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1. brothscoa .i. ins(pre) :::: ind[f]airrce docum ti(re). cannán .i. : cormaic h.: cannan nomen eius 7 is de rocumdaiged .i. : : dar tairr: :: tha and. No ciscilium .i. bræ .i. cilium ciumais [?] inbrae. ciscilium infinua [?]glenas fair 7..... sís 7 quod uerius est 7:: ciped díb sein (hé ní m)iste lapatraic in comparatione diuine legis. lón (gl. annonam). andodáiled (gl. propinansque). sailti (gl. condita, verba, n. pl.). cnaithe (gl. essaeque, n. pl. f.). airid (gl. arat).

fo. 2b. rechtaire 1. toibgeoir 1. comarba arissed adeir círine in epistola de gradibus romanorum :: ::: uicarius fer bis (dar)esi comitis forsin cathraig cén cotí in comit(atu cum re)ge uicarius dei essom (gl. uicarium). imluadid (gl. tractat). mor ní cretes

legem sacri nominis quod est trinitas (gl. quam legem in trinitate sacri credit nominis). celebrad cech tratha (gl. sine intermissione orat). ar isi brigit maire nangoidel (gl. uirginem marie sancte similem).

fo. 3a. uel iura ischoir (gl. laudes). brigit and cororecrad don merita tís (gl. sancta). commadhé so cóir indlíne .i. perfectionem promisit quam uiriliter impleuit (gl. perfectionem quam promisit v.i.). comad he so dana .i. dictis atque factis fecit (gl. dictis et fecit factis). necessitas metri tuc sund iuda sech iudea (gl. Iuda). unde diriuatur hoc nomen nin. ondí asclauis. clauicula uadside. ris farside condenand clauuicularis us fairside 7 .s. de condenand clauicularius de 7 iscubaid afail hic quia etc. (gl. clauuiculari).

Conn. Cannan was its name, and it was made of the cilcas [long coarse hair] which grew on the bellies* of the animals that weret killed there. Or ciscilium i.e. eyelid i.e. cilium is the edge of the eyelid. ciscilium the hair that adheres to it and breaks it ‡, and this is more true. But whichever of these it may be it does not matter for Patrick in comparison of the divine law.' lón-lóon, loon (gl. adeps) Z3. 24. dodáiled 3d sg. pret. pass. of dodálim (gl. fundo) Z3. 1026. sailti n. pl. neut. of sailte part. pret. pass. of saillim (gl. sallio) Z. 430, sallim (gl. condio) LU. cnaitha part. p. p. of a verb perhaps cogn. with kváw, kvaiw. airid 3d sg. absolute form of the pres. indic. act. of araim cogn. with ápów, aro, Goth. arjan.

fo. 2b. rechtaire etc. a steward or a tax-gatherer or a successor : for this is what Jerome says in ep. de gr. rom. that vicarius is the man after (or in place of) the comes over the city, although he go not in the king's retinue. God's vicarius is he (scil. Patrick).' imluadid a MiddleIrish form (the Old-Irish was immluadi gl. exagitat, Ml. 33d): cf. imluadad (gl. iactabat) Z2. 876, imluatis (gl. trachtabant) Ml. 616. mor ní cretes a great thing that he believes,' celebrad etc. celebration of every (canonical) hour.' arisi etc. for she, Brigit, is the Mary of the Goidil' see Todd, Lib. Hymn. 64.

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fo. 3a. is choir for as chóir that is proper' (scil. to be read for laudes). brigit &c. B. here, so that it may answer to the merita below.'

串 leg. 'over the belly.' † leg. 'animal that was.' Dr. Todd read brisis.

fo. 3b. natogarmanna 1. nafortachta (gl. aduocamina). isindroi 1. isindergail (gl. scammate). ós lampadis interpretatur .i. araheólcha 7 arebas aerlabra (gl. oris lampadis). pilippi dechoin sein 7 ise sein ármes cummain inter apostolos (gl. Pilippi). érnem preces (gl. impendamus, Bartholomei nutibus). mac de iarfir astas nausciisnanélaib. Ite nausci iarsians naforcetla. Ité isindníul inforcetlaide (gl. nati pendentis aequora in nubibus). inmainchista quia fiscus inuenitur .i. cis[ta] fiscalis vel fiscalis cista (no)feda(d) cista .i. ic tobuc[h] c(isa) dorig indomuin nobíd (gl. fiscali, Mathei quoque fiscali a munere). cind[iud] fair frisinniacob toisech (gl. Iacobi cominus). dedenchu tanic cocrist quam predictus 7 suind rogabtha inhierusalem (gl. subnixi alterius). tarsnahuillib talmannaib ar sen tra feb noscríbenn et sic (haud r)ecte per tellura .i. rura (gl. per tellura). dana (gl. Abgoro). in sua regione uel sua ciuitate 7 sillab fortormaig hicorp (gl. suapte). conortinóltar (gl. locemur, Sorte preelecti Madiani meritis Siti locemur celorum in editis).

commadhé etc, 'the line rightly may be this.' comad he, &c. 'it may, now, be this.' tuc sund &c. 'put here Juda in place of Judea.' nin. &c. 'not hard (to tell): from clavis: from this (comes) clavicula: -ris (is put) on this so that clavicularius is made: -us on this and s from it, so that clavicularius is made thereof, and what is here is fitting.' Note the passive sense here of the consuetudinal form dénand.


fo. 3. b. togarmanna acc. pl. of togairm, a neut. n-stem (do-fo-gar-man): in Old-Irish the acc. pl. would have been togarmann, Z2. 270. fortachta acc. pl. of fortacht' auxilium.' roi dat. sg. of roe arena, a combat,' also in the Félire, Feb. 14. ergail cf. luid ergail dar ergail, Three Fragments, 52. ara heólcha &c. for his knowledge and for the goodness of his eloquence,' ebas for fhebas. Pilippi dechoin &c. 'a deacon that, and he it is that Cumain counts among the Apostles.' érnem 1 pl. imperative active. The verbal noun éirniud occurs infra 116. mac dé etc.' (it is) the Son of God of a truth, that retains the waters in the clouds. waters, according to the meaning, are the teachings. The teachers are in the cloud.' inmainchista 'the treasure-chest.' nofedad etc. 'he used to bear a chest, i.e. collecting tribute for the king of the world. he used to be' with no-fedad cf. nofeidtis (gl. efferebantur), immefedat (gl. circumferunt) supra, pp. 42, 44. cindiud etc. 'a marking out of (lit. on) him (James the Less) from the first James,' scil. the son of Zebedee. dedenchu etc. later he came to Christ than the aforesaid (scil. James son of Zebedee) and.... they were taken in Jerusalem.' The word suind is obscure to me. rogabtha is the 3d pl. pret. pass. not singular, as Dr. Todd renders it (Lib. Hymn. 77). The glossographer seems to refer to the tradition that both the Jameses were martyred in Jerusalem. tarsnahuillib &c. ' over all the lands, for that now is the way he used to write, et sic' &c. dana (MS. dã) 'bold,' the glossographer's rendering of Abgorus (akbar), Todd, Lib. Hymn. 77. 7 sillab etc. and a syllable of excess in the text' fortormaig gen. sg. of fortórmach: or is it a verb in the 3d sg. pres. indic. act. conortinóltar for co-n-ro-tinóltar 'let us be assembled': tinolta (gl. locata) Ml. 5r. do-r-inól (gl. locasse) 51a. aratinolatar (gl. ne implicentur) Ml. 55°. tinola (colligat) &c. Z2. 884.


fo. 4a. xiiii. indá apstal déc .i. paulus 7 stefanus quamuis non sit apostolus 7 conabad hé commaine doberad marcum 7 lucam híc. no masuhé dorat is .uiii. ualida asmaith and (gl. bina septim ualida). amal bid tre ermúru .1. tre cathcliatha (gl. ut per propugnacula).


fo. 6a. cóirtus hinair imlibáir (gl. tonicam fecerat). cenúaim and etir (gl. per totum textam).

Christi mater

fo. 6b. innabriad gránna (gl. pirae dirae, gen. sg.). acomchanam (gl. concinentes).

fo. 7a. na hirgde (gl. primi, tunc magi stellam secuti primi adorant paruulum). unde quidam dixit

Melchar tidnachtaid indoir

caspar tucc intus dimoir
patifarsat tuc in mir maith
conastarat dond riglaith.

arachumbri natuce mirram .l. nithalla and in uersu (gl. offerentes tus et aurum) cest cia lín namacraide roches sund laheróid. nin. duo milia .c. x. ut gregorius manifestat in sacramentario (gl. paruos). berar (gl. refertur). arroforbair (gl. adultus). innahi nach fessa (gl. quae latent). nahi rofessa (gl. quae leguntur). arna uisci lestraib (gl. idris). anbad fodailte :: h :: ir:: (gl.

fo. 4a. indá etc. Stephen quamvis &c.

the twelve apostles i.e. [leg. and] Paul and And it may not have been Commaine that put Marcus and Lucas. Or if it was he that put them, it is octo valida' that is right there.' amal bid etc. as it were by ramparts or battlefences.' ermuru, cathcliatha acc. pl. of ermúr, cathcliath. fo. 6a. cóirtus &c. 'an arrangement of a very long tunic.' I suppose cóirtus to be the same as cortas, which P. O'Connell explains by 'meetness,' 'fitness,' 'propriety.' inair gen. sg. of inar Ir. Glosses No. 29. cenúaim &c. without a seam therein at all.' uaim 7 cumu 7 druinuchus sewing and cutting-out and embroidery,' 2 SM. 154.

fo. 6b. innabriad g. of the horrible pyre.' briad must be the gen. sg. of a stem in d or t, which I have not met elsewhere. gránna= grandai (gl. truces) 8a is glossed by tetri, tetras Gild. Lor. 78, 64. The Welsh graen 'rough' is perhaps cognate.

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fo. 7a. na irgde would be in Old-Irish ind airigdi nom. pl. masc. of airegde (principalis) Z. 765, compar. airegdu Z2. 276, derived from aire gen. airech princeps.' Melchar etc. M. the giver of the gold: C. brought the vast frankincense: P. brought the good myrrh, so that they gave them to the royal Lord.' conastarat (=con-as-do-a-rat) is a good example of an infixed pronoun (as) indicating the subject, while the object is indicated by the a in the penult. ar a chumbri etc. 'for the brevity of it he did not give mirra, or it does not fit there in the verse.' cest &c. 'question, what is the number of the children that suffered here by Herod ? not hard to say, 2140 &c.' uiscilestraib dat. pl. of uiscilestar watervessel.' fodailte part. pret. pass. of fodalim, whence fodali (gl. inpertis) Ml. 39c. an bad (quod fuit). fodlat (discernunt), fodlaidi (distribuendus). amal fo-n


propiñando). fit poculum ..... culum lestar (gl. poculo). Nobith bínus 7 quinus secundum ueteres. Nunc hautem bini 7 quini ut priscianus dicit (gl. quino). crom (gl. curuus), fiach (gl. coruus). anus ómiasaiged indule buden. unde discus diriuatur .i. mias (gl. discumbente). óchaiphas hautem rofaidedsom (gl. mi(s)si). airgaibthair (gl. tenetur). natacrai dorata forcrist (gl. obiecta) arbatocrad doside nomen regis (gl. cesaris). nasaile (gl. sputa). nasraigle (gl. flagra).

fo. 76. Quatuor ligna fuerunt in cruce christi cedir acos 7 cupris atenga 7 gius ingeind doratad trethe 7 bethe inclar inroscribad

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d-ro-dil (ut divisit). lestar 'a vessel' W. llestr. nobith 'erat.' anius etc. Dr. Todd reads ani etc. and translates the thing from which the whole company was served.' I think the contraction for us is plain after ani. If so, the meaning is probably he received perpetual praise (jugem laudem) (for the) splendour with which the whole troop was served at table' anius 7 aibinnius 7 longad 7 tomailt, Seirgl. Conc. mias=mensa. ochaiphas &c. from Caiaphas, however, he was sent.' na tacrai, etc. the charges that were brought against [lit. given on] Christ.' tacrai acc. pl. of tacrae supra p. 15. arba etc. for an insult to him was the name of Christ. tocrad (do-fo-ad-gar-ad?) occurs in the preface to Sechnall's hymn, cited by Dr. Todd Lib. Hymn 30 from the Lebor Brecc: ar in tocrad dorat sechnall for patraic .i. fo fer patraic minbad oen .i. a laget pritchas deircc 'from the insult which S. put (lit. gave) on P. i.e.' a good man is Patrick, were it not for one (thing) to wit, that he preaches charity so little.' saile acc. pl. cognate with saliva. sraigle acc. pl. of sraigell LU. 33., which is supposed to be borrowed from Lat. flagellum, as seib, senester, slechtaim, sorn, srian, suist, respectively from Lat. faba, fenestra, Alecto, furnus, fustis: cf. for the change of initial ƒ to s, French senegré, Cat. sinigrec=foenum graecum, Cat. sivella fibula (Diez. Gramm. i. 264) and cf. the Sicilian sciamma, sciume Ital. fiamma, fiume (ib. 197). But quaere whether in some of these Irish words the s may not represent an Old-Celtic th, Gr. 0, Indo-European DH. That a sound like the sharp English th existed in Gaulish seems certain, see Z3. 77, where Thirona (the Th expressed by a barred D) Sirona is quoted.


fo. 7b. cedir, etc. cedar its shaft, and cypress its tongue, and pine the wedge that was put across it, and box the board whereon the title was written.' So in H. 3. 18, p. 5, lower margin,

Ceithre fedha fath gin gheis

i croich mic dé dia fégmais
cedir cupris is gíus gann

bethe bán imbúi inscribhenn.


Cedir in chos feibh adcúas

gíus in crann boi etarbhúas
a tenga ba cupris cain
ba bethe clar a titail.

incnái, etc. the silken vesture, a kind of goodly raiment is that.' cnái is also found in 1 SM. 174, 176. im marb-chnai narmaige for a dead (man's) vesture of a battlefield' (ármag=OW. airma). dorat etc. 'he gave the grace of the Holy Spirit to them on the day of Little Easter (Low Sunday,' Dr. Todd). na ro-thoimnide etc. 'that it be not supposed that it is two things or four things, but three things semper :? treada=0. Ir. tréde. cumtach etc. an active construction for (the) passive which is here,' i.e., I suppose, docemur is to be translated as if it were docemus.

intitul (gl. crucem). incnái sericda .i. cenele étaig maith sein (gl. uellus sericum; 'quo candore claritatis uellus uicit sericum'). dorat rath inspirta nóeb foraib dia minchasc (gl. dat diuinum spiritum). narothoimnide combad deda 1. cetharda acht treada semper (gl. trinitatis uinculum) cumtach gnéthigi dochestaig fil híc ut priscianus dicit (gl. docemur, 'qua docemur nos futuri sempiterna secula').

fo. 8a. in marg. cailech (gl. gallus). cel (gl. omen). scaraim frisincél ara adétchi (gl. abominor). grandai (gl. truces).

fo. 11a. genitor .i. intadbulsi(1)aid (gl. prositor). æternus .i. sinithir nanaimser .i. siniu 7 toisech diar tempora (gl. uetustus, dierum). cenathar 1. cenbunad (gl. absque origine). in iris chathalacda ...... 7 for a inchaib ... bse (gl. salua fide).

fo. 116. Isaire rosechmall hiruphín 7 saraphin sechnahí aile arite atasia odoinib iarnetargnu 7 atreb. Iseatso .i. na .ix. ǹgradsa .i. angeli archangeli uirtutes potestates principatus dominationes troni hiruphim 7 saraphim (gl. Bonos creauit angelos ordines et archangelos). sine operatione .i. antach no dímain cenmaine doérniud (gl. otiosa). narémiada 7 nahonoire .i. cechgrad osailiu i. quasi priuata lex (gl. preuigilia, leg. preuilegia). onmórgnim 1. inmorgnethed .i. commór (gl. magnopere). ond aisnes sochmai .i. onmolad sochmai doberat aingil dicentes sanctus sanctus sanctus dominus (gl. possibili fatimine). ingnee (gl

fo. 8a. For cailech leg. caillech. cel leg. cél=O.W. coil, O. Norse heill, v. supra p. 55. scaraim etc. 'I separate from the augury for its abomination, adétchi acc. sg. of adétche (adetge laisin ugdur, 2 SM. 94); cf. adeitchethar (gl. detestatur), Ml. 50a, adéitchidi (gl. detestabilia) Ml. 74°. grandai v. supra 66.

fo. 11a. int adbul-silaid the great sower.' sinithir etc. nan aimser 'the senior of the times,' i.e. elder and chief to our tempora.' sinithir compar. of sen 'sen-ex,' formed like the Gr. comparatives in τερος. siniu =Lat. senior. cenatha[i]r &c. 'without father or without foundation.' iniris etc. in Catholic faith ..... and on its protection let me be.' roibse (as I conjecture) may be the 1st sg. imperative of búi.

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fo. 11b. is aire etc. this is why he omitted Seraphim and Cherubim from the others, because they are farther from human beings as to cognition and abode. These are, to wit, the nine ranks i.e. angels' &c. sia (W. hwy) compar. of sir (W. hir) 'long,' which Siegfried equated with Lat. sērus. antach etc., lazy or idle, without bestowing treasures,' dimain cf. aes dimain' idlers' Cogad G. & G. 66, dimaines (gl. uanitas) Gild. 10. na rémiada etc. 'the privileges and the honours; i.e. each rank over the other:' rémiada acc. pl. of rémiad a compound of ré, ria ante' and míad 'honour' ailiu dat. sg. n. of aile. ón morgnim etc. from the great deed, or energetically, i.e. greatly, i.e. from the powerful expression, i.e. from the powerful praise which the angels give dicentes &c.' inmorgnethed, for inmorgnéthid by progressive assimilation, an adverb formed like inchorpdid (corporaliter) etc. Z. 608. sochmai, the opposite of dochma .i. neamhchumhachta, O'Cl. Gl., occurs as a subst. meaning 'power' in the Scéla na Esérge is[s]ochma do dia corocumtaige.... cech nadmat 'there is

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