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Society was held at the Methodist Episcopal | church, at Lexington, Ky. on Friday evening, the 8th of August. A very large audience assembled, both white and colored. Gen. J. M. MCCALLA was called to the chair; and the meeting was opened with prayer, by the Rev. Mr. Kavanaugh, of the Methodist church.

Mr. R. S. Finley occupied a few minutes in making some interesting statements respecting the character, views, and future plans of the American Colonization Society, which he concluded by stating, that Joseph Jones, the coloured man present, had been sent out to Liberia by the Kentucky Colonization Society, to collect information respecting the country, with the view of returing to render a report of his mission. He had peforined this duty well; and he took that opportunity of testifying to his intelligence and moral worth.

After Mr. Finley had concluded his remarks, Jos. Jones was introduced to the audience, and a committee of three gentlemen (Rev. N. H. Hall, Mr. W. A. Leavy and Mr. R. S. Finley,) was appointed by the Chairman, to propose questions to him on the subject of his mission to Africa. The examination occupied a considerable length of time, and was so conducted as to give the audience an opportunity of hearing the questions and responces. We have seldom attended a meeting at which more deep interest was generally manifested.. The statements of Jones, in reply to the interrogatories proposed, evinced a sound and discriminating understanding, and showed conclusively, that the State Society had made a happy selection in their choice of agent to explore the Liberian Colony. A number of questions in writing were sent in by coloured persons; all of which were promptly answered.

On motion of Rev. B. O. Peers, a subscription paper was circulated and some collections made for the benefit of the American Colonization Society; and on motion of Rt. Rev. Bishop. Smith, it was Resolved, That the thanks of this society and meeting be tendered to Mr. Jones for the gratification afforded in the interesting details of his mission to which we have this evening listened. And, on motion, it was Resolved, That the publishers of newspapers of this city, be requested to insert the proceedings of this meeting in each of their several papers. The meeting then adjourned.

"That the tendency of this interesting meeting was," says the Editor of the Western Luminary, "to exert an influence decidedly favourable to the interests of African Colonization, we presume no one who was present can doubt. We are glad that our fellow citizens in different parts of the State are to enjoy the satisfaction of attending meetings of a character similar to this."

AUXILIARY SOCIETIES. [From the Carlisle (Pa.) Expositor, July 8.1 COLONIZATION.

We understand that a large number of

our citizens have lately formed a Coionization Society in this place. It is in contemplation to hold a meeting in a few days for organizing the society. The subject of Colonization has very slightly engaged the attention of the citizens of this place for some years past. The cause of this apathy may probably be traced to the unfavourable impressions which some have entertained of the colony of Monrovia. Many of the unfavourable accounts which circulated concerning the colony have been shewn to be either totally false or exaggerations. It is true, the friends of the colony have formed anticipations which have not been realized, but still, we are not aware of any real ground for discouragement. The only reasonable objection which we hear brought against the colony of Monrovia, is, that it is unhealthy. But this objection will cease when a system of agriculture suitable to the climate is introduced, for much of the mortality of that place was occasioned by the use of the tropical fruits. It may probably be some years yet before the disadvantages attendant upon emigrating to a different climate will be overcome. Experience will have to point out what course is to be avoided and what pursued. At the time of the first settlement of our western states, many of the settlers suffered for want of an acquaintance with the climate, soil, plants, &c. Even at the present day whole villages, and fertile farms have been deserted on our western frontier, on account of a sickness, supposed to be 'indirectly produced by some yet undiscovered poisonous plant; and all are aware of the distress of the first American colonists, which was incident upon their settling in a land with which they were unacquainted. In an address of the Colonization Society now before us, dated 1827, it is said that, for the last five years not one person in forty, from the middle and southern states has died from change of climate.' But the new colony which has been formed by the Maryland Legislature at Cape Palmas is on a high and healthy situation. Even Europeans are said to have resided there for months without experiencing an hour of sickness. This Colony we believe lies about 70 miles south of Monrovia; the territory has recently been purchased by the Maryland Colonization Society from four African Kings.

One thing which will cause the colonization of Africa to receive the patronage of the friends of humanity is, that the slave trade cannot be effectually suppressed while the African coast remains unprotected. The present laws which declare the slave trade piracy, are totally inadequate to its suppression. The slave trade is still carried on even in a worse manner than if no such imperfect laws existed. Slavers crowd their decks with their unlawful cargo, knowing that it is as dangerous to run the risk of being captured with a few as with a great number of slaves. When civilization extends along the western coast of Africa the

slave trade will cease. Mr. Leonard, a surgeon in the British Navy, supposes that out of sixty thousand slaves stolen from Africa, only two thousand are recaptured and re-turned.

and the prohibition of the acquisition of territory, except by fair purchase from the native Princes and proprietors of the soil.

Article IV. An annual subscription of not less than 25 cents, payable in advance, shall constitute an individual a member of this So

Article V. Section I. The regular meetings of this Society shall be semi-annually, on the anniversary of the American Independence and on the first Monday in January.

THE COLONIZATION SOCIETY OF CUMBER-ciety; the payment at one time of 15 dollars LAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. a life member; and one hundred dollars a life Agreeably to notice, a large number of director. the citizens of Carlisle, convened in the Methodist Episcopal Church, on Thursday evening the 17th July, 1834, at 8 o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of forming a Colonization Society, to aid in colonizing the free People of Color, in Africa. The following persons were duly elected officers of the meeting, to wit:

Hon. JOHN REED, President.

Rev. GEO. E. HARE,

V. Pres's.


GEO. FLEMING, The meeting was opened by an address to the throne of Grace by the Rev. Mr. Guest. The object of the meeting was then stated by the President.

Section II. The officers of this Society shall be a President, Vice Presidents, Directors, Secretary, and a Treasurer.

Section III. The President, two Vice Presidents, two Directors, a Secretary and Treasurer, shall be elected annually at a regular meeting on the anniversary of American Independence.

Section IV. The Pastors of Churches who make an annual collection in their respective Churches for the funds of this Society, shall be Vice Presidents thereof.

Article VI. Section 1. The President, Vice When on motion of Dr. Oliver Holmes, Jr. Presidents, Directors, Secretary and Treasur(who enforced the motion with some re-er, shall constitute a Board of Managers. marks,) a committee, was appointed to draft a constitution for the consideration of the meeting.

The following committee was appointed, to wit: Dr. Oliver Homes, Jr. Geo. A. Lyon, George Metzgar, James H. Devor, Esquires, and Mr. Gad Day.

The committee retired for a short time.During its absense James Hamilton Esq. offered the following resolution:

Section II. The Board of Managers, shall meet on the first Tuesday of April, July, October, and January to transact business of the Society and any three of them shall constitute a quorum.

Article VII. Section I. The Secretary shall keep a regular journal of the transactions of the Board of Managers, which he shall report to the regular meetings of the Society. He shall sign all orders upon the Treasurer, Resolved, That every inducement yet and all notices of the Society. He shall keep exists to encourage the friends of Coloniza- a fair and impartial account with every memtion to persevere in their grand and noble ber, and upon the collection of any monies undertaking of planting a colony of free- for the use of the society, he shall transmit it men on the coast of Africa. Which he sup-to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the ported in a number of forcible remarks per- same in a book kept for the purpose, and tinent to the subject. shall perform all such other duties as the nature of his office requires.

The resolution was seconded by Dr. J. Paxton and sustained in a short speech. He was followed by George Metzgar, Esq. the same side, and by A. G. Ege, and Jas. H. Devor. The resolution was adopted.

The committee appointed for that purpose reported a draft of a constitution, which, after one or two slight amendments, was adopted, and is as follows, to wit:

Article I. This society shall be called THE COLONIZATION SOCIETY OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY, and be auxiliary to the American Colonization Society.

Article VIII. The duty of the Treasurer shall be to take charge of the funds of the Society, and keep a regular account of its receipts and expenditures, and at the regular meetings of the Society to report the state of its funds.

Article IX. The President shall have power to call extra meetings of the Society; in case of absence or sickness of the President, one of the Directors may do so.

Article X. This Constitution shall not be altered or amended except at the anniversary meeting of the Society, by a vote of two

Article II. The objects to which its labors shall be devoted, are-First, To pro-thirds of the members present. vide for Colonizing and civilizing Africa through the direct instrumentality of Coloured Emigrants from the United States----and Second, To promote, by all legal and constitutional means, the intellectual and moral improvement of the African race.

Article III. The principles upon which this Society bases its operations, are, peace and temperance in aid of religion, dissuasion from warfare on the part of the Colonists,

The following committee was then, on motion appointed to procure signers of the Constitution, to wit: Dr. Oliver Homes, Jr. Thomas B. Jacobs, Elisha White, J. H. Devor, and Wm. D. Ramsey, Esquires.

Resolved, That the Secretaries furnish each member of the committee with a printed copy of the Constitution.

Resolved, That the proceedings of the meeting be published, and that this meeting



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An adjourned meeting of the Cumberland County Colonization Society, Auxiliary to the American Colonization Society, was held in the Methodist E. Church of this place on Friday the 25th July. The Revd. G. E. Hare, V. P. in the chair. The following order of business was attended to:

1. The Committee to whom had been assigned the duty of soliciting the co-operation of the citizens reported, that they had procured the signatures of about seventy individuals as the result, in some instances, of a partial and hasty effort.

2. On motion, Resolved, That an opportunity be offered to any present to sign the Constitution.

Colonization Society of Lane Seminary; and shall be auxiliary to the American Colonization Society.

ART. 2. Its object shall be to collect and diffuse information upon the subject of Aff can Colonization; to devise means of elevating that long neglected class of our fellowmen, the free coloured population of our country; by contributing to the funds of the parent institution, to aid those who may intelligently decide that it is for their interest and happiness to colonize in Africa, or elsewhere; by calm and dispassionate reasoning, to excite public attention to that odious sin in the sight of God, and foul stain upon our national character, negro slavery; and to endeavour, by kind exhibitions of truth, and appeals to the conscience and the interest of the slave-holder, to effect its speedy termination.

ART. 3. The officers of this society shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall perform the duties usually connected with their respective offices; and an executive committee of six, 3. On motion, Resolved, That this meeting whose duty it shall be to direct the corresgo into an election of officers for the pres-pondence, and manage the general concerns ent year, agreeably to the Constitution of of the society. this Society. When it appeared the following gentlemen were elected:

The Hon. John Reed, President; Mr. Robert Irwin and James Hamilton, Esq. Vice Presidents; Messrs. Gad Day & Andrew Blair, Directors; E. White, Esq. Treasurer, and John F. Hey, Secretary.

4. On motion of G. A. Lyon, Esq. Resolved, That the Secretary address a note, to the ministers of the different churches in this place, requesting them in the name of this Society to take up a collection in their respective churches for the purpose of aiding the Young Men's Colonization Society of Pennsylvania, auxiliary to the American Colonization Society in their noble efforts now making, to provide for the emigration, to Africa, of the One hundred and ten coloured persons, manumitted by Dr. Hawes of Virginia; and that the Secretary be and hereby is authorized and instructed to receive all the monies that may be so collected and that may be on hand for subscriptions or donations, and transmit the same to the Secretary of the Young Men's Colonization Society of Pennsylvania, aux. &c. for the purpose aforesaid.

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5. On motion, Resolved, That a committee be appointed by the chair, to procure subscribers to the Constitution. The following gentlemen were appointed, viz: Drs. L. Foulke and McNally, Messrs. Thos. Hennessy, Jno. Phillips, and W. S. Ramsey.

ART. 4. The society shall hold meetings on the first Wednesday evenings of Novem ber and March, and an annual meeting on the first Wednesday evening of July. The officers shall be chosen annually at the meeting in November.

ART. 5. Any member of Lane Seminary may become a member of this society by subscribing the constitution.

E. S. HUNTINGTON, President.
L. BRIDGMAN, Vice President.
R. L. STANTON, Secretary.
J. H. MATTISON, Treasurer.
Executive Committee.



RICHARD LANDER. The death of Richard Lander, the discoverer of the great geographical problem of the Niger, has added another to the numerous victims who have perished in the attempt to explore the interior of Africa. Accounts brought by the last English packet state that he was murdered by the natives several hunmiles up the river, whither he had gone on a commercial expedition.

The history of African Discovery is a history of unexampled mortality. Since the feeble attempts of the Portuguese and English trading Companies to penetrate into the interior, down through the numerous expe6. On motion, Resolved, That the pro-ditions fitted out by the "African Associaceedings of this meeting be published in the Journals of this place.

7. On motion, adjourned.

JOHN F. HEY, Secretary.

Constitution of the Colonization Society of
Lane Seminary, (O.)

ART. 1. This society shall be called the

tion," and the British Government, how few

two or three at the most of the travellers have survived the journey. Not one has survived a second attempt-Caille and John Lander are still living, though it would not be surprising if they should follow the example of their predecessors and renew their efforts-to share a similar fate. With this


Cairo, in Aushortly after

who penetrated ned to Tripoli,

ton, the British undertook to of the Gambia. ors in the Great nd perished of

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voyage was accompanied by Dr. Morrison,
and Captain Pearce. Their servant Richard
Lander was the only survivor; the others
died successively from the effects of the cli-

Major Laing, the next victim, was assas-
sinated in the Desert.

The French traveller Caille was the immediate predecessor of the Landers on their first and successful journey. He returned in 1828. Their first journey was terminated in 1831. The second has added the name of Richard Lander to this long list of mortality. On looking over, and marking with how few exceptions the attempts of all travellers have been fatal to them; one cannot but wonder at the pertinacious spirit with which the attempts are repeated.--Balt. American.

rk followed. which he comn. He returnabsence of three 1 voyage comrge expedition elted away beof African clieans who starteft, all sick and arked on board on his voyage

ch he was no inty until the Denham ascermurder.

the mean time

Murder of Lander.-There is reason to believe that the savages who murdered Richard Lander, were set on by the more savage slave-traders. These miscreants know that the extension of civilization along the coast of Africa, will put a stop to their abominable traffic, and therefore they evince the most deadly opposition to any and every measure which may open the way to civiliinto Africa;zation. They are very particularly hostile 1810 by disease to the Colonization Society. Lander was d Mr. Nichols, killed about 100 miles above the mouth of the Gulph of the Niger, while on his way, in a long boat, er. A German, to join the iron steam-boat, which he had tched in 1808, sent up a few weeks before; she was to proe reached Mog- ceed about three hundred miles up to a small murdered a few island which he had purchased from the King, and where he had a factory. "They had proceeded about one hundred miles up, the current being strong against them; they were in good spirits, tracking along the shore when they were fired on from the bush; three men were killed, and four wounded, Mr. Lander was one of the latter. They had a canoe of their own, and at the time they were fired on the boat was aground, and, to save themselves, they were obliged to leap into the canoe, and make the best of their way; they were immediately followed by five or six war canoes, full of men, keeping up a continual fire for five hours, until it got dark, when they lost sight of them."-Jour. of Com.

ne set out.

nd Adams, both er. They both

by the British fortunate than A grand enterdivided into two Niger, and one ast commanded former by Major endants. Most ngo expedition e zoologist, the accompanied it r party fared no early; his sucCampbell, soon


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among whom he had laboured, which, we regret, want of space prevents our giving in detail. Among the effects Mr. S. stated to have been produced in the district of Albany by the diffusion of religious feeling, was the annihilation of caste, for now, English, Dutch and Caffers assemble round the Lord's table without distinction of color and condition. Speaking of the religious opinions of the Caffers, Mr. S. said that they imagined that God lived in a cave on the eastern side of the earth, out of which cave the sun comes daily. They believed that men, dogs, elephants, &c., came out of that cave in the order mentioned at the creation. They exposed their aged relatives to death, and Mr. S. related an affecting anecdote of a mother who was bound to a tree in a forest by her own son after escaping twice, and allowed by him to perish, although he could hear her cries for food and water. They believed that one of their number could cause rain; and Mr. S. was obliged to enter into a controversy on the subject with the rain-maker, who, when hard pressed to make rain at a time when the cattle were

dying for want of water, said that the sound of the chapel bell drove the rain away.-After a special prayer meeting for rain by the Caffer Christians, it fell in great abundance. The females were very cruelly treated, until Mr. S. obtained some laws to be passed in their favor, on which, out of gratitude, they gave him the name Kaka labafars; "The Shield of Women." At Graham's Town, Mr. Shaw said, a school for the instruction of native schoolmasters had been established, called "Watson's Institution," for which he collected above £200 in Leeds. The language of the Caffers had been reduced to writing, and part of the Scriptures translated into it; and Mr. S. related, very amusingly the plan he was obliged to adopt to teach the natives the use of letters, which was to call each letter one of his oxen, and its sound or power the name of that ox. Mr. S. concluded by stating that the best mode of making atonement to Africa, for the injury Europeans had inflicted on her, was to send missionaries to teach civilization and Christianity to Africans.— London Patriot.

Belmont county, Ohio, in Crab Apple congregation, by Rev. Jacob Coon,
Chenango Forks, by Rev. Mr. Janau,

Chester county, Pa. Episcopal church of St. Mary,

Delaware, by Rev. W. Matchett,

[ocr errors]

Fairfield, N. J. Rev. Ethan Osborne's congregation,

Fairview, Erie county, Presbyterian church,

Fishkill Landing, by Rev. W. S. Heyer,

Greencastle, Pa. Presbyterian church, by Rev. J. Buchanan,

Hempstead, Long Island, Methodist church,

Homer, N. Y. in Calvary church, by Rev. H. Gregory,


To the American Colonization Society in the month of August, 1834.

Gerrit Smith's First Plan of Subscription.

An Association of Gentlemen in Kanawha county, Va.

Part of Annual Subscriptions in the Millwood Episcopal Church, Frederick county, Va. by Rt. Rev. Bishop Meade,

Alexandria, Pa. Presbyterian church, by Rev. Samuel Wilson,

·Collections from Churches.

Athens, Ohio, Sunday School,

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Baton Rouge, in the Presbyterian church, by P. A. Walker, Elder,

Boardman, Ohio, Episcopal church, by Rev. J. L. Bryan,

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Jefferson county, at Springhill, Methodist church, Miss. Rev. B. M. Drake,



at Fayette


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at Bethell

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Kiskacoquillas, Pa. by Rev. Wm. Annan,

Lancaster county, Lacock's middle Octarora, Presbyterian church, by Rev.
Joseph Barr,

Lewistown, Mifflin county, Meth. Episcopal church, by Rev. S. Keppler, 15
Little Valley, Pa. by Rev. Wm. Annan,

Lynchburg, First Presbyterian church, by Rev. Wm. S. Reid,
Middletown, Pa. Evan. Luth, church, by Rev. A. Reck,

do Conn. in Rev. J. R. Crane's congregation,

Mount Holly, Episcopal church, by Rev. John Buckley,
Milton & Buffaloe congregations, by Rev. T. Hoad, each $5,
Newark, Ohio, by Rev. Wm. Willie,

New Orleans, collection in Methodist church, 1833,
Norfolk, at Methodist Episcopal church, by Rev. W. A. Smith,
Northumberland, Pa. Presbyterian congregation,



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