Abbildungen der Seite


Abolitionists, 339-348.
Academy, the, 74, 75.
Adams, John, death of, 221, 235; mem-
ber of Congress, 148, 156, 157, 292,
298; on independence, 164, 167, 178,
181; on the American army, 192;
President of the United States, 91, 291.
Adams, Samuel, 157.
Adolphus, Gustavus, 14.
Agnew, General, 237, 245.
Allen. Misses, 331.
Allen, Priscilla, 34.

American Association, 160, 161.
American Philosophical Society, hall of,
207, 213, 214; members of, 104, 142,
145, 196, 214, 308, 309; organized, 103,
104 139, 180, 183.
Arnest mansion, 357.

[ocr errors]

Arnold, Benedict, 256, 284, 355.
Arnold, Mrs. See Shippen, Peggy."
Ashburn, Joseph, 275.
Auchmuty, Miss, 251.
Ayres, Captain, 218, 219.

Bache, Richard, 99, 327.
Bache, Mrs. Richard, 99, 327.
Bainbridge, William, 92.
Baltimore, Lord, 12, 16, 29.
Baring, Alexander, 364.
Barton, Thomas, 138, 139.
Bartram, John, 125-134.
Bartram, William, 128.
Bartram cup, 133.

Bartram garden, 125-134.
Bartram house, 126-134.
Bartram station, 125.

Bartram tree, 126.

Belmont, 360-362.

Belt of wampum, 38.

Benezet, Anthony, 70, 71.

British army, at the battle of German-
town, 237, 238, 241-246; at Yorktown,
194; in Philadelphia, 220, 230, 235.
Brooks, Edward, 29, 276.

Budd's Long Row," 28.
Budden, Captain, 87, 217.
Burd, Edward, 357.

Cadwalader house, 230.
Carpenters' Hall, 147-153, 155, 291.
Carroll, Charles, 221, 364.
Caspipina. See Christ Church and St.
Peter's Church.

Centennial Exposition, 153, 373-376.
Charles II., 16, 18, 20, 25.
Charter of Privileges, 46, 47.
Chastellux, François Jean, 194.
Chester, 27, 45:

Chew, Benjamin, 200.
Chew, Harriet, 330.
Chew, "Peggy," 330.

Chew house, in Philadelphia, 195; in
Germantown, 237, 238, 242-244, 247.
Christ Church, erected, 85-92.

Christ Church bells, 209, 216, 217, 287.
Christ Church cemetery, 92.
Christina, 14. 358.

Cincinnati, Society of, 196, 300, 351.
City Hall, 207, 212, 213.
Clay, Henry, 337.
Clay, Jehu Curtis, 83
Claypoole, John, 275, 276.

"Cliffs," the, 355.

Cliveden. See Chew House.

Clunice. See Mount Pleasant.

Coleman mansion. See Woodford.
College of Philadelphia, 104. 302. See
also University of Pennsylvania.
Collin, Nicholas, 82, 83.

Collinson, Peter, 109-112, 127, 132, 133.

Bingham, Mrs. Anne W., 327, 328, 363. Colonial Dames, Society of, 276, 293.

Blewer, Joseph, 83.

Blue Anchor Tavern, 28.

[blocks in formation]

Congress Hall, Adams inaugurated in,
298; location of, 207, 290; restoration
of, 293; tablets, 294; United States
Congress in, 290-292, 300; Washing-
ton inaugurated in, 284, 291, 295-297.

[blocks in formation]

Dale, Richard, 92.
Darrah, Lydia, 229-234.
Darrah, William, 229, 232.
Davis, Isaac, 151.

Declaration House, 182-184.

Declaration of Independence, copies of,
179-182; reading of, 172, 173, 211;
reasons for the, 163–171.
Declaration of Rights, 160, 200.
Delaware River, settlements on the, 11-
17; treaty on the, 13.
Democratic Society, 221.
Devil's Pool, 372.
De Vries, 13.
Dickinson, Anna, 351.

Dickinson, John, in Congress, 155; on
independence, 167, 170; on union, 161,


Dock, Christopher, 71-74.
Donaldson, Thomas, 183, 184.
Duane, William J., 321, 322.
Duché, Jacob, Rev., letter to Washing-
ton, 332; prayer in Congress, 88, 89,
157, 158.

Dutch settlers, 11-17.
D'Yrujo, Chevalier, 297, 331.

Eckley, Sarah, 326, 327.
Edgely. See Randolph.
Ellsworth, Oliver, 213, 298.
English settlers, 11-17.

Fairmount Park, 351-378.
Fairy Hill, 358.

Ferguson, Elizabeth, 332.

Flag, United States, 270-278.
Flag Day, 269, 276.
Flag House, 273-277.
Flags of the colonies, 270.
Flower, Enoch, 67.
Fort Casimir, 15.

Fort Christina, 15.

Fort McHenry, 278.
Fountain Green, 354.

Fournier, Julia Alexia, 337, 338.
Fox, George, 20.

[ocr errors]

Frame of Government," 43. 44. 65.
France offers aid to the colonies, 121.
Franklin, Benjamin, ambassador to
France, 120; and independence, 170,
174, 178, 181; arrival in Philadelphia,
93; death of, 123; elected Postmaster-
General, 119; founds the American
Philosophical Society, 103, 104, 214;
founds the Junto, 100; founds the
Pennsylvania Hospital, 105; founds
the Philadelphia Library, 102, 103;
grave of, 92, 124; in public life, 114-
124, 204; marriage, 99; medals and
degrees, 113; minister plenipoten-
tiary of United States to France,
122; on education, 74, 76, 104; one of
the committee to draft the Declara-
tion, 119, 167; on electricity, 107-113;
plan of confederation, 164; president
of the State, 123; suggests a national
flag, 270.

Franklin, Mrs. Deborah, 93, 96, 99.
Franklin, Francis Folger, 99.
Franklin, Sarah, 99, 327.
Franklin Institute, IIO.
Franklin tree, 357.

Franks, Rebecca, 252, 330, 331.

Genest, Edmund, Citizen, 288.
George, Jesse, 350, 351, 364.
George, Rebecca, 350, 351, 364.
George II., 90.

George III., 173, 175, 217.
George's Hill, 350, 351, 364.
Germantown, founding of, 56-64; bat-
tle of, 235-248.

Germantown Academy, 60.
Gerry, Elbridge, 174.

Girard, Mrs. Mary, 312, 318, 319.
Girard, Stephen, aids in yellow fever
epidemic, 317, 318; arrival in Phila-
delphia, 310; character of, 319, 320,
324; death of, 321, 322; loan to the gov-
ernment, 316, 317; marriage of, 313;
patriotism of, 314; will of, 320-323.
Girard, Stephen, Bank of, 315.
Girard College, 322-325.

Girard statue, at City Hall, 324; at
Girard College, 324.
Godfrey, Thomas, 214.
Goodwin, Abigail, 339.
Graff, Frederick, 373-

Grant, General, statue of, 354.
"Grant's Cabin," 353-

Gratz, Rebecca, 334-337-
"Great Law," 44, 45.

Greene, General, 240, 244-246.

Greenwood, Grace," 332.

Grew, Mary, 343.

Griffiths, Hannah, 332.

[blocks in formation]

Horticultural Hall, 373-376.

Jansen, Reyneir, 60.
Jay, John, 161, 213.
Jay's treaty, 289, 295.

Jefferson, Thomas, 145, 164, 167, 175-
185, 221.

Jeffersonian Democracy, 285.
Jewish Foster Home, 335-337.
Johnson, Sir Henry, 330, 331.
Johnson, Oliver, 340.
Johnson, Thomas, 187.
Jones, John Paul, 278.
Junto Club, 100.

Kearsley, John, 87.

Keimer, Samuel, 95, 97, 98.
Keith, George, 67, 68, 86.

Keith, Sir William, 95-97, 326.

Howe, General, 230-232, 235, 237, 239, Kelpius, John, 369, 371.

242, 245, 250, 255, 256, 284.

Howe, Lord, 120, 248, 254, 257.

Hudde, Andreas, 15.

Hudson, Henry, 12.

Hughes, John, 117, 209, 261.
Humphreys, Charles, 170.
Huntingdon, Samuel, 258.
Hutter, Elizabeth E., 338, 339.

Independence, Declaration of, commit-
tee appointed to draft the, 166, 167;
first mentioned, 164; Pennsylvania
delegates vote for, 170; reading of,
172, 173, 211; signing and engross-
ment of, 172, 173, 205.
Independence, Resolution for, 165, 205.
Independence Hall, Constitution for
Pennsylvania framed in, 200, 206;
Declaration of Independence signed
in, 205; Declaration of Rights con-
firmed in, 200; erection of, 197. 198;
Nonimportation Act signed in, 204;
original charter of Philadelphia in,
207; portraits in, 200, 203, 206; Reso-
lution for independence offered in,
205; restoration of, 199; second Con-
tinental Congress meets in, 200, 205;
tablets in, 201; United States Consti-
tution and, 206, 281; United States
created in, 205; United States flag
and Congress in, 206, 269, 272; Wash-
ington appointed commander in
chief in, 203, 281; welcome to Lafay-
ette in, 221.

Independence Square, 209-211, 220.
Indian Rock, 372, 373.

Indians, 11, 13, 14, 29, 34, 36-42, 209,
286, 360. See also Red Jacket, Tama-
nend, and Tedyuscung.
Irving, Washington, 337.
Irwin, William, 92.

Israel, Hannah, 328, 329.

Key, Francis Scott, 278.

Key, John, 35.

Kinnersley, Ebenezer, 104, 113, 214.
Kitchen's Lane, 371.

Knox, General, 194, 243, 296.
Kuhn, Dr., 302.

Lafayette, Marquis de, 121, 191, 192,
206, 221, 282, 352.
Lancaster, Joseph, 76.
Lancasterian schools, 322.
Lansdowne, 349, 363, 364, 374.
Lee, Charles, 92.

Lee, Richard Henry, 161, 165-168, 179-
181, 205, 219.
Leeds, Daniel, 35.
Lemon Hill, 349, 352.
Leslie, Eliza, 332.
Letitia House. See Penn House.
Lewes, Delaware, 13.
Liberty Bell, 214-220.
Lincoln, Abraham, 42. 345.
Lincoln monument, 351, 352.
Livezy's Lane, 371, 372.
Livingston, R. R., 167.
Loe, Thomas, 20, 22.
Logan, Mrs. Deborah, 331.
Logan, James, 102, 130, 332.
Lotus Inn, 370.
Louis XV., 113.
Louis XVI., 121, 123.
Lover's Leap, 369.
Loxley house, 230.
Ludwig, Christopher, 222-229.
Luzerne, M. de la, 195.
Lynch, Mr., 270.
Lyon, Pat, 150, 151.

McClintock, Mary, 346.
McDowell, Annie E., 333.
McKean, Sally, 331, 333.

McKean, Thomas, 169, 170, 173, 220.

McLane, Allen, 241, 255.
MacPherson, John, 355, 356.
Madison, Mrs. Dolly, 331.
Madison, James, 202, 296, 316.
Makin, Thomas, 68, 69.

Markham, William, 27, 36, 47, 48.
Marshall, John, 221, 299.
Mathew, Theobald, 364.
Mead, William, 23, 24.
Memorial Hall, 373-375.
Mennonites, 57, 58.
Meredith, Hugh, 97, 98.
Mey, Cornelis Jacobsen, 12, 13.
Mifflin, Thomas, 223, 359.
Minuit, Peter, 14.

Mischianza, 248-257, 330, 332.
Mom Rinker's Rock, 370.
Monastery, the, 371.

Moore, Esther, 339.

Morgan, Dr. John, 328.

Morgan, Mary, 328.

Morris, Mrs. Mary, 260, 268.

Penn, Mrs. Hannah Callowhill, 41, 326.
Penn, John, grandson of William Penn,

Penn, John, cousin of the grandson of
William Penn, 366.

Penn, John, the American, 54, 326.
Penn, Letitia, 326.

Penn, William, accepts Friends' doc-
trines, 21, 23; arrival at Philadelphia,
28, 30; becomes proprietor of Penn-
sylvania, 25; death of, 55; early life,
18-24; government of, 42-47; in
France, Italy, England, Ireland, Hol-
land, Germany, 21, 22, 24, 25; and In-
dians, 36-40, 326; in prison, 23, 24, 55;
marriage of, 24; Philadelphia and,
47-55; returns to England, 52-54.
Penn and Fairmount Park, 348, 351, 354.
358, 364.

Penn and Logan, correspondence of,

Penn Charter School, 68-70.

Morris, Robert, 92, 170, 194, 198, 235, Penn Day, 29.

258-269, 273, 352.

Morton, John, 170.

Penn House, 53, 366.

Penn National Bank, 182, 183.

Mother St. John. See Fournier, Julia Penn statue on City Hall, 55.


[blocks in formation]

Norris, Deborah, 211, 327.

Norris, Isaac, 202, 216, 217.

North America, Bank of, 262, 263.

"Onas." See Penn, William.
Ormiston, 355-357.

Paoli, massacre of, 235, 241.

Penn statue in Fairmount Park, 370.
Penn's treaty with the Indians, 36-40.
Pennsbury, 41, 54. 55.

Pennsylvania, becomes a State, 213;
Constitution of, 43, 44, 200, 206; first
seal of, 45; naming of, 25, 26; set-
tlers of, 30-36.

Pennsylvania, Bank of, 149-151, 202.
Pennsylvania, University of. See Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania Abolition Society, 345.
Pennsylvania Farmer." See Dickin-
son, John.


"Pennsylvania Gazette," 98, 103, 107.
Pennsylvania Hospital, 105, 228, 308,
319, 322.

Pennsylvania Peace Society, 346.
Pennypacker's Mills (Schwenksville),

239, 246.

Perkiomen Creek, 238, 246.

Peters, Judge Richard, 360, 361.

Peters, William, 360.

Philadelphia Library, 90, 102, 103, 148,
198, 332.

Paper mill, first in Pennsylvania, 60, Philadelphia Normal School, 75, 76.


Paper Mill Run, 369.

Pastorius, Francis Daniel, founder of
Germantown, 56-64.

Payne, Dolly. See Madison, Mrs. Dolly.
Peale, Charles Wilson, 193, 214, 272.
Pendleton, Edmund, 186.

Penn, Admiral William, 18, 20, 21, 24.
Penn, Mrs. Gulielma Maria, 24.

Philadelphia Tea Party, 210, 218.
Philippe, Louis, 360.

Physick, Philip Syng, 92, 357.
'Plain Truth," 99.
Plockhoy, Cornelisz, 59.
Polly, 210, 218, 219.

Poor Richard's Almanac," 100, 107.
Preston, Margaret, 326.
Prince, Armgard, 325.

[blocks in formation]

Randolph, 354, 357.

Randolph, Peyton, 92, 157.

School management, first treatise on, in
United States, 72, 73.

Schute, Swan, 358.

Schuyler, Fort, 278.

Scott, Sir Walter, 337-

Scott, General Winfield, 331.

Read, Deborah. See Franklin, Mrs. Sedgley, 349, 353-


Red Jacket, 286.

Redmond, Mary, 329.

Reed, Esther, 329.

Reed, Joseph, 155, 329, 355, 356.
Revere, Paul, 155, 157, 219.
Rising, John, 15.

Rittenhouse, David, birthplace of, 135,
370; clockmaker, 138, 139, 213, 293;
death of, 146; degrees conferred upon,
145, 146; early life, 135-138; first
director of the Mint, 145; first pro-
fessor of astronomy in University of
Pennsylvania, 144; first State trea-
surer of Pennsylvania, 144; invents the
first hygrometer in America, 142; in-
vents the orrery, 140, 141; observes the
transit of Venus and Mercury, 139,
140; personal appearance, 146; presi-
dent of the American Philosophical
Society, 145, 214; surveyor, 142-145.
Rittenhouse, Nicholas, 135.
Rittenhouse, William, 135, 370.
Rittenhouse town, 369.
Roberts, Hugh, 364.

Rochambeau, Count de, 194, 196, 264.
Rockland, 355, 356.

Rodney, Cæsar, 169–171.
Rogers, Mr., 99.

Ross, Betsy, 269-277.

Ross, Colonel George, 273, 274.
Ross, John, 274.

Royal Charlotte, 209, 218.

Royal Society of Europe, 109, 112, 113.
Rush, Benjamin, aids in yellow fever epi-
demic, 306, 307; and David Ritten-
house, 138, 143; birth of, 300; death of,
310; education, 301, 302; grave of, 92,
310; medals and degrees, 308; on edu-
cation, 305; on independence, 303, 304;
philanthropy of, 304; religion of, 309;
treasurer of United States Mint, 308.
Rush, Phoebe Ann, 333, 334.
Rutledge, Edward, 169.
Rutledge, John, 213.

Sa-go-ya-wat-ha. See Red Jacket
St. John, Hector, 128.

St. Joseph, Sisters of, 338.

St. Peter's Church, 88, 216.
School, first, in Philadelphia, 66, 67.
School, public grammar, first, in Phila-
delphia, 67, 68.

Shays's Rebellion, 295.
Sherman, Roger, 167.
Shield, the, 25.

Shippen, Edward, 330, 356.
Shippen," Peggy," 257, 330, 355, 356.
Sidney, Algernon, 21, 42.
Skippack Creek, 239.
Slate Roof House, 53.
Slavery, first protest against, in the
United States, 63.
Smith, Thomas, 35.
Smith, William, 75, 124, 141, 363.
Solitude, 349, 366, 376.
Sons of the Revolution, 284.
Southwark, 249.

Sower, Christopher, 61-63.
Sower Bible, 61.
Spence, Dr., 109.

Springett, Gulielma Maria. See Penn,
Mrs. Gulielma Maria.
Sprogel, Ludowick C., 87.
Stamp Act, 116, 117, 156, 209, 218; re-
peal of the, 118, 217, 218.
Stamp Act Congress, 218.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 346.
Statehouse. See Independence Hall.
Statehouse yard. See Independence

Stenton house, 191, 237, 332.

Stephens, General, 240, 244, 245, 247.
Steuben, Baron de, 121, 355, 360.
Stewart, Deborah McClenahan, 327,

Strawberry Mansion, 358.
Stretch, Peter, 198.
Stuart, Gilbert, 330.
Stuyvesant, Peter, 15, 16.
Sugar Act, 217.

Sullivan, General, 194, 240–242, 244, 245,

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