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glorified," when they taught that the heart must be pure; that envy, hatred, and revenge, must be suppressed; and that no opportunity must be lost of doing good. Finally, "God was glorified," when "His servants" read in the ears of mankind so often and so incessantly the great law of social love, that they made all who acknowledged a Supreme Being familiar with the precept, which, to the end of time, must be the basis of ethics, "love thy neighbour as thyself."4

"Oh, Israel, through thee will I be glorified.” Brethren, lay up in your hearts these stirring words, which embody the very spirit of the present festival; and in meeting here to-day to celebrate another Passover, for which the gracious Lord has spared you, ponder well upon these words, for they remind you of your high and holy office. They prompt you to reflect, that as Jews, you carry before the world the banner of God, the banner of righteousness and mercy, of justice and truth; and they also admonish you so to purify your spirits, so to triumph over your passions, to sublimate your affections and to cultivate your powers, that you may be worthy to bear the ensign of Him who redeemed your fathers from bondage, and sanctified the whole of their race, as a priesthood, to His service. Israel, in the hand of the Lord, has proved a powerful moral instrument in promoting civilization, and in training mankind in the practice of the charities and amenities of social life. Israel has done much, but much is yet reserved for her to do: and though ages may roll by

4 Lev. xix. 18.

before her proud mission is fully accomplished, yet no son or daughter, worthy of such a mother, needs enquire, what is the line of duty to be followed? Clear as the day, is the course of every Jew and Jewess, who makes this holy Book the standard of action. Brothers and sisters, you must be zealous in your vocation. God has created you for His glory, and for His glory He has called every one of you to be a priest or priestess in your houses, in your families, and amongst all classes of your people. Can you possibly perform your appointed mission, if you be deficient of zeal? Can you minister worthily at your priestly altars, if you suffer indifference to sap the vital affections of piety, and to leave your hearts cold and insensible to the loving words of God? Would to heaven, that the solemnization of this Passover might awaken in you, O sons of Israel, the spirit of a Samuel; and in you, O daughters of Zion, the pious fervour of a Hannah ! Much does it behove you all to pray God to enkindle in your hearts a sacred fire; for though you may observe the Passover, according the strict letter of the ritual, you can have no part in its spirit if you be not zealous for the preservation of your "goodly heritage."

Arouse ye then, O servants of the Lord; arouse ye, as in olden years, at the call of the Passover. Attire yourselves in the robes of zeal; work, work at the vineyard of the Lord, of Him whom you are to glorify. Much have ye sown, much have ye reaped; but forget not what you have yet to effect through yourselves and your children. "Through you must God be glorified;" through you and yours must

proceed that work which will come to an end only at the time announced by the prophet, when mankind shall speak as with one voice, saying, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord; He hath shown us His ways, and we will walk in His paths,

יי מירושלים For from Zion * כי מציון תצא תורה ודבר י

goeth forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. 1."5 Your work will not have been completed until the moral task begun by Abraham and continued by you, shall have realised for the world. the Messianic promise-that the din of war shall no longer be heard; that contention between man and man shall give place to union and love; that righteousness shall be the girdle of the loins; that truth shall be the girdle of the reins; and that the great Redeemer of Israel shall be acknowledged from pole to pole, as ""One Lord," 8 1, "and be universally adored as One Being.



To accomplish this your appointed task, you must heed well the exhortation of Moses, who expressly declares that it must be brought about by your own pious conduct and by the force of your own example. Glorify, then, your God;" or, in other words, renew the spiritual covenant of the Passover, by working out the noble capacities of your nature. "Glorify your God" through the religious training of your children; "Glorify your God" by works of mercy, benevolence, and permanent usefulness; "Glorify your God" by living in the spirit of His omnific word, and by making


"the book of

the law of Moses," the rule of your lives.

5 Isaiah ii. 3.


6 Zech. xiv. 9.


God" by every means which conscience urges you to employ for making your religion venerated within, and respected without.

I conclude. I have endeavoured to set before you the hallowed institution of the Passover, not merely according to the outward form, but according to the amplitude of its spirit. And if it please God to bless unto you the pulpit lesson of to-day, you will not depart from this sacred temple, without inwardly praying that the solemnization of the present festival may produce in you a uniform tendency to love righteousness, to practise truth, mercy, and love; to be true in every relation of life to the line of duty;

קדושים תהיו כי קדוש אני י,or, as the Scripture saith

"to be holy, because I, the 'Lord your God,

am holy."7

7 Lev. xix. 2.




Preached on the Seventh day of Passover, 'P (April 15, 1857.)

Exod. xiii. 8, 9.

והגדת לבנך ביום ההוא לאמר בעבור זה עשה יי לי בצאתי ממצרים : והיה לך לאות על ידך ולזכרון בין עיניך למען תהיה תורת יי בפיך :

"And thou shalt tell thy son on that day, saying, It is on account of this deed which the Lord wrought for me, when I departed from Egypt. And let it be unto thee for a sign upon thy hand and for a memorial between thine eyes, in order that the law of the Lord may be in thy mouth."

On the first day of the festival, I endeavoured to identify the institution of the Passover with the mission assigned to the Hebrews, as the teachers of divine truth to mankind at large. The text from which I preach to-day invites attention, in like manner, to the preceptive vocation of Israel; but it has this peculiar feature, that it marks the domestic hearth as the spot where our priestly duties are to commence. I think I shall be able to prove to you, brethren, in the course of the present sermon, that whilst the world was yet in its infancy, and

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