deflection of the tube ered. was not more than a few inches.

A RECENT attempt at boring for water in Venice has proved a total failure, and has been completely abandoned, with a net loss to the French company of three or four hundred thousand francs. The project of M. Grimaud de Caux to furnish the city with pure river water by an aqueduct has again risen into favor, and will probably be adopted by the local authorities.

A LETTER from Baumes-les-Dames, on the Doubs, states that the country round that place is infested with wolves. A few days ago, as two children, one ten years of age, and the other eight, were on their way home from a farm-house, they met a wolf; and on their attempt to fly, the younger child fell, and was immediately carried off by the wolf into a neighboring forest. A diligent search was made, but no trace of the child could be found.-Galignani's Messenger.

A COLONIAL Community of seventy-five persons, of all professions, who will live as brothers and wear uniform clothing, have left Havre for a district to be named Icarienne, on the Red River in Texas, of nearly a million acres.

THE CAB-STAND NUISANCE.-In a letter to the Builder, Mr. F. H. Waller, an ingenious surgeon with a turn for practical invention, suggests what would be a very great improvement in the regulation of our streets-the removal of cab and coach stands. He proposes that the cab stands, like the mews, be situated out of the public thoroughfare; and that they be covered sheds, so that the vehicles should stand in readiness for immediate use, yet with driver and horse protected from the weather.

"These buildings might be so constructed as to insure thorough drainage, complete preservation of afford every comfort to man and horse, and save the product, and perfect ventilation, as well as to much disease and suffering to both. To render them easy of being found, the same plan might be adopted as the admirable one now in operation for securing this advantage to the post-offices. The vehicles might be arranged numerically, and all squabbling for precedence, now so annoying, be avoided. The entrance of each stand might be sufficiently conspicuous, and bell-handles, labelled 'coach,'' cab,' &c. Thus, a person requiring either of these vehicles, would look for the lamp-post

indicating the situation of the stand; he would sig-in contact. The model now exhibiting consists of nify his want by pulling the bell; and would find himself accommodated as rapidly and far more pleasantly than at present. To ladies this system would be a great boon: it is now no uncommon spectacle to see a female applicant for a cab or coach infested, and even insulted, by the several candidates-all alike anxious to secure the fare."

a small tube with a piston and indicator at each end. An upright plate contains the letters of the alphabet, the first letter being at the top of the plate at one station, and at the bottom of the plate at the other. Thus, if a telegraph of this description were laid down from London to York, the indicator, if pointing to the letter A, would be at the top of the The improvement would be considerable in every latter. As the one piston descends, the other, from plate at the former place, and at the bottom at the way. Constant exposure to the weather produces the pressure of the water, ascends in exact proporfrightful diseases in the drivers, fosters vicious tion, each indicator pointing to the same letter. In habits of intemperance, makes them regardless of the model, as we have stated, the plates containing personal neatness, and altogether tends to keep the the letters are placed upright; but it will be easily class degraded. Killing the horses, it makes the seen that a horizontal dial can also be used, by owners use worse animals. And turning the open to guide the indicating hand. This dial may conmeans of a rack upon the piston and toothed pinion streets into stable-yards, without the conveniences tain two or more circles, into which contracted senthereof, it violates every rule of decorum and san- tences on any number of subjects can be inserted, atory law. It is curious how we moderns consent the indicator being shortened so as to meet each to keep up old barbarisms of an odious kind. We circle. If it were wanted to communicate any inboast of our conveniences, but submit to the filthi- telligence upon railways, as an example suppose est nuisances for want of a little energy of will. the contracted sentences relating to this subject Streets are made for transit, not for stabling; pri- be to shorten the indicator, so that its point would were in the inner circle, the first intimation would vate carriages and omnibuses must "move on;" exactly touch the words which are to be communiany nobleman whose servants should use the streets cated. If a line of pipes were laid down from any as a coachhouse and stable-yard would have to given distance, each intermediate station would be answer for the offence in a police court: but a communicated with by means of branch pipes. To special license is accorded to the lowest class of each piston a bell is attached, and the first motion vehicles to block up the streets with a squalid If the communication were intended for the first would sound this, putting every one on the qui vive. stabling. station, the bell would strike one, and so on for the others. Without passing any strong opinion as to the merits of this invention, we must say that its extreme simplicity struck us as an advantage of great importance. The difficulties which may at first sight strike the observer, such as getting over heights above the level of the stations, are what upon consideration it will be seen can be got over by local appliances. Perhaps the most serious would arise from the fact that the pipes will require to be placed underground so far as to keep them from atmospheric influence, for in the event of any breakage taking place, it would be difficult indeed to tell the precise locality of the accident. In the case of wires as used at present, any damage they remedied; but in the case of underground pipes may sustain is easily found out, and can be as easily filled with water, unless, indeed, this agent be in sufficient body to force itself to the surface, we do not see how an accident can occur without causing much labor and cost. The inventor claims for his plan over the present electric telegraph greater economy in construction to the extent of two thirds, no expense whatever after the first outlay, and the impossibility of any physical impediment interfering with its working. The plan, whether generally adopted or not, is certainly well worthy of attention, and no one can examine the model without being struck with the principle which it so beautifully il

The immense improvement that would ensue in the good order both of carriage and driver, if it were made possible by the aid of shelter, need scarcely be pointed out: hackney cabs would soon get to rival private broughams in their comfort and appearance. Spectator.

HYDRAULIC TELEGRAPH.-We lately inspected a new species of telegraph, produced from the action of water, patented by Mr. Jowett, which appears to us very simple and ingenious, and is likely to excite some attention, both from its own merits and from the interest which is taken in this means of communication at present. The idea of using water as a medium by which to communicate from place to place arose from its well-known incompressibility, and we find Mr. Jowett quoting, in his prospectus, from Dr. Lardner, the following passage, which conveys the leading feature of his


"A pressure excited on the liquid at one end of the tube will be communicated to any surface in contact with the liquid at the other end, whether the tube between the two extremities be straight, curved, or angular, or whether it pass upwards, downwards, or in an oblique or horizontal direction.lustrates.-Post. It may be carried through the walls of a building, through the course of a river, under, over, or around any obstruction or impediment, or, in fact, according to any course or direction whatsoever. If a tube, filled with water, extended from London to York, a pressure excited on the liquid at the extremity in London would be instantaneously transmitted to the extremity at York." There is, perhaps, a limit to this doctrine, where curves and undulations are to be overcome, and also from the cohesive power of the particles of water to that with which they are

THE Turkish ambassador gave a grand soirée at which were present the principal members of the diplomatic corps, and amongst them Sir S. Canning and Count d'Appony. His excellency was particularly attentive to his guests, and above all to the female portion of the company, to whom he paid a number of Eastern compliments, in excellent French.-Spect.

GENERAL FLORES.-This Spanish officer, whose | be exceedingly fine and of the highest character. name became so notorious from the contemplated Mr. Blaine read a statement he had drawn up as expedition to the Equador, has arrived in London from Cuba.

THE REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA.-The existence of an independent republic of free blacks on the continent of Africa, comprising a population of 80,000 souls, including natives who have been incorporated into the colony, is one of the most remarkable phenomena of modern times. The above estimate of population is given by Gov. Roberts in his inaugural address, Jan. 3, 1848, and is no doubt

essentially correct. In this growing colony, which

now extends 300 miles along the coast, the English language is that which will ultimately prevail, and is already spoken to a great extent. The free colored men of the United States, and even their white Abolition brethren, after abusing the colony without mercy for many years, are beginning to look upon it with a considerable degree of favor, and will probably become in due time its fast friends. Why should they not? They profess to be the friends of the colored man-and the world does not afford another example so honorable to his character and so cheering to his hopes. They profess to abhor the slave trade, and this much abused colony has done more to repress that trade, than the combined navies of England, France and the United States. They profess (some of them) to love the religion of the Gospel, and this colony is doing more to spread that religion in its purity over the benighted regions of Africa, than all other human instrumentalities put together. Having become independent, it will for the present be less an object of jealousy to foreign powers. Being less dependent upon the Colonization Society than formerly, it will be less an object of jealousy to the enemies of that society at home and abroad. The practical wisdom of the colonization enterprise, and the far-reaching sagacity and benevolence of its founders, now begin to stand out in bold relief: and as that infant republic shall expand its frame, and extend its influence over the whole African continent, becoming alike the asylum and the glory of the free colored man, even Garrison, or his descendants, if any such there be, will be constrained to confess that hostility to African colonization, is hostility to the colored race.-Journal of Commerce.


to the general nature and features of the colony, the habits and disposition of the native population, which amounts to 100,000 persons, the capability of the harbor, the anchorage, &c. All these, according to his statement, were highly favorable chairman towards the conclusion of the proceedings for the cultivation and export of cotton. said, that in all probability Mr. Blaine would put the desideratum of immigration to the colony, and himself in communication with Lord Grey as to begged, on the part of the directors, to thank him for his very interesting communications.-Times.

GRAVITATION OF THE ELECTRIC FLUID.-Mr. Lake, of the Royal Laboratory, Portsmouth, has communicated to the Lancet the results of a singular experiment, which appears to show that the electric agent is really fluid; and that when collected so as not to exert its powers of attraction and repulsion, it obeys the laws of gravitation like carbonic acid and other gases. The electric fluid was received in a Leyden jar insulated on a glass plate. At the lower part of the jar was a crack in the side, of a star-like form, and from around this the metallic coating was removed. On charging the jar, it was observed that the electric fluid soon began to flow out in a stream from the lower opening; and, on continuing the working of the machine, it flowed over the lip of the jar, descending in a faint luminous conical stream, (visible only in the dark,) until it reached the level of the outside coating, over which it became gradually diffused, forming, as it were, a frill, or collar. When the jar was a little inclined on one side, there was a perceptible difference in the time of its escape over the higher and lower part of the lip, from the latter of which it began to flow first. On discontinuing the working of the machine, the fluid first ceased to flow at the lip of the jar, and then at the lower aperture. On renewing the operation, it first reäppeared at the lower aperture, and afterwards at the mouth. This very ingenious experiment appears to establish the fact, that the electric fluid is material, and is influenced, under certain circumstances, by the laws of gravitation. Mr. Lake proposes for it the name of pyrogen; but this is inconvenient, because it is already applied to certain chemical products.-Medical Gazette.

A ROYAL ordonnance, dated the 26th Feb., continues the prohibition of the exportation of potatoes up to the 31st of July next.

A LETTER from Rome of the 18th says:— "General Gabrielli, formerly an officer in the French army, has just been named by the pope minister of war.

PORT NATAL FOR THE CULTIVATION OF COTTON.-At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce held at Manchester on Thursday last, Mr. Blaine was introduced by the president. This gentleman, who has resided in the colony for four or five years, and taken a great deal of pains to make himself acquainted with its capabilities, &c., produced a variety of specimens of cotton grown there, some of them indigenous, and some cultivated from seed brought from America, China, the Mauritius, and other parts. All these specimens were approved by the very competent judges to whom they were MEXICO.-There are some important points in submitted, and some of them were pronounced to the following letter with which we have been fa

It is

This nomination of a laic to a ministry has produced an excellent effect. the best commentary on the motu proprio relating to the organization of the council of ministers.

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