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will, it is thought, produce great changes in which, under Providence, this liberty has been the western counties. thus far secured to us, and by which we may reasonably hope to transmit it to our successors.

From the Maysville (Ky.) Eagle. To the Jackson Committee of Vig lance for We fear that these institutions are in imminent Mason county. danger-danger from which nothing can res Gentlemen-You have appointed me a mem-cue them but the prompt and vigorous action ber of the Committee of Vigilance for Washing of the people. We believe that the existence ton precinct, and as I am no longer a Jackson of civil liberty in this country, is mainly deman, you may appoint some other in my stead. pendent upon the union of the States; and I am deceived in Gen. Jackson's administration when we see how much the bonds of this of the Government, particularly in his refusal Union have been weakened, during the rule of to permit the Bank Bill to become a law, thus the present administration; with what seeming opposing his own will to the deliberate opinion indifference its value has been calculated, and of the other two branches of the Government. its dissolution spoken of on the floor of Con-, JOHN GREEN. gress, and elsewhere, by those who placed To the Editors of the Richmond Enquirer. this administration in power, we cannot reMONTAGUE, 4th Aug. 1832. frain the fearful apprehension that, should AnGENTLEMEN: On perusing your last Enquirer, drew Jackson be re-elected, the Union is not I see there was a Jackson and Barbour meeting destined to survive another presidential term. held at Matthews' tavern, in the town of Tap. It is not our purpose to review in detail, the pahannock, on Monday, the 16th July last, and measure of the present national administration; with much astonishment find my name placed such a review has been so frequently taken in among the Committee of Vigilance and Corres- public documents, drawn up with distinguishpondence. I therefore state that I attended no ed ability, that a repetition of it in this address such meeting, nor ever gave my consent for is not called for. We would, however, briefly my name to be used in any way whatever, and and rapidly sketch a few of the characteristics request that you will certify the same in your by which the administration has been distinnext Enquirer. Respectfully, guished.


General Jackson has violated every important principle, upon the profession of which, he was elected to the office which he now holds. Among the proofs of glaring discrepancy be Maine-Second Nonday in September. tween his professions and his practice, may be New Hampshire-Second Tuesday in March. classed his present attitude as a candidate a Massachusetts-Second Monday in Novem-second time for the office of President of the

Elections.-The time of holding elections in the several States is as follows.


Rhode Island-Governor and Senator in April;
Representative in April and August.
Connecticut-First Monday in April.
Vermont-First Tuesday in September.
New York-First Monday in November.
New Jersey-Second Tuesday in October.
Pennsylvania-Second Tuesday in October,
Delaware-First Tuesday in October. The
Electors are appointed by the Legislature.
Maryland-First Monday in October.
Virginia-In the month of April.

North Carolina-Commonly in August.
*South Carolina-Second Monday in October.
The electors are appointed by the Legislature.
Georgia-First Monday in October.
Ohio-Second Tuesday in October.
Kentucky-First Monday in August.
Tennessee-First Tuesday in August.
Alabama-First Monday in August.
Mississippi-First Monday in August.
Louisiana-First Monday in July.
Indiana-First Monday in August.
Illinois-First Monday in August.
Missouri- First Monday in August.

United States. After the public avowal of his principles upon this subject, we venture to affirm that not an intelligent man in the country voted for Andrew Jackson, under the belief that he would ever be a candidate for re-election, and who if interrogated, would not have positively affirmed the impossibility of such an event. Hence an original preference for the election of Andrew Jackson, founded upon his expressed principles, so far from imposing an obligation to vote for his election, furnishes a powerful argument opposed to his present pre


His administration has not been distinguished by an adherence to any leading principle of public policy; he has not had the magnanimity, and patriotism to avow himself a friend to the protection of American industry, nor yet has he had the courage to unite himself to the open opponents of such protection; he has been alternately the foe and the reluctant friend of internal improvements; at one session of Congress returning a bill providing for such improvements with his veto upon it; at another, approving a bill containing provisions substantially similar. To guard against usurpation and the encroachments of arbitrary power, our Government is wisely composed of co-ordinate Fellow-citizens: We address you at a period departments, designed to operate as checks uparked by political events of peculiar interest. on each other; but General Jackson, composing Born to the inheritance of liberty, we deem it one of these departments, has constantly enone of the most imperative duties incumbent deavored to curtail the power and influence upon us, to preserve those civil institutions, by of all the others. The Senate he has calumni


To the National Republican Electors of the State of New York.


United States, for the express purpose, as they be men of talents, integrity, and extensive exdeclared, "of forming a more perfect union, perience in public affairs; thoroughly grounded establishing justice, ensuring domestic tran- in those constitutional principles maintained by quillity, providing for the common defence, our party, and that wherever placed, they will promoting the general welfare, and securing employ their great abilities to advance these, the blessings of liberty to themselves and principles. Our principal candidate, Henry their posterity," ordained and established that Clay, is of humble erigin; springing from the glorious Constitution, under which we now common people, he has, under the fostering live, and by the aid of which, our advance- care of our republican institutions, been the ment in prosperity and happiness is without a artificer of his own fortunes. With his public parallel in the history of man. The confede- life you are well acquainted: the events of it racy which existed before the formation of the have transpired in theopen view of his counpresent Constitution, was found too feeble a trymen-our children can rehearse of union, and the country required, what Whether we contemplate him as a member of the hearts of the people, then fresh from the the House of Representatives, as the incumrevolutionary contest, demanded, a more perfect bent of the Speaker's chair, as a representative union. Now, we oppose that construction of of his country in a foreign land, a leading memthe Constitution, which makes the Government ber of the late Administration, or a Senator in a mere confederacy of independent States, and Congress, we find him distinguished by great not a bond to unite the people of the whole ability, unwearied attention to business, a frank country; and thus reduce us, in effect, to the expression of his opinion on all public measures, condition in which we were before the founda- an early, persevering, and uncompromising tion of the Constitution. We believe that this friend of domestic industry, and above all, and instrument gives power to Congress to promote, more than all, by an ardent love of liberty, and by direct legislation, the domestic industry of the a heart-American to the core. country, and to provide for internal improve. The National Republican party having thus ments. We believe it is the right and duty of placed before the people their candidates, we, Congress to regulate the currency of the as members and representatives of that party, country, and as far as practicable, make it feel bound to employ every means necessary to uniform, sound, and wholesome. We hold to ensure their election, which sound morality and the entire independence of the Judiciary, and honor will justify. In making choice of these that its decisions on all questions arising under means, wisdom demands that we calmly survey the Constitution and laws, are binding not only the prospects before us. Our opponents have upon individuals, but States, and all the dif- yeretofore calculated, with great confidence, ferent branches of the Government. We hold upon the electoral votes of this State; without that the President is bound to execute every the aid of these votes their candidates cannot be treaty, and enforce every law of Congress, chosen. If then we can insure the votes of where his action is required to its enforcement; this State for any other candidates than Jackand that after the Supreme Court has pro. son and Van Buren, the election of Henry Clay nounced such a law constitutional, his refusal or and John Sergeant can be relied upon with omission to enforce it, is a just cause for im- reasonable certainty. But how can this be peachment. We believe that all laws should effected? Not, we think, by placing a distinct be made in that spirit of conciliation and com-electoral vote of our own formation before the promise which gave birth to the Constitution people, but by giving our undivided support to itself; that the interest of a majority of the the ticket nominated by a respectable and people should be consulted in the formation of powerful branch of the opposition party, in this laws, and that the feeling, and even prejudices, place, on the 21st of June last. This ticket is of the minority should not be wholly disregard. composed of men of established character, high ed; but the doctrine of our party is, that when personal honor, and undoubted patriotism they laws are duly enacted, THEY ARE SUPREME; and have not been required to give any pledges, but if not voluntarily submitted to, must be forcibly have been wisely left to the exercise of that executed, as well against individuals, as asso-discretion which the Constitution presumes to ciations and States. We have hitherto, until be vested in every elector. We feel confident,' recently, regarded this doctrine as a funda- that if chosen, these electors will never vote mental principle of our republican institutions, for Andrew Jackson, or Martin Van Buren, and and we regret that there should be, at the pre- we firmly believe that before called upon to sent time, a necessity, as we believe there is, give their votes, the absolute necessity will be for its formal promulgation.


seen and acknowledged by every branch of the opposition party, of defearing the election of Andrew Jackson, in order to save the Union from dissolution. We, therefore, recommend to the undivided support of our party, in this State, the following electoral ticket:

For the purpose of carrying out into tical operation these principles, the National Republican party have nominated Henry Clay, of Kentucky, and John Sergeant, of Pennsylvania, to the highest offices in the gift of the people. Those distinguished citizens have been put in nomination, not because of any distinct personal regard for them, or for the pur. pose of ministering to their ambitious views, if Silas Wood, such they have, but because we know them to] Eleazer Lord,

For Electors of President and Vice President.

George Huntington,
Nichola Shoemaker,

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