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........No. 3.

jor Vandeventer. This charge has shared the same fate. We obtained from Major Vandeventer a copy of Mr. Calhoun's letter to him, writFew circumstances are better calculated to ten but a day or two before he left this city for show the extent to which it is attempted to the south, and after the supposed provocation carry the gulling of the public, than the charge was given. The letter was published in our that the hostility between Gen. Jackson and exposition to the public; and we appeal to it as Mr. Calhoun originated with the latter. Never containing testimony the most conclusive of Mr. was a charge more false-never was hostility Calhoun's kind feelings for General Jackson more perfectly unprovoked than that commenc and his administration-much more so than one ed by Gen. Jackson against the Vice President. public man in a thousand would have exhibitThat such is the fact, the pretext itself is con-ed, considering the course that the President clusive proof. If the Vice President had given had pursued towards him, even at that early pe any real ground for a charge of hostility, riod of the administration. General Jackson never would have gone We do not believe that there is, in the histoback to an old transaction of twelve years, ry of this republic, an instance of ingratitude so standing; nor could he have ever ventured strong, and deeply marked, as that of General the assertion that he was ignorant of Mr. Jackson towards the Vice President. We haCalhoun's construction of his orders in the zard nothing in saying, that had it not been for Seminole war, when it is a fact as well ascer- the friendship of Mr. Calhoun, his sagacity, his tained as any which occurred yesterday, that promptness and firmness, with the eminent tahe had been long and fully apprised of it. That lents, and the ardent zeal of his friends, Gen. this was a mere pretext-that it never was the Jackson never would have obtained his present real cause of his hostility, is fully proven, not on elevated condition. Yet, knowing all this, as ly by the facts already stated, but by the conclu he must, without any provocation on their part, sive evidence that Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Archer, he has made on the Vice President, his friends, Mr. Ritchie, Mr. McLane, the present Secre-and his own native State, the most relentless tary of the Treasury, with many other, who warfare. His conscience may be kept easy for are now hugged to his bosom, openly denounc the present, by the flattery of the vile sycoed his conduct on that occasion. The truth is, phants about him, but the time is coming when Gen. Jackson had determined to make Van Bu- their acts can no longer deceive the people, or ren the Vice President, for no other reason but conceal the truth. The delusion is now passbecause Mr. Calhoun refused to yield to the cor-iug away-the eye of the country is opening to rup: course of affairs, and had the firmness and the base and profligate conspiracy, and the virtue to insist that he should fulfil the princi- black ingratitude towards the Vice President, ples to which he was pledged in his election, and and Gen. Jackson's early and faithful friends, on which the people relied for a restoration of to whom he is so deeply indebted. the constitution, and a correction of the abuses The moral sentiment of the community is which had crept into our system of govern- shocked by the fact that his early and faithful ment. It is perfectly clear, that Gen. Jackson friends are all discarded, and that he has taken and the corrupt men who surround him, have into his confidence those who, in the hour of never been satisfied with the ground which he his adversity, were his bitter enemies and reviassumed as the basis of his hostility to Mr. Callers! Never was there an example, in the hishoun-we mean the allegation that he was tory of the world, more marked in this particunorant of Mr. Calhoun's construction of his or- lar; and the shock to the moral sense of the peoder. They have been constantly seeking for ple will be proportionately great, when their other grounds, every one of which has com reflection is once excited. Let their attention pletely failed. One of these, on which they be once roused, they will not fail to inquire inmainly relied, was the conspiracy which they to the cause of all this, and to trace it to that alleged was got up to expel Mr. Eaton from overweening vanity, and love of adulation, the cabinet. That has been crushed by the which has exposed him to be seduced by the full and satisfactory statement, under their own arts and flatteries of the selfish and profligate hand, by the persons named in his organ as the individuals who surround him. His early friends witnesses to support the charge. They next re- were too stern and honest to resort to such hed on the statement of Mr. Speers, of South means of retaining his confidence, and there. Carolina! That has been put down no less effore became exposed to his jealousy and hafectually, by Mr. Speers' own testimony-in tred, a fact which must depress him, in the eye fact, so much so, that it has ceased to be re- of posterity, in the same proportion that it will lied on. It was next alleged, as the cause of elevate them.

hostility, that Mr. Calhoun was disappointed in It is already apparent that the managers no getting his friends into office-particularly Ma- longer rely on the charge that the difference

between the President and Vice President ori- House of Representatives, the Sergeant-atginated with the latter. Seeing that a charge Arms, and, while in that situation, he would so entirely unfounded could not be supported, deem it highly indecorous, and extremely disthey have changed their mode of attack, and respectful, to that honorable body, to make any now accuse him of being governed, in his poli- appeal to the public, by a statement of facts or tical course, by a feeling of hostility towards otherwise, while his cause is in pendency bethe President, and not by a sense of public du- fore the House.

This accompanied the following letter, addressed to Major Barry:

ty-a charge as destitute of truth as the origi- "It is due to him, that this instance of outnal charge, that the existing unfriendly relation rage by the editor of the Telegraph should be between them commenced with him. We defy recorded. Nor does he seek to arraign an ofany one to point out a single instance, in his ficer of the honorable body, the editor of the course, in which he has been governed, in any Telegraph, for the disrespect which he has degree, by the motives now attributed. In eve-shown to the House, nor for his garbled, unry instance, he has acted in conformity to the true, and unprecedented attacks made upon the principles on which he supported Gen. Jack-accused, who now awaits a decision of the hoson's election ; and if, in thus acting, he norable body for his acquital or condemnation. has been found in opposition to the course of "He will not change the character of the acthe administration, and of those who support it, cused for that of an accuser, while his cause is without reference to principle or consistency,it pending; but will leave to the Representatives will turn out, on examination, that the cause of of the American people the preservation of the difference is not the desertion of principle their own dignity-the construction and punishon his part, but a departure on the part of those ment of contempts-and the protection of the who have separated from him. In fact, we do privileges of an American citizen, who is now, not recollect an instance in which it has been and has been for days, in custody, by order of attempted to trace any particular public act of the House." the Vice President to hostile feelings to the President, except the casting vote in the case of Mr. Van Buren. With this exception, all BROWN'S HOTEL, April 17th, A. D. 1832. the charges of the kind have been general and Sir: With considerable surprise, I noticed the vague. As to the casting vote, he must have following remark in the Telegraph of yesterbut a poor opinion of Mr. Calhoun's honesty or day: "It is also said that Houston proceeded disincerity who can think that he ought to have rect from the assault to the theatre; that Mr. voted otherwise, knowing, as his friends all knew, Barry, the Postmaster General, met him, and the opinion which he had long entertained of congratulated him on what he had done; that the rejected minister-that he is the author of they went to the bar of the theatre, drank toge the present distracted and corrupted condition ther, and enjoyed the affair with great glee."of the country-that he imposed the present Knowing, as I do, that the conduct attributed to high and oppressive burden upon the South, you on this occasion, is utterly false, it gives me by his vote, and breach of his pledges-that, pleasure to afford you this testimonial. I was at owing to his intrigue and management, the the theatre when the rencontre between Goverhopes of the country, in the election of General nor Houston and Mr. Stanbery took place.Jackson, have been disappointed-that he had Some gentlemen came in and reported it. Be lowered the national dignity and pride at the tween the scenes of the play, I left the theatre, foot of the British throne. Thus thinking, ho- met Gov. Houston at his lodging, and accompanestly and sincerely thinking, what indepen nied him to the theatre. I was present when dent or correct man can believe that Mr. Cal- you met Gov. Houston, heard no words of conhoun ought to have acted otherwise? There gratulation, nor discovered any unusual manifescould be but one motive for an opposite course, tation of feeling. It was an affair well calcula and that a dishonest one-the fear of imputated to excite the curiosity of any person, and no tions such as we now repel; and those who know unprejudiced individual can for a moment bethe Vice President know how little he is con-lieve that you, at the time, had any other feeltrolled by such considerations, coming in con-ling than that which was common to all. I beflict with his sense of duty.

lieve that yourself and Gov. Houston, in company with Gen. William Arnold and myself,

The Globe, of Thursday, contains the follow-drank together, at the bar of the theatre, some ing:

time after your meeting with Gov. Houston; but
it was not at the invitation of either you or him.
This statement, I am confident, will be corro-
borated by every gentleman present at the time.
With high sentiments of esteem,
Your obedient ser't,


"A CARD. "Gen. Houston, to insure himself a fair and honorable investigation of his case, now before the House of Representatives, feels himself compelled, by the course which the editor of the Telegraph has pursued, to state that he has heretofore, and will hereafter, abstain from submitting any facts to the public, going either to The Globe informs us, that "Col. Clark, althe explanation or justification of his conduct, though opposed to the present administration, in response to the attacks made on him through is alive to a sense of truth and honor." We the press, so as to influence any opinion in his favor.

"He is now in custody of an officer of the


know not who Edwin T. Clark is, but shall not be surprised to find his name among the individuals who are concerned in the "spoils." If

regret any severity which he, no doubt, considers as the surest means of propitiating the favor of the kitchen cabinet, which seems to be the special object of his ambition.

opposed to the administration, he is no doubt willing to be received into its service. But what does Mr. Clark prove? That he was at the theatre, heard of the assault, and went to Houston's room-that he and Houston went to the theatre-and he, Houston, Barry, and Ar- of every reader as a remarkable feature in this It, however, cannot fail to strike the attention nold, drank together, at the bar of the theatre. case, that the honorable mover, who manifests It is true, he says that the conduct attributed so great a desire to suppress the publication of to Mr. Barry is false; but he himself proves the proceedings, declares at the outset, that he does material facts stated, and the public will form not believe the House has the power to punish its own conclusion, when they learn that this Houston for the alleged offence; and yet he calls Gen. William Arnold is one of Houston's asso- upon the House to punish as for an alleged libel npon the offender! To him it seems, that to


The business of the Globe is to deny. We are commit an assault upon a member of the House, not surprised to find it filled with certificates. is no offence, but to publish an account of that Our only wonder is, that considering the amount assault, deserves the severest punishment! We paid, and the materials employed, the work have no doubt, that he has the highest authority should be so badly done. Instead of acquitting for his opinion. those whom it undertakes to defend, every step exhibits the truth of the facts which it is employed and paid to deny.

But, who can for a moment believe, that the honorable member expected to suppress an acA word as to Mr. Houston's card. If Mr. count of the proceedings? There is no injuncHouston is in custody of the House, it is not by tion of secrecy on the members; the lobbies and our fault. If he had desired an investigation of privileged seats are filled with spectators and the charges which we have preferred against letter writers, and had the proposition been him and Eaton, Mr. Stanbery's remarks gave adopted, and carried into effect, the consequence him the fairest opportunity to ask it of the would have been that the hired agents of the House-instead of doing this, he first appealed kitchen cabinet would have filled the country to the press; his appeal was followed by an ad- with partial accounts, magnifying Houston into dress from Lewis, and the certificates of inter- a martyr in the cause of liberty. That such is ested persons. Failing to satisfy himself, he the intention of the hired and prostituted appealed to the club, and now would excite the press, no one can doubt. We give below an sympathy of the public as a persecuted martyr; extract from one of the favored organs, the Couand begs protection against the power of the rier and Enquirer, which is conclusive. press, because he is in the custody of the House!

But why did Mr. Patton's vigilance, his regard for the character of the House, sleep over The contemplated fraud is one thing-the at- from Monday until Wednesday? It might, pertack on Mr. Stanbery is another. The assault haps, be considered as a breach of privilege,, is before the House-the fraud is before the were we to insinuate that the gentleman's senpeople. Our character has been put in issue sibility was quickened by the conclusive proof of relative to the fraud, and we will maintain it.- the truth of our statement relative to the conThe Globe is open to General Houston and his templated fraud, which appeared on Wednes friend, and will no doubt publish every thing he day. And some there are who are much more may think proper to offer. In the mean time, concerned at the effect which that fraud is to their attempt to arrest public indignation at the have on the public mind than for the rights and gross and fraudulent purposes thus clearly laid safety of Houston. Who are much more desirat the door of the Executive favorites, by an ous to satisfy the American people that our apeal to their sympathies, under the pretence charge relative to the contemplated fraud is unthat Gen. Houston is in the custody of the true, than solicitous about Houston's fate. H use, will not do. The reply to this, is, that But we deny that our publication was in vioHouston is under arrest for an assault-our lation of the rights or privileges of the House strictures relate to the fraud. And yet Mr. or of the accused. Does it follow that to asHouston, who assaulted Mr. Stanbery, is so sen- sert that the assault is approved and justified in sitive, so extremely respectful to the House, that high places, is a breach of the privileges of the he will not, while he is in custody, reply! His House? What has the approval or disapproval card is the best reply that he can make, and, of the Executive and of the Postmaster General therefore, it is published. to do with the House? It is a reflection on the independence of that body, to suppose that an We invite the attention of our readers to the interference on the part of the Executive will debate in the House, particularly to the remarks deprive the accused of a fair and impartial trial. of Mr. Patton, on the resolution introduced by The complaint of the honorable member prehim forbidding the publication of the proceed- supposes that the House will condemn because ings in the case of Houston. The direct allu- the Executive approves. Is this so? If we sion to this paper, and the endorsement of are to take the language of some of the organs Houston's statement that our publication was of the party as indicating their course, we would false, would justify much more severity than we suppose, that with some, a precisely oppos are disposed to indulge-besides, we are by no effect would be produced; and we might point means certain, that the honorable member would to melancholly instances where the will of the

Executive has been maintained at the sacrifice of truth and principle.

abuse he may heap upon an individual, because to be so responsible, would affect the liberty But it is assumed that our publications tend of the press! Yet we believe we are always to prevent a fair and impartial trial. As to the held responsible in such cases, and it is very offence itself we have said little; we have for- proper that we should be. We repeat, let the borne to speak of its character and tendency. liberty of the press and of debate be protected, Not because we considered it improper to do but at the same time do not extend that proso, but because we prefer to let the case detection to the licentiousness of either. velope itself in the regular course of the trial, If we mistake not, Gen. Houston must have and because we consider the offence to be one made his opponents wince under his cutting which requires no comment from us. scarcasm when placed at the bar of the House. He is an able man-familiar with his rights as a citizen, and abundantly able to protect them.

The publications which we have made were in progress before the assault. Our veracity had been impeached. Major Lewis, Gen. Houston, and their partisans, had appealed to the press, It is amusing to notice Mr. Croswell, of the and finding the argument and the facts against Albany Argus, charging Mr. Walsh with fedethem, had resorted to the club. Was that the ralism, because the latter differs from Mr. Jeftime for us to be silent? Were we to be hush-ferson on the subject of the powers of the Sued by such an argument? We did not touch preme Court. We are surprised that an editor the question before the House. We have not of his prudence, would venture such a charge, entered into the question either of the power or and for such a reason. If to oppose the doctrine of the duty of the House in relation to the mat- of Mr. Jefferson be a good ground for the ter before it. We asserted the truth in rela- charge which he has made, which we are not in tion to an important transaction, and what we the least disposed to question, how can Mr. have said was to vindicate the truth of what we Croswell himself escape the imputation of fede had said;and this we dare do,no matter whom it ralism on his part? If there be a single opinion may offend. We certainly are much gratified of Mr. Jefferson pre-eminently distinguished, that the resolution was not adopted. The re- one that goes to place him peculiarly at the lation which we bear to the House, the high head of the republican party, and in direct oprespect which we entertain for the body, and position to the federal party, it is his opinion of for most of its individual members, would ex- the relative rights of the States and of the Gen act our acquiescence in any wish of that eral Government; or, in other words, his docbody which does not restrict our personal rine of nullification; and yet it is this very Jef rights, or conflict with our duty as the conduc-fersonian, wHIG doctrine which the editor of the tor of a free press; but if we know ourselves, Argus and his associates, are in the daily habit that very relation would impel us more prompt- of denouncing more bitterly than even open ly to assert our own rights by persevering in and avowed federalism. But what is bred in the discharge of our duty, at every hazard.


the bone cannot be brought out of the flesh." We fear that Mr. Croswell will never lose his old federal taint.

Mr. Ritchie remarks that the President may wait, (to fill the mission to London,) to see in what spirit the British Government takes the rejection of Mr. Van Buren! It is with amaze

On reference to a letter from our Washing ton correspondent, it will be perceived that the Honorable Mr. STANBURI of Ohio, has been chastised by General HOUSTON of Tennessee, for an antack upon his integrity and a subsequent refusal to apologise or give the requirment that we see, even in that prostituted press, ed satisfaction. Another correspondent in such an intimation. "The spirit the British forms us that STANSBURY, in refusing the chal Government takes the rejection of Mr. Van Bu- . lenge of Gen. HOUSTON, not only assumed the ren"!!! What next? What has the British ground that he was not responsible for what Government to do with his rejection, or that of he said in debate, but that Gen. H. was not a any other individual? What right has she to gentleman. This is the usual plea of cowards, look into the interior action of our Government, and this in itself authorized Gen. H. to inflict or to take offence at the movement of any of punishment upon him without any breach of its departments, unless they should infringe uphis privileges as a member of Congress, on her rights? Low and debased must be We are surprised at the vote of the House the condition of this nation if it could permit, placing Gen. Houston in the, custody of the without the utmost scorn, a foreign GovernSergeant-at-Arms, or in other words, reserving ment to intimate is pleasure or displeasure of to themselves the right of assailing private char- any act of ours, having reference to its own octer without being in any way responsible. views, without infringing on the rights of others. Let the freedom of debate be secured, but As low and as servile as we know Mr. Ritchie when a member ventures to attack the private had fallen, we did not expect a sentiment so character of an individual, he must not be pro- unworthy of a free and independent American ted from merited chastisement by the interfer- citizen to escape from him. ence of the House. Such a course would cause incalculable mischief, and can never be sanc- We know nothing more inconsistently brazen tioned by an intelligent people. As well might in the course of an editor, than that of Mr. Rit an editor say, he is not liable for any personal chie in reference to the tariff and Mr. Van Bu.

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