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place was called Kiffen Bydden, i. the ridge

of Bath, I need not to remember, neither "how the stones of Mercolij were so disposed, "that here was one stone, ther was an other, " and the third placed upon them both.

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word, I am persuaded that

At a Selden de
Diis Syrts

this were so placed by the first inhabitants of this ysle, "when as Hector Boëtius writeth that Mainus

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King of the Scotts did institut solemne ceremonies, "and erecting huge stones in divers places circularly, "the greatest ever toward the South, which served "in steed of an alter to sacri: beastes therupon. "Thies stones are yeat extant called by the common

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sort, The temples of the Gods. Any man that "seeth them would mervaile by what arte and what strength of men they were so reared. Thus farr "Boëtius. What other men can gather out of the "word ycluis, which signifieth, in the Britain language, lame, I see not, albeit I know that

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the name of Claudius came originaly from "lamnes. Not long since a hilloc was here digged down, and in it was found a stagg's hedd, "and under neth coales, which is a manifest "profe that it was a Land marck.

§. XXI. I have above declared, that Stone-henge perI have no mind at this time to inter- hapsaBritish Monument, notwithstandpose my own Sentiments about Stone- ing it might have

L. these. L. sacrifice.


been a Roman henge, and yet whereas formerly I

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Work. Mr. Camden's Approbation have signify'd', that 'tish Roman a of, and Assistance Work, I shall now so far gratify the in, Dr. Holland's



Additions, may jus- Reader's curiosity as to assure him, tify such as citathem that I still am inclin'd to think it so for Mr. Camden's much owing to the Romans, as to have one or more of them for carrying on the Architecture, whilst, at the same time, it is probable it was, as our anonymous Author stiles it, a Brittish and no Roman Monument, or it may be even the Britains themselves raised it according to the Rules of Architecture in which they had been instructed by the Romans, both people being as it were now incorporated, and the Britains being at length so much beloved by the Romans, that the Romans were very willing to do all imaginable service to them, as may appear from the Assistance they receiv'd from the Romans even at that time when the Romans were oblig'd to relinquish the Isle for securing other Parts of the Empire. But I will not, I must not exspatiate. And yet I cannot, before I leave this Subject, but ingenuously confess, that I my self, some years ago, fell* into the same mistake with Mr. Webb in taking Dr. Philemon Holland's Interpolation for


1 Ductor Hist. Vol. II. p. | first Vol. of Leland's Itin. p. 319. Discourse concerning 106. See the said Discourse, some Antiquities found in York-shire, at the End of the




Mr. Camden's own Words. And indeed, upon recollection, I think that they may still be properly enough call'd Camden's, since he both allow'd of that and other Additions of the Dr's. and hath not any where, that I know of, disclaim'd them, having, I suppose, help'd the Dr. to many of them, and being willing enough, that they should be quoted and look'd upon as his own. And 'twas upon account of his approbation of what Dr. Holland did, that he drew up the Supplement, with a design that it should be taken into the second Edition, in which nevertheless it was omitted, being not, it may be, communicated to him. It is likely Mr. Webb himself also considered this matter, which if so it will excuse him also, as well as Dr. Charleton and others, for ascribing any Interpolation to Mr. Camden, and then it will cease to be a wonder, that either he or any one else should mention Mr. Camden's instead of Dr. Holland's name..

Oxford August 3.


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Num. I. Vide Præf. §. v.

E Pitseo de illustrib. Angliæ Scriptorib. p. 890. in Appendice.

De Petro Longatosta.

ETRVS Longatosta, Gallum fuisse suspicantur nonnulli, ego verò existimo natione Anglum. Fuit ordinis S. Augustini Canonicus regularis in cœnobio Bridlindgtonensi Eboracensis agri. Vir cui pietas & doctrina celebre nomen dederunt. Humaniores benè tenuit litteras, historiis legendis & scribendis non mediocriter delecta




tus. In Galliis aliquandò studuit, & linguam Gallicam accuratè calluit. Ex Hereberto Boscamo Latinè scriptam transtulit in rithmos Gallicanos

Vitam S. Thomæ Cantuariensis, Librum unum. Scripsit Anglice chronicon Angliæ, Librum unum. MS. in bibliotheca Baronis Lumleiani. De hoc auctore nihil prorsus aliud invenio

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This is all in Pitseus. He seems to have intended more by the Points. Longatosta, I suppose, is a Mistake in him, as well as in Leland and Gesner for Langatofta.

Num. II. Vide Præf. §. v.

E Lelandi Comm, de Scriptorib. Brit. p. 218. Petrus Longatosta, canonicus Augustinianus in cœnobio Brillendunensi, hunc [Hereberti Bossanhamensis de vita Thomæ Becketi] transtulit in Gallicos rhythmos libellum.

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Num. III. Vide Præf. §. v.

E Bibliotheca Gesneri, Tiguri 1583. Fol. Petrus Longatosta, Gallus, Canonicus Regularis cœnobii Bridlyngtonensis in Angliâ, ex latino sermone in metra Gallica transtulit opus Hereberti de Bosham de Vitâ Thomæ Cantuariensis Lib. I. Joannes Lelandus.


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