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70d dummaichisiu (gl. comminisceris).

716. an itirnuara .i. an anas (gl. refrigiscente, memoria). sechis arnalobraigedar (gl. ne languescat). dorogab (gl. commisserat). dufichi (gl. uindicantem). sechis ní dilgai (gl. nec condonas).

71c. inrulobraiged (gl. sit infirmatus). duthluchimse (gl. efflagito).

72c. dururgab (gl. depromsit: cf. codururgaib, 33r, p. 29, supra. 73a. adcobra (gl. ambit). inárbana (gl. excluditur, leg. -nar ?). 736. duarchiuir (gl. redemit). runuaibrigestar (gl. profanauerat). coines (gl. deplorantem).

73c. adgreínn (gl. persequitur). frisndorchaichther (gl. obtenebrari, uidetur aer). duimmaircthese (gl. coartabar). coní fodmainse (gl. né perpeterer). coroissid (gl. ut soluatur).

73d. ní digebtar (gl. nulla, permotatione, eximentur).

74a. lase asrulensat (gl. profanando). arufáilsigset (gl. puplicantes). adgladathar (gl. adloquitur, 83a gl. conuenit).

746. arangabsat (gl. cum tenuerunt eum). andureracht (cum surrexit). ní dimicthi (non despicienda, potentia). cunic cid (gl. quippe possit). nadnagursa (gl. quod neminem me timere... profeteor). nad nagathar (gl. non timere). mitnimret (gl.


74c. duacradat (gl. exacerbantur, cf. doracráid gl. exacerbavit, Z. 462).

75a. demniget (gl. commoniunt). coadroilliusa (gl. ad merendum).

756. hambertaigt[h]er (gl. uibratur). dorochóinte (gl. de qua disperetur). caraid (diligit). carthar (diligitur).

75d. rometatar léri rechto (gl. proditores religionis).

76a. ni conroemi (gl. non tangeret). nephreptanaigthet (gl. inmedicabilem). nephícthe (gl. inmedicabilem). duninchanat (gl. incantare).

76b. dudailter (gl. exauritur: cf. dundaleter gl. exhauriri, pocula, 101c.)

76d. damsa bed gabthi (gl. ad capiendum me). nadlecetar (gl. negatos, quaerent cibos).

77a. co asberthae (gl. diceretur). donaib scithaib (gl. defessis). inna tragdai 1. innan goite (gl. fossorum).

776. arasissetar (gl. fedeles). follatar (gl. regi).

77d. lase orotáircissiu (gl. conferendo). duber ainm fíno (dat nomen vini). amal nad fulaing nech mescai ind fino síc ní fulgamni etc. (sicut non tolerat quis ebrietatem vini, sic non toleramus nos etc.). amal nad fulgam in mescáid fíno ní fulgam in plaig indancomairléceni ada (sicut non toleramus ebrietatem vini, non toleramus plagam in qua nos relinques, o deus!). inda roncomarlecisni a de maninsoeraeni ádá (gl. simili effectu). adcethe (gl. ut. . uideretur). frisnorgar (gl. afficitur).

* Cf. du míimbirt (gl. ad decipiendum) Z2. 864.


+ With this and nephrepthae M1. 58a, M. Nigra puts do frebaid i. du íc (gl. remedio) MI. 58.

78a. cartar (gl. diligi, quos). lase adruspen (gl. iurando). 786. dumenammar (gl. opinari, doménarsa 'putavi' Z3. 450). 78c. lasse nundundaingnichfe (gl. cum... nos... munieris). 78d. lasse fungensa (gl. seruiendo). duneltis (gl. deuiare). ciadu[n]fuarraidni (gl. si nos ateratis, leg. atteratis cf. dufuarr gl. deterere, Ml. 48°).

79a. tosigachtaigimse .i. sech is duairsiur ón (gl. pendo). huare donairissiur (gl. ideo susteneo).

796. arnach netarscara (ne quis separet).

79c. sommaigter (gl. ditari, illos). dundabdurgathar (gl. inritari, uos).

79d. nocaraim dia són (gl. modus dilectionis meae). sechis rogas (gl. delatare, potest, leg. dilatare).

80a. nondammetar (gl. saginari). géldae (gl. depasci, animalia dicuntur). lase folilsat (gl. inimici talia sustenendo, fulang 'sustinere').

806. dudurgaithe (gl. inritabatur).

80d. comadassaigidir (gl. accommodat, comadas Z2. 994). 81c. ol etirfolcai (gl. interluit). imdaigfid (gl. uberabitur). 82a. dummidethar (gl. adpendit).

826. inlínaigthi (gl. inretiti, inlinaigetar Z2. 439).

82c. intaidchoirte as in do[i]ri (gl. reuersorum).


82d. innaní sétaigte (gl. uiantium, sét ‹ via ').

836. cid nundedais (gl. ut tabescere iam uelit quos fugere petierat). inda cudussceulat (gl. quam experiantur).

83c. innan dilechtae (gl. pupillorum). aschúndarlaig (gl. disrupit).

83d. arachoided (gl. inpedientis). asrindid (gl. explicauit*). 846. duroscaifet (gl. antistabunt).

84c. rorois (gl.nutauit, roisses M1, 18, roissid 21a, noroissitis 35o). 101c. fotchridigthersu (gl. praecingere). olnach diagarni (gl. non uindicando).

101d. erbertae biuth (gl. uescendi).

112a. cotnerbat (gl. confidet). ní diubarar (gl. non priuatur). 1126. an adcladat (gl. aucupantes, cf. acluid, aclaið 2 SM. 82, 242).

112c. dotemfetsu (gl. uindicabunt, i.e. te). addanigfea (gl. remuneraturum esse).

113c. fommamaigedar (gl. subigerit, cf. fomámugud subiectio). 118. Ps. xxxv. frecre la dauid anísiu amal duberad nech do hi ceist cid ar in potabis tuicais hi sunt cid arna bu son inchoissised longud 1. ithi rl. dobirt and nin. amal asned as soirbem 7 forna fil erchot inerbirt riathar inna dige 7 duesemar an imbed immalle sic donesemar cenerchot 7 conimbiud fortacht dæ donaib do[i]nib sainemlaib. is deithbir cia duindnastar anisin huaitsiu a dæ ol dauid quoniam apud te rl. (gl. torrente uoluptatis tuae

* cf. crist as rúna rindaid (Christi mysteria explicavit) supra p. 15. + co-tn-erba, cf. mi-tn-imret, Ml. 74°.


potabis eos.. pro summa felicitate reficies ut affluentiam et facilitatem largitionis diuinae pariter indicaret potus nomine quo nihil est in ussu nostro facilius).*

122d. arna dimicedar (gl. ne inhonoret). folina (gl. supplet). 123a. innan derscaigthe (gl. praestantium). doroigad (electus est). roloisc (gl. ussit).

1236. conarracht (cum uenit).

126c. bes tuarti (gl. proterendum). cairdigter (gl. foederari). in nephchathaigthe .i. in nephchoachtae ón (gl. inbellem, populum), ducrechubsa (gl. demoliar).

126d. bid tedbarthi (gl. offerenda, securitas). daruellsat huasetaib ón (gl. quique uenalem fecerant sacerdotii dignitatem). 1296. forcongarar (praecipitur). remifogrigther (gl. praecinitur). 130a. iarmurusudigestar (gl. postposuit). adchondeimnea (gl. consuit). dunairrcea (gl. potest ferre).

1306. arrunert (gl. cohortatus). conetaitis (ut inveniant).

130c. torrimi (gl. sermone prosequitur). assidbeir (hoc dicit), tairberthae (gl. incuruatum obpresumque). condírgebadar (gl. correcturum). sechis durairngert són (gl. quae designauerat). donimmarthae (gl. meruit castigari).

131a. asingaib (gl. excedens). ararubartatar biuth (gl. fretos). mani airissedar (si non obstat). an aramroet dia (gl. deo excipiente, i.e. me). asindbelainse (gl. interire, me passus sit).

131c. aranosailcter (gl. reserrari, portas). ar congaib (quia continet). inna caintinscantai (gl. bene coepta).

131d. comimmaircide (gl. competens). co áistacethe (gl. perluceat). ni beinn (non essem).

132a. is airi rouctha in doiri (ideo ducti sunt in captivitatem). ciaridrogat side dímsa doguidisiu adae (gl. aduersus dicta regis). 132c. remelluid (gl. praeeunte).

133d. nosnertat (gl. cohortantur sé).

136a. dírgetar (gl. exuantur, omni spe). anéitside aepert cluinte (gl. audibile dei per aures indicat). isligde 7 huimligte on (gl. familiare iustis est inclenare merita sua).

209. [Ps. lxxix.] issí ciall gaibes intestiminso corici aliter .i. is dosaidisiu for hirubinaib condárbais frecñdarcus du fortachtae dunaib trebaibso dia soirad .i. triub effraim rl. 7 is fo forngartaid tra fosin dutiagar á manifestare fil isind salm. Issí immorro inso in chiall hua aliter sís .i. is dosaidisiu adæ for hirubinaib dothoisigecht 7 choimdinecht donaib trebaibso 7 is fo infinit dutiagar am manifestare fil isindsalm 7 is assu immorro atabairt

*This is an answer by David, as some one said to him in question "Why hast thou put potabis here, why was it not a word which would signify 'consuming' or ' eating,' &c., that thou saidst there?" Not difficult. As the torrent of drink is that which is easiest, and in the use whereof there is no hurt, and (as) the abundance is poured forth at the same time, so (it is) that God's aid is poured forth without hurt and with abundance to various men : it is right that that should be given by thee, O God," says David, "quoniam apud te est fons vitae."

astorier as forgartaid am manifestare. huare ata forgartaidi domber .i. comprobato 7 praecede* (gl. qui sedes usque Mannesse.. ad indicium potentiae diuinae Chirubin semper subiecta dicuntur.. tu inquit cui magna quaeque famulantur in cuius obsequium uirtutum inuisibilium dignitas inclinatur praesentiam tuam adiutorii effecta uelut testimonio comprobato.. Aliter totius gentis populos paucis nominibus inclusit.. ostende inquit nobís praesentiam tuam et more ducis strennui ac uindicis agmina nostra praecede).

*This is the sense which this text takes as far as 'aliter' i.e. thy seat is on Cherubim that thou mayest express the presence of thy help to these tribes for their salvation i.e. the tribe of Ephraim, &c.; and it is in the imperative that the manifestare which is in this psalm occurs. This, however, is the sense from aliter down i.e. thy seat, O God, is on Cherubim for leadership and protection to these tribes, and it is in the infinitive that the manifestare which is in the psalm occurs. And it is easier however to give it from the author that the manifestare is an imperative, for it is imperatives that he gives i.e. comprobato and praecede.' With condárbais (= con-do-árbansi?) cf. isécen condárbastar inne indí frisasamaltar (it is needful that the sense meaning of that with which a comparison is made should be expressed). Sg. 211a Za 650.


These are contained in two MSS., an Eutychius of the ninth century, marked Cod. 16, and a fragment of Beda de temporum ratione, of the eleventh century, marked Suppl. No. 2698. Three of the glosses in Cod. 16 have been published with a commentary by M. Nigra, Revue Celtique i. pp. 58, 59. The fragment of Beda is in a deplorable state, and I was unable to decipher many, perhaps most, of the glosses. It is to be hoped that M. Nigra will find time to edit them with the completeness, care and learning displayed in his work on the Turin MS.

COD. 16.

fo. 57b. ettorsondi (gl. baritona).

58a. airect (gl. curia). me::igim (gl. prurio). 64a. fetigim (gl. sedo,-as). glaidim (gl. erado).


ettorsondi nom. or acc. pl. of the adj. ettorsonde, composed of sonde a derivative from son sonus, with the intensive prefix ettor-, etar-, Corn. entre-, also found in etordorcha 'utterly dark,' Vis. Adamn., etarthotaim 'ruin,' Ml. in etircéni úad (far apart from him) LU. 36a.

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airect, better airecht, an assembly,' seems to have alternated in gender, for the gen. sg. (dochum na hairechta, LL. 74. a. 1) belongs to the fem. a-declension, while the dat. sg. (inan airiucht, ina haireocht Vis. Ad. isind airiucht, LL. 74. a. 1) belongs to the masc. or neut. o or u declension, nom. pl. airechta Vis. Ad. dat. dual. inan dib n-airechtaib, ib. Anglicised iraght.

E 2

SUPPL. No. 2698.

fo. 1. a. col. 1. dorchai (gl. cæca, nocte). ardrigiter (gl. parent, leg. apparent. 'sidera quidem ipsa luce radientia [sic] parent'). fithissi (gl. absidas). condestis (gl. quaeritandi). indsoirbi (gl. copia, ipsís etiam bestiís quae presentiam uerentur humanam discursandi ubique ac uictum quaeritandi copia suppeteret).

fo. 1. a. col. 2. huar bis aram foirbthe indaram séde isairi conrotoich dia á gnimu :: : (gl. ubi notandum quod non ideo senarius numerus est perfectus quia dominus in eo mundi opera perficerit, sed sicut Augustinus ait Ideo dominus qui simul omnia creare ualebat in eo dignatus est operari quia numerus est ille perfectus ut etiam per hunc opera sua probaret esse perfecta qui primus sic suís partibus impletur id est sexta tertia et dimedia quae sunt unum et duo et tria et simul sex fiunt).

noainmnigtis (gl. censerentur, prima vel secunda vel ceterae suo quaeque censerentur ex ordine).

fo. 1. b. col. 1. cetain (gl. quartae, diei).


me::igim (the third and fourth letters are very obscure) must, I think, be read ménaigim, now mianuighim 'I long for,' a denominative from mían 'desire,' whence míanach desirous.' M. Nigra reads merbigim, which he takes to be for *berbigim. Obscurum per obscurius. fetigim better fethigim, 'I calm,' 'I lull,' a denominative from féith (.i. ciunas O'Clery) or feth' a calm,' which occurs in the preface to Ultan's hymn, infra, anfud mór tanic do colum cille.... coroattaig brigit cotisad feth dó ('a great storm came to C. C. so that he asked B. that a calm might come to him').

glaidimerado' seems cognate with OHG. chrazôn (NHG. kratzen), whence Ital. grattare, Fr. gratter, Eng. grate.

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dorchai dat. sg. f. of dorchae dark,' the opposite of sorchae 'bright.' ardrigiter cf. noardraigtis foillechta in gelcrechta and (the marks of the white scar used to appear there) Trip. B. 155b. ni roardraig intusce (the water appeared not) ib. 155a. artraigfid (apparebit) LU. 34 a. fithissi circles,' here'star-orbits': so in Cr. 18: absidias .i. circulos .i. fubíth dongniat cercol ocond ocbáil because they, the stars, make a circle at the ascent.' Hence the adverb ar(fh)ithisi, Fíacc h. 14. condestis 'quaesierint' 3d pl. 2dy s-fut. act. of cuintgim Z 429 cf. condegar (quaeritur) ib. 471. soirbi dat. sg. of soirbe 'abundance,' 'ease,' from soirb (facilis), the opposite of doirb.

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huar bis etc. for the number six is a perfect number: it is therefore God performed his works'.... In the margin is a gloss showing the perfection of six,' of which I could only read i. día ::: ss :: dáu a trian a trí alleth :: asé ('God'. . . . . two its third, three its half.... six'). The acc. sg. of áram 'number' occurs in a marginal gloss (frisin naraim ngrecdi) in fo. 3 a. col. 1.

noainmnigtis nominabantur,' see Beitr. VII. 61, and add to the examples there given of the 3d pl. 2dy present passive dobertis cuci indfhir athgonta ('the wounded men were brought to him,' LL. 74. a. 2).

cétáin 'Wednesday,' lit. 'first fast,' see infra, South. Gl. p. 58. tochomlud 'a going,' do-fo-com-lu-d: cf. tocomlúat anfini coa nemthe nert, Seirgl.

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